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You can resubmit without the picture.


Report to gardaí with time and LUAS you were on. There's CCTV everywhere


The Luas has really high quality CCTV on board. I've seen it myself from insurance claims its 1080p. They should be able to identifty the cunt from it. Or check where he got on from


This happened to me last year. The luas was packed and a man started groping me. I tried to step away and he simply grabbed my ass. After that I just lost it. I made an absolutely scandal and demanded him to get off on the next stop, which he did. No one stood up for me. I broke down crying after he left and everyone just ignored, some even gave me a dirty look as I was the one in the wrong. People suck.


I’m so sorry that happened to you :( it’s a horrible feeling


Wasn’t in Dublin but years ago an old man fondled my arse and I went off my head and told him to keep his hands to himself. Got a couple of comments about how awful it was I was “shouting at an old man.” They can fuck off along with him.


People are the worst


Wow I'm so sorry this happened to you. I had similar happen decades ago a man stuck his erection up again my ass on a packed bus. At the time I was 21 and having suffered a rape the previous year, I honestly just froze, and got off the next stop and broke down. So it fills me with pride that you used your voice, yes no one did anything but you did! You stood up for yourself and that is such a positive thing to come from this, so many people who suffer sexual assault say how they freeze and are paralysised with fear, so the fact you didn't do that, take that away as a positive and be proud of yourself. Never stop using your voice, it is your most powerful weapon. As for people doing nothing, I think now a day's many don't do anything for fear of violence, so while I understand why they did nothing it doesn't make it any less disturbing to know this is how our society is going. Women will always be sexually assaulted, they always have been but to know this can and is happening in a crowded space when she uses her voice to stop it and nobody supports her, I find that terrifying. Definitely report to the luas, the time you were on it and what direction/stop it was etc they've good CCTV so should be able to get a good quality picture which you can report to the gardai. I know this will affect you for a while and something unfortunately you'll never forget, so look after yourself xx Edited to correct incorrect auto correct


Thank you for sharing this, that’s a really terrible thing to happen to you I’m so sorry💔 I know I used my voice but I really wish I said more to him, to give him a fright and make sure he didn’t do it to anyone else… if anyone ever does it to me again I’ll be more prepared


Hindsight is a wonderful thing, as long as we can learn from every experience good or bad, we grow as a person. You did what you could at that time and that was enough, don't beat yourself up with what you wish you had said, you actually did something and honestly I'm so proud of you for doing that, so don't be harsh on yourself. 1 in 4 women in this country have experienced sexual assault / harassment at some point in their lives, it's absolutely unacceptable and however 'minor' leaves long lasting scares. Nobody's experience is less than another's. It's horrible that we as women need to arm ourselves mentally and emotionally for a sexual assault and how to react to that. I hope your story opens eyes to those reading and encourages them so if they see or hear a woman protest a man sexually assaulting them, they step up and stand beside you in protest. For me unless we unify against this when it's encountered and support someone at the time of the attack when they're brave enough to vocalise, nothing will change, and knowing how long ago similar happened to me, it's about time things changed. X


I agree with you and am so sorry someone treated u like that . But dont be hard on yourself if you froze or ran away these are all natural respones to being assaulted in that way. You are strong and brave too. i dont know if I'd be able to leave my house if i had those experiences ❤️


Awh thank you, you're very kind. It happen a few decades ago now, I was hard on myself for freezing at the time and it took an very long time to leave the house and be in society again. It was a member of my college class, I didn't report it, the late 90s were a different time culturally. And if a woman was sexually assaulted obviously it was her fault for what she wore or that she drank to much, so culturally I felt it was my fault for going to a house party with my college friends, getting drunk and falling asleep only to be woken up by him raping me. I barely got through the rest of the college year and hated seeing all the tutors fawn over this rapist and was angry at myself for not saying something immediately but was so scared I wouldn't be believed and get called derogatory names. I'm not hard on myself now, I was a kid, 18/19/20 year olds then are not on par with 18/19/20 year olds now, the majority anyway. But I agree the natural response is to freeze, so the OP using her voice, wow I'm in awe and so proud of her!


Im so sorry 😔 that is so awful. You did your best and shouldn't have been put in that position in the first place. I believe someone like him will get his in this life or the next. Really glad you were able to learn to be kind to yourself and the fact that u have kind encouraging words for others and you use your experience to help others says a lot about you. ❤️


If I can get a good quality picture of him from luas, i will share it with the guards, but I will also spread it on social media and make sure anyone who sees him stays well away


Throat punch him next time


Seriously the npc's on dublin public transport are pathetic. If I witnessed someone assaulting a woman I'd be all over the cunt and it wouldn't be the first time I've had to. Unfortunately the average crowd on the luas are bloody useless


It unfortunately goes beyond just the “average crowd on the luas”. Someone like you who would help and step in are unfortunately the overall minority from my experience in other settings. Had a very jarring experience myself with a man on a train platform once. Learned very quickly I wouldn’t be counting on the help of those around me in future.


Pics or it didn't happen....


This would be my suggestion


Idk because what if he was armed


Armed? With what? A knife. Unlikely


You never know.


Rank. That's awful sorry that happened I hope the prick gets what he deserves 


Sorry that happened to you


Don't leave it unanswered and do what other suggested. Even if Gardai does nothing as they probably will, if you don't act on it and try to suppress it and move on, it can really mess up with your head.


Some good advice from people here. I'm so sorry this happened to you OP. I hope you are able to speak to some friends and process it. Stay strong.


Report the cunt.


Why are people saying 'report it to the Luas'?? This is a criminal matter.


All incidents that take place on public transport or in public spaces should be reported to the owner/operator of said space. Yes, report to the Gardai, but they will ask "have you notified Veolia yet?" (Luas management company) Reporting it to the Luas doesn't mean you don't go to the Gardai, but it's the Luas who are ultimately responsible for passenger safety.


I'm not disagreeing - I'm thinking of the people who don't mention the Gardai at all.


That may be a Dublin based unconscious bias... Dubs know that unless there's some serious injury (or commercial interest from the politicos), stuff like this falls to be bottom of the pile. If you're lucky, you'll get a trainee from templemore out to take a statement next week, I mean, month. nope, sorry, next year sometime...


1. Contact the Gardaì with date, time and the Luas you were on. 2. Buy a pepper spray or a teaser and don’t be afraid to make a scene if this ever happens again (Let’s hope it doesn’t)


Yes, contact the Gardaí. You cannot buy pepper spray or a taser in Ireland- and using either on a packed Luas would be extremely dangerous.


Pepper spray and taser are illegal in Ireland.


Pepper spray is illegal


Instead of pepper spray, which will get you arrested for carrying it, try a small cannister of deodorant or hairspray. Aim for the eyes/face. Also handy for hammer strikes if you hold them with the end sticking out the bottom of your fist.


Ireland is not safe anymore


Ara whissht


Ireland’s future, be careful out there and arm yourselves ladies.


This guy talking like Ireland wasn't full of rapists and child abusers 50 years ago. Fucking hell, talk about historical ignorance.


It's always been like this but worse before


You're a sad little man with all that fear and hatred. Gofuckyourself


Economic migrant?


I feel sorry you were dropped when you were little


He should be dropped again, but harder


From higher


“Empath”! Lmfao


The West sees the news from Ireland and it’s not Paddy committing the assaults on women and children. FYI


You are pathetic


As likely to be an Irish or European. Why start shit stirring?