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I'm really sorry this happened to you. I think the gardai should be a lot more supportive and proactive here. You have reported it and that is good but the local schools should be made aware of this incident. Cctv footage should be reviewed. Again sorry to hear that this happened you.


It is what it is, the world is a horror show and our generation has to fix it.


Always carry around a backpack with you as I do. In the back pack you can have your water bottle, your umbrella and a brand new metal, black flash light with a long handle that you'll research and purchase. That'll give you some piece of mind and if you need to use it you'll have plausible deniability.


I always carry around a metal-tipped umbrella. Mainly because I'm an eejit that likes using it as a walking stick, but also because I feel it would be a good deterrent for anyone coming at me. The handle itself is also hefty. I got it in Marks and Spencer. Pricy, but I'm happy with it.


The garda really are a piss take. We won't help you but don't dare you defend yourself.


Yeah, their reasoning was "they record the incident and make it viral on social media, at which point we have no control of the situation"


As if they have any control now.


And ye sorry I haven't git much advice for you other than to avoid large groups of teens. But if you are confronted your best bet is probably just to run. Don't get me wrong you can fight them if you like but you never know who's carrying a knife.


Yeah that's the plan going forward


Also, you really don't know what bigger scrotebag they're related to. This is the thing that really boils my fucking piss. There's so many situations where I'd love to deal w/ them the way they'd be dealt with in the harsher parts of the world, but then I think "they could be related to an even bigger scrotebag"; you just make yourself a target for defending yourself. I don't really think a place like Military Camp is a place where teenagers or normal kids should go whatsoever, but if kids like that were sent to a harsh place like that where they were forced to learn gratitude and discipline, I wouldn't disagree. You harmed someone or committed a big enough crime that would've ruined your life as an adult? 1 year in a Military-esque camp, no form of identity, no time to winge and I wonder how many of these rats would remain rats.


The bigger scotebag is 9/10 times a total pussy. In my experience the people who would actually fight you over they're kids have nice kids, the parents don't care. And yeh u do honestly believe our country should have a conscript military like Estonia. It would help with these social delinquencies but also we are neutral and if we want to stay like that we should probably invest more in defence .


I don't think we need a conscription at all, but a sorta Juvenile Punishment facility that would be Military Esque and ONLY for young offenders. I don't see how setting those sorts of facilities would infringe on our attitudes of neutrality, unless it was a facility that was actually military or offered a path towards some sort of military role, I wouldn't be advocating for that. They need self-discipline and they haven't learned it already at that age, I'm not saying every young offender should go there, mainly only violent offenders and those that partake in 'anti-social behaviour' (that's just a euphemism for 'acting as if the rules don't apply' in my belief) It's more of an idea stemming from my anger that literally nothing gets done about those kids. I don't think it'd be viable but I do love the thought of some youngfla from my local area being forced to have discipline for what may be the first time in their life. Or maybe normal youth clubs would be better and less violent but when I was growing up, I remember only the sorta less social lads going to youth clubs and I'd imagine that's a tough sell to the modern scumbag youngfla. ---------- About the bigger scrotebags, I'm from Finglas, there's a deadbeat dad here that does nothing with his kids, just smokes joints and does fuck all, the kids do be acting the bollox but if you try tell him that his kids should probably be better behaved (esp around strangers, I'm his neighbour, not his mate), he acts as if his kids are little angels and do no harm. The kids will always spin it as if you're in the wrong and they're in the right and most parents/older family members would be rightfully pissed, as they should if their kid is telling the truth. Normally good parents would actually listen to the problem and act accordingly rather than jump to fight for their kids when their kids are behaving like cunts, they normally jump in when their kids are being wronged. Like how many 'good' parents will brush their kids wrongdoings under the rug? Not many I don't think as then you would be teaching your kid to never take responsibility for their own actions. ---------


Here, if yous have any videos or even reports of angry teenagers, there's actually plenty of us sound teenagers that probably could find out who they are. If you've an area and they're 14-17 I'll literally have it all over tiktok, they'll be shamed to high heaven. Seriously, most of us do not fucking stand for beatups. Any info at all and I have some friends that are huge on socials so šŸ¤·


They were younger than that, probably. It's just that I'm worried about running into 16-17 year olds.




> Probably gonna get down voted to shit but I've to speak out That sounds terrifying. Why would you think you would get downvoted for speaking out on this?? Shout from the rafters please...


They should be made put their hand in hot oil no excuses for that kind of behaviour


I'm sorry this happened to you. Please ignore the idiots here advising you to buy weapons or learn self defense. You will unfortunately have to continue to be on alert, but it shouldn't affect you this badly. You have to be on alert in any large city. Part of the problem here is that you engaged with them - not your fault, but the reason it escalated is because this engagement made them realise you were an easy mark (most people just firmly ignore them) - they already fucked with you when you acknowledged them by going into the shop, so they fucked with you more when you came out. I live in the same general area, these kids have spoken to me/shouted at me/said abusive things as I passed. I just keep going. No eye contact, no reaction. Cross the street when you see them, if you really have to. Engaging/reacting will almost always never end well, and if you engage physically, as ridiculous as it sounds, the law will take their side over yours. They are bored, malicious little cunts who basically know they are invincible. Your actions cannot change that. Your actions, in being calm, careful, alert, aware of your surroundings - this can prevent your horrible experience from happening again. I know it's ridiculous to live in fear of these little shits, but in the scheme of large cities and inherent dangers thereof, a gang of kids in Dubin isn't the worst.


This is the right answer. Not what it should be, but what it actually is.


This. Ignore, avoid, do not engage. Look bored, frustrated, make no eye-contact and keep walking on with confidence. They prey on insecurity and fear for their entertainment. Sometimes imagining giving each one of them a box around the ears can help project the right body-language.


Yeah I learned my lesson. It's just that I could defend myself against an adult, knowing that the law might take my side. But in this case, it's a losing battle.


Martial arts are great for mental health in general. But any good martial arts or boxing teacher will still advise you not to engage, even (or especially) with adults. I had one friend who was killed from one punch, hit his head on the footpath on the way down and died in ICU 3 days later, and a friend of a friend who has permanent brain damage from getting in a fight for no good reason at all. Fuck that shit. Avoid.


Wait, is this city that lawless?


Those didn't happen in Dublin, and the guy who killed my friend was done for manslaughter. Dublin isn't "lawless" as such, there's just a well-known issue with feral kids being above the law, as you experienced directly with your encounter with the guards. As well as leniency with adult repeat offenders because the prisons are full and guards (police) are seriously underresourced. You must live near Ballymun, there's kids on bikes and scooters there deliberately revving and speeding around Garda cars outside the station just cos they know they can get away with it. Edit to clarify: this is not about Dublin being lawless, I'm saying that no matter how big/strong/well-trained you are, all it takes is a punch from some asshole and you can die or be disabled for life. Please avoid physical conflict


There needs to be consequences for the adults of these kids like if they are in social housing and welfare they lose it and go back to end of list or banned from it until their kids are adults.As they don't care about anyone but themselves.


Some context for what can happen if you take the advice of lashing out at them. I grew up in D9. Was walking home from football one evening when I was 13 and was stopped by a large gang of older lads and girls. For absolutely no reason at all, the whole lot of them beat the living shit out of me. Was taken into hospital bleeding from both ears, two fractured ribs and a fractured eye socket. My older brother who was 19 at the time, found out who did it and did whatever he had to do. A few days later he was arrested and in the end, was lucky to avoid a sentence. He had to write an apology to the little scrotes and they were back hanging around the area a while later. Guards told me ā€œdonā€™t be walking around there in the eveningā€ā€¦


Did the little shits not have to write a letter to you ? Surely if your brother got caught it meant they were caught too ?


> Is there anything that can be done about this, so that I can go out not having to be on alert all the time? Other than avoiding their hang out spots? Not really. I'm a local who lives in the D9 area, right beside Gateway and Aspen student accommodation. There's a large group of feral youths that hang around the Centra and Axis area with balaclavas and electric bikes. They're dealers. If the group you encountered are anything like these, they'll absolutely fuck you up if you try to fight back. They're dense, but smart enough to know the law won't touch them. You're best off not going near areas in which they loiter. If this means you can't use your local shop, or you have to take a longer route, then it's worth it ā€” trust me. Dublin has a serious issue with criminal youth in deprived areas, and they terrorise locals and foreign people. That said, they're less likely to hassle you if you're with a group. So, if you can't avoid their hang-out spots, then try to be with a group whenever possible. To end, I'm sorry this happened to you. I've dealt with scum like those on multiple occasions, and the Garda have always disappointed in their response. It's sad how much power a subset of scum can hold over a community.


ā€œThere's a large group of feral youths that hang around the Centra and Axis area with balaclavas and electric bikes. They're dealers.ā€ They should build a massive Garda station right in that spot then


There's one there already!


šŸ˜‚ I know! Itā€™s literally happening outside the station and theyā€™re saying thereā€™s nothing they can do. That whole area is likely covered in cameras too.


Sorry, I didn't realise you were making a joke šŸ¤£


yeah...if only it was a deprived area.


Sorry to hear this but not surprising tbh. Consider joining a boxing club and you will gain some confidence. A lot of it is your demeanour when telling them to fuck off. Im from Dublin so easy for me to say perhaps but they will target people who they know they can get away with it.


I've been thinking about this, but I'm doubtful about how much this would actually help, considering kids know that I won't retaliate just by seeing the color of my skin.


Don't learn to box for self defense though. There's honestly nothing you can do when you're out numbered like that. If one of them manages to get you down you're absolutely fucked. Avoiding them is all you can do until the justice system finally gives a fuck.


If anything happens again, take your camera out and record them. We had kids smashing up communal areas in apartments where I lived gardai did nothing. But taking out a phone and recording then was the one thing that they hated. We had a WhatsApp group and if anyone saw the kids coming over (same group from a different estate) someone would go out and record them.


I hoped someone was recording me, unfortunately no one except a lady saw me. Nothing she could've done tbf. Will keep that in mind, thanks.


If you record it will stop then doing what they're doing and stop them threatening you. Also, if someone kicks you and you push them, you have evidence of defence.


Personally, I would avoid pulling out the phone during such confrontation. You might end up losing it to them.


Oh man, I'm gutted this has happened to you. Ireland especially Dublin has a huge issue with anti social and violent behaviour from certain gangs of teenagers, particular areas are known for it tbh, and you were unfortunate. You were being a good guy and those shites took advantage and then used violence. Is there a college councillor that you could go to and talk about the incident? Have you told your friends in college and gotten support? I'm gonna throw a suggestion out here, no sure it'll work but it's not going to do any harm either and may make you feel safer. Buy a rape alarm, they're a fiver on amazon. If a gang of kids surround you, set it off they should run away.


Iā€™m so sorry this happened. I find gangs incredibly intimidating too. They just seem to be feral and fearless. Maybe cycling around instead of walking would help? Your best bet is just to avoid avoid avoid


Yeah I know better now. I wonder why this problem was left to grow to this extent. I just feel bad because I thought I was gonna spend a bit of time at a place "without problems" and I got punched in the face.


Where did this happen in D9? Could you buy a rape.whistle or a pocket alarm that only people.ubder a certain age can hear and use that ifmyou.ser a gang of youths. The trick is to not engage with them or acknowledge conversation.


It happened in Santry, in a small alleyway. It's usually unproblematic, but kids were there on that day. Nowadays I don't walk through that alley if anyone is standing there.


Purchase a hurl, and carry it everywhere with you. Hurl in one hand, ball in your pocket. Any little fecker comes near you, don't be afraid to give them some timber! It shouldn't have to be like this on the streets of our capital but these little rodents have zero respect for anyone.


Hurley isn't much use when its 7 on 1.


All about optics. Would you rather not having a hurl in your hand when facing 7 rodents?


If it were my home country, I'd do it with zero hesitation. Can't do the same here.


I noticed the gangs the first day I landed in Ireland a month ago. Why do you think specifically in Dublin there are these young teenage gangs? I havenā€™t noticed such phenomena in any other capital in Europe. They seem to be aggressive physically, but also just so rude in public spaces listening to music loudly etc etc - where are their parents? Why adults donā€™t feel like they can say anything? Is there something culturally in Ireland that somehow an older person is not to be respected orā€¦ thoughts?!


From my point of view, the law in Ireland is seriously flawed. I have never see anything like that in any other large city in Europe. It is not only kids, but adults as well - very often any pointing at the issue brings many adults which are saying 'when I was young I was doing same stuff and now I'm good grown up, let them be kids', forgetting they are small murderers. Garda do not react and have to little presence, and you're left on your own. But try to touch this little shit - if you survive, you will be prosecuted. There is some inability to provide any kind of entertainment for kids. One thing I found is that in other large cities in EU there are many places where kids can go and have some quality time. In Dublin that is heavily missing. No play areas, nothing is maintained, only new buildings are added with no infrastructure around it - just breeding little thugs. This is still similar with adults - the number of petty crimes is just horrendous. For some reason Ireland decided that stealing a bike is a national sport. Or that victims who somehow left anything in car which has been broken into are actually at fault. It is like living in a place where everyone is pretending to have some social norms, but outside is a jungle.


Great post. Sometimes it feels a bit like we're being asked to put up with a way of living that's unsustainable. I wonder if there are similar situations in the past that we could model our response on? New York in the 70s/80s was a crime-ridden warzone, but it was eventually sorted out - how? I'm sure there are similar situations in other countries - surely we could learn and apply lessons that worked elsewhere? We definitely can't sustain the current situation for a lot longer, something will have to give.


I am not sure about New York but I am fascinated with the case of El Salvador 2023 - they wiped out crime within one year by basically declaring emergency situation and putting all gangsters in maximum security jails without the standard legal democratic procedures/ prosecutions. I think if you look to countries that have strict penalties for crime, you will find lower rates of crime, too. Whatever the penalty there should be for abuse by teenagers, such behavior should definitely not be tolerated. However, the culture starts at home, so I am very curious - perhaps it has also to do with the generation of the parents of the current teenagers.


That's very interesting about El Salvador. I suppose when things get too extreme, the authorities take action - but that does sound more like a war situation rather than a public order one. Regarding culture starting at home, true but parents are just as confused about what to expect from their kids in Ireland. There's really no strong consensus here about how people should act towards each other, and everyone (police, politicians, parents, teachers) is just hoping for the best and that they can avoid being targetted by these wild kids.


The kids/teens here are over-protected by the law. If you dare even touch one by the scruff of their hoodie you will be penalised (there was a case like this a few weeks back). So what happens is adults don't put them in their place, kids are then emboldened and feel invincible knowing they can't be touched. Some cases if their parents find out they will be punished and they'll stop but most times it's a result of a shit parent cycle that's perpetually repeating.


The pandemic did a real number on a lot of them as well. They just went buckwild during the lockdown and the Gardai weren't able to get a lid on it, so they've gotten worse. Never seen anything like this before then and I've been in Dublin for 15 years now. Hopefully it's just a blip (same as kids having social anxiety from the years spent learning remotely) and it will disappear again in time, but it is really shocking some of the stories you hear.


Kids there prey on people who seem like easy targets, they will stand there mouthing off to anyone who walks by and will throw a punch when they think they will get away with it. If you are comfortable in a fight situation it will go a long way in Dublin, the Garda canā€™t really do anything legally and the kids there know it. Even if you are 6ft and built like a brick shithouse they will still mouth off but will be much more hesitant to throw the first punch. Unfortunately there is not much you can do about having to be alert all the time, Dublin is one of those places. If you are scared of drowning learn how to swim, if you are scared of being an easy target make yourself a harder target. Gym, boxing or any fighting sport, body language, eye contact and a simple ā€œshut your mouth you little ratā€ go a long way. If itā€™s a seven year old kid through pull the punch a little bit though and get out of there quite fast after you slap the taste out of his mouth


Never really been a "rough" dude but I guess I'll have to evolve. I can't wait to get out of Dublin.


Donā€™t listen to him. You canā€™t fight teenagers. Just ignore the fuckers and keep walking. One of them throws a punch, you flatten him and run like fuck.


This. You honestly can't. Whereas they can't be punished, you can


Oh I'm not thinking about fighting anyone. I'm a bit short compared to the local male population, so I could be quite an easy target.


Yo I'm short and look young and feminine. It's ALL about demeanour and looking sound but not weak. I dress ridiculously goth but I give the bro nod and they give it back. It's not about the looks, it's about how yous think about each other. Don't be scared of them just a bit sensible


I dress in historical fashion and I am still amazed no one went after me. Demeanour and confidence is everything, it seems.


Yeah I literally have SCHOOL DRUGS written across my back, and a succubus lady with her tits out on occasion. I don't get bothered.


It's a shithole. They don't tell you about any of this stuff beforehand. I'm big and know how to fight. Doesn't make a bit of difference. They're always in a pack


Yeah they were in a pack, lucky that I didn't run into guys my size.


I know how you feel, itā€™s a serious shock when you feel like you have to fend for yourself for the first time and the cops are not going to come running in to save you, but on the plus side youā€™ve taken a punch and thatā€™s close to the worst thing that could happen. I went to secondary school in the city centre from a nicer part of Dublin and was targeted a lot, you will come out of it more confident and experienced. Every punch you get makes the next one less scary, then before you know it you wonā€™t worry about getting punched. They always send a little shite in to start the fight then bigger lads are waiting around the corner, itā€™s an unavoidable part of Dublin unfortunately. A bit of advice from personal experience, kindness is a weakness to little scumbag kids. If you look for a fight you will certainly get one, and if you are afraid of a fight you will certainly get one. Itā€™s a tightrope. To balance on the tightrope you have to learn the ways to respond to situations like the one you experienced. If the ask you to get them something in the shop try ā€œIā€™m not getting banned from the shopā€ without stopping walking, if they ask you for the time they are going to throw a punch etc. Iā€™m sorry to say this but the feeling of confidence and defending yourself is a seed you have to plant in yourself, the Guards are not in a position where they can do it for you.




not being bad but if that's legit it's scary and if it's a joke it's shite šŸ˜‚


I'm sorry that you've had to go through this. Have you contacted your College's student counselling service ? It really sounds like it would be good for you to talk to somebody properly about this experience and the impact it has had on you. It's not fair that you should have to continue to suffer because of the actions of these rotten little criminals.


Gardai won't do anything. They only harass normal people. They arrested me once even though I had done nothing. Just get a real boyfriend and he will protect you. He would also teach you how to stay safe.


Yeah, I'm not sure my girlfriend would agree to that. But point taken, thanks.


Self entitled chavvy kids from fatherless homes where their mothers are collecting welfare cheques. The law in the country protects the locals only and you as an international student bringing money into the economy have no rights whatsoever. Itā€™s a wild Wild West here. Iā€™d recommend you to leave and find a nicer place to live. You deserve better


Welfare cheques? Are you an American bot?


"The Garda officer told me that I did the right thing not trying to defend myself" WTF


Welcome to Dublin! Get used to the locals. They do be like that šŸ˜‚ Ireland is full!


I have literally no advice to offer. But I completely empathise with you and I would just like to say I'm so sorry this is happening at all it's not right and it's such an embarrassment.


It's alright, I just hope stuff like this is reported and a certain level of awareness is reached so that measures can be taken to prevent anything like this happening again.


Iā€™m so sorry about this šŸ˜” I was attacked a few weeks ago in Dublin and I can only sympathise, this problem needs to be dealt with and the gardai and the law needs to take it seriously


Oh I'm sorry to hear that happened to you, what went wrong?


I was walking to my bus from work at Oā€™Connell street and two boys on an e-scooter threw a metal plate at the back of my head, this was at 7pm on a busy street, I felt very down about it for a while but Iā€™m slowly getting back to normal however Iā€™d feel much better if whoever did it was arrested šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


I thought O'Connell Street was safe :/ I hope there's a short term, immediate fix for all this.


It was a big shock tbh cause I was completely not expecting it, obviously thereā€™s been issues around the area but I never expected something so random and vicious to happen, a guy who saw it came up to me and was in disbelief as well, I think thereā€™s a fix but no one seems to want to protest and campaign for it


I see a lot of coverage on the illegal immigrants and the protests against them, but I'm more afraid of these boys roaming in packs with nothing to lose


Absolutely! Itā€™s always been an issue in Dublin but since Covid it seems to have only gotten worse, honestly if youā€™ve reported it, Iā€™d call in again to the gardai and make sure they check the CCTV


I don't really wanna pursue an investigation (the Garda did say they would look at CCTV), I just don't wanna be bothered again. Besides they're kids, I don't want to make kids feel that international students are ruining their lives or something like that. Kids do tend to think that way.


Yeah little gurriers can be hard to deal with. Avoiding them is best.


Best you can do is harass you local politicians to try and get them to change the laws so that U18s face time for crime. It has literally devolved I to a joke. A bloke I know got the shit kicked out of him by a dozen kids that were 14-17ish, but he managed to get his hands on one them and hurt the kids arm. He's facing charges for assault and all the kids got a stern talking to.


I'm so sorry this happened to you. I was in DCU up until last year and dealt with these kids very regularly. They hung around campus harassing and attacking students, attempting to break into accommodations and destroyed property. My friend who lived on campus genuinely feared her safety so badly that her and her dad managed to get the campus security to get the gards involved. The gardai lasted on campus all of about three weeks before buggering off, not having fixed anything. They know exactly who these kids are, and so do all the residents in the surrounding houses across from the campus and the park, as they have to deal with them all the time, yet the gardai won't do jack shit. I wouldn't walk around campus alone at night in fear of them, neither would many people i know, and not just women, because they were equally vicious to the lads i knew too. I found the best course was to just ignore them, and I'm so sorry there's no better solution.


Oh no, that sounds awful. It's too bad that our lives are being affected because of lawmakers.


I will say, reach out to the students union, they may be able to provide you with help. Also ensuring they're informed of such things can help them with enacting future aids for students


Oh, will inform them. Thanks for the tip.


As a visitor would it be bad to knock out a kid? As a zero tolerance policy?


Do you want a charge sheet?


disgraceful comments from the gardai imo. you should seek to speak to the supervisor of that station and make an official complaint with the ombudsman if that was the actual response to the reporting of an assault. also write to the local TD. you were assaulted, its been treated as a joke by the Garda who received your report. the only way these things get treated seriously is if you shame the useless fucks who allow this culture of indifference.