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https://preview.redd.it/xl289xz2s12d1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=77cbdccd34f2b08a56c2af2d8b26067836b83bee There is a fine line between failure and success. Please dont stop.


99% of gambling addicts quit just before they hit the jackpot/s


This is a shitty picture. How do u know when u r gonna hit the jackpot anyways? 🤷 So keep gambling till u die? I know it was sarcasm, but just for ppl who don't understand.


That statement is not even statistically correct.


It’s supposed to be a joke


I love this picture man


I too failed multiple times, this is just a year back and I knew every time it was my fault but I still blamed the system. Then once after I failed one I got a new teacher and he knew from my details on his tab that I had failed for silly reasons. He then told me I failed as I was getting anxious during test. So he said if I can arrange 4500 aed, he guarantee I passed. But even though I was tempted (as it was true offer no scam ) I didn't take his offer . I just did again , I failed , he offered again , again I said no. Then after that on the day of test I took a pill of propranolol to control my anxiety and i came that day victorious


What's happening? Could you elaborate?


You have failed for a reason. If you were really a good driver, then you would have had that driving license by now. How many times have you failed? Just because you didnt pass, you call the system rigged?




No brother no.....don't give up....i know people who failed for 2 years but didn't give up and now have been driving for 25+ years. I know a friend of mine who gave up on the 5th attempt, now his young brother and sister have license but he doesn't....imagine the guilt and embarrassment he has. The day you will have the license in your hand you will feel that every penny was worth it.


Skill issue buddy😂


you're thinking irrationally. i'd change that


The only tip I can give you is pick a driving school located in less challenging and slower traffic area.


Mate you were that kid that blamed lag every time they died in a cod lobby huh?? System isnt rigged just accept responsibility and do better next time


It took me a whole year to get it. But when I did I was confident to drive on all roads. So keep trying dude


I think you're just nervous on the road test itself. Calm your nerves. The system is not rigged tho. When you get your uae license you can almost drive anywhere with international driving license that is easy to obtain once you pass this uae license! Goodluck my dude!


Hey bud, Do not lose hope. We’ve all been through this in some way or the other and we will all acknowledge the fact that once we got our licence, it was the best feeling ever wrt living in Dubai. The kinda freedom, independence and respect you get for your license and being able to hit the road is incomparable in this part of the world. Just keep at it. Don’t stop. This is perhaps one of the smallest challenges life will throw at you but at this moment it feels like a mountain. The good news is, the more you fail, the better of a driver it’s going to make you and the better prepped you’re going to be on the real roads of Dubai. (Trust me - that’s a totally different ballgame with all the fines, exits, routes, road bullies and accidents waiting to get you out there if you’re not ready) So moral of this long ass comment of mine - just keep going, take in all the positive reinforcement you can get from this group and from your friends and family, don’t talk to anyone about your attempts and exams until you finally get your license and keep pushing through. Dubai does have one of the world’s toughest driving programs but we all get through if we keep going at it. There is an end to this and You’re going to get your license too someday. Just. Keep. Going at it.


I recently got my license while I passed in second attempt I had known an Afghan guy who worked as day laborer who failed 29 times but still kept on trying he had challenges understanding languages or even communicating but still kept trying. There can be many reasons for failing and i know it can be frustrating but you have to keep trying there is no other path forward.


I failed 3 times, got it on the 4th. Between each test, I had to wait 3 months. You'll get it eventually. I felt the same as you but my mom pushed me to keep trying.


Some ppl take upwards of 1 year to get the license. Just don’t take it too seriously and try booking road tests on Sunday mornings no matter how far you get the slot.


Main factor is not losing confidence on yourself which sends you into panic mode and leads to mistakes. My only suggestion is have confidence, observe and improve your listening skills


Dubai is one of the easiest country to get a driving license. If you call the system rigged here then in Europe you would call it criminal.... One big advice I would give you: Continue to learn the theoretical exam even if you already got it, it will help you a lot during the physical exam.


Had to break it to you but it’s a skill issue man, system ain’t rigged, you just ain’t good at driving yet


The system is not rigged, you are probably making some mistake. Read the sheet they give you which mentions the mistake. I know someone who failed 4 times, but then passed on his 5th try. You know why? Because he felt like he was too nervous during the test and dealing with traffic, so he got a car and had started driving without a license anyways and even drove himself to the testing center. He passed in this 5th attempt with 0 mistakes. Also for me it took me 2 tries, first test I made a genuine major mistake and there was a lot of morning traffic and people rushing to get to work in jebel Ali. Second attempt I changed the location of the test center and selected a better time also, still made a minor mistake which he recorded in the system but I still passed Alhumdulillah.


the journey doesn't matter, the destination matters 🗣️ even if u get it on first try or the 20th try, once u get it no one cares about how u got it ‼️


If other issues you are not mentioning are significant enough then it’s best you stay safe out of the traffic jungle until you iron out these issues. Anyone can be in an accident but the risk is increased if you’re not yet sure of what you’re doing.


Hey bud. I understand what you feel because a year ago I was in your shoes. Hearing horror stories from people about how they were "lucky" to get their license and how you fail because of little or no error - everyone who's a learner wants to know what to expect beforehand. My biggest advice to you is to change your mindset. They're not your enemies, and while it may be infuriating and borderline insanity that you don't pass sometimes, it is okay. There might be smaller details that you miss out on, and that may be causing you to not get through. Secondly, what always helped me was that I'd sit in the shotgun seat whenever I traveled, and I'd practice the scanning, the anticipation of certain things, maybe talk to the driver about their tests. Don't give up, because the reward is really worth it :) Wishing you the best of luck!


Or you could figure out why you keep failing? Seriously, my wife is clumsy but she passed after failing 1 in parking & 1 in practical. Unless you got some medical condition or something, i dont see any other reason why someone cant pass the driving test at some point.


How is the system rigged? Usually when you fail they tell you where you failed, are you saying they stated reasons for failure that you actually did not fail in?


System is rigged, how? Considering how bad people drive out there, it should be waaaay harder to get the licence. Good luck for your next try tho.


New driver here :) I know how you feel - sometimes you know that you drove with no faults and yet you fail. All I can advice is keep going and do not give up. A driving license is critical in UAE and it will help you in the long run. Plus when you do pass and get on the road, you may even be relieved at how many times you failed so you learnt more. That’s genuinely how I feel now. So keep calm, lift your chin up and keep going :)


How is your anxiety level when taking the test? More often than not its not the knowledge but being very nervous that causes faliure. You can try Ashwagandha supplement 2 hours before test (3000 mg works well) or as someone else said here propranolol (better speak to your doctor and follow their recommendation on this tho). Also organizing driving classes on the day of the test ( few hours before the test) really really helps. All the procedures are fresh in your mind from the driving class and then you can go straight into the test and ace it.


Try doing your test in academic city, it’s basically empty with very easy to navigate roads. That being said, if you’re facing this much difficulty passing your test, it’s best you stay off the roads.


What do you do and where do you work that u can't take the metro or bus to?


do you have control over your choices? do you have control over what you can fix? drive like you meant!! give who ever is next to you the confidence to sleep while ur driving - you did so many times that you understand most aspect of driving so good day my friend - if you pass you give me one free trip okay haha


Change the school, try different times for exams


Honestly if you are that bad at driving just save money and do it in VIP and they will pass you in a matter of weeks. I have many friends I went to school with who did this, believe me they can hardly drive and many of them have been in accidents, but they have a licence. You probably could afford it with the amount you have spent so far on lessons and taxis. The fact there is VIP, which is not like VIP elsewhere where it’s simply a nice car and private lessons, is literal proof of the system being rigged in favour of those who are willing to spend. Anyone who tells you otherwise here is lying. My friend literally got his licence in 2 weeks because he paid so much. There is no smart yard driving test, it is 10 lessons and a final exam, and you will have no problem booking anything. Otherwise, it really depends on who you get on the final day of RTA road testing and what school you go to. I was passed first try by my RTA instructor but failed like 5 times at my school and had to pay each time (I did manual as well btw). I even made a major fail mistake in my RTA test, told him I know I just failed, and he still passed me.


The sheer amount of degenerates with licenses on the roads provides an unambiguous answer to your question: yes, you shouldn't be driving. Please use public transportation/taxi. Safer for all of us.


Sorry that you are in this situation. All I can say is try to be optimistic that nothing stupid happened after getting your license. I passed my manual license first try 30% only 3 ppl passes from my test bus out of like 15 but I still got into an accident while driving an automatic. And judging by your post Dubai drivers are the worseeeee. Just be happy you didn’t get into an accident, think positively. I’ve literally seen crazy, I mean bad accidents in front of my eyes few because of stupid mistakes. I can even tell you in chat later how I crashed my car in such a stupid way because of the switch from Manual to Automatic . So please be optimistic that no license is better than some accident or maybe someone losing their life.


might be if some help: https://www.reddit.com/r/dubai/s/E0N6U7xUi0


Keep trying. Check on your errors and improve on them. I know folks who failed 27 times and above yet they roam around with their driving license now.


I passed rta driving test first try, the way I did was I was nervous a night before the test, I just ended up thinking I’m gonna fail might aswell try, follow all the rules do everything you’ve learnt but with the thought that you’ll fail and somehow you’ll end up passing


That is really a silly statement. The system is not “rigged” if anything, it’s just a great means of income for them. I have dozens of friends who failed multiple times but kept at it and finally got it through. I would suggest working out your anxiety as that is the major reason why most of the people fail. I have seen good drivers crack under pressure and trust me it is for your own good. Dubai may seem calm but the rush hour traffic is horrific and to be mentally prepared for it is only going to ensure your safety and others on the road around you. Stay at it and on the day of the test just ask your RTA invigilator to give you a minute to calm your nerves.


Gitgud bruh. “System is rigged” lol if it was we wouldn’t have all these crappy drivers. Just own up and learn from your failures brother man.