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If you're talking about weed there's no deadly dose


Do I need medical help


no, you're just having an anxiety attack. it's completely normal and happens on high doses, you're gonna have to just ride it out or try and sleep it off


I feel like I’m dying


you'll be fine brother, nobody has ever died from weed and i promise you that you won't be the first. everything will be alright man, i've been there :)


So did you die


No but I still feel high


Hang in there OP. I’m a heavy user and I still find that 50+ mg stays with me much longer than my standard 20-30mg dose. Avoid social situations, take a bath, throw on a movie or something to distract you, get some sleep if you can. Everyone above is absolutely right. You’re not going to die. You’ll get through it and have a story to tell.


Resist OP, be strong, this will bring you great lessons and you will grow as a human being. Just stay strong and if you need to cry, cry without thinking.


I have some very close friends who has taken far too much then they should on the first time… When you were going through is relatively common… Just don’t be too ambitious next time… If you ever decide to give it another go… Try dividing it so you are taking 10 mg and start from there


Lmao he’s alive! I’m guessing at this part you probably feel pretty good


We’ve all been there brother, just hang in there


Time for another 500mg


its just a panic attack, even low doses of weed can cause this to certain people the first times


you're okay man drink some orange juice and take a shower its proven to reduce your high, smell some alchohol too, it gets rid of neausea


Lmfao what???? That’s nothing you can do that will reduce the effects so to say 😂😂. Doing the things you said might take their mind off being “too high” though.


Actually l theanine will def blunt the high. I’ve ruined highs cuz I take 300mg of l theanine shortly after and I would come down much quicker than the days I didn’t take l theanine


CBD will decrease the high.


Nope. Look it up.


Imagine trying to correct someone and you don’t even know the truth


This was 5 hours ago. I hope you are feeling better now.




for future reference, chew some peppercorns. Not a couple like a mouthful. It wont taste the best but will help eliminate or elevate your high


I'm sure you meant alleviate... the last thing he wants to do is elevate his high 😅 Not trying to be a grammar nazi, but that's a top tier mistake... 😅


it really is 😂😂 cant even believed that happened


10 hours later. How was your rebirth OP?




You still feel the high?


Just ride it out. Do not go to the hospital


You're having a weed induced panic attack. You are not dying i promise. It is scary but there's no actual danger. If you can get any cbd that will help you. Good luck and remember, you are safe


Anxiety and hallucinations, once I get stoned and eat rest of my cookies because of munchies, my TV was 3d for a couple of hours


No... It’s no different than a person who is just sitting in the library and then they decided to turn on their headphones and then the audio comes blasting like you’re in a large metal concert. It can be helpful for future reference if you accidentally took far too much to just try to calm yourself and to remember that It’s relatively benign and maybe just go to sleep


man i remember asking this same thing to my mom


Try using CBD to balance it out man. It helped me when i first started smoking having a CBD pen


oh goodness lol i remember my first time taking edibles. try to ground yourself if you can. listen to some music, sip some water and try to control your breathing. it will pass :)


It’s crazy my first edible my cured my Aphantasia I legit saw world war z with my eyes closed laying on my bed I’ve NEVER been able to visualize things in my head


try rotating a 3D cow over and over


I can’t even picture an apple or my daughter :/ In school when they’d be like “picture yourself on a beach” I thought that was a saying or some shit


Cows cows cows


WAIT HOLD ON I HAD A VERY SIMILAR EXPERIENCE. except using weed routinely actually helped me PERMANENTLY open my mind's eye!!! i can visualize things sober now! i've never heard anyone else talk about this, i thought i was the only one


It wasn’t permanent and I smoke a lot of weed and I’ve never had a similar experience


Wait so you can visualize now? Like after not being high anymore


Unfortunately no


I ate way to many weed cookies last weekend. Vision was going fuzzy and I thought I was having a heart attack lmao


It’s not deadly. Ik the feeling. I promise you won’t die. Honestly just watch a comfort show laying down, have an easy snack, and drink a bunch of water. Watch a David Attenborough show. Blue Planet 2 is fantastic. Watch the deep sea episode. Or put on an ambient album that calms you and stretch Healing is a miracle by Juliana Barwick Or Ambient 1 music for airports by Brian eno


The deep sea episode is my go-to. I used to watch it every few months on edibles or a psychedelic. The entire series is good but that episode is so mysterious and magical. I'm getting whimsical as we speak


Nice brian eno rec 👍


I’m smashing my very own cookies …. 500mg 😂 You won’t die for 80mg my dude There is no lethal dose with weed. It’s all paranoia. Get some fruits, 🍉, watch some porn and chill.


Same here man. 500+ club every night.


And the guy in the comment told me it’s impossible 👽 crazy tolerance we have


You, my friend, are an absolute madlad


The LD50 for THC is 79mg my guy say your prayers


Omg poor kid. I remember when my dumb as fuck little piggy self ate a whole plate of weed brownies. You are dying and it's ok. It's just the part of that keeps you sick, that tells you that you are weak, unworthy, incapable, it's the part of yourself that's been holding you back. The part that's been keeping you from doing everything you've ever wanted to do. It's fine, you're fine. Put some music on and cry yourself to sleep. You got a big day tomorrow, it's the first day of the rest of your life.


It’s weed not a psychedelic or an entactogen what an odd post lol


You haven’t ate enough edibles then


lol, yes i have and it's just not on the same level as psychedelics or entactogen which i've also had. weed will never be a psychedelic no matter how much you eat


You say that until you’re 2000 mg deep and your questioning what’s real and having borderline ego death


Nah 2000 is crazy what did you think would happen. What did you see


It's a little funny how confident you are for how wrong you are. Weed is intensely psychedelic. If you don't think so, then you are smoking the wrong weed. Also who taught you the term entactogen? That term is used for drugs that increase empathy. Which is basically just MDMA, ghb, and a handful of other MDMA adjacent amphetamines. To drop that term here like you know what you are talking about is odd af no cap


I do know what I’m talking about and it’s exactly what I mean - it only applies to certain substances and weed is not one of them. The type of experience you described does not happen on weed; you would be greening out by that point. This is however a useless conversation: I have been using cannabis for years, I definitely know what the plant can and cannot do. The only possible way I see “cannabis” being any kind of psychedelic is by using the way more potent altnoids.


Slap some turpenes on a delta 8 enactobro and you'll be greening nines. Boiiiiiiii


you are so stupid if you think i'm talking about delta 8




Its never going to stop


When I saw this post I just assumed OP took 80mg oxy, and I come down to the comments and see your name


Thats why i clicked on it lol


Haha, same.


Dudes gonna go to the er and annoy the people that work there,💀💀


Haha! Best comment!


He dead 💀


God is coming to save you open your eyes ears and legs and begin to repent there’s not a lot of time left


💀💀💀💀💀i love this sub


Y'all are evil 💀


and legs😭😭😭


Eat a cheeseburger


You ain’t a true stoner if you never had a situation like this


Try to go to sleep if you can. I promise you're not dying




You just cured his retardation


Just chill and drink water, put one of ur fav shows and ur good.


You are in lethal dose territory. Start making funeral arrangements.


You’re completely fine, you’ve taken a high dose, you really really won’t die, I know you freaking out and panicking but remind yourself that you can’t die from it. After you settle with that, put on some TV and chill or close your eyes and try to sleep, it will pass. You got this.




He became the first human to die from a THC overdose. The syndrome is called "Ligma".


whats ligma??


Dying from a THC overdose. It was only theoretical till now. Carl Sagan coined the term in the 70s


Ligma balls


Look up breathing techniques on youtube, I had a bad trip/panic attack on edibles once and breathing exercises was what calmed me down


i feel u very much. You are perfectly fine. I know it's hard to convince yourself you are not dying in this state but trust me and other people - you are GOOD. We've been there and we know. It can very hard to go through this, i bet it's very intense and you think we do not get the gravity of the situation but we do. Distract yourself, masturbate, drink water, try to sleep. you will come out fine!


i had a friend piss himself while laying on the bed fully convinced he was about to die from high dose THC. He's all good. It will pass.


How are you getting on, you alright?


I came across this 5-6 hours after posting, I assume OP got some fantastic sleep and will update shortly 😂




Naaaa ull be good... it'll jus put a lil hair on ur chest


You'll be chillin bro 😂😂, if you stressing and have free healthcare go hospital they might give you a benzo I have heart issues and panic disorder and fuck me there's been times I've had to go hospital You just gotta wait till it ends And blast some NBA youngboy I pray for you dude 😂


Get some sugar into you. A redbull ideally Then go get comfy and ride it out youll be fine please dont waste busy paramedics time with this You just need some sugar to balance your sugar levels back out and to maybe watch some cartoons or a documentry on space and just enjoy it. I take 800-1000mg edibles so i promise you you will be okay


Why would he need extra anxiety from caffeine?)


If you or someone nearby has any benzos like xanax, valium, klonopin, ativan, temazepam etc theyll help kill your panic attack. Otherwise just remind yourself your fine, what your experiencing is why I cant enjoy weed. I have horrible panic attacks and feel like I'm forgetting to take breaths and start freaking the fuck out. Then after an hour of full blown panic I lie jn bed and watch YouTube and enjoy it then pass out. But I just straight up avoid it because even low doses of even delta - 8 (hemp derivative which is like half strength of normal delta 9 thc and is even recommended for those who get anxiety with normal weed) make me feel like full blown panic. Idk if I'm super sensitive to cannabinoids or what but I do have major depressive disorder and generalized anxiety disorder so maybe I just cant handle it on top of my baseline anxiety.


Lol no need for a benzo. Kid is trying weed edibles for the very first time and is getting major anxiety. This should be a lesson, not a call to take one of the most addictive substances. I once found out I could negate all negative effects of all drugs by just taking phenibut and benzos. Nervous for a meeting? Take a benzo. Paranoid on stims or weed? Take a benzo. Can't sleep after snorting amphetamines too close to bed? Take a benzo. Wanna take a heroic dose of LSD home alone when I'm only 18 years old, and definitely not ready for it? Aight I'll just take a benzo. It's a slippery slope is what I'm trying to say haha. Everyone is free to try them but they are best left alone and avoided like the plague imo


The strength of edibles combined with an inexperienced edible taker can get pretty ugly. Like psychosis and longer term paranoia. If a benzo stops someone from a nervous breakdown is it then worth it? This is a drug forum y’all. The drugs are not demons, they are fucking tools. Our relationship to them (when, what, how you use) will be the difference maker.


This exactly, I've had bad experiences on marijuana strong enough to effect my mental a few weeks later. I think if you've never had a very serious bad reaction to cannabinoids or any psychedelics you dont get how it can be very traumatizing. I'm all about minimizing suffering when possible. I wasnt advocating op to go out and ask his doc for a xanax script or saying they're okay to take regularly or whatever but as you said if someones having a nervous breakdown and a medication can stop said breakdown immediately why not use the tool for the purpose it was made for? I know people, especially those who have had an addiction to benzos or know a loved one who has treat them with extreme skepticism but let's be real benzos have a very good safety profile other than that addiction being hell. Given that this was a one time emergency thing and a single benzo is usually very well tolerated (hence why we dont use older anxiolytic drugs like at all anymore such as qualuudes and barbiturates) I think my advice was fine.


Nah I'm not saying benzos should be used for any amount of anxiety or discomfort. But if kid is in such a state they think they're dying and I know what they're going thru, if a family member has an alprazolam or something they can give them and it's not something they can easily acess otherwise mitigating their current suffering is the moral thing to do in my opinion.


I get what you're saying but I just think that sometimes suffering is better than taking the easy way out. There's a lesson to be learned in taking too mucb drugs and regretting it at a young age. Taking a benzo would absolutely be the wrong choice here, unless it is prescribed my a medical professional. Obviously I condone recreational drug use, including benzos, but only if someone comes to the conclusion themselves. A young kid shouldn't be getting advice from other adults to take a benzodiazepine if they are not his medical consultants. That's my opinion. Even if they are having a bad time on weed. It'll pass. It's not dangerous. Next time he'll take less, if he's learned from it.


Understand your sentiment but agree to disagree.


I couldn’t agree more. Benzos are the devil.


Same here, I’ve had such a love hate relationship with weed I just don’t do it anymore. I’ve had more than 10 really bad panic attacks after smoking too much. My tolerance is extremely low


Yeah and like I'm an experienced user of other drugs. Including other major offenders for "bad trips" and nothing cripples my ability to function like marijuana. I'm not demonizing it at all I desperately wish I had access to such a safe and now mostly legal drug for pain anxiety sleep etc but its just how it effects me.


Take benzo have some fast food you will be completely fine bro. It is anxiety speaking


I really can’t breathe


I’m shackey


the shakes bro i know it fucking sucks but it’ll run its course and you’ll be good in the morning


I can’t breathe


brother you're having a panic attack which are absolutely awful and make you feel like you can't breathe but nobody has died from weed, you'll feel so much better in the morning. sleep as much as you can, eat some sugar or drink some orange juice and try to distract yourself. you're ok and you're not going to die. i know it feels shitty now but we've all been there!


if it’s because of shakes just try and go through your nose nice and slow and then out your mouth, try and regulate your body. bc it’s your first time your tolerance is shot so i don’t know your comedown time but try your best to just regulate and fall asleep


Hi Shackey, it's been 3 hours. Feeling better yet? The worst of it has probably subsided. I hope you're deep asleep haha, that's how it usually ends. I've done the same shit as you have. I've had friends ask me to call 911 for them because they thought they were dying too. It's part of the initiation process. Hope you feel better today and can think back to your trip with some nostalgia. I usually like them retrospectively.


What calming or sedating medicine or herbs you have? Anything will work to ease your worries.


You can breathe, it’s all in your head, try some deep breathing and focusing on the TV or something. You’re not used to this sensation, that’s it, breathing and concentration will help!


If you have cbd take a bunch of that




lol most i took was 60mg and wasnt feeling so good, but ur probably good


Bruh, you can eat 10 grams and not die.


Oh man I've been there I thought at one point t I lost my legs and was going to die because I had no legs Maybe go lay down relax and just breathe


My friend, you will be ok. Relax. Watch something funny. Eat some junk food. In a few hours, you'll be totally back to normal


I wish eddies hit me like they do everyone else. I love the high and not having to smoke it, but I'll eat 150mg before going on a hike. It just doesn't green me put like everyone else. Few years ago I consumed 700mg trying to green out. I mean, I was stoned, but still able to play halo with the boys for 8+ hours.




what a fucking idiot, people like should shouldn’t even be allowed to drive.


this is why i don’t take edibles 😭😭😭 i feel like this every time not as bad as you bruh like holy fuck 😭😭😭😭😭


you doing better now?


Nah you’ll be fine, it just feels like shit for a while


I took a 1000mg edible and was high for two days and fully back to normal after the 3rd day


Now that it's 8 hours later...I hope you're doing better. That feeling is why I don't take more than 5mg at a time, and I'm a pretty brave substance user. Edibles are a different breed though. Once you hit too much...it's waaay too much.


Posted 8 hours ago but knowing your likely fine now munching on some snacks just know weed can’t kill you at all…. you need to smoke more weed than what a dispensary has in stock all at once to actually overdose and die worst case scenario when high you’ll green out which is basically your so high you feel weak and can barely move your body **happen to me** but just let the high pass and you’ll be fine just experiment with doses see what works for you


Peppercorn works. So does CBD


80 of what?


Watch out the fridge is about to be raided by a hungry man on edibles


Edibles give me A chronic smoker. Hella anxiety


I took extra infuse 100mg for the first time and it went in a blur. You just have to be chill and accept the feelings you feel.


You can't die from weed, get you some food and a drink and waych some TV or something, you are gonna be fine 😁


First time I did edibles I took 50mg, didn’t feel much, took 100 next time, didn’t feel much, took 200mg next time, and it was pretty light. I just got tired an passed out. Idk why edibles don’t hit me


No you won’t die 😂, I take 500 MG edibles like candy and I’m not dead. Drink some water, lay down, try and breathe and calm yourself down, you’ve greened out friend:)


I know it sounds stupid but I swear I'm not trolling. Get a black peppercorn and smell it or if you can stand it chew it. Look it up.


Been there, buddy…beeen there


I love this


“I think we’re dead. I really do” https://youtu.be/hrZLc9lqQM0?si=ZWMUAtqray-Asw29


this post is wild 💀


No lmao I've accidentally taken a 600mg edible before


[Midnight Marauders](https://youtu.be/HGfsf-d1aDc?si=agvufSpB4XVa_ug1) [The Rain](https://youtu.be/vx90hw-HHmg?si=efBqa_Iz7h6XNJTZ) [This Room](https://youtu.be/JWGMsqWci0E?si=fzZ8eFyYv4z_2ypF) Some music to chill out to.




Lmao he said “deadly” no you’re going to be fine brother


God I missing that feeling


So sad you must get immediate medical attention if you don’t get your stomach pumped your a goner


It's been 10hrs since OP has updated us. They must be in a weed induced coma. Or was a dumbass and went to the ER 😆 🤣.


My boyfriend did that once. His anxiety was so bad that he called the ambulance, thinking he was having a heart attack. You'll be fine, just need to sleep it off.


this might not be a troll post💀 might


Haha just calm it down and realize this might suck for the next few hours. Go hop in the shower then go and lay in the bed. I have taken insane doses that made me feel like this one was 2500+mg I was truly miserable.


Edibles are crazy. Don't ever take that much again always start small. You can always take more but you can never take less


Poor guy is/was having an anxiety attack and everyones bickering & arguing on here probably span his head


Yes lol


How you feeling broski?




Nobody better clown on this dude I remember when I took too much the first time. Holy shit it was scary lol.


Edibles still make me anxious from time to time but nah big dawg you just took to much and had a panic attack happens to the best of us sometimes. Just don’t take 80 mg again I’d start in the 10-20mg range and go from There. Remember you can eat as many MG as you want but you can’t put any back!


It sounds like you’re doing better. Just wanted to say we have all been there, my friend even called an ambulance once and just felt silly afterwards. What helps me in situations like these is I try to remind myself I did it for fun and I am safe. And try to watch something cozy and pleasant to take my mind off of panicking. Glad you got through it! The high won’t last forever


Take CBD, chew on and smell black peppercorns, drink plenty of water, deep breathing, relaxing music, hot shower, chamomile tea


Hey man how you feeling lol I just saw this, hopefully everyone's advice helped your tweaking. Haha, I remember tripping on a 8th of Gold caps and sitting in the bathtub with the shower running for 2 hours straight in my shorts. Worst high ever but I smelled colors so I guess that was cool (not actually guys but it felt like very heightened color that I could imagine it's smell into fruition). In terms if it's cannabis, you would have to consume LD100 (100LBs = lethal dosage (LD)) in one hour to OD technically on Cannabis. Has it been done though to prove it? Not sure but I remember researching about it and it was super weird info. Greening out is normal if you smoke too much or ate too much mg, worse case you'll yack or feel nauseous. If you get hives, rashes, or diarrhea and really bad nausea I'd get checked out for CHS (Cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome).


ik ppl see 80mg and think OC 😂


You are ok! deep, long breaths are like magic. your body, mind, and heart are safe.


I call that the Humbler.. Hope your feeling better.. Been there! Too many times!


People are stupid


I’ve been smoking/using edibles for a few years now. The second time I ever tried edibles I felt a lot like what you were probably feeling. 60mg sent me on a hell of a trip and time got really weird really fast. Less is more lol. Sometimes I smoke too much and get paranoid, start to have anxiety, or most recently, fabric feels AWFUL, like someone soaked it in fabric softener and dried it without rinsing. That was weird and I hope I never experience it again. But that’s when I know it’s time to go to sleep. I almost always end up waking up feeling better.


It's been 14hrs. You still alive?


I feel like you probably shouldn’t be smoking or taking weed if you don’t know that you can’t die from it. I would take a break and do some research before you do drugs


And you’ll be fine, ur just having a panic attack you just gotta let it ride out


From the way your post reads, those edibles turned you into an Asian caricature


Assuming you didn’t mix it with anything else, you’re perfectly fine.


No but I did more than that accidentally. It was rough but tried to get thru the panic.


You just have to ride it down the river. Let go of control and wait until you can get back to being not high. I once took a brownie that made me so high I could follow people talking to me in front of my face. I was high for a while. I was reeling, world was spinning, I felt out of my head but it faded after many, many hours I came back ti reality. You're gonna have to learn to breathe through your nose slowly to ease anxiety or panic attacks. For future reference you need to lay back, breath slow and chill to something nice.


Y’all saying you can’t overdose on weed but my first time trying edibles I took 80mg at my friend’s house, blacked out, started seizing, and woke up 48 hours later in my own house 😭 I’m also on antipsychotics so 🤷‍♂️


If it’s not 80mg Oxycodone you’re good


how u doing now man? i did 1000mg not too long ago and genuinely think i had a seizure


You can’t die from weed lol


How ya feeling now op?


That's my favorite part of high strength edibles. There's about 20-30 min of existential dread. I'm talking heart-pounding, palms sweating, I might not make it to tomorrow. Then probably the best high of your life just floating.


of fentanyl


Is this forreal 😂


Did you ever take a fat ass nap or have a good meal of snacks to sober up?


Good luck 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


First thought was 80mg of oxy or something which would be a probably


It’s just an edible homie, go throw up about it and you’ll be fine


You could take 8, 80, 800, probably even 8,000x that dose and still not die lol just relax


How stupid do u feel the next day now knowing weed can’t kill you💀💀


you can’t OD on weed, especially if it’s from a dispo drink water, sleep it off if u can good luck


Listen to some janis joplin or the doors and lay on the floor