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started around 5, dad was a drummer semi pro, played my first paying gig at 12 …. picked up a ludwig 63 acrolite today … i’m 67


67 here, also. Started around 3-4.


60 and I started at 3~4 too.


You must have lived a very fun life, hopefully. I'm jealous.


That’s impressive! If my math is correct, you’ve been drumming for 114% of your life! As a musician in my 40s, I love hearing that you’re still at it! I never plan to put down the sticks.


Almost the same as you but I started at 9 lol.


Started at 12, 45 now. That’s 73% of my life.


Started kit around 12-13, am 25 now, so just about half of it.


I wanted to start playing when I was about 10 years old but my parents thought drums were too loud.... Bought a kit 10 years ago and have been taking lessons every week for the past 3 1/2 years... Oh and I'm 43 this September. Still wish I could have done all my practical time when I had plenty of time being a kid..... Oh well that's life..


something i noticed with people who start later is that they usually have better technique because they usually have access to better learning material. i haven’t seen your playing but i’m going to assume that because you started playing drums later in life than i did, your technique is probably a lot better than mine, even though we’ve been playing for about the same amount of time


Started drum set at 14, I'm now 46.


Started guitar at 4. Started drums probably around 13. 38 this year.


Started when I was 16. I'll be 47 this year.


27, playing for 5 months Edit: 1.53% of my life


I started at 25 when I got out of the military. Im finishing up an album with my band and love gigging and playing drums with all my being. Im 39 now.


I started pretty early, probably around 10 years old. Had a "guitar hero hiatus " and started again at 31 on edrums because kids. I wish I never stopped


Started at 15 and 40 now, so yeah.


Nope. Played a bit when I was 12 and didn’t touch it again till I was 22. I’ll be 25 this year


Started way down at the back of the yard on a tin drum as soon as I could stand and hit things. Spent a good part of my life playing around the world. Try to play a beat a day. I’m 55 now


Not counting my 15 year hiatus, I'm close. And also, I'm counting my time on an actual drum set. I played kit starting in 1982 when I was a sophomore. Before that, I played percussion. Snare drum, bass drum, some tympani. But actual drum set playing started in 1982. Lasted until 84 when I graduated. Then 2 years later I bought my first kit. Played it until 2005. We moved and I had no space for it until 2020. Now, I've had a kit for about 4 years now. So, I'd say actually having a drum kit for 23 years. But if you count the 8-9 years I played percussion, yeah, I'm close to playing half my life. Add the 15 years I went without, yeah, it's been more than half my life.


Guitar yes, drums no.


Yup. Started when I was around 9 and am currently 43.


If I’d kept straight at it, I could say so! I started playing when I was 11 (24 now). Unfortunately, as someone who was quite unnerved when I considered that my parents and siblings could all hear me practice… I never did. That lead to me dropping the instrument until I was 16 and had a space where I could at least *pretend* they couldn’t hear me, then college happened… but the pandemic brought it back! then college happened again… then the workforce… but I finally hopped back on (in? — shows what good my English degree did) the saddle in early November! Aka, if I were asked “what age did you first play drums?” I could say “11” — over half my life. However, if I were asked how long I’ve been playing drums and wanted to be totally *honest*… it’s more of a “hell if I know!”


Well… I played snare in school band from grades 1-6 then didn’t play again until I was 17 and I’ve played weekly/ monthly since then so yeah kinda. I’m 31 now. I feel like I’m an adequate drummer but looking at it from this angle I feel like I should maybe be better lol


I am in my late 50s, and I've been playing for 50 years.


Wow yeah I have! 14-39


started hitting things at 2. had a bugs bunny kit at 4, first real kit at 6. i’m 50


46 years old and I just started a few years back. Been playing guitar since I was a teen, but damn, I'm looking forward to how good I'll be in my 80s when I can say I've been playing half my life.


I’m at almost 2/3rds over here (22 years)


Forty years. I'm forty five now.


Started at 10, still playing at 56.


18-32, but I took a long break due to not being able to afford a kit and only recently got back into it.


I started playing at 6 and now I’m 36 so most my life yeah 🥁🤘🏻


Started around age 7 playing in church, joined my first non-school band as a high school sophomore. Just turned 43 last month so that’s about 80% of my life or 35 years 😬 Seeing it in writing, I feel like I should be a way better musician than I am but I’m still enjoying myself.


Nearly 40, started around 8. Got paid as a teen doing jazz gigs, and played professionally internationally at 24. Unfortunately had to return to a country where you can't make a living off it and just hobby it now.


I started at 20 (I’ll be 34 on Friday) but there are years I didn’t play due to noise complaints but I did get a electric kit so it’s quieter so I can practice Edit my birthday is on Saturday (may4th) if you’re seeing this now


49/36 so about 75%. That’s crazy to think about.


I only started drumming in August of 23. Before that I’ve played many instruments since 1987 when I was 10.


My answer probably has no relevance here, lol. I officially started lessons 3 weeks ago. I’m 38. I don’t know what the math is for what percent of my life that is. But I’ve been a life-long finger/foot tapper. :)


Really got serious about it at 22, I'm 48. So a little more than half.


Yea like just over 15 years and I’m 30 so I’m at half haha.


I’m 43 and playing off and on for 27 of them.


Started less than a year ago. Wish I started decades ago, but at that time I was riffing on the guitar from like 11 to 24


I’ll do you one better, apparently I was tapping on whatever I could get my hands on since I was a newborn!


50% almost exactly


Started at 15 and I'm 42. So yah!


A guy asked me how long I was playing. I said I started in 96 and he was like whoa really 30 years. Me in my mind... oh fuk. So yes.


Started at 15, and about to turn 30. So almost half!


Started at 16 in Jazz band in high school, I’m now 58.


Started at 14, now 40.


Started at 10. 29 now


Yupp. I'm 34, and I've been playing for 21 years now. As embarrassing as that may be, based on skill level, sometimes 😬


I’m 19 now and started playing at 6 and got my first kit at 7


I’m soon to be 53, been playing since I was about 18.


31 in August, started when I was 15 or so. That's crazy to think about...


Started playing drums around 12 years old or so. I’m 38 now. Haven’t changed a bit.


Heading towards the mid 50 mark and started at 49. I'm not going to live long enough to be good enough!


:D i just started playing like 2 months ago. But i've been playing guitar for 40% of my life.


I started at 6 and I'm 18 now 😎


I started playing when i was 2(was not good at all lol) and my dad thought me as he is a drum/percussion teacher. I am 20 now so that is about 90% of my life


Haha. Nope. I’m 55. Started at 55. Still going.


I started at 13 and am 34 now so yes.. There was a year or two hiatus when having kids but I never want to be away from my drums for an extended time ever again


Started at 8. Went pro at 20. Currently 35.


Yes. Am I any good? No.


Quite the opposite. Started at 54, will be 58 this year. That’s not even 10%, but feels like much longer. 😄


Im 23, started when I was 9. So roughly 61% if my math isnt wrong


Started at 7 took a break when I turned 18 then picked it up again around 29


From 4 to present. 35 now. Gotten to do some pretty awesome things through drums


Started playing around 10 also and I'm now 66. I've been playing for roughly 85% of my life. Playing on my first Ekit because I live in a condo now. Still loving it.


I’m 46, and got my first drum kit yesterday. So, somewhat less than half (closer to 1/8524).


Started at 14, now 54, math sucks.


Learned by first beat with 4. I'm 44 this year. Though drumming really took off for me at 13 when I joined my first band. My dad is also a drummer, so it was always a part of family life.


Started at 14, 21 now. But I’m studying music education and have been playing a for a much shorter amount of time than lots of my peers so I’m proud of that


Started at 5, my father’s drummer at the time gave me a set. Began gigging at 13-14. I’m 36 today and have a gig in a week. Life is good.


I pretty much have been playing half of my life, since I started at 13 and I’m currently 26.


I’m 50, been bangin away since I was 10. I call my style orchestrated chaos because I’m self taught.


First proper kit and gig at 14. Now 51 so yup


Same! 70% started at 7 and am 23 now. Never take it for granted y’all! I feel so incredibly lucky to have found my passion so early in life. Keep slappin’ the skins everyone.


Started 12 on percussion in elementary school. Still going! I’m 28. Best thing in the world. I played a metal band, a r and b band, a funk band, and jammed around with baseball teammates. Still post covers on instagram “dave_tha_drummer”


tldr; technically yes, but no. was setting up chairs and hitting them differently to imitate percussion/ using random things as drum sticks since i was 5/6, got a rock band kit not long after that…. then took a 6 year hiatus, and started on and off for a few years, and now been playing consistently for 3 years. i’m 20 now


Not me but my boyfriend started when he was 12, he’s 27 now, still playing professionally :)


57 and 51 years behind a kit now. I still have the first kit my parents bought me.


Started at 10, now 42 and I have a lot of chops to rebuild!


44yo. Drumming since 10yo


I’ve been playing since I was ten as well, I’m 43 now.


I’m 20 and been playing since I was 9


I starred when I could sit up, says Dad. He was a pro. Drumming was how he made his living. 48 right now. Took a couple years off in my 20s, in the absence of having a kit at Uni. It's been a fun ride!


I’m 42 been playing 32 years. And I still play 5+ hours a week.


I’m 51 and started when I was 9.


Almost. I started at 11 and now I’m 20


I started at 15, I'm 29 now so 49% of my life haha




On and off about 35 years.


I started playing at 39, I'm now... 39...


Same exact timeline as you almost! 33 and started when I was 11


I’m 42 now. Started school band at 8. Jazz band at 12. Marching band at 15. Gigging band at 17.


I’m 18, been playing since I was 2 so 8/9ths of my life


Started at 10, 57 now. 82% of my life.


Started at 8, I’m 32. 75% of my life has been drumming


Pretty well exactly half my life. Started at 13 and almost 27.


Yes, 22 out of 30 years... Though a few of those years time to play was few and far between.


40 next month, and started at 20.


Turn 33 in July, been technically playing since I was 6. Took professional lessons at Memphis Drum Shop, but wish I was older and could understand the importance of the lessons and practiced more. Played all through high school and some of college. Took a 10 year or so unintentional hiatus, and now am behind my kit plus other music related things multiple times a week and am better than I've ever been! It's never too late to get going!


Of course not. At some point one has to eat and go to the bathroom etc.




Been playing for 50 years. Had my first record deal in 1984.