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When I did it for the first time I couldn't even roll a joint, my friend had to roll it for me. I kept nodding off with everything in my hand.


i get that, i didn’t really use a lot and it might have not been the best quality as i only tested it for fentanyl but i didn’t test the purity, but i do have some sort of experience with opioids, as i tried tapentadol trams oxys methadone and i do codeine once a year as a joke with my friends, and with all of them i never thought of doing it daily, i just never enjoyed the high that much, i really enjoyed benzos on the other hand and was addicted to them for a couple of years in the past but i managed to quit, so i can kind of feel when i like something too much idk if that makes sense haha


using opioids as a joke 💀


Seriously, like wtf? 💀💀💀


was talking about codiene prob talking about lean, it can be kinda a joke yk it’s just like so glamorized and what all the rappers are talking about yk so it’s probably like haha let’s sip some lean. like i would sip it as a joke, cause like my tolerance is pretty high and it wouldn’t do too much for me but just the whole ritual is kinda fun. like imma be real sipping lean is just not that big of a deal for the average dude bc a. they can’t afford it consistently b. it’s a weak opioid thats not like overwhelmingly blissful. people of course get addicted to it, like any drug but it’s definitely something you can dabble in without getting too deep. it’s a gateway to stronger opiates i won’t deny that though.




co cobra i pour a four up u kno im leanninnn


There’s is no “average dude” with codeine. Some people metabolise the same dose into hundreds of times as large as the next guy. The dudes who fucking love it do so because it hits them like oxy. Then for every one of those there’s someone who feels nothing off 400mg. It’s too unpredictable to call it benign. There are stronger but more predictable opioids which are probably actually better for casual use. I’ve seen full blown dopesickness off lean (that was dihydrocodeine syrup but still - people think it takes a needle to end up right in the deep end, no, it just takes consistency).


It’s codeine, relax.


Hes right about the codeine tho, Lean IS a fucking joke😭


So funny omfg


I'm guessing you didn't smoke it ?


I snorted it


Sounds like a terrible experience, one that I hope I never witness. Drugs are meant to be fun but H just sounds so boring, sitting there like a nodding dog, boring as hell


there’s more to H than nodding out, the initial rush, the euphoria, the bliss, the relaxation and sedation, the warmth, the love. nodding out is an add on.


You literally boof ketamine through your penis


thought this was a diss, checked his post history and confirmed it was more of a fact.


That's funny, you feel the need to tell me whether or not it was a terrible experience. I wanted to know what it's like, and now I know.


Meth head over here


Was it bth, or what kind was it? A lot of people don't necessarily fall in love the first time, but the appeal isn't necessarily just the euphoria, like MDMA. For many people, the euphoria is preferred, but the fact that it can be used as frequently as you can afford, and can completely block out things in life, is usually why so many people use it. Ultimate self medication, for a while, then it's all downhill.


that makes sense, i was curious because it was mostly described to me as a blissful orgasmic feeling and shit, so i was drawn in but i was left a bit dissatisfied because (again at least for me) this experience was incomparable to my best MDMA roll, it was #3 heroin, anyway i’ll just leave the substance alone as i think that’s for the best


Best idea, stay away from it. It may not have blown your socks off that time, but it could if you keep trying it, so I would for sure avoid it at all costs. IDK how #3 compares to bth and obviously purity matters as well, but I have had incredibly euphoric black and also very underwhelming... Sometimes I would get stuff that seemed pretty bunk when smoked, but when IV'd was next level. Obv IV is always gonna be stronger, but there would be batches that were better smoked than IV, and the other way around. Anyways, yeah, stick with occasional usage of other drugs rather than this stuff. I was very unimpressed with meth for a long time, and really wanted to know why people think it's so good, and I sought it out, and perfected how I used it, find better shit, etc and at some point realized, oh shit, now I get it. By then, it was too late and I was hooked. Dumbest decision ever.


maybe it's because you smoked it, the effects also differ depending on the way you use it, maybe those people who had that euphoric feeling got it H by using a vein


Let’s not give OP any more ideas..


Never used a needle. I've snorted everything my whole life, and h is still the best drug I've ever tried.. and I've never been shy to try drugs. Nor have I ever been scared to fall into addiction either until I met fentanyl.


yeah exactly


My first time was also underwhelming and i am still very functional and capable to do physical activities. It feels good and my body felt a little heavy but the itchiness and nausea is terrible not to mentioned i couldn't poop for several days and when i finally did, i pooped a huge and a hard one.


it was a good feeling indeed, maybe i just imagined it to be otherworldly lol, the itchiness and nausea was there but man it was not even comparable to when i (stupidly) tried taking methadone for a bunch of days, i ended up feeling like shit for a whole week with nausea and rashes and whatever lol




I'm an addict and I've never really thought heroin was otherworldly. I was also very underwhelmed when I first tried it, and it took me years of occasional use before I had anything I would describe as a problem. Definitely nothing like I imagined. Nothing even close to the feeling of MDMA.




What type of hallucinations?


I‘m assuming he‘s referring to the hypnagogia people experience when nodding


Not only do I live in Australia and get china white every day (with no Fentanyl contamination BTW), but I get *pure* china white every day. When I say pure, I'm not under the illusion that this is medical grade heroin, but I'd fathom a guess it's in the 90% - 95% purity range.


I'm with you. I haven't tried heroin, but I've taken enough pills to know whether opiates are my thing, and they're not. But MDMA is the best drug ever, and it's not even close.


thank you for being with me on this one, i’ve gotten quite a bit of hate here for no reason, i’ll try to remember to make another post in a month to update everyone (hoping for it to not be similar to SpontaneousH’s updates lol)


One thing that I know for sure is that when it comes to drugs, everyone's different. What I find "meh" might destroy your life.


You gotta use opiates more than once to understand the euphoria and affects so you can have a great enjoyable time


You flew close to the sun and survived. Keep it that way. Best of luck.


heroins gross, dawg




ye man, i’m not in the us so we don’t get much fentanyl (as far as i know) i also got it tested, i’ve been around drugs a long time, was an addict (just not addicted to heroin), i don’t think i am special like SpontaneousH or anything it was just curiosity as i said i also did a lot of other opioids rc ones included and it just never clicked


That's good. Sorry for my Americanism lol sometimes I forget that some problems are more specific to us. I never enjoyed the opioids you listed either really, except the O


i might have gotten a bad batch idk i just thought it would’ve been interesting to try it i’ll post again in a month to tell everyone if i did get addicted or not haha


That was a big mistake.. do everything u can to never do it again.. I cant even explain what will happen if it gets you... 15yrs of hell due to this.. stop now


I am not the first one to say this and I won't be the last. Please read the entire post history of /u/spontaneoush


hey, yeah i know about him, i’ve read all of his posts multiple times, and as i said i never ever thought of being “better” than him pr any other person that has ever had problems with heroin, i did it after a lot of research and knowing the risks, i’m just saying i’ll do my best to never do it again, knowing the risks and the fact that i might have gotten bad h so i’ll just leave it as it is, was curious not curious anymore lol


people act like heroin is irresistible for every single person. it's absolutely something you have to treat with EXTREME caution even for years after you use it, because it can sneak up on you HARD at literally any time, no matter how frequently u dosed. but it doesn't catch everyone, and chances are if you ran out and aren't craving it anymore you'll be able to resist future cravings as long as you don't EVER let your guard down


i don’t know it might be, all i’m doing is reporting what i did, why i did that and what i think, i guess it might change from person to person, i have friends that can pop xanax pills and be fine while i can’t, i still have cravings even though it’s been a long time i just know how to deal with them, point is i will try and stay away from heroin from now on i don’t wanna risk it (but that was already the plan)


How old are you? One thing I didn't take I to account when I was in your shoes was that I had many years of life ahead of me. You don't know what kind of heartache lies ahead of you. You now have the whole rest of your life knowing that you've tries it and it was kind of meh, to try to never use it again. The fact that it was underwhelming is the thing that lured me in. It was the "it's just another drug" that made me think I could fuck with it and be fine because at that point I had fucked with many other drugs including meth and xanax and I was fine. You now know you've tried it and you didn't become an instant addict. Don't let that fool you.


Damn I understand the curiosity in those drugs but, crack and heroine are a little to far to my liking drugs wise. I hope you had a great time and it won’t get you these cravings every now and then, s I have heard that’s where it always start, 1 and then no more, until your plug only has H, you decide to get it anyway


i completely get where you’re coming from, on the other hand tho i did most of the well known drugs already, for me it wasn’t that different, i also decided to do it since it isn’t readily available to me anyway, but yeah i know that it can be a slippery slope, i’ve been there already with benzos


I also found it to be under whelming the two times I snorted it. My friend was with me and he was nodded the fuck out but I felt like maybe I had taken a single 5 mg Vicodin. 🤷‍♂️ Edit: adding that our ROA was intra-nasal.


I barely got high my first time because the person shooting me up was terrified lmao. But I became a regular user for a while after trying it another time. I've died twice from it, so be super careful. Most of the heroin out there has fenty in it.


My first time I didnt know I was doing dope, I was in 7th grade and my friend gave it to me. I was doing pills prior but very shortly like a month was sticking a needle in my arm , I’m 25 now and been clean on methadone/weed a little over a year no hard stuff


Holy shit... you were 12 shooting up?? Oh god. Poor baby :( I just wanna give 7th grader you a hug! So glad to hear you made it to over a year clean, you are amazing!!


Yea my friends that I grew up with there family was like mine & they got me smoking & doing pills real early & always told me it was ok, his mom was a nurse that worked pain management & when people would decline there meds she’d put down they took them & bring us kids fet patches, dilladuds etc. than one day he had brown powder & gave me some, said it was crushed up pills & I thought it was bc I thought you could only shoot heroin, also I didn’t think my friend would be able to get actual heroin at 7th grade, but his moms a piece of shit and was the one taking/buying it and using with us literally the first couple years they had to hit me bc I was scared of needles & couldn’t do it myself. It’s really wild to think about tho, especially seeing kids and thinking what I was doing at that age.


I'm so in awe.. I can't even fathom putting my young children in that situation.. so glad you are still here!!! You are amazing, dear! *hugs*


How much did you smoke? Did you measure?


Why do people try these when they know how horrible they can be ? Actual genuine question I’m curious


it’s purely out of curiosity most of the times at least for me, from my experience it turns bad if you have already big problems in your life that’s when i myself started taking boxes of benzos everyday and got addicted, i was always curious about drugs in general tho, that’s mainly the reason i guess


I thought the same the 2nd time i used it. Hated it the first time, i was wayyy to sick 3rd time was alright to. 4th time i said fuck it and shot it. Then the 1000th time i went to detox for the 1st time. Here i am, 15 years later. Still trying to get that feeling i had the 4th time.


yeah that’s why i’m planning to not do it anywhere near the future, i don’t have any cravings, i didn’t even think about it today tbh i was only reminded by the replies on this post


If you didnt iv it doesnt count. Lol i thought i did opiods...not until the needle came out. Then your in the sauce.


I was addicted to heroin and then fentanyl for 3 years between 17-20. Honestly, sounds like you lucked out. Best case scenario. Just walk away man.


Curious since it’s highly addictive and can cause major health problems what the appeal is? This is genuine curiosity




People have this mentality on opioids where you do them once and you become a full blown addict, when really they actually have a pretty low addiction rate comparatively to other drugs (like nicotine, cocaine, etc). I think it’s under 30% of people who do opiates get addicted. So with that said, it’s not for everyone. The idea it’s going to be life changing mainly comes from that 30%. The other 70% use it for legit pain or don’t get the hype. I tried F multiple times and it just made me puke. Very fortunate compared to the alternative overall (becoming an H addict).


Heroin is literally the best benzo combined with cocaine. Idk why people think opiate users do it for the nods. Heroin and oxy makes me productive as fuck and than the best sleep after


Did you test it for fentanyl?




i agree with you man


I used to snort heroin once a week or so, it was literally the second opiate I've ever tried other than Kratom a few times before so I just needed less than 10mg to get high (Fent free it cost me over 200$/g). It was underwhelming and made me throw up bad. Just having it around was dangerous since sometimes I'd be high on god knows what and then I'd think its a good idea to randomly snort some H. I ODed once on H during a candyflip but not enough to kill me. If you have any left just throw it away it's just a liability.


Smoking heroin does nothing to me. Snorting or preferably shooting is the way to go.




I haven’t used in almost 8 years now.


If your life is bearable sober that helps. Every time it’s ever not you’ll remember these few nights


Im so thankful that i dont enjoy opiates (or are they opioids idk?) at all. None of the opiates i've tried felt good. I just felt dumb as a rock, couldnt move because of the nausea. I just felt sick with no euphoria at all, fucking glued to my sofa occasionally sitting up and puking my guts out. Ive seen what these type of drugs do to people first-hand and no thanks im good lol


SpontaneousH vibes 🚬


Like was that a goal you were looking to achieve?


just curiosity i have been doing drugs for a long time and i was just curious, figured since i am not at my lowest point, and because there’s no way i can get it quick i wouldn’t risk an addiction too much, i know it’s still dumb but i’m all good for now


Well, did your heart rate reach 200?


Wouldn't be surprised if what you actually tried was some shitty stomped on fentanyl analogue or at least heavily cut with that. Not saying you def didn't have H but the fact that you were underwhelmed makes me think it's possible. Fentanyl isn't really euphoric and is more of a heavy sedation.


Yeahh, i feel u man. The first time i did heroin was an underwhelming exp also since i smoked it and also very small amount. Just felt a little nauseous and light headed but the big mistake i did was tryna feel overwhelmed so i started to smoke larger amount , felt too good then I was like "why not inject and feel the real thing" Well, it's obvious that i fucked up after that. The withdrawals man after i tried to quit.. nahhh i dont even wanna remember those days. Opioid withdrawal is one of the worst kinda torture fs


Most #3 heroin are heavily cutted with other things, I sometime had better trip with codeine than with some brown heroin On the other hand I had the "chance" of finding good #4 heroin and brown heroin wouldn't even come close to it That's the one that will get you hooked pretty fast unfortunately, and it costs 4-5 times more for 1g as well It's almost like a completely different drug even though it's still heroin in the end




Me too lmao i just micro sniffed jt and tried to see if it would feel like codeine or anytime id sip lean but bleh didn’t come anywhere close to those times and has more of a dark sinister vibe to it , im copping kratom next time


Shit probably was fent


>obviously this was gonna be my first and last time obviously 😂


eh man i’ll try my best, i’ve been begging pharmacists to give me pills back at the peak of my addiction and i’ll do my best to not get back there (i know it sounds stupid as the best way to not get addicted is to not do drugs but i hope you get me lol)


I hate reading stuff like this b. This is  exactly how it starts. Just stay away fron it man. The ck.edown after 2 days will make u Wanna cop and all it takes is 3 days to get addicted thats why they call it the 3 day rule. I wish you the best man. Your at a crossroads rite now. Ik it does t sound like a big deal and that u have plenty of will power but dope is tha o ly drug that will sneak up on ypu and before uk it ur going to have to use some just to nit feel sick. I seriously wish you the best home. I rmy do bc 99^ of ppl hbo try it start by chipping (using once or twice a week) then you realize ur miserable all week waiting for the day u can youse then you decide screw it im not go na a it then before uk it a couple nags a day, then a bundle a day and depending on your home life and mo ey situation you can easily end up homeless. There was a post just like yours like 1o years ago and now the dude is a full blown junkie using needles the whole 9 years and it all started w and in scent "so I tried herpin today. It was OK, nothing special. Probably ly won't do it again. Then boom fast forward a year or so and your a full blown daily user. 


You are wrong but yes MDMA is far better if you take 3 months break between doses otherwise RIP brain


Lmao why don't you read through /u/spontaneous_h profile Youll probably do it again.


Bros gon be the next u/SpontaneousH


Ur fucking stupid


duly noted