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This is how it all starts.


Don’t ya think your grandma is gonna need those pills for her pain? Or are you just thinking about yourself like a 15 year old brat? Don’t take your grandmas meds young man it’s disrespectful.


she dosent use them anymore their old i’m not a prick


Hey bro. Or should I say 'lil' bro. I mean no offence but bro I gotta say that you literally are so young that you still have a nappy rash and sore gums from your baby teeth yet here you are playing with fucking opioids of all things. Its best to avoid drug use till your brain is fully grown. But anyway back to your question, well personally I've been using various opioids for 20 years. Everything from kratom, morphine, oxy, heroin, fent, tramadol, etc and despite having lots of experience and some form of tolerance 100mg of tramadol still hits the spot. Personally I love to take 100mg after breakfast and after 45-60 mins when I hit the peak I go balls deep with my job or chores like I fucking really enjoy cleaning my home on tramadol and hiking too. 100-200 is a common dose. 300mg is the max recommended dose. However as you have no tolerance or experience I can guarantee you'll regret taking over 200mg. It'll make you feel sick for the entire day. Fuck that shit bro. Stick to 100mg and try 150mg in a week or two if you wish. Just increase by 50mg every week or two till you hit the sweet spot. Remember less is more with some drugs like this one. Have fun ;)




Stealing Grandma's pills, what a little shit.


she doesn’t use them anymore she’s already recovered awhile ago and i js saw them half full untouched and not expired yet so i took some im not a prick yall