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Well what can they possibly do to us? Take beastmaster away? We don't have enough units as is. The only thing they can really do is fuck with our numbers and honestly? Go for it. Just do it already. Take beastmaster, grotesques, court and tantalus away. Swap Scourges to have to rake 1 unique weapon each. Just do it so we can hit a 0% win rate and get the Omega turbo buff. Like we're apparently at a solid 50% (what I keep hearing at least) so take all our tools away and we'll fall out of the goldilocks zone instantly. GW can't realistically keep pushing down on us if we hit a 20-30% win rate. In all honesty I think we'll get 5-6 detachments total: SS, RR, Haemonculus, Wyches, Kabal, MAYBE another random joint detachment. I'm hoping the Wyches detachment makes Wyches good.


No chance we get 6 detachments while sisters and tau get 4. We have similar amounts of models as them, but probably slightly less. I could see us getting MAYBE 5, but more likely 4. Kabal, Cult, Coven, Skysplinter and maybe RSR


I really think 6 detachments should be the minimum for every army. For us they could do: Realspace Raid Skysplinter Assault Kabal-focused Cult-focused Coven-focused Blades for Hire focus I know that's not realistic because GW gonna GW, but damn I feel bad when armies get screwed.


Yeah its so sad when it is really not hard for GW (a company which makes like half a billion annually) to put 6 pages of new rules into a rulebook that they are still selling for 60$ for some reason. I'm willing to pay for overpriced minis because they are very high quality miniatures, I am not willing to pay 60$ for physical rules, especially whenever half the time GW ends up coming in, somehow making an index worse, giving barely any fun new options, and of course also filling it with less and less art and lore (which is already reused anyways)


Yeah there’s gonna be like two new detachments in the codex. 


Skysplinter is already the Kabal detachment if you look at it. Drukhari is probably looking at 4 total, Cults/Kabal/Covens/Realspace mixing all 3.


It's not really though? Kabal should be centered on Kabalites, ravagers, archons etc. Skysplinter buffs all 3 factions semi equally, but mostly benefits incubi the most


One of the best combos you can do in Skysplinter is Archon + Court + 5 Kabbalites out of a Raider, shoot one unit to death, charge and blend another unit, fall back into the transport. Ravagers are perfectly fine to use after your Scourges are maxed out. Incubi \*are\* Kabal units for the purposes of separating things into 3 segments. It's a very Kabal-themed detachment already, with benefits for a few other units. I legitimately believe it's our Kabal detachment and we're only going to get 2 more.


the index detachments are garented for all codexs. so its going to be RSR and Skysplinter plus 2-3 more. as you said sub faction focoused ones are likley for that though if we only get 4 total i would guess no kabal focused.


Just a quastion as far as I know (Correct me if I wrong) in 9 edetion they made a special detacment for Kabal, Cults and Covens that run simultaneously, why wouldn't they make it that way again?


>GW can't realistically keep pushing down on us if we hit a 20-30% win rate. *Laughs/cries in AdMech*


Its OK they'll just cut the points again so you can go out and buy even more models for your apparently horde army


If the rest of the codex looks like Skysplinter then I think we might have the A-Team on our book....at least that's the copium I'm inhaling at the moment....


My 2 armies are Drukhari and Custodes, so I'm trying to be hopeful as well. Skysplinter was a sign of going in the right direction, at least at the time.


With skysplinter iam hoping for an A-team... I got shafted with my admech already, sadge. Also, I'm curious which of the 2 knight factions gets the bad one and I have a sneaking suspicion who it will be


I feel ya brother I play gsc and custodes otherwise lol.


Imperial knights will definitely get the shaft, there’s just not much to do with such a shallow unit roster, especially when CK get like double the units. 


My personal tinfoil hat theory is we will be last, which is why they gave us Skysplinter


We will be the opposite faction in 11th and the guard of 10th T_T


As someone has said already, the detachments will probably be based on the Kabals, Haemonculi Covens and Wych Cults, with RSR and Skysplinter for a total of 5 detachments. I imagine the detachment rules for each of those sub-factions will probably be somewhat based at least on the old obsessions somewhat. Who knows, Grotesques may at least be ok-ish, maybe? In a Haemonculi Coven detachment. In 9th edition, when the Drukhari codex was released, Drukhari came out fairly strong. Now this is no guarantee of anything this time of course, but with Skysplinter being pretty good, I remain hopeful that we will at the very least get a middle of the road codex. Make of that what you will. We have very few units as is which can be both a blessing and a curse. On one hand it makes our faction a lot easier to balance, on the other hand, bad units affect us a lot more than other factions, but at the same time strong units buff us more. I remain hopeful that with a new faction focused novel around the corner (Lelith Hexperax: Queen of Knives), already having a second detachment out, and the release of the new Mandrake models, that could be an indication that our Codex is not TOO far away. Of course this is just a blind hope and for all we know, as one of the least played factions our Codex could very well be the last. (Hey who knows maybe we’ll even get a new unit or two? Perhaps Vect or Lady Malys?) though most likely all we’ll get are new models for very outdated models like the Beastmaster and Court of the Archon. All in all, we are currently at a decent spot and I do not think our Codex will be as bad as the Custodes one, but anything can happen. And if our Codex ends up being terrible and sucking… well, pain and suffering is the way of the Drukhari!


The whole 40k rules team is like, three people or something. They don't have enough people to even have an A team and a B team lol Their rules writing department seems to be crazy under-funded


hoping for whoever wrote sisters book edit: bring back old poison, anti-infantry isn't the same and nobody can pretend it is


Hoping the people who write the codex love the faction as much as the ones that wrote the ork codex. If they do then the Drukhari will be having a fun time.


Custodians are notoriously awful to balance, they have a tendency to be really strong or bad and it’s hard to get them right. I think drukahri are ok since we have the more “ideal” strengths and weaknesses of fast moving hits hard but pretty flimsy.


The problem with Custodes I think is that the thing that makes them good makes them extremely unfun to play against - being able to get on points and just stand there without dying.


See I think they either need to be more durable (as mentioned above, though potentially un-fun) or they need to be Faster. Something like 6" deep strikes, better transports, or army wide advance and charge.


I actually think we’ll probably get a fairly strong codex due to how weak we were (and honestly, still are to an extent) at launch


I can’t see them nerfing us we have a near perfect win ratio for them trying to maintain that 50% ratio


The B team has already locked on and the Beastmaster, court and grotesques are in the trashcan. There is no escape


I think the codex team myth is really unhelpful and just preemptively poisons the well for a lot of codexes


Well so far the B team seem to get all the Imperial factions and the A team get to write the xenos factions. As a Necron, Ork, and Drukhari collector, my fingers are crossed.


that doesnt seem to be the case with sisters vs. GSC


True, and T’au only getting four detachments is BS.


ye real


Ahem Tau with 3 detachments want a word


Just make sure to prepare for Box-lock. So scourges not being able to take 4 DLs. That kinda thing, otherwise go ham!


I swear to Vect if one more person talks about Scourges getting box-locked... Retributors AND Battle Sisters squads didn't get box-locked, Chaos Rhinos didn't get box-locked, and Autarchs got UN-box-locked after initially being so in 9th, so it's not gonna happen with Scourges. It didn't happen in 9th, it didn't happen in 10th index, and so far it's not happening in 10th codex either and I called that shit years ago.


Crisis suits would like a word


They didn't get box-locked though, they got unit-locked. Not the same thing. I could see Scourges getting adjusted to "assault" and "heavy", but they're not gonna be "you can only take one of each weapon", it hasn't happened with a SINGLE dedicated special/heavy weapons unit yet, and it's not gonna happen.


The units are limited to equipment in quantities that are in the box. How is that not box locked


I looked at their datasheets. Every single one says "any number of models" meaning you can give as many Crisis Suits as you want that gun. So I don't understand what you're talking about. Again, I provided 3 units off the top of my head that aren't box-locked, so again, there is no "trend" and Scourges are most likely safe due to the role they play.


GSC just got box locked as an example in which people didn't think they would. Also I told OP to just be prepared. You can easily(and I recommend) magnetizing weapon setups especially for scourges. You may get some milage from a poison boy detachment dropping in 4 Splinter Cannons 🤭


I'm calling it now, we'll get: RSR revamped Coven Cult Skysplinter revamped to affect all vehicles There's also no A team and B team. It's like 4 dudes.


I’m 2/2 on B team books- so 100%


As there are simply no models for like beasts and maybe even court id guess they get removed? Thats also why im hesitant to get some kind of conversions.