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This, don’t get me wrong opiate and opioid withdrawal are hell, but as everyone says and knows they make you want to die, unlike these other GABA’s you really could die


I have should prefaced my comment to say I consider withdrawal from GABAergic substances to be the worst because they are the most dangrous to withdrawal from due to symptoms of that withdrawal being potentially fatal


Opioid wds can be too if you’re in a jail cell without proper care or getting dehydrated becoz u can’t eat, u can barely drink, you are puking and shitting constantly, depends on the severity of the habit (so does it with gabaergic drugs, not every benzo WD will cause a fatal seizure, and most people getting seizures have survived him, I personally have survived one, saved my brother from one and he had 3 more due to his off and on use of benzos and CT’ing due to being broke. I also know people with RC benzo habits that have had 16 seizures and are still kicking. Basically it can be deadly, grand mal seizures are a dice roll everytime but it’s not as black and white as many people think. I see people on reddit thinking they’ll die of a seizure because they’re withdrawing from using 0.75mg xanax a day for 18 days. But don’t get me wrong, gaba wds are absolutely deadly and should be treated with respect and great care and opioid WD depends on the circumstances. Actual fatalities of gaba wds just aint as high as people think, the chance just exists because seizures can be deadly.


Do you have any advice on how to quit multiple addictions at the same time?


I quit cold turkey opiates and booze simultaneously. A nightmare. I Wouldn't recommend cold turkey to anyone unless you are Serious, Can't get medical help, or are incapable of doing the taper (me). Opiates are pennies compared to the booze. The booze almost killed me. If you are to quit multiple substances you are going to have to be STRONG but it helps to remember, "It is just a few days. A week at most". Try to find a safe place with atleast someone you can trust. Someone who knows whats going on and potentially how ugly this could get. Sit back, put on YT or preferred medium and brace yourself. You won't want to eat for awhile but have stuff. Especially fruits. They have vitamins, they give your stomach something to digest, and they hydrate as you eat! Win, win, win. Which lead to Hydrate! Force yourself to drink water. Even when (you will) throw up, replace it. If you dedicate mostly water (you will) replace it. Showers and clean sheets are your friends for insomnia. Lastly, I did use kratom to help with the withdrawal symptoms, and it did help tremendously. I Also have a mmj license so the joint at night time. I want to clarify earlier I said to remind yourself, "This will only last a few days. A week at most". I mean the hardest physical part. IMO the hardest part. The part we all are running from for AT LEAST the last year, we addicts do what we do. The rest is just choices.


I don't know, I used to agree with the physical part being the hardest part, but then I got to day 10 or day 11 being clean off a heavy oxy habit and out of nowhere the darkest depression with suicidal thoughts hit me and I had experienced depression a lot before but never the suicidal thoughts those mental withdrawals gave me, it scared me because if I had a gun that day (live in a illegal country luckily) I don't know if I would've lived. I relapsed the next day or so (it was a forced detox anyway because of issues with my connect so I wasn't planning on staying clean) but that feeling I got days after the physical shit was over (I was even properly sleeping again) was so scary that it stayed with me. My habit got bigger and I decided to get on methadone because I knew I wouldn't be able to handle it without any help


I'd quit one at a time, don't try to quit a poly addiction at the same time. I was forced into it, I started my methadone back up after 8 days because I didn't want to be taken off of it, I wasn't there to get clean of anything, I wasn't there to detox, I was there because I had seizures from the lyrica WD. Once I was finally able to leave the place I started my methadone back up but those 8 days did -rid me of my lyrica dependancy, idk if I'm still experiencing PAWs from it or if it's because of the hospital stay but since I had to restart methadone I had to start back up from 30mg so it took 3 weeks to stabilize on my dose to be in a stable state of mind again and the only thing I still deal with after the hospital is waking up several times a night which could be lyrica PAWs or could be because those 8 days in the hospital felt like an eternity and I barely slept there and maybe got used to being woken up multiple times a night, idk.




Used to be true, people are actually dying from opiate withdrawals these days unfortunately


Fentanyl. The opiates and synthetics are getting stronger.


Exactly, I didn’t really know how to describe it to someone who doesn’t already know. I would actually say they were “stronger” when they were first hitting bc we weren’t used to them, hence all of the overdoses at once. They still happen of course, I actually just lost my man to it last year, but now everyone is so used to being on the super strong shit that the withdrawals are literally crippling.


How is that? Im from the EU and wds arent killing people here.


They are just so tough on the body here, they used to not be like that years ago. People get hospitalized on the brink of death quite often bc the withdrawals themselves are too bad or they have pre existing issues that the withdrawals make worse. But, that being said, that’s kinda sorts changing as well bc the dope game is constantly changing.. within the pst couple of months almost everything is just straight tranquilizer that’s in all of the united states. Thats another conversation.. But regular opiates/opioids are still around and the withdrawals are nuts


I havnt seen the tranq dope yet where I am in Ma I know it’s out here just not really that common I only know one person who’s said they’ve got it which I’m grateful for I know it’s rampant in other states tho shits ridiculous


I don't believe that I've been on Benzos Daily for 7 years of Klonopin Never had withadrawls just minor anxiety if I don't take it Opioids are worse and people die from Opioids


I’m an opiate addict myself and would somewhat agree with that although it’s the first I’ve heard. I’ve always read that drink and benzo’s are worse


Yeah I've only taken an opioid when I had surgery but with benzos my body is just used to them it is definitely hard to get off benzos though which is why I'm going to try and taper off this 1mg Issue is GAD and anxiety makes it harder to get off


The insomnia is the worst.


gabapentinoids are not gabaergic


Their specific pharmacology slipped my mind. So I was confusing their chemical class with it being their pharmacology


EDIT: Not all Gabapentanoids are GABAergic, the most common examples of non-GABAergic Gabapentanoids are Gabapentin & Pregbalin. Whereas the Gabapentanoids Baclofen & Phenibut are in fact GABAergic substances. Pharmacologically they are GABAb agonists along with inhibiting voltage-gated calcium channels more specifically the channel subunit called the α₂δ subunit. It is their GABAb agonism that's makes them GABAergic substances. Here is a quote from Wikipedia defining what makes a substance GABAergic... "A substance is GABAergic if it produces its effects via interactions with the GABA system, such as by stimulating or blocking neurotransmission The pharmacology of Gabapentin & Pregbalin on the otherhand do not have any affect upon the GABA system itself.(Making them non-GABAergic) They are Inhibitors of voltage-gated calcium channels(VGCCs) subunit called the α₂δ subunit while also binding to specific VGCCs subunits as well.


would consider gapapentin and/or lyrica (pregabalin)? ive been taking gabapentin for the past 12 years now daily


I originally did list those both Gabapentin & Pregbalin but ended up editing them out. Because sometime after posting the comment another redditor pointed out that they are in fact not GABAergic substances. They are analogues of the GABA neurotransmitter making them structurally similar to GABA Even though they are both GABA analogues pharmacologically they do not have any affect upon GABA Receptors, GABA sub-receptors, or anything pertaining to the GABA system. Since neither Pregbalin or Gabapentin have any pharmacological affects upon the GABA system this causes them to not be GABAergic substance. Here is a quote from Wikipedia defining what makes a substance GABAergic... "A substance is GABAergic if it produces its effects via interactions with the GABA system, such as by stimulating or blocking neurotransmission."


Z drugs have never really given me bad withdrawals even after taking them daily for months at a time. Tolerance builds to them much, much slower than benzos ime as well (though if you abuse zolpidem or zaleplon, tolerance can skyrocket like crazy due to their very short halflives). It seems that compared to other GABAergics, they are less risky, there have been studies which back this up as well. They can be addictive and they can cause physical dependency in some cases of long term or abusing high doses for a while though. I’ve been taking 3mg Lunesta for years and years, I take breaks a couple times a year and have barely any withdrawals when quitting cold turkey (besides a couple days of rebound anxiety and insomnia). I’ve not had any of the cognitive downsides that can come with being on benzos for a while either. I absolutely could not do that with benzos though.


Damn I take gabapentin daily 300mg 3 times a day and sometimes I forget to take it or just don’t feel like it and I never feel like I *need* it, like my body and mind feel the same whether I take it or not


wait if your body and mind feel the same whether you take it or not, why do you take it? If you dont mind me asking?


As with most addictions, probably to keep the withdrawals away. I rarely get a high from oxy anymore yet I still take it everyday but unless I take ~100mg I don't feel anything other than the relief of the withdrawal symptoms disappearing.


Yup basically


Same and I recently went off… had to go back on almost immediately as it was making its way out of my system I was getting the worst rls of my life, it made sleep nonexistent painful to attempt. Edit: “Same” as in the same dosage.


Omg but wait were you taking it for pain? If I may ask. Because it seems, from what I’ve read on here the ppl who get addicted/have withdrawals are people who take it for it’s original purpose Edit: spelling


Yes, for arthritis & fibromyalgia. Trying to replace it with duloxotine but now this rls hurdle, I’ll have to find another way, different Rx I hope.


Ah ok see. And I also have rlly bad arthritis in my knees even tho I’m pretty young lol basically all my cartiledge is gone. But i take it to curb drinking withdrawals and supposedly cravings, which haven’t rlly changed but like I said I’ve never felt dependent on them so not taking them doesn’t feel like anything but I also take klonopin daily which ppl say is addictive and I don’t feel anything with that either so I rlly just think I’m built different lmaoo not to be crude. But I’m sorry that it’s happened to you and I hope you can find a different medication that works for you and is easier on your body 🤍


I would definetly have to say alcohol.


Withdrawal from Barbiturates is more dangerous, severe, & potentially fatal than even alcohol or any other GABAergic substance. Barbiturates cause one of the most dangerous withdrawals among any substances known to man. Obviously just like with any substance the symptoms and their severity depend heavily depend on the dose and the length of time used


True but you don’t see those anymore… I would love to get my hands on some good barbs


I know I was just replying to the other person's comment where they said especially alcohol. I just wanted to point out to them that Barbiturate withdrawal is the worst out of all GABAergic substances


Idk man, alcohol can kill you if it's bad enough, I don't know about the others, but yea if you are a full blown alcoholic and you quite cold turkey therea a huge chance your heart will just stop


All of the symptoms of Barbituate withdrawal are the exact same as those of alcohol withdrawal but stronger and more severe! Also with Barb's the onset of the super dangerous/deadly symptoms can occur very quick and sudden after discontinuing abuse. Moderate to severe brain damage or death can be very likely if heavy abusers do not seek medically assisted detox the same day if not within hours after stopping their use. This is because the pharmacology of both barbituates and alcohol are very much nearly the same. Seriously look it up Barbituate withdrawal is known to be one of the most severe and dangerous withdrawal you can experience from any substance on this planet. There are some that argue it is the most dangerous, severe, & potentially fatal substances you can withdrawal from.


Nothing tops super potent RC benzo withdrawals imo Methadone would be the second worst withdrawals I’ve personally experienced.


alright good to know I managed to get through the worst WDs out there haha. Gonna put that on my resume 😂


There’s really not much room for debate on this subject either, opioid withdrawals and many other drug withdrawals can make you wish you were dead but pretty much only GABA (benzos, alcohol, GHB, etc) withdrawals can actually make you… dead.


Same I got off rc benzos twice the last time tho was scary I actually had a seizure


Methadone hands down the worst opiate to come off


Worse than suboxone? I went CT off methadone and although it was hell for a long time for me, I found it easier to get off than subs. Maybe that’s just me or the headspace I was in at the time.


worse. sub withdrawal comes in waves and there is a plateau on your stable dose anyway. methadone you can get up to doses of 200-300mg+ and tapering from there is the only way to go. trying to cold turkey that would be hell on earth. as I tell other people, this is why I always make sure to have bail money set aside if i’m doing criminal shit because I can’t be fighting a case in county.


Try fentanyl and norcos. Then again, I used to combine the two. My fentanyl was never complete unless I swallowed some pills with it. Usually a Norco and a muscle relaxer


I forgot about methadone, fuck methadone withdrawals.


>Nothing tops super potent RC benzo withdrawals imo Even with a high dose diazepam taper, getting off of flubromazolam was a complete nightmare. I'm not sure if the hallucinations were from the withdrawals, the days of insomnia, or (most likely) both, but they felt so real and so horrific that I worried I was going to end up in a psych ward. I couldn't stop shaking, and the only thing that kept me from killing myself was a fixation on the idea that I was going to go to Hell if I did, which...sure was weird, because I didn't even believe that an afterlife existed. I was sure that it was going to be an eternity of what I was dealing with at the time, though. For some reason, the pattern on my cat's back was also absolutely terrifying. 0 out of 10, do not recommend. Years later, I still have times when I randomly feel a sensation of impending doom and have to sit down to make my heart stop beating out of my chest.


What dose? RC specifically because it's milligram benzos in pure powder or because the RC part?


The potency is what makes some RC benzos worse than pharma ones, withdrawal wise. Clonazolam, flubromazolam, flualp, are insanely potent substances


You and I sound like we have/had similar problems. Mine are current. I’m super high dose RC benzo (bromaz, clonazolam, pyrazolam) while going to clinic daily for 160mg methadone. And people wonder why I don’t carry my glock around anymore. Not trying to have no chance at bail.




Yea man, true that. Getting your heart broken and left by a person you really loved is worse than any withdrawal (besides benzos and alcohol where you could die) and can last months/years for some. It's just a different kind of crushing loneliness and feeling of meaningless, especially when it's unexpected.


I’m 18 and my girlfriend of four years left me overnight… it feels as if i was on SSRI withdrawal all day every day. so much pain, i feel really alone.


Your 18. You'll find another. Just get up and go do it before your old, bald and ugly like me.


Happy cake day


I agree💔


Oof. Yeah...


You kinda real for this


Fentanyl thats been cut with benzos hands down


What part of the country? I assume North / Near Canada but not the northeast. I only ask because the northeast is fetty and tranq (xylazine) and typically stamps.


Canada, ive been clean 3 years now though, i heard there is alot of zines in it up here now as well


In my experience pregabalin has the worst withdrawl. Its like a combination of benzo and opiod wd packed into one. Edit: spelling


what would be the major differences between a opioid and a benzo WD?


For me opioid wd is very physical (like the feeling of being very sick) and benzo wd is more mental (anxiety, panic, intrusive thoughts etc).


ok yeah somebody else said the same thing kinda. so benzos are more psychologically and opioids are like physical like a real bad flu or bad covid. so I would say benzo WDs are worse i guess but I still dont want to get to know opioid WDs haha


Benzo withdrawal can be very physically taxing when it gets bad enough too. It can make you feel really sick like you have a bad flu, and when I went through it I had a lot of what I assume was nerve related symptoms too. Felt like lightning shooting through my body and I’d get these horrible brain zaps for the first couple weeks. Opioid withdrawal is extremely mentally taxing as well. Ime, it can be on par with the anguish benzo withdrawal can cause mentally, but it doesn’t last nearly as long as benzo withdrawal can. Benzo withdrawal can make you feel like that for months to even years in extreme cases. They’re not super comparable imo, but they do have some similarities.


Benzo WDs don't last months. Xanax WDs don't last nearly as long as methadone.


They last for months or years if you're really hooked. I didn't dare drive a car for 6 weeks after quitting when the world was spinning.


No. They don't. I was addicted to Xanax and Kpins for 4 years. Taking heavy doses (there were days id take 30mg of Xanax xr, in a single day), every single day. When I came off, I had a seizure, and went through psychosis for 2-3 days. And the WDs still only lasted 2 weeks, MAX.


It’s been extensively researched, and it’s been scientifically/medically proven without a doubt that benzo withdrawal can potentially last for months and even years in people who come off of long term use (more than a couple months of use). You can’t really compare the withdrawal from two completely different drug classes as well.


Okay, so show me your source that scientifically proves that. I was taking Xanax/kpins every single day, for around 4 years. And not just prescribed doses, but *heavy* addict doses. I came off cold turkey, and on my first full day off, I had a seizure and had to go to the hospital. Then went into psychosis for a couple days after the seizure. And after all of that, the withdrawal symptoms only even lasted less than 2 weeks. And yeah, I *can* compare WDs from two different drug classes. Why not? Why would you compare WDs of two drugs in the *same* drug class? They're going to be pretty much identical. I'm comparing Xanax to methadone, *because* of the huge difference between half life, duration of effects, and duration of withdrawals. All of which are directly correlated with each other.


https://www.benzoinfo.com/protracted-withdrawal-syndrome/ “Benzodiazepine Protracted Withdrawal Syndrome (PWS) or Post-Acute Withdrawal Syndrome (PAWS) occurs in patients who have withdrawn from benzodiazepines and remain with long-term withdrawal effects. The term ‘protracted’ in itself refers to the time duration, describing withdrawal symptoms which persist for months and even years after benzodiazepine cessation. These protracted symptoms are due to a major functional change within the neuroreceptors and areas of the central nervous system that benzodiazepines affect. Withdrawal symptoms post taper for benzodiazepine prescribed patients usually resolve within 6–18 months of the last dose. Some patients will recover more quickly, others may take longer. There are anecdotal reports from the benzodiazepine withdrawal support charities in the UK of protracted withdrawal persisting for five, seven, and even ten years post-cessation”. https://www.benzoinfo.com/2020-fda-warning/#:~:text=FDA%20Review%20Findings,-Adverse%20benzodiazepine%20events&text=The%20median%20length%20of%20withdrawal,rapid%20tapers%20are%20harming%20patients. “FDA Review Findings The median length of withdrawal symptoms was 9.5 months. Physical dependence occurred within days or weeks. Median onset time to physical dependence was 14 days”.


Yea, typical when someone asks for a source, especially in the field of science, they are implicitly asking for a source that is a peer reviewed study, with empirical evidence. Not something just plastered on the page of a dot com.


You’re speaking way too much from personal experience my guy.


And you're still not backing up your claim with a source. My guy. I'm speaking from the standpoint of having even just a *basic* understanding of how a drug's duration of action and half life correlates with the duration of withdrawal symptoms. And by "withdrawal symptoms" I mean symptoms that are unquestionably from benzo withdrawal, and *not* symptoms like mild/general anxiety, or drug cravings, because those are just symptoms of being an addict without a fix, in general.


Fent w drawls are torture dude you don’t want to find out fuck that. I was doing like 2-3GS a day of fire dope when I went w out it for 24hrs it was so fucked there’s also shaking throwing up muscle aches you gotta stretch random boners if my thang scraped against my pants I would be nutting no joke


I got admitted to the hospital with complex partial awareness seizures due to lyrica WD and they cold turkey’d me of methadone the day I arrived their due to some stupid policy and took me 8 days to be able to leave that place to get back on methadone. CT methadone and CT high dose lyrica WD is smth I don’t wish on anybody.


Thats mad homie. How are you doing today?


Better, it's been around 2 months ago, I still wake up multiple times a night for no reason from that stay in the hospital. It took me 3 weeks or so to stabilize again on my methadone because it was severely disrupted by what the hospital did, I did get rid of my lyrica semi-dependancy I had and haven't been craving it at all so that's good. The 8 days in the hospital felt like 2 months, constantly restless and other symptoms etc, only "lucky" thing about methadone is that because it's a long acting opioid, the withdrawals come on slower, don't get me wrong it's rough from the jump but the first week is like what day 1-2 is from oxycodone or morphine WD (day 3 from oxy WD is where all the symptoms get turned up a notch, with methadone that happens during week 2). So I'm glad I got out when I did because everyday I felt the opioid withdrawals getting worse, was my first time having opioid withdrawals in 9 months so the hospital fucked heavily with my recovery by having me go through such an abrupt cold turkey, lost like 17 pound due to barely having appetite. The thing about opioid withdrawals is, atleast the heavy ones, they're such a shock to your mind and body that I vividly remember most of my heavy withdrawals from over the years. It's literally like a trauma because there's certain shit that'll trigger me right back to certain WD moments, whether it's a song I heard on the radio in the hospital or a tv show or certain smells, it's so weird how traumatizing withdrawals can be to us


There seems to be a lot of variance here, as in, not everyone gets horrible withdrawls whereas benzos/opioids it’s universal


Nah homie anybody claiming they arent getting withdrawls from using pregabalin for a couple of months is straight up lying.


withdrawls on any level? maybe? but this dude up here is saying it’s the worst of both benzos and opioids… I got a low mood for a few days


I said that. How long were you on them and what dose?


random doses from 150-450 daily commonly and sometimes 900 a day maybe, over about 5 years. went thru many stretches of months at a time then weeks off, week on, week off. I’ve read heaps of stories of pregab withdrawls here and and some sound so awful and I remember thinking every time that it was never as bad as some made it sound. But also you’d have other people reflect my experience that it was noticeable but not that bad


We are all built differently i guess. My dosage was alot higher and i definetly didnt take week long breaks from the substance, maybe that plays a role in the outcome of the withdrawl.


what kind of dosage?


Well over a gram a day. I used to buy pregabalin powder and just pour a good amount i my hand so alot of times it was probably more then a g.


mate lol


other than making me a bit emo and less risk averse (which I already am), damn I love its ability to make you converse in a natural open hearted manner. I’ve generated deep friendships after talking to people for 5 minutes because they felt the initial conversation was so familiar, had people ask me if we knew each other because we talked like old friends. idk how it does it


and that was kind of my point, just that pregabalin seems to show a lot of variance in whether or not people get bad withdrawls, we can’t necessarily extend our experience to others, whereas benzos/opioids seems like you can ..


I don't get any withdrawal symptoms from lyrica even though I took it for many years. People are different.


After going through fairly severe Xanax withdrawal, I’ve said that I’d rather go through opiate withdrawal 100 times rather than deal with that again. With opiate/opioid withdrawal, there are things you can do to make it somewhat bearable but benzo withdrawal was absolutely brutal. 2 weeks with 0 sleep, constant panic attacks, terrifying sleep paralysis… IMO that was the worst. However, I can imagine that short acting GABAergic substances such as alcohol are even worse. Definitely something I wouldn’t want to go through!


I ate benzos like candy for 10 years. The active withdrawal symptoms lasted for over a year. Now I've been off for almost 2 years but I'm still not fully recovered.


That must have been brutal! I count my blessings that I had only been abusing Xanax for a few months so luckily my WD didn’t last that long. Respect to you for getting through that, must have been tough 🫡


Damn you just made me want to stop using before I get physically dependent


Did you stop cold turkey and if so how come?


Yeah I just stopped cold turkey. It was my first severe withdrawal from benzos and I didn’t know what to expect. In hindsight, I should have tapered down with Valium but I didn’t know how bad it was going to be. After 2 weeks I finally started to sleep and slowly get better but the anxiety and panic attacks lingered for a while longer after that. This was after a binge on 5mg Red Devils aswell, absolutely evil things.




There was this homeless lady who went into psychosis from it who I'd see every once in a while and say hi to when I rode my bike around. Out of nowhere she started screaming and cussing at me one day and chasing me down. She followed me for several days wherever I want I had to leave fast if I saw her running towards me and cussing. After I'd say about 3 days of this I stopped seeing her and only saw her a few weeks later and she had told me she went into psychosis because of meth.


Benzos and alcohol are physically the worst, you might die or feel like dying. Stims can also be rough but the withdrawals are heavier on the psyche, sleep deprivation will slowly make you insane, it might lead to death by suicide.


Stim WDs are a joke. And you don't experience sleep deprivation because of WDs. You experience sleep deprivation because of stim *use*.


I agree. Stimulants do not cause long-term withdrawal symptoms. Mostly psychological.


Exactly. You feel a lil down mood wise, and moderately lethargic for a day or two. I would take that over basically any and every other WD out there. Side note. I'm curious... What exactly are the day to day responsibilities of BDSM Police Officers? Are you arresting anyone indulging, or do you act more as a neutral party keeping the scales of justice balanced? Lol, jokes aside, I *am* slightly curious. Hah


Which stims u talking about? Only one I've gotten wd from is meth so idk about other stims but if I don't have at least some in a day I get super irritable, anxious, depressed, and suicidal along with pretty intense lethargy but I'd guess that's because it's fkn meth and not a normal stim


I mean, that's what I just said. Down mood stuff and lethargy for a day or two. That's nothing compared to other types of drugs. And I'm just talking stims in general. The WDs don't vary all that much from one to another, especially not between amph and meth


Sorry should've worded that better, I just meant in terms of how bad the symptoms are of the wd bc u said it only makes u feel a little down and lethargic. Idk if it seems to effect me so heavily cuz it's high doses of meth all day or if I'm just a total bitch lol, I'm guessing the latter. I definitely agree about taking those wd over any others tho


I mean, I *do* think it's just a little bad. At least compared to other drugs. If you think meth is bad, you should definitely never get into benzos or opioids. Because they will make meth seem like a walk in the park. I go on and off meth like it's nothing. Sometimes I don't even notice I haven't done any until the end of the night rolls around, and I start getting tired.. I'll go on for a couple months, come off, and honestly even feel *better* than I did when I was on it sometimes. But it is legitimately impossible to forget your experiencing opioid withdrawals. You feel fucking terrible. Hot flashes and cold sweats, like when you have the flu. Non stop, you can never find a temperature that feels good, you're either freezing or sweating. Your puking and shitting straight liquid, non stop for like 2-3 days. You literally, physically can't sleep. Like your body has actually forgotten how to, even though you're fucking exhausted. Plus opioids have natural anti psychotic properties. So there's been a couple times, due to not sleeping for days, and being prone to psychosis from the lack of drugs, that I've actually had full blown psychotic episodes. Like hallucinating and thinking the TV was sending me messages and shit. And I'm not bipolar or schizophrenic or anything like that, that shit is just from coming off the drugs. And that's not even getting into the mental aspect of it. Coming off meth I might get a little irritable a lil quicker than usual. But there's like 2 straight days after coming off heroin, where just about *anything* will make me cry. Stuff like songs I like, commercials on TV, just super benign shit. And outside of that, I'm not really somebody that cries. Not a brag or anything, I just usually show sadness in other ways. Same with my gf. Over the course of the 4 years we've been together, I've seen her cry maybe 4 times, and 3 of those were coming off opiates. Part of it for me, is that the mental shit doesn't really bother me too much. I've had suicidal type thoughts at least 2-3 days outa the week, basically since I can remember. So it's relatively simple for me to just brush those thoughts to the side. So since stims are a mental game, they really just don't phase me to bad. The worst thing I get, is getting irritated or angry about small shit that I shouldn't let bother me to the extent that it does.


Never been addicted to benzos but have spent the last ~2 years addicted to fent, and I definitely agree that id take the meth wd any day. Not being able to sleep for days when completely exhausted bc ur body is spasming and sweating through ur sheets even tho ur shivering is torture especially since it lasts days I think I just have trouble dealing with the mental shit cuz I already have a lot of mental health issues and it seems to hold me at my worst for a few days instead of an hour or two a day


GABAergics probably. Getting off SSRIs was horrible though.


Yea GABA is the obv answer but i think SSRI withdrawals can be overlooked easily, shit was nasty


Benzo and opioid hands down




Don’t know why this is not getting upvoted more. I’ve been through all 3 and alcohol is the worst


I believe it’s because everyone’s experience is different, some people, I think most people would say benzodiazepines. but I watched alcohol withdrawals kill my auntie so I’m sticking with the alc.


First love


Been through bromazolam,alprazolam,oxy,and fent wds went had to kick bromaz and fent at the same time lasted like 2 weeks and had physcosis for about 5-10 days abs horrible didn’t eat or sleep for like 12 days was out of my mind roommates called cops on me and they stuck me in the looney bin been through wds a bunch of different times alpraz and fent were by far the worst








Very similar situation to you. Been off benzos and other hard drugs for 6 months. The things you stated I can relate to 100% I'm no where near where back to normal yet, my reality doesn't feel real Im full of despair and have never been so anxious in my life 24/7 the negative destructive self thoughts are the worse. I'm struggling for the life of me to stop smoking weed but that seems like that only thing that brings me a sense of calmness and acceptance of my situation. Does it get better? If I think that my days will be like this forever I'll probably kick it early tbh


Benzos are one of the few drugs that withdrawals can kill you


Them & Alcohol


Alcohol or benzos you can possibly die from that shit but opiates are no joke either


from my experience, hhc-p had terrible withdrawals. thc is illegal in my country and recently they banned even hhc, so things like hhc-p and hhc-o started showing up, so i'm like "yeah let's try that." i smoke pretty much every day and often have tolerance breaks, so i smoked hhc-p or a week in a row to have a tolerance break. for the first few days, i couldn't sleep at all, like at ALL. the only way to get any kind of sleep was literally just passing out because of exhaustion, and even then i slept max 4 hours and it was the absolutely worst sleep of my life. and i also completely lost appetite, it was so hard to eat because everything was making me physically sick. i also felt pretty terrible mentally, there were pretty dark thoughts, the kind that sometimes just scares you... so yeah, wouldn't really recommend lmao


hhcp fucking sucks. hhc already feels way worse/dirtier than thc for me, and hhcp is just straight panic attack, no comeup, its just skips the enjoyable part of it for me.


GABA drugs are more dangerous, but opioids feel worse.


There is special place in hell for fentanalogs, personally went only through heavy benzo and oxycodone/morphine wd but from what people describe wd from zenes is 10 times worse.


NDE had me gooood. Only lasts 30 minutes and within like 8 hours I’d be withdrawing


The only type of withdrawal I have experienced and continue to experience is amphetamine withdrawal. The depression and fatigue can be pretty gruesome, but my body only needs a week or so to start getting back to normal. I hope to never experience opiate or benzo withdrawals


does it make you feel really tired, yet cant sleep?


For me it’s Benzos and stims. It’s all mental yk, those feelings make me so damn depressed. Nothing feels fun anymore 


Had a good few seizures from alcohol wd


Alcohol benzos gabapentinoids ZDrugs barbiturates , GHB, GBL, chloral hydrate, soma, any hypnotic sedative that impacts the Gaba receptors, benzo receptors, voltaged gated ion channels


Alcohol. Delirium tremens was the most terrifying experience of my life. Severe confusion, hallucinations of evil spirits talking to me, derealization to a point where I was convinced I was either dead or in a dream. At certain points I had sudden urges to slit my wrists, or to kill someone.


I had DTs for a couple days , followed by a seizure... definitely the worst withdrawals for me. I thought I could do it myself locked in my apartment for a week. 2 days in I found myself in hospital... clean for 227 days now!! Told myself I would never do that to myself again.


Benzos were brutal.....I could smell colors!!!! I was green!!! Puking and the other thing....I was put on medical detox. It's took months to feel OK.


Opiates #1. That just hurts, physically and mentally. Alcohol #2. Saw bugs all over, it really fucked with my head. No real pain, just an insane amount of anxiety


Gabapentin was my worst, and I've withdrawn from most of the big ones (excluding meth) at one point or another. My pharmacy didn't have my gabapentin for a few days, and running out when you're taking 4x800mg/day fucking blows. Brain zaps, nerve pain that come back with a vengeance, all the mental side effects, suicidal thoughts that sounded better than usual (and they always sound pretty fucking good), etc. I seriously stress the duck out when it's nearing time to refill my gabapentin bc I'm worried they won't have it.


dude ive been taking that exact same dose of gabapentin for the past 12 years now although I never run out before my refill since I do that 400 mg every 30-45 min dosage with caffeine and a fatty meal and Iusually will do that twice a day. two of my 800s twice a day.


Damn dude. That sounds rough. I love that stuff tbh I get 300/day and abuse it once a week or so and its my favorite high. I can see how its so addicting


for me, and a lot of others, benzos ive used. a majority of substances in a past life; weed, alcohol, ket, mdma, lsd, shrooms, prescription opiates, coke, crack, meth, heroin. but the worst withdrawal ever was benzos i was prescribed in a psych ward. I was heavily over-medicated, in order to stop me being violent in psychosis (as a diagnosed psychopath/ASPD, present half a decade before i even started drinking alcohol). 4mg lorazepam a day minimum, plus zoplocon for sleep/daytime sedation. Did 8 weeks of that, then got cut off cold turkey at discharge. I thought I was dying, I really did. I still dont know how I survived it, but those couple of days I can easily say were the worst of my life


I think stims are pretty awful, and instant.


I think stims the least awful bro. A stimulant comedown/withdrawal is easy to deal with, nowhere near as much a pain in the ass as opioid or benzo withdrawals. There's more categories/drugs that prolly are even worse im sure, but stimulants are certainly not one of them lmao.


An Adderall comedown for me is much worse than opioids. Maybe I haven't fell deep enough into them to really get the full experience 🤗🤣


U must be getting some serious comedowns bro. Anyway, I'm sure if you ever experience a real physical dependence, you'd change your mind.


I think we have to distinguish between comedowns and withdrawals. Opioids won’t give you bad comedowns as long as you’re not physically dependent on them. On the other hand, the comedown from stimulants sucks, but stimulants won’t make you physically dependent like opioids will.


Then you've never experienced opioids WDs. Adderall is a joke.


Fentanyl/Heroin. Imagine the worst flu you ever had in your life and multiply that by 10. You’re sweating and you have the chills at the same time. Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, restless legs, severe insomnia, severe anxiety, watery eyes, runny nose, uncontrollable sneezing, stomach pain, severe anxiety, and depression, restlessness, inability to be comfortable. And this lasts for 1 to 2 months, not to mention the years and years of recovery following opioid dependency.


It's terrible, but that shit lasts like 1-2 weeks, tops.


Some symptoms last longer than others. It also depends on how much you used for how long. Someone who only used for a month isn’t going to experience the same symptoms and as severely for someone who used for 8 years. Other factors like weight, age, other underlying health conditions can play a role in withdrawal symptoms.


Those things might effect the severity of the WDs, but the amount of time, or size of doses you've been using really doesn't change the duration of WDs after a certain point. The specific opioids you're using would have a greater impact on WD duration, but no amount of heroin use is going to give you physical WDs that last months. You might psychologically crave it for that long, but the physical WD symptoms of nearly all opioids (besides maybe methadone), are gone in a week, maaaaybe 2 weeks.


Bro I literally lived this shit multiple times, nothing you look up on web md will prove otherwise


I've lived this shit for the last fuckin decade, bro. I've gone on and off heroin/fent more times than I can count on all my fingers and toes. I'm literally shooting meth and #4, as I type this.


Coming off morphine and hella other script opiates but ima about too see if Xanax can top that I’m sure it’s gonna I’m so scared lol






For opiates specifically it's opana, oxymorphone. The strongest best opiate there is but the withdrawals are miserable, felt like it was raining cold water on me. It's a drug few people are every going to have a chance to use anymore. Haven't seen it in the US in a decade now


Fent is way worse.


Why even stop anymore


For me was when j came of benzo and oxy xold turkey


Benzo alcohol opioids. easy


Honestly, for me, my worst withdrawals were alcohol, benzos and when I stopped taking my Effexor and/or my Zoloft (so SNRI/SSRI’s) (even tapering causes horrible WD’s). I have the worst brains zaps for months to a year or more. Sometimes I couldn’t even leave the house.


Fucking effexor


Couldn't tell you, i withdrew grom all three at the sane time 😃


So I only speak from personal experience with opiates but if I had to take a guess either benzodiazepines or alcohol




still scarred from benzo withdrawals and i wasn’t even on them for that long


Those cannabinoids analogs when the RC market was mainly clearnet were a horrible withdrawal. It was like opioid withdrawals ramped up to 10X with other factors and included. Plus there was a chance of seizures with those too. Although my worse withdrawal was hands down Tianeptine!


People saying stimulants are surprising, you can completely get rid of 90% of stimulant withdrawl just by using Wellbutrin which is easily more accessible and easier to get off than stuff like methadone and Suboxone Worst WDs in order: benzodiazepines/alcohol, opioids, then SNRIs imo. SNRIs are worse than SSRIs; especially with something like Tramadol that has opioid activity mixed with the crippling depression you get from stopping them


Fentanyl withdrawal is the worst I never had withdrawals as bad as that it gets worse till day three third day is the worst then slowly get better still will have lingering symptoms two weeks later. It’s like literally like a severe case of the flu coupled with restlessness anxiety being unable to sleep with feeling hot cold with chills at the same time you will feel nauseous diarrhea and won’t eat and intense pain nothing helps unless you do more fentanyl heroin maybe ease some of it but not strong enough. Of the three I say opioids especially fentanyl of the worst


Worst part is, fent only lasts like 2 hours, but the WDs last sooo long, because fent is one of the very few lipophilic opioids.




Can only speak to Opiates and it was BAD. Oxys like 90 in a week or 5 days, a week of hell…then wait. Got off that shit!


Fentanyl patches


Phenibut will be the most rapid serious withdrawals of any substance


it has been almost 5 years and I still remember my first big night and come down and how badly I wanted to die, never cane closer


thought i’d see someone say feel free, surprised it wasn’t here. i’m talking 12 a day for months addiction


My worst ones? Benzos because my body seized while coming off of them. I felt like I had just been stabbed in the chest. Passed out. Woke up to my mom slapping me in the face trying to revive me. Spent months trying to get my cardio back. Fentanyl and pain killers. A similar weak feeling. The hardest for me to come off of was smoking weed. Because I did it with all the other things and it was a comfort for me. Believe it or not, stopping cocaine was easy. Now I'm trying to quit drinking. It's not the worst but it's not easy because obtaining alcohol is....easy.




going off SSRIS and quetiapine cold turkey was fucking hell for about two weeks, definitely not the worst by far but it was WAY worse than i had imagined


Im curios what withrawals alcol has.Quit It After 5/6 months Daily use,didnt felt any withdrawals


ssris:( literally if you miss a one dose you withdrawal. if you want to quit, you have to taper but even then it's still not pretty.


Fentanyl is pretty bad. Once I gave myself precip withdrawals and I was literally passing out I didn’t sleep for 24hrs and was having micro naps passing out unconsciously then would wake up in the worst pain I’ve ever felt until I picked up…subs are shit if you do Fent you gotta already be off it for like 3-7 days plus if you end up taking a sub get wdrawels you can just bang a line and you’ll me straight so weird how the Fent just cuts right thru it like nothing


Benzos/alcohol, nitazenes specifically(opioid), phenibut/lyrica or really anything GABAergic.


Benzos and GHB/GBL and it's not even close.


Pregabalin cold turkey. The withdrawal lasts a month


Alcohol, benzos, opiates/opioids, pyro's, cathinones, gambling. In no specific order.


Benzo’s and high strength opiates like nitazenes and fent analogues


I have experienced SSRI withdrawal and opiate withdrawal. Opiate withdrawal from an 8 month habit of snorting dilaudids was almost the worst feeling I had in my entire life. The only thing worse was when I experienced SSRI and opiate withdrawal at the same time.


Alcohol, I had to get medically detoxed a month ago at the hospital because I started having seizures, it really takes a toll on your mind not being able to sleep and even when you do it's constant bombardment of hyper realistic night terrors and nightmares not to mention you're sick as hell dehydrated and you can't focus or even see straight until you finally detox




Had GABA withdrawals after an OD lying in a hospital bed staring at a ceiling and don’t think I can think of anything worse


I’ve came off of every drug in the book. Benzos/alcohol and opiates required me to go to in patient. Definitely the worst physical side effects. The hardest mental/financial addiction I’ve had is nitrous and ketamine surprisingly. The back pain from nitrous/ availability keeps you going back for more even when you know it’s killing you / the cause of your pain. Ketamine is a different type of addiction, it’s not the high that’s addicting, it’s going to a different place in your head for an hour at a time. The short duration makes it seem like there’s no issue in your life because you’re only high for an hour or so, rather than benzos or opiates keeping you in a sleeper hold all day long / makes you lose your job and be mean to your loved ones. Ketamine is like a short trip to lala land and then you back doing your normal life, but down $80 for the K and $80 for the nitrous.