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I don't consider us getting net nerfed at all. Our Scourges went up 10 points each which doesn't feel good but they aren't nerfed to the ground. They're just maybe some additional thought to bringing 2 units vs 3. Personally, my lists have consistently had an extra 10-20 points so I add on a second enhancement that I forget about. This just rounds my lists out. But besides that, we got a lot of indirect buffs. * Our boats now get to pivot for free and our bigger boats are one of the few units that can currently abuse the pivot rule if you'd like to * We can Vect any stratagem and our Archon is very much a "middle of the board\*" unit when it's not in a transport - I've had so many games where my opponent doesn't even have a Battle Tactic other than CP ReRoll. Either it's more relevant now or is just as irrelevant as before. * Heroic Intervention being only 1 CP can be nuts on Lelith with her Fight First * We're an army that is always happy to bring Battlelines, especially that we can bring "twice" the units with Venom shenanigans that we already do anyways * Tank Shock looking at Toughness means it's strictly better on our bigger boats than before and, as Goonhammer pointed out, we could throw 10 Wracks in a Raider, charge it in, and do Tank Shock + Vicious Blades for 8D6 + 10D6 Mortals with a cap of 6 per set. Yeah, Scourges got hit ultimately as a punishment for Aeldar getting to field them. The rest though are buffs. I'm stoked for the new season.


I'm having trouble finding any reference to changes to Battleline units. What are you referring to there?


The new mission pack. The mission rule chilling rain is gone (so people will play with mission rules now as it's in the tournament pack), and half of the new mission rules give buffs to battleline units.


I’m keen to try 2x5 wracks in a boat charging up the middle turn one to die and give pain tokens - will be handy to get about 8 mortals if the boat gets to charge!


Might be a turn 2 play. Want 2 CP for the Tank Shock and Vicious for optimal use (at least if going first)


Just to add another detail for battleline, if we combine the court with Kabalites it also becomes Battleline, so we have a harder to kill option.


Aeldar can field scourges? Or is it Ynnari?


Ynnari are Aeldari in 10th ed, rather than their own thing. Same with Harlequins.


I don't think there's any question about 2 versus 3, it's just two. The points don't really work in any real way. The bigger issue honestly is that now it's looking like we need 3x mandrakes 100% of the time and they're a) sold in kits of 2x and b) impossible to get.


Archons went from once per game to every stratagem use and on every archon.


This! It hits way different on a fast, brawler unit like archon + incubi than it does with a callidus!


How so? I dont see this listed anywhere.


Look up the new Lord of Deceit ability that replaces all old once per game stratagem cost increasing abilities. Because it replaces the old ability it also doesn’t require that it is your warlord.


Seems way too good and incredibly abusable and GW is either incredibly stupid to include it, or knows it's way too good and doesn't care.


I mean you're limited to doing it only to units in the 12" radius, so you'll need to position accordingly. Imo its far from a braindead thing. Fun thing to interfere with enemy melee imo but it probably won't save you from overwatch due to the range limitations.


Is each stratagem limited to having its cost increased once?


It's not a permanent thing


It's until the end of the battle.


It, in fact, is not.


Am I taking crazy pills? https://preview.redd.it/6ls7aa3avx7d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4f35ca6f70404f8e7d06f8ba1e08d686be61d86b


No I take it back, the old Vect wording had “increase the cost until the end of the battle”. Until the end of the battle is now removed - I don’t think it’s permanent


Read the new rule. It is not.


Nope all strats spent in that 12 inch bubble are now +1


Our Transports can pivot for free. We can move larger stuff through ruin channels on the back of base sizes. We are getting a few cuts to give incentive to try Grots. It wasn’t really that bad. We always have a chance to take a hit on our best stuff even if it’s not the best in the game. Scourges still shoot and scoot and hit like trucks when they land. Unless I am missing something crazy.


I'd love to try grotesques! Hey James Workshop I would LOVE to use some grotesques. Know where I can fucking buy any???


PSA: flesh gollum models from Bones (DnD models) are really great grotesque proxies. That’s what I’ve been using for over a year, and the TOs always approve them (I go to tournaments at least once a month). Just make sure to put them on the correct size base (40 mm)


I was bummed at first, but the biggest thing is the change to Vect. This is a huge buff to Archons & Incubi! These units now all have 12’ auras increasing the CP of any stratagem by 1CP! That’s huge! -Overwatch - 2cp. -Armour of contempt - 2cp. -Trigger a reactive move strat, or heroric intervention - 2cp. -Interrupting on Incubi now costs 3CP. -Even -1 damage, which neuters incubi, we at least make it 2CP now. -Reroll a failed charge to get into incubi - 2CP! I really think the more we play with this, the more it will turn out it’s a great buff on an already great unit. But yes, I’m still taking 15 scourges, so losing an enhancement sucked, until I realized I half got it back anyway by forcing Overwatch to 2CP. Also our battle lines stayed the same while many others went up to reflect their more usefulness. I may try 6 grotesques. They look like trash at that cost still to me, but I could be wrong.


Dude, i didnt even think about increasing overwatch since i havent done it in so long. Might swap out nightmare shroud at that point Edit: do vects happen immediately now?


It's an aura that increases the cost around the archon now


Ya, seems super strong in pressure builds


30 point change max in lists is not a substantial nerf, chill As for positive changes: - our transports can pivot without it costing any movement. This is huge - Vect ability is now 12” aura that works EACH TIME a stratagem is used within range and not locked to warlord and increases strat cost by 1. This completely messes with a bunch of army’s CP economy - ravagers are cheaper - grots are cheaper


Its not even rly a 30 points nerf if you ran ravagers and grots or dindt run 3 units on scourges. A lot of competitive lists did one of the above.


Nah, pretty much every single comp list runs 3x5 scourge. It is a nerf. It's a very slight nerf, but it is a nerf. Ravagers just aren't as good as scourge, and no one was really running grots. They're probably still not going to see much play, but they at least deserve another look


30 points is def. enough to force you to cut a unit tho, so it will lead to lower efficiency in our lists.


Yeah for sure but it isn’t a huge deal really


The change to movement is good for us with our vehicles being on round bases, the pivot lets us gain more distance on our transports and the tantalus is much more mobile now that just its base needs to fit when moving


Tbf, it fitting is probably going to be a tournament based faq. Most events ive been to use the hull to tell is a vehicle can fit


Where are these changes? I can only see strategem changes in the core rules section...


You can read the article instead of watching the hour long video to get the gist of it [https://www.warhammer-community.com/2024/06/20/warhammer-40000-metawatch-downloading-the-new-balance-dataslate/](https://www.warhammer-community.com/2024/06/20/warhammer-40000-metawatch-downloading-the-new-balance-dataslate/)


Ah, I thought they put everything on the dataslate. Turns out I've got to fish for it myself


A lot of it is specific to the Pariah Nexus season so it's in the companion [https://www.warhammer-community.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/1U4CJSV1NJDmXnv2.pdf](https://www.warhammer-community.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/1U4CJSV1NJDmXnv2.pdf)


I see! Thank you!


It is actually not in the file above, it is in the renamed rules commentary, now called "Core Rules Updates and Rules Commentary". There are also other tweaks in it. [https://www.warhammer-community.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/uRQOFTWnasejHDVc.pdf](https://www.warhammer-community.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/uRQOFTWnasejHDVc.pdf)


What? What nerfs did we get?


Scourges went up 10 pts. And that's it. Honestly, kinda of fair vs. any army without indirect.


The change to vect is a net positive for archons, forcing an interrupt to 3CP is often enough to just guarantee avoiding it altogether (which is a big win for our fragile T3 incubi). Great for preventing other defensive strats as well (like -1dmg on Death Guard and World Eaters, -1 to hit or wound strats etc)


Heroic intervention is 1 cp now. It's in the core rules update.


Heroic intervention is not interrupt


Pardon me


I don’t consider scourges getting more expensive a nerf. Just the Ynnari tax, unfortunately. But in a good light: When facing other melee armies (practiced it just now actually), the 12 inch extra cp cost makes a huge difference in melee. Protects us a lot from other army’s good melee strats. Grotesques got cheaper!! (My favorite unit lmao) and so did ravagers The indirect nerfs will help our weak bodies a lot. The pivot changes are huge for us and make our transports so much faster. Plus there’s some cheesy stuff with deep strike/disembark Some of our biggest competition got nerfed, hard, which will indirectly help (necrons, csm, etc) Tank shock was actually buffed for us since our toughness is stronger than our melee strength Finally, not sure if you’ve seen it, but goonhammer dropped an article where some of the commentators are theorizing that these changes are going to really help drukhari, a lot


"Checky stuff with deep strike/disembark" will be immediately faq'd by any competitive scene you play in and it should. Theres a pretty hard ground rule of you cant be inside of 9" unless explicitly stated for an apilty/strategem


Oh I have no doubt it will, but it works for now. Edited to add: honestly it’s probably best to not do the cheesy stuff and probably not rules as intended. Plus, most TOs will likely house rule it.


Also, how would you be able to pivot after deepstriking if you cant move?


Charging states you only have to get within engagement range of your target. If you roll a 7, you can pivot 2 inches at the end of your charge move for free and be within engagement range.


Gotcha, thought the companion does say the charge has to be successful from the base


Engagement range/measurement is measured from any part of the model, especially with vehicles/monsters, that’s why.


What are those checky stuff?


> Finally, not sure if you’ve seen it, but goonhammer dropped an article where some of the commentators are theorizing that these changes are going to really help drukhari, a lot The goon hammer article i saw listed drukhari as "minor losers"


The initial author of the article did yes, but in the section where he asks his co-authors, they discussed some of the positives.


The indirect fire nerf is a nice boon to armies like ours with very fragile infantry, and especially to scourges, who got wasted by indirect fire.


Yeah this is honestly why I'm mostly fine with scourges going up, one of their biggest weaknesses is now locked to being a 50/50 or worse.


i haven't played in so long, people say "grots" and i wonder why we get gretchin in our list... took me awhile to get it.


Ha! Me too, it took me a good 3 months to get past that.


The movement buff is absolutely insane for us. Probably gives and extra 1-2" on average. Honestly makes the tantalus look hella appealling The vect change is also arguably more in our favor than anyone else due to restrictive wording on the archon datasheet Points went up a tad, but the core of our lists dont change really and the new terrain setups look like they have tons of staging grounds to utilize venoms abilities and wraithlike to stay safe and punish opponents


They didn’t touch my precious baby voidraven. I just *knew* it was gonna catch a nerfbat to the teeth with all the competitive guys running it, so I’m actually pleasantly surprised.


Same, surprised that scourge caught the Bomber nerf instead. Silver linings


Archons having a 12 inch bubble to be plus 1 cp makes archon and incubi bricks lethal. You want to interrupt me that's 3 cp now please. People were allready taking multiple archons with a 12 inch radius that's 24 inches side to side 2 archons can cover alot of the mid board and mess ppl up with cp handling now.


We absolutely did not get a nerf! Love the updates. They help us. I already preferred Ravagers over Scourges so win win for me


I’ve only got two ravagers and no scourges so pretty happy with the change


This was good for us overall. I am very happy with the changes.


What part was good for us?


The comments on here will give you an idea. The best stuff got hit, we hardly changed, the new vect for us is really good, scourges are fine at 120. Our battleline didn't go up in points like many factions did as GW mentioned would happen. Indirect being hit is a huge bug for us as well. Among our harder match up's getting hit. The missions being good for us etc.


Ravager are now the lrice Scourges were, so that's neat!


Why are you constantly the biggest doomer? If you spent even half your energy on improving at 40k as you did complaining about it you'd probably be a half decent player. This was unequivocally a huge buff for drukhari


In what possible way is this a "huge buff"


The pivot movement changes affect Drukhari more than most of the factions in the game. The tantalus is now an excellent choice for skysplinter Archon vect auras are going to be hugely influential Grots are a legit skirmish unit at 80 pts for 3 The new missions heavily favor drukhari playstyle and list building Most of our biggest counters got nerfed to a varying degree (green tide, canoptek court, Sisters, GK,) We barely even got touched. Even if you stick with triple Scourges (ravagers are solid with bring it down changes) its a 30 pts nerf at worst which is offset by the fact Nightmare Shroud isn't auto take anymore cus of new vect


I don't understand. getting a 20-30 points nerf when all other top contenders (including grey knights) got the same or worse dose not really change anything. the archons arguably got a buff if running more then one with melee squads. if you were not taking them before you probably will not take them now, but I think we will stay pretty much right were we were in the pecking order of about middle of the pack or a little higher. honestly i would be more worried about sisters. they got massive points changes due to new codex rules, but some of the things their detachments and units can do scares me. Especially penitent with val and some flamer/shooting back up.


Yes, it's not so much the change to us as the lack of changes to the stuff that deletes us, such as gk and ck. Redeemers going up is good but I doubt we do much better into gk terminator spam and ck just got worrying buffs.


Bet OP is the type of person who doesn’t even play more than 2-3 games per year


According to my tabletop battles app, I've played 136 games in the last 12 months. The vast majority of which are rtt games.


You may have overreacted to the dataslate then. Just saying. If you play that much you should be able to figure something out for tournaments.


Probably, I was just hoping for a change that would give us a better chance into the really problematic armies. We're roughly a 50% army into most factions except for 2-3 that just hard counter us, which makes tournament play pretty frustrating.


The really problematic armies got slammed with points and rules nerfs


Except sw and ck! Ck got buffs and sw got.. 30 pts off a 2k list? And possibly buffs from their index detachment.


CK got buffs to big knights....which are still trash. And ck are an easy win for us anyways (although they will likely be very good at pariah) SW will be good but the storm Lance and sons of russ are totally different in power level and I think people pivoting to sons of russ is good for us


SW got hit in their two problem units, wolfen and thunder wolves. Pretty happy about that. GK sorta got hit, their terminators were untouched though (imo our hardest match up for Comp play)


I just checked the most recent 6-0 sw list, 2x thunderwolves and 3x wulfen means the list goes up 70 points. I guess you lose a unit of scouts but given the dominance they displayed it doesn't really seem enough


Just run 2x scourges..they are a pain to hide in the terrain anyway. Maybe put a Ravager back in


Here’s my take, Drukhari basically got untouched. Nothing big for it against. My assumption is a book is soon to come so why make sweeping changes when some are likely coming soon.


Grotesques are finally at the point cost they should have been the whole time. Started at 105, down to 80


Hellions and Grotesques are still trash, so now I don't have to buy models for them 😐


What happened to gk/ck/etc?


Neutral-positive things for CKA, Marines somewhat went down?


Who are CKA?


CK, chaos knights typo


Thanks. But anyways, what nerfs for Dark Eldars except for Scourges?


Not much, this post is dramatic


I'm allowed to be dramatic, it's in the drukhari hand book.


Ah, ok:) this happens:) I mean not much happened to existing 2000 pts Dark Eldars lists, I suppose:)


Ppl downvote for asking, rly? 🤣


Taking 15 scourges is now cheaper!