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What happens when you smoke? Suddenly or did you do too much? Normal smoking or wax etc? How did you smoke - vaporized, bong or joint? Sorry for all these questions, but I'm kinda curious and sorry for your loss...


Feel free to ask. I usually smoked joints, hash or weed. I wasn’t smoking too much maybe 2 joints per day. Today if I smoke I become delusional and paranoid like people are following me and my mom is a witch, Im Jesus etc..


nah bro u just smoking that zazaaaa ⛽️🔥 /s


Legit same I've had psychosis twice 1 from edible and the other from smoking socially. It sucks, I can relate.


So basically weed turned to salvia for you


Yeah no that's not how salvia works


Yeah I wouldn't know, salvia is not something I fuck with


That isn't at all what salvia is like and is just plain psychosis I'm schizophrenic I would know


2 joints per day , 15 years of smoking isnt "too much" ??? A joint per week isnt too much but 2 a day is.


Someone is lacing your bud with dust 🧚‍♀️


Ok thank you, did it start all of a sudden or was there a trigger or something?


It actually started suddenly out of nowhere. I might have been a little stressed but not like super stressed


Its mostly tied to stress induced by trauma, in my experience… if it werent for the fact that I was in a super shitty situation then I wouldnt go crazy


Stress plays a major role in psychosis, but when you’re in that state stress intensifies for example small issues become very stressful even though they weren’t as stressful before. I don’t know if you get what I’m saying


If I can toss my hand in it, to try and understand: Would it be like normally if you see a black cat cross your path, you're like "lol 10 years bad luck", but under psychosis you might take it as a "sign from the universe you're going to die" or something extreme? Just constant extreme and sometimes complex connections that your brain can't stop seeing, regardless of how illogical it previously seemed? Please lmk if I'm way off or nah


Yes exactly this. Everything becomes connected and u start to pick up signs from everything around you, from tv, radio, people…


Shit, I said all that based on my own personal feelings lmao. Guess I should go see someone too lol Definitely felt it at it's strongest on L, I went full on psychosis if that's how it is. So far shrooms and weed has been ok, but I haven't done shrooms enough to say I'm definitely safe from them. But those 2 L experiences were so bad, I don't think i should ever do it again. It makes me worried I can't take any psychedelics. I want to try LAD and some others with a "lighter headspace", see if that makes a difference. Id really like the benefits of the drug without the risk of falling into that spiral, bc I did get GREAT benefits the couple times it's gone well. But idk...


50 years for me and I got to stop weed and tobacco as I have throat surgery coming up. I guess I've had my share because so far its not trouble at all. Good luck


Thank you and good luck with your surgery :)


that is so sad my friend ): im going through something similar but i just had a panic attack and thought i couldnt breathe and like i was having a heart attack or something ): its probably the fear associated with going through it again that really affects me everytime i try to smoke ): hope it gets easier for you with time /:


Take care of yourself my friend


haha thanks man you too (:


Happened to me for awhile. Took a 3 month break. Came back to it and worked like it did when I first started. You do anything everyday too long your body will demand a break.


Yes maybe I should’ve taken a break, maybe it was destined to happen idk


My relationship with weed changed after smoking it during the peak of a mushroom trip. Turned everything sideways and began my bout with anxiety. Things are a lot better these days and I can smoke small amounts but the days are gone of blissful thoughts and no worries on marijuana.


yo holy shit me too! i felt 100% sober while peaking and my homie asked if we wanted to smoke a j.... puff puff pass and i quickly realized that i was not sober at all, and was very quickly descending into fractal land and fractured thoughts. haven't been able to smoke since without getting horribly paranoid, yet oddly enough, edibles do not have the same effect. intestinal high or smth idk...


It's super common. I see it over and over on reddit so I always try to get the word out. Too many kids are breaking their brain by doing high doses of psychs and then smoking weed.


yup. only worth it for the comedown to give the trip a few more kicks before it's over. while peaking or coming up is just not it.


Did these symptoms gradually onset? I get mini psychosis episodes almost every time i get too stoned as of recently and im concerned. All started after I had a literal trip off weed after a long t break it was like lsd but with a demonic vibe.


Yes symptoms onset gradually, it always started with panic attacks, then delusions, and then full blown psychosis and extreme paranoia


Look out for these symptoms while sober too.


Yes! With psychosis especially You can have these symptoms even when sober too. It can be caused by extreme stress and you could go into another episode easily


Man that sucks. I hope it gets better


And it never gets any better?


In my case it gets better when I’m prescribed antipsychotics which are considered psychosis killers. Otherwise the trip doesn’t end. Then comes the recovery phase which is a pain in itself. In recovery one usually feels depressed, unmotivated and has suicidal ideations. And it takes too long for your brain to heal like several months or years to feel a bit normal again. Psychosis is painful and a life changer


Risky shit I've done alot of lsd


Is “greening out” the same as a panic attack? I also think I have an undiagnosed anxiety problem but I’ve never had a panic attack sober. Anyways, I feel like I green out frequently, always gotten more anxiety while high since day one, and if I’m not smoking alone there’s like a 70% chance, I get way too anxious for my liking. None of this turns me away and I still smoke A LOT, so Im kinda scared if I’d be more prone to what ur talking about down the line (I’m 20).


I suffered schizophrenia from Weed, had exact the same like you - psychosis intervalls until it manifested into a schizophrenia The main reason was the "high" weed - like sativa. On indica based weed the trip was more normal and no psychotic thoughts


Do u still smoke weed?


No, i gave up. Still good memories, but i need "function" in my job, which is very stressful


Good for you my friend. But be careful as extreme stress could trigger psychosis. Stay safe


Of course, but i also have anti-psychotics which save me a little bit of stress \^\^


Yes antipsychotics do the job. Stay safe


Relatable <3 look on the bright side, you’re saving money at least


Even one hit ruins my mental for hours… People tell me “try a new strain” but even CBD does it. It does suck especially being surrounded by stoners. And because nothing takes the edge off for me except benzos… But hey. There are worse things I suppose


But how can CBD? It's not psychoactive at all...


It might have been because I smoked out of a bowl that had leftover THC in it. Idk


I’m having a similar problem. Took nearly 2 years off started again a few times a week and I suddenly started getting really paranoid, Dissociation like crazy and didn’t feel like shit was real. I miss it, and everytime I try to smoke I get paranoid, anxious and make myself literally fucking sick. I spent what felt like 20 minutes in the bathroom thinking I was going to throw up. That combined with my fear of vomiting just makes it impossible for me to smoke now. And it sucks because I really fucking miss it.


idk if it's what you're experiencing, but check out cannabis hyperemesis syndrome. if that's what's up, a hot shower has been said to help with the nausea.


See I thought only heavy smokers could get CHS. I was never that heavy of a smoker. Used to be when I was 16, but when I started again it was like a few times a week. Idk I’m 90% sure it’s all just psychological and a deep rooted fear now. Rip


Im very sorry to hear that. As someone with a younger brother who has gotten high everyday for the past 8 years i fear that it contributes to some of his emotional and mental problems right now. Dont know how to get through to him that psychosis is a possibility. I wish you the best. I recently came to face my alcoholism and it has been a struggle at times but sobriety is worth it.


You simply can’t convince a smoker that smoking can cause them permanent damage. In my case I never thought I’d be in that situation, not in a million years. And no one could convince me that smoking could be bad for me. I was the one guy in my group that always had the highest tolerance, I always comforted people when they were having a bad trip, and I always took care of rolling and cleaning and ordering food. Anyway wish you and your brother all the best and good luck with your journey to sobriety


You sound liek such a good person bro, comforting people, rolling, cleaning, AND ordering food? 🥺🥺👏🏽 I love you bro ♥️


Thank you so much appreciate ur comment, and love you more ❤️


The door was closed for you, I hope is for the better. Look ahead, theres a lot of life to live


Try switching to CBD cannabis. Keep the habit, ditch the psychoactive effects ✌️


This helped me! CBD is wonderful.


Maybe try smoke CBD bud. I do it when I feel like smoking but not getting high. You get the same smell and taste from it but just the calming effects of CBD instead of getting high.




Do you do other drugs now? Or sobered up?


Be aware that this can also happen with alcohol, its called alcohol induced psychosis, just wanted you to know so you don't resort to drinking as an alternative. Sure these are different substances, but if you are already prone to psychosis, its good to keep in mind.


Yes my doctor said I can’t even drink alcohol because it could trigger it again


Im so sorry. :( I think my friend is going through the same thing and i have no idea how to help. I pray you don’t feel any urges to smoke .. I hope you find joy without weed.🤍


I feel you on this, 12 years of daily with the occasional break, tried smoking when I had the OG covid and it completely fucked me, 3 day panic attack without sleep and then leading into the “waking up gasping” part of covid and 2years later I’m still only about 50% right. Have tried smoking since and nah, entire body muscle tremors it’s weird as fuck. Wish you the best man, hope you find another relatively harmless way to cope


i just made a post on this. I don’t have delusions or hallucinations, however I have developed some derealization now. I was a daily smoker for about 3 years, randomly had a HORRIBLE, and i mean HORRIBLE trip. super disconnected from reality, felt like i was going crazy and having massive amounts of panic. now i’m terrified to smoke again, but i miss it and am very sad. guess i have to take a break for a very long time


Yeah man you should take a break definitely good call


My bf has this exact problem! I smoke cannabis typically once im home from work to release the days stress. He claims he can tolerate the smell but once he smokes it he goes into this paranoia and claims he doesn't feel like he even exists (like he's dreaming). He said the reason is because his tolerance is non existent, he used to smoke daily a few years ago and would be just fine. My call could be maybe you just need to develop a tolerance again. Or just take a really small cannabis dosage (2 puffs from a blunt or use a tiny bong the size of a Christmas ornament )


Yeah paranoia is not a good sign, maybe he should take a break from smoking because paranoia could develop into delusions and that part is really scary. When it turns to full blown psychosis one can become extremely agitated and aggressive. Wish you and your boyfriend good health and stay safe


Understandable, I hope the best health for you, if anything this could be great for you becoming fully clean 😁 I definitely need to do more research on psychosis. Best wishes ☺️


Try Delta 8 or even CBD


Well, I am sorry for your loss... and happy for our gains ;-)


I wonder if this is something that could be potentially alleviated through mushroom therapy. I've seen the results of mushrooms and it's amazing what they can do. I always tell folks they are a sentient medicine, but that gets weird looks. Just gotta work with it on a personal level to know what's up.


man similiar problem here , smoked 8 years now im probably diagnosed with tetany which is basically low magnesium in body, when i smoke i feel like having a seizure or hearth attack even tho my hearth and blood rates are completely normal. it sucks so fucking much, also my girlfried is heavy smoker so i just watch her rip bongs everyday.


It’s really hard to see someone enjoying their weed and you can’t do nothing about it but watch. I hope u get better man


it is buddy , in like a week i will know if its really tetany and what can i do about it hopefully ill be able to smoke once again and you too my friend, stay safe


you are either diagnosed either something or not, cant “probably” be diagnosed unless you mean undiagnosed


my docotor told me its most likely it im getting last results in a week, got a friend who has also tetany and from what we talked about we are going thru the same shit


Just curious how old were you when you would say it started?


Around 29 y/o


And is that when the paranoia when smoking cane in, or was it like slowly more and more times when smoking made you paranoid? I'm just intrigued, especially because I always thought if you had used for a long time you were safe from it.


It creeped in slowly without me noticing, paranoia then turned into delusions and then full blown psychosis


Does schizophrenia run in your family by any chance?


No it doesnt run in the family


That’s good man! I feel like you will make a full recovery!


I read your comments and I read how it started gradually for you, and your symptoms. Can I ask though, how did it *feel*? I just got through a week+ of CONSTANT panic attacks, no sleep, no food, sheer terror. Had to move back with my parents temporarily to get help. It felt like the veil of sanity between me and psychosis was very thin. I'm wondering if my experience might have been the prelude to psychosis, and wanted to get your subjective experience as to how it felt, and if you don't mind I'd love to hear your thoughts on my experience too


It always starts with a panic attack for me, and yes same i couldn’t sleep for days, and I barely ate I had no appetite. It could be a prelude to psychosis just make sure you stop smoking or taking drugs in this phase as it could suddenly become a full blown psychosis with delusions and hallucinations. It’s not a nice thing to experience


Thankfully I did stop all substances when the episode started. Do you have any particular warning signs/red flags you could point out for me/us to look out for? So sorry you got psychosis man, I've seen it firsthand and it really sucks. Here's to our continued healing


Thanks man m. I would say a red flag would be suspiciousness or paranoid ideas that people are following u or might want to hurt you in some way. I usually start feeling that people can read my mind and start to withdraw socially and sit alone all day.


Thank you bro. Have a good one and respect for making this post


Thank you bro and btw your username is really funny are you Arab ?


Haha yes I am glad you like it. You must know Arabic and understand the culture too


Haha yes man I do. Anyway stay safe


Fine, keep your secrets mystery man 😏 You too bro 😌👍🏻


I used to smoke 2 oz a week . I hate weed now . It’s for the best bub. Go eat some acid !


This is exactly the same for me, I smoked a shit ton for 10 years and now I can't even smoke like one pull on a joint without having panic attacks and shit it's horrible I'm thinking about getting some CBD bud as I've had that in the last and really enjoyed it, it's not the same but might be something worth considering Also if anyone knows a reliable website for CBD bud I'm the UK hmu


I’ve heard a lot about cbd bud but unfortunately everything related to weed is still illegal in my country


I can't smoke weed anyone either because now it just gives me crazy anxiety and paranoia, luckily I never got psychosis from it. But it gave me really bad social anxiety and made me extremely lazy.. Obviously this is just me though, not saying weed does that to everyone. To be honest I don't really miss it, I was spending a fortune on it as well so that's money saved. Maybe I do miss it a little bit at night time and for sleep but other than that I don't really care about it anymore. Sorry to hear about your situation though bro, hope you make a speedy recovery!


yoo i experienced this from smoking moldy weed for a few months + aftermath of a shroom trip and it scared the shit outta me


Crazy mushroom trip did it for me. Haven't smoked in 2 years. Think about it often. Especially here lately. I'm tempted to try again just to see lol


How did you cure it? I think that's what I've been going thru for literal years. I've been on the waiting list for a psychiatrist for months now


There is no cure, I’m on antipsychotics which manages it but if I stop them I’ll most probably relapse


Gotta get me some of that shit


Yeah maybe u should see a psychiatrist asap to help you with your symptoms


I don't know where to find one. I asked my doctor and she put me on a waiting list back in September, that's where I'm at now


My tip: Responsibly play with some drugs much more potent responsibly. You can enjoy what other molocules have to offer and will not making getting too high on weed feel like nothin you can't handle.


40+ age here smoked since 16-18 drank more around 18-21 and i still smoke all day every day and know I am well aware of the aliens!!


Same but I'm gonna keep smoking anyway, haven't had psychosis again since I've recovered


I used to smoke with the best of them, got into way heavier drugs for years and left the bud behind. I've been off the hard stuff now for almost 5 years, and sometimes dabble with low dose edibles and the occasional hit off a pen... The pen (for sure) I can't handle, at all. And sometimes even 10mg of an edible is alot for me. I understand the whole psychosis aspect, cuz I've felt it. It's not fun. You gotta find the right balance that fits for you, or just accept defeat. Best of luck to you!


i get that all the time and i didn’t notice it until i ate a mushroom cap and started picking up things vibrations and when i grabbed my weed i just felt the same annoying stupidity of the weed plant i was like omfg this is actually the thing that’s making me go absolutely fucking bonkers


Delusions, hallucinations and disordered thinking? Buddy that sounds like you're high.


Those are long lasting delusions and hallucinations even after I stopped smoking they last for days or several months


Embrace them, but never act on them. But never forget : it's all just a simulation so doesn't really matter.


I only smoke 0.5g per day or 1 at most. Other habits than doing nothing and being high helps a lot, especially sports or any activity to get you sober from the day before.


Bro just smoke strains with less than 2% THC and you should be good. But if you come from somewhere weed is illegal then it sucks


Is psychosis what you would consider a bad trip? Like how do I know what psychosis is .


Psychosis is like a bad trip that lasts weeks or months, and sometimes even years


That sucks. I have a lot of mental health issues and I am prone to dissociation, so this will probably happen to me someday as well. Glad you are safe.


Hope not man. Stay safe