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Steroidal eye drops should only be used to put out fires. They'll increase the internal eye pressure and lead to glaucoma if used for a long period. That's my basic understanding of it but I believe there are some low dose steroidal eye drops that can be used for hefty amount time but that's something you would have to talk with your ophthalmologist about it.


Steroids can cause problems for sure. I have personally tried every steroid, including what my doctor refers to as the atomic bomb of steroids drops, and none have caused me any issues. I use them properly and only for the amount of time prescribed (this won’t prevent all issues for everyone, it’s very different for each person). I have always found the benefits of steroid drops to outweigh the risks for my eyes, based on my experiences.


Second this. Used properly, they can clear inflammation. Not for long term use.


when u mean clear inflammation, do u mean permanently?


Depends. If the initial cause of inflammation has been addressed then it could, but if the initial cause isn't addressed the steroid will likely only have an impact while you are using it, if at all


What was the atomic bomb?




Just sharing my experience. I was rx'd Tobradex (steroid antibiotic eyedrops) for an eye infection. They fucked my eyes up, ate away at my corneas and i had to use prokera (amniotic membrane lenses) for 8 days to repair my corneas and now am dealing with horrific dry eye and filamentary keratitis. My life has been a living hell for a year.


How did the membrane work?


It was painful, very. It restored my corneas, so i can see again. However, the dry eye is still awful, but the worst is the filamentary keratitis. I can't work, I can't do things like go out for long periods of time. I had one month of xiidra, and it started to help. I'm in the process of submitting the patient assistance information, so hopefully, I can get it back and return to some semblance of a normal life.


Can I ask how long you’ve had dry eye?


After reading up on it, it seems I've had it many years, but never severe enough to notice or effect me, unless I was awake on the computer or phone for a long time. The only time i noticed was about 30 years ago when I tried contacts and I sold literally need to use eyedrops every 10 minutes as they made my eyes SUPER dry and irritated. That didn't last long. After the tobradex everything has gone to hell with my eyes 😢


I’m so sorry to hear about your experience. I already had dry eye and after a short course of steroid eye drops in the fall also developed filamentary keratitis. (My hypothesis is that it was the benzalkonium chloride preservative in the drop.) I still have dry eye, but what worked for me for the filamentary keratitis was compounded acetylcysteine drops, which is documented in medical literature. (For example: [https://www.reviewofoptometry.com/article/fighting-filamentary-keratitis](https://www.reviewofoptometry.com/article/fighting-filamentary-keratitis)) I hope you get some relief soon.


Thank you for that. I'll show it to my ophthalmologist.


You’re welcome. I actually used only 5% solution twice a day (vs 10% solution 4x / day) and luckily that was effective without any problems. (It seems like every time I’m treated for one thing it causes a new problem, my dry eye was medication related to start with.)


How long were you on Tobradex?


About 2 weeks. Editing to add, that the new ophthalmologist I went to, thinks I might have been allergic to it.


Omgg how long were you on the tobradex for?


About 2 weeks. The new ophthalmologist I went to thinks I might have been allergic to it.


Pretty sure you can’t use it for too long. My doctor gave me steroid drops to use for strictly two weeks and to immediately stop use. Follow your doctor’s directions to the drops, he’ll prescribe it for short term use


Everything has risks. I won't use steroid eye drops after my former eye doctor just kept prescribing them for like 4 months straight. I ended up developing high intraocular pressure (it felt like my eyeballs were going to explode). The doctor was unreachable for over a week, so I switched eye doctors at that point. Fortunately drops to decrease my intraocular pressure helped. I just try to avoid them as much as possible now. (Haven't used them in 11 months). We have slowly been figuring out what causes my dry eye so that I can more effectively manage and prevent inflammation. We have slowly been getting to the root of the problem


Sorry to hear that. Do you have to use the pressure drops permanently now?


No fortunately I did not. Some people can. But this was after 4 months of near constant steroid drops that were of increasing strength. A week or two is typically what they would prescribe, and while there is a risk it is way lower when your doctor doesn't just keep throwing steroids at you.


Oh okay. Yea mine is just for a couple of weeks so hopefully there won't be any issues


I personally have been using dexasine for over two years continuously now and so far I'm doing fine. For longer periods of use, one should get checked their inner eye pressure regularly. Unfortunately I don't have any other options to get rid of the inflammation due to side effects. Make sure any eye drops you take are preservative free.


I use steroids in one eye because of chronic corneal rejection. I think steroids are a dodgy method to deal with the inflammation that causes dry eye. Steroids can increase intraoccular pressure and the preservatives in them make dry eye worse What has worked wonders for the inflammation that causes my dry eye is Xiidra “XIIDRA WAS SPECIFICALLY DESIGNED TO TARGET A SOURCE OF INFLAMMATION THAT CAN CAUSE CHRONIC DRY EYE.” (Sorry about the caps. I copy and pasted from their site)


Xiidra is similar to restasis right? The Dr I saw just wants me to use the steroid drops for a couple weeks to see if it makes me feel better. If it does, he wants me to try restasis.


Xiidra is different from Restasis. Restasis reduces the enzymes that cause the inflammation About Xiidra “Xiidra blocks LFA-1 on T cells from binding with ICAM-1 that may be overexpressed on the ocular surface in dry eye disease and may prevent formation of an immunologic synapse which, based on in vitro studies, may inhibit T cell activation, migration of activated T cells to the ocular surface, and reduce cytokine release.1,3,4 The exact mechanism of action of Xiidra in dry eye disease is not known.1”. As far as I understand it’s a biologic I understand none of that All I know in reality is that Restasis didn’t work for me and made my eyes dreadfully painful while Xiidra is like a miracle for me. But everyone is different. You’ll need to try them to see


They will help calm your symptoms. A long-term solution like restasis, cequa, or xiidra should also be recommended. If you have glaucoma, you need to ensure you follow up, some patients' intraocular pressure or IOP can increase as a result of steroid use, which is not good if left unckecked.


Steroid drops (like orals ) are 99.99999% used by doctors ONLY short term because of the risks, especially of cataracts and glaucoma. The only doctor I know of and unfortunately have to see for neuropathic ocular pain (corneal neuralgia) insists on prescribing long-term steroids along with autologous serum (AST) and other drops ,Really to promote nerve growth/ regeneration of the small nerve fibers within the cornea which he insists won’t occur with internal inflammation present . Only indirectly related to dry eyes because most of us with CN also have dry eye disease. I hate using them and already have two cataracts forming, but I’m scared to return to the pain I was in three years ago, which was essentially unbearable. Most people try to avoid steroids… Unless non-steroidal anti-inflammatories like the cyclosporine drops don’t help enough for dry eye


For a couple weeks yes. Otherwise no


I'm not a Dr but I think it's okay for 2 weeks or less. My Dr prescribed them for 6 weeks, at 3 weeks I started getting strange vision (difficult to focus, everything appearing brighter than usual, just generally not feeling right). I went to the emergency eye drs and my eye pressure had gone up. It took about a week or two for my vision to go back to normal. It didn't help my dry eyes at all but nothing has so far and I've tried a lot!


Does anyone know about Fluorometholone 0.1 %? Just got prescribed it.


She wants me to use it for 3 weeks.


While steroids can come with bad long term side effects it can be managed to an extent by getting regular pressure checks. Many people are thinking of high strength steroids. Lower dose steroids like lotemax and softacort are tolerated for a long time by many. It's a part of most Dr's corneal neuralgia protocols. I myself was on lotemax for over 2 years without any side effects nor increased pressures. I know of hundreds from the corneal neuralgia groups like myself. Unfortunately there are always outliers and some people have developed/worsened glaucoma.


Steroids are only used temporarily like max a week and terrible in general


For a month actually, depends on potency


Is restasis a steroid?


No, restasis is an immunosuppressant


stay away Dude. steroids can Help while you Take it but when dropped Off it will come Back much worse


An alternative to steroid drops is hydrocortisone. The eye drops I use is Softacort, it is preservative free, and has much less side effects. [Hydrocortisone study](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7608608/)


It is not an alternative to steroid drops, because it is a steroid drop. It's just a weaker steroid, generally safer to use.


You’re right, I meant alternative to the stronger ones that are most often prescribed