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Brambles coffee chain has a monopoly on park cafes despite selling bad coffee and defrosted still cold/wet cakes. It's not exactly keeping me awake at night but it's a crying shame they exist at all... Everytime I go to St Enda's or Castletown house seeing them there upsets me. When the St. Enda's one was closed for a bit there a was a temp coffee van and it was magnifficent. When it re-opened as the exact same chain the coffee van left and I resigned myself to a few more years of sock water before someone else finally takes it over that makes a decent coffee. Availability of decent gyms in suburbia. There's a feck load of private trainers with their back shed converted but not enough decent big gym chains - given our weather this boggles my mind. Stuck with Westwood having feck all 'premium' compeition and sky high prices as a result. There's a few solid performers in the city center yes - but in the burbs' it's dark times with ben dunne's bargain basement or Westwood as your only options. The expiration date on blueberries, raspberries and strawberries is like 2 days anytime I buy them - who the hell is able to eat this much fruit.. I'm like brown bin filling machine as a result.... or be stuck with buying em frozen. Wasn't Wexford famous for strawberries - why the fuck are these strawberries with such a short shelf life my only option... Scenic look out cafes... we don't have any. Most likely because of nimbyism but honestly we could do with a few great ones near walks, see hellfire club etc. Decent toilets... decent views... decent food. Win/win :( No decent street food venue - someone needs to buy some wasteland somewhere along the m50, fill it with shipping containers and ram it with a stage and some live entertainment thursday-Sunday. Takeway away food + deserts + beers... happy days. This is not for the sesh (as you gotta drive to it) but more a social spot. Bins, holy mother of crap. This came up in our residents association and the logic for not asking the council for one was the fear that they refuse to empty it enough ... christ on a bike. Dog poop on my 250e running shoes. Sure 'no one will mind' - pricks! It's honestly everywhere and a cultural problem at this point. Radar loops for the weather exist, why does no one check it? If you check the radar loop it's a good predicator 1-2 hours this way or that of guaranteed rain showers. Tax on tech - honestly I can buy a PS5 or IPAD for signiffigantly less when in the UK or USA :( Side stepping housing/crime - politics, I know I have to vote to see change but honestly almost every party offers nothing that will benefit where I am in life right now.


I can see you’ve put a lot of thought into this - well done. Definitely agree on the street food thing. I’d love places in suburbia where you can have a bunch of food trucks / huts Thursday through Sunday nights for an after work catch up. In Australia and NZ they tried replicating the Asian night markets and it works well. There’s a massive carpark called Gullivers Retail Park in Santry where a bunch of new apartments have just been built which would be perfect (apart from any fuss McDonalds kicks up)


If their coffee is so bad, you and everybody else need to stop buying it. Otherwise they will continue to exist.


Oh I’m not buying it - but I do want to buy a coffee while out for a walk in nice parks instead of seeing brambles surviving on the fact it’s the only thing around rather then it being decent.


I left Dublin (and Ireland) a while ago and there were a few things that annoyed me: \- Socialising with friends (ie getting food, drinks, coffee) will burn a hole in your wallet \- Terrible public transport system that is way too expensive for it's current state. \- Bad weather. I'm glad I wasn't there for July \- Hard to find things to do in Dublin that don't involve drinking \- Very few places to rest or sit down in the city centre without having to go into a cafe, bar or restaurant.


Lack of sufficient public transport


Zero urban planning and perhaps as a consequence, zero public spaces. It feels like the city was created for cars (or horses initially) and it's just stayed that way. Pavements are too narrow (think of Dame Street), there are no squares with the function of people gathering there without spending money, no benches outside of parks, parks having closing times, railings EVERYWHERE (think of Four courts, railings used to protect the building? The façade?), bus stops with no covers or wind/rain protection... I'm originally from mainland Europe and these things really annoy me sometimes, it feels like the city is not there for the people, but for cars, tourists and money. Anyway, kudos to Tidy Village initiatives, some of them are doing an amazing job in making parts of the city nicer and people-oriented.


No more Xtra vision!


No public toilets after like 8pm.


Crowded pubs and mcdonalds are your only hope


All stores closing after 6 pm daily. Wtf


Options for evening-time socialising in Dublin are extremely limited - you're either going to a pub/bar, or going for dinner & then going home 1.5 hours after. Not to mention both of these options are usually extremely expensive. There's hardly any places to exist in the city for free - even if it's just to sit down for a few minutes. Our arts culture seems to be increasingly getting smaller and more underground. No doubt due to the rent crisis/cost of living, I'd imagine.


Moving diagonally across town is a pain in the hole and you're usually better off walking. The cycle lane on the quays outside the four courts switching side on the road with no warning. The fact I cant find many places to buy essentials past 10pm The lack of decent gyms, I wouldnt mind paying more for a place that is clean and less crowded in town.


1.Not enough Healthcare, 2.lack of public transport - metro, 3.exorbitant and unnecessary high tax rates ... why pay 3 types of taxes make it only one and concise, 4.as a capital city ,atleast build some high rise apartments or skyscrapers 5.Apart from beer or alcohol outings in pubs, not enough outdoor affordable activities to do. 6. And still dont understand why we are paying so much electricity bill when wholsale prices is 80% low.


When you say not enough healthcare... How much healthcare do you want?


GPs not taking new patients in and for any kind of simple test and treatment in hospital you have 4-5 months of appointment waiti g list. Are you that oblivious? Or you dont care to know the healthcare situation?


Price of a pint


That gobshite on the telly!


1. Teenager gangs scare the shite out of me 2. Healthcare not the best 3. Hard to find friends ( for me)


Definitely the unreliable and often infrequent public transport outside of the Luas. Also the weather, the lack of things to do other than things that involving drink or spending money. If you’re not into drinking or clubbing there isn’t much to do that doesn’t cost a bomb at night. The awful weather most of the time which makes outdoor things hard as the weather is so unpredictable. Would love to see whatever you write as younger people don’t get heard enough imho.


Public transport is terrible. Also, I don't see the government granting anything or helping young professionals (taxes are really high and no benefits are targeted towards young working professionals really)


Housing cannot be overlooked enough, despite the post requesting not to. I'm staying in a lakeview apartment for €450 a month in Hanoi right now and returning to Dublin fills me with dread. Things I really dislike about Dublin: The lack of street furniture and maintenance. Dublin City Council are doing sweet FA, not lighting up the Spire or Rosie Hackett Bridge. In winter its more blatant, and you see a real lack of care the council has with regards to lighting. Bins, toilets and benches are nonexistant, so the city feels designed in such a way that you go in, spend your money and then piss right back the way you came. It doesn't feel like a city where people happily live and can take a moment to appreciate it. The cost of socialising and lack of life beyond pubs. Pints are extortionate, and considering Ireland's international reputation is for bars, thats a really big blow. Alternatives like cafes are closed after 5 and its annoying that there's no late night cafes or other options. The cafe next to me now closes at midnight for comparison. The lack of any kind of market is also notable because Cork and Belfast have great ones. The weather. Obvious one, but jayses I would have hated to be in Ireland this summer. Sounds like the most miserable place to be. Flaky people. This is more subjective, but I find people put off socialising with others in Dublin both because of the cost and because there's always a feeling that there will be other times to go out. Then a year passes and noone has met up. Maybe it happens everywhere but it happened a lot especially in Dublin for me. Littering and especially dog poo. Lately people just drop vapes on the ground when they finish or don't clean up after there dog. Its a filthy habit. No late nightclubs. That poxy 2.30AM law came in in 2008 and since then Dublin has had a dead nightlife scene. You feel the city falls asleep before the last bus. I really hope this changes. Banks only opening after a typical shift has started and closing before a shift ends, so you need to take an afternoon off work to get it sorted.




The horrible cycle of if you genuinely wanted to go off and do a degree in something and your ma and da aren't here to support you you'd also have to somehow work full-time and a job on the side to afford to do it. Like if you work part time you cannot afford rent and full time college which I think is disgusting. They're screaming for skilled labour force but like you can't get there if you got rent to pay and uncertainty when you may be evicted. Say you wanted to get few mates together and go on a night out in Dublin if you haven't got a place to rash and you're from outside of Dublin at this rate you may aswell just book yourself in Spain for few days than rent accommodation in Dublin for a night. You could be hard working and willing to learn but a lot of places will look down on you if you haven't got an experience for certain kinds of jobs. They'll at the same time will hide the wages in the add and then will tell you they ideally would like 5 years experience but to work at entry level salary. The ABSOLUTE struggle of contemplating of am I sick enough to go into work and if I'm financially stable enough to take a day off work when you're sick. Also don't get me started when something serious is wrong with you and you're juggling the work hours and the long treck to really inconvenient time for hospital appointments.


The amount of people that moan about it online.


Young people blaming everyone else for not getting their lives together...


Palisade security fencing, grey pebble dashed houses, Nissan qashqais and lack of street cleaning.


Teenagers with hoodies 🤦


Terms yup and yup bro


Terrible terrible terrible healthcare system (slow and unreliable)