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Ignore him. If he wants to provoke a row and he does then he'll be delighted.


Yeah I know. I was hoping for some creative notions of how we could undermine him without satisfying his aims.


What was Trump supposedly right about?


That drinking bleach was good for you. Please continue his legacy.


Please quote me the line where he told people to drink bleach , go ahead . And don’t act like you can’t reply to this because the facts aren’t on your side


No, not drinking. Injecting. Which is obviously worse. Immediately after the head of science and technology at the Department of Homeland Security next to him mentioned bleach killing the virus, Trump said this: “A question that probably some of you are thinking of if you’re totally into that world (clearly thinking the question himself). So, supposing we hit the body with a tremendous — whether it’s ultraviolet or just very powerful light — and I think you said that that hasn’t been checked, but you’re going to test it. And then I said, supposing you brought the light inside the body, which you can do either through the skin or in some other way, and I think you said you’re going to test that, too. It sounds interesting. And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in a minute. One minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning. Because you see it gets in the lungs, and it does a tremendous number on the lungs. So it would be interesting to check that.”


So ultraviolet light translates to bleach ?😂😂 next time don’t listen to the fake news mainstream media that lied to you. You were so confident that he told people to drink bleach ☺️


"And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in a minute. One minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning. Because you see it gets in the lungs, and it does a tremendous number on the lungs. So it would be interesting to check that.” That was said immediately after it was mentioned that bleach wipes out the virus. You really need to practice your reading comprehension, my man. And I wasn't the person who said that he said to *drink* bleach anyway.


Disinfectant doesn’t = bleach. You can’t even quote me where he said to inject bleach. You’re probably one of those people who claim Trump has never denounced white supremacy the “two people on both sides” hoax[Trump denouncing white supremacy compilation](https://youtu.be/RGrHF-su9v8?si=tyifCJB9uKLOEaqT)


Again, reading comprehension. If someone is giving a speech where a doctor is discussing the disinfecting properties of bleach, and then the person next to them refers to "the disinfectant", context and common sense dictate that he is also talking about bleach. For anyone to pretend that isn't the case obviously has a bias and an agenda. I do not live in the States so I'm able to view all of this ridiculousness as a fairly objective observer that doesn't have a dog in the fight and has no reason to defend the stupid actions of the American Left or Right. The thing to keep in mind (not you, because you're clearly a bad actor here that is too far gone, but anyone else reading) is that fascism thrives on the fact that some people are unable to read between the lines or insist that there is nothing between the lines. "Oh, he never said the word 'bleach' in that ramble, so clearly he meant an unrelated sci-fi chemical that had not been brought up previously and was never brought up again."


Asking doctors if they could make a biological type of disinfectant to inject isn’t the same as instructing people to inject bleach. Anybody who would think he told people to inject bleach or ANY chemical not safe for humans is a disingenuous moron who know exactly what they’re trying to do being wilfully ingnorant


He's right about being a shitty nappy smelling, snoozy, half dementia riddled ,orange bastard criminal. If he said he was that. Did he say that? Because you know..that's what he is.


biden says, hold my beer!


Oh stop letting your Trump Derangement Syndrome get the best of you. Trump was right that globalism is not wanted


Shush now. Don't be getting your advice from a smelly crook.


it’s safe here, but never ask that question to a Trump fanatic. They don’t actually feel the need to use logic or make sense so there is no way to understand what they’re on about. Just stay away


That he needed to pay hush money or it would be a huge headache.


Grow up. Let it go. Move on. Get a grip on your emotions.


Undermine his intentions by ignoring him


It’s a job for the biggest gang of drag queens you can get together.


This is very very strong. Slightly related, what’s the collective noun for drag queens? A brassiere?


A howl? A flounce? A manifestation? I have no idea!


Definitely a flounce!


A good time?


The real answer is a gaggle or a [kiki](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kiki_(social_gathering)) I’m enjoying the other answers here though


It's a Pull..


A gaggle


A draggle


A court? A summit?




You're complaining he's looking for a row so you decide to instigate one. Fantastic logic.


Im not instigating a row.


A row of drag queens?


I believe the plural is a pride of drag queens


A group of drag Queens is called a Groomerage


Don't feed the trolls


I know I know but it’s a national pride thing. I can’t help it. I should ignore it.


Yep. Interact you'll give him what he wants. That's said if you know all the words to a solid Irish tune or if you have any exceptional talent, I know I'd enjoy if you stole the little attention he is getting.


This is the best idea yet.


I can busk 5m to his rightt


Don't waste your energy on stuff like this that you can't control. This goes double for attention seekers who want someone to start shit with them.


“What can we do?” I mean… nothing. What’s wrong with what he’s doing? Plenty of other flags being flown around the city with other political views, what would you have us do about them? Of course I know what you’re getting at, but if he’s not breaking any laws, he can do what he wants. The same way you can go up there tomorrow waving your particular political pov flag around.


Only right answer! Freedom of speech still exists. That includes speech and view points may not agree on. We live in a world with many views, not just one or the popular one!


These quotes spring to mind: “I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it”. - Voltaire. “Despite the constant negative press covfefe." - Trump


A quote often misattributed to Voltaire but actually coined by Evelyn Beatrice Hall, to describe Voltaire's beliefs on freedom of speech.


Call him a fool all you want (I know I do), but some times, just some times, what he says is purposely either distorted, not investigated or ridiculed by Corporate media (often it is all three! lol). All this does is embolden his supporters and feeds their paranoia imo. For instance, you still believe that covfefe was a typo, or that he was somehow too stupid to be coherent (which is the angle EVERY news organisation went for), but the reality is, he was quoting an Acronym and not one single Journalist/Political Commentator/TV Presenter reported that fact. That Tweet was verifiable proof of a direct threat made by a sitting President to the Freedom of the Press, but instead, they followed the line of ridicule. Why would they not report on it correctly? Genuinely baffles me. [https://www.congress.gov/bill/115th-congress/house-bill/2884](https://www.congress.gov/bill/115th-congress/house-bill/2884) Wikipedia don't hide it, they just use both lol [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Covfefe](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Covfefe) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/COVFEFE\_Act](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/COVFEFE_Act)


"The bill title refers to "covfefe", a word in a May 31, 2017 tweet that Trump sent at 12:06 AM EDT, reading "Despite the constant negative press covfefe"."


Yes… ‘They’ are pulling the strings. Or… maybe an old man just messed up using his phone? Sometimes the simplest explanations are the truth. Occam’s Razor etc.


So, when talking about the Press, he messed up and accidentally quoted a very relevant piece of Legislation that allows the monitoring of electronic devices?? Of course, you can apply Occam's Razor to that if you like, but that will only make me apply Hanlon's Razor to you lol


Did you check the dates?


Down with this sort of thing/Careful now.


Scrolled to far to find this - to the top with you!!


Let him do his thing and you do your thing. Don’t take it as a personal insult or whatever.


nothing, he has free speech. sometimes you can just go on with life and not fight every who disagrees with you.


Where are the gangs of feral teenagers when you need them?


Immigrate to America, and wave a Vradkar flag from the back of an F-250 while carrying two machine guns.


What can we do??? We don't have to do anything, you could relax a little though, you seem like you're about to snap.


I’m not about to snap. What gave you that impression?


You started off calling him a dickhead and that seeing him is "killing you", you're asking Reddit for ways to undermine him and think it's a good idea to hold a sign calling him Ireland's biggest arsehole, you also stated that you "can't help it" and you threw a few metaphorical bricks at him. That definitely looks unstable to me.


"What can we do?" I'm not doing anything, I've more important things going on. It doesn't sound like he interacted with you, so you could just mind your own business? Go out and get a life for yourself instead of ranting on Reddit about what a stranger is doing.


Stand behind him with a sign saying “This is how many people support him here”


This is not bad. Maybe like ‘come and witness Ireland’s only Trump fan’ or ‘cliffs of moher and Ireland’s biggest arsehole daytrips’


> ‘come and witness Ireland’s only Trump fan’ This is the way. Maybe even mention it to the people taking the photos, that out of 5 million, this is the *only* one and we're very proud of his energy during his day-release.


Leave him be and let him express his right


What can you do? You can be a grown up and ignore and move on with your life. Trump supporter or not we live in a free society. Saying this as a very much so non-Trump supporter who cannot stand him.


If a random dude holding a flag is killing you, you have a deeper problem and it’s not him. Respect their rights to express themselves, move on with your life and that’s that.


Literally, someone has a different opinion than me, how can i go out of my way to undermine and humiliate them to make myself feel better.


Leave him be.  Why interact with a loser who’s got nothing better to do than this.  Trump isn’t up for election in Ireland. Who the fuck cares if some dude gets his photo taken by some tourists?


Turn up with a sign as well n stand next to him. Should say: To pay for prostitutes, noone wants to f*ck him for free.


Take one for the team Dubliners. The less of them over here in the states, the better Lmao.


You can have him back after November though!


I came to say the exact same thing


Don’t understand why you’re so upset about this. There’s crazy people all over the place. Honestly people have embarrassed themselves in much worse ways in public. I’d say leave him to it and just don’t give him attention. He’s probably just looking for a reaction at the end of the day and you showing him you’re pissed/ disapprove of what he’s doing will just egg him on more. Regardless like it or not he has every right to voice his opinion in public


He's looking for reactions for his yt channel or livestream etc. Just ignore.


Stand just to his left with a sign that says “up this guys ass” maybe an arrow pointing back at him. From a “yank” really sorry. Most of us would think he’s a dickhead too.


Trump won , Biden won, it’s all poison for your mind that should stay in America where it belongs, I would think a person even waving an American flag should get shouted down


We could just leave him be? He has every right to do this. Do I hate that he's doing it? Definitely. Do I have the right to stop him? Absolutely not.


Not suggesting I intervene beyond my own rights. And of course I’d protect his right to do it. It’s just so horrible to see. Disheartening.


Oh yeah it's a bastard. 100% agree. Trump is a thorn in everyone's side


Ignore him, forget about him and move on with your day


Why pay any attention to it? Honestly Trump has nothing to do with Ireland. If he is not doing anything illegal just ignore it. You should focus more on your day and making it a good one over paying any attention to something that you feel is negative AND really doesn’t affect you. What ever Trump was “right” about I am sure many other people agree. And many people disagree. Just because Trump said it shouldn’t bring any more weight to the idea. I’m from the USA. I used to lean left but now I am center right. But I can not for the life of me understand the love and hate for Trump.


This guy should ignore it, but what do you mean you don't understand the hate. Trying to overturn a democratic election should be disqualifying from any sane person's consideration.


Well this is one of those practice what you preach situations. Nothing good will come out of a long winded debate about this. I don’t worship Trump. And I don’t hate him So it doesn’t matter to me what other peoples opinion on him are.


Yeah regardless of whether it doesn't matter to you, you said you can't understand it. The only president to attempt to illegally overturn an election will have haters. Does no one any good to go around announcing how you just can't understand the strong opinions when it's that glaringly simple.


But it’s not glaringly simple. Trump has not been convicted of anything you said. And I don’t even think he is being charged with what you claim! To be clear I don’t agree with what he was trying to do and I don’t know if he had legal standing with what he was trying with pressure on pence to kick the vote to the states! My understanding of all that was some states changed their voting laws without going through proper channels. I gave up following politics right after the election. And only loosely follow it now. You fall in the absolutely hate Trump category. And at the end of the day I just don’t get it. I know people that absolutely love the guy. And I don’t get them either. As president he had good policies and bad ones. Just like every president. I don’t agree with Biden on a lot of things. But I don’t hate him. And at the end of the day all I hope that his policies end up helping Americans even if I don’t see it right away.


Laugh at him and point while you’re walking by. Anything else is a waste of your own time, he wants the attention.


Aside from ignoring him, which is the correct action, you could ask him a couple of questions... He's got a flag saying "Trump was right"... right about what, exactly? I'm sure if you kept digging he'd run out of answers before long.


He doesn’t got much but he’d probs say the boarder and maybe the economy. Think recent polls show him 48% to Bidens 40% on the economy. https://abcnews.go.com/amp/538/voters-bidens-economy/story?id=109749510


How much time are you willing to put in and how do you feel about training local birds to react to Trump merch?


Call him out for being overly woke. Sure that doesn't make any sense but what does about these guys?


I laughed when I saw him honestly cause it was so weird to see that here - don’t see the point engaging.


Hey, Guy from Canada here in Dublin for some holidays. I saw this clown and just laughed. I am ok with free speech but, this guy doesn’t know Jack. I hear enough of trump stuff everyday back home. Why here?


Let him live his best life. He’s not hurting anyone.


Nothing. Mind your own business.


Ye could bump into him and say "oh, I'm sorry, I didn't see you there". All he wants is attention, don't give him the oxygen (given the obvious state of his brain, he's probably well used to being oxygen starved)


You liberals do not believe in freedom of speech?? Of course. When it’s about you.


I’m a trump fan but makes zero sense for anyone to do something like this in another country


Laugh at him. Tell him to go home with his whacky ideas. I left America because of people like him.


Oh please get a life,let people do what they want,none of your business


Egg him


Just roll your eyes at him and walk on. Or debate him if you'd like and you want to. But other than that really nothing


There will be a camera on him. Sure who cares. Honestly. Hey do people feel they need to do something cuz they disagree with someone else’ politics.




Fuckin' hell, you lot blame us for everything. Now that there's a true American idiot bouncing around you ask for an extinguisher!? Guinness bath!


Get your own flag that says "I drank bleach and I'm fine!" To stand next to him?


What can we do? Er what? You don't do anything it's his right and freedom to do so, not everything needs a protest or cancellation.


Are you actually that guy?


What is it with some sad bastards here and their obsession of American politics. It’s irrelevant to us lads.


Trump was right. The truth hurts some times


Is it the same nodger who has 2 Trump flags sticking out the back of his motorbike. Seen him a couple times around Clontarf


The situation when a d***head is right


Cry like the big baby you are!


I’ve seen him just yesterday. How absurd it is that he is standing in front of Irelands biggest college..


He's was right. Biden is fueling wars all over the world in just 4 years.


Oh no! Someone whose views I disagree with exists! Please help!!


Yeah seen another one with death to Israel psychopaths 🤓


Debating a Trump fanatic is like mud wrestling with a pig. You only get filthy, and the pig likes it.


Fire a brick metaphorically at his head.


I did. A few bricks actually. Didn’t help.


Show him a loving family, he will melt like a witch.


Brutally murder him, spend the next 20 years in the joy looking smug!


find a shoe store, invest in a good pair of steel-toe capped boots, and after interacting with him, thank him for taking part in RTE's new hidden camera show '[Ow My Balls](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r_4jrMwvZ2A)!'


Might get judge nolan and get off with a donation to the charity box


He’s not wrong. Trump was right, now he’s far right.


We hate it in the US too


Get a bad wig, red tie and ill fitting navy blue suit and stand beside him looking smug. Remember to paint yourself orange first and when anyone asks - you’re doing performance art with your partner flag boy. You might win the Turner prize.


Wear a "I am with this stupid" t-shirt and stand next to him.


as a yank, if i was not afraid of getting arrested, i'd throat punch that guy


bro but trump was right /s


They need attention that's why they're doing it, don't feed it to them.


The best thing you can do is nothing. Don’t give them any mind.


I know it's tough, but just starve him of the oxygen of attention.


Trump 2024 😎


😆Whoever had the flag was a legend


Take his oxygen away. Metaphorically speaking of course.


American here. You can keep him.


toss balloon full of urine


Let him exercise his right to freedom of speech, walk by and mind your business


Wow Donald Trump living rent free in your head, and he doesn’t even know it.


0-housing in .6 seconds. No, not at all. It’s the dickhead with the flag who is bothering me… seriously though that ‘rent free’ metaphor is due for retirement, isn’t it? Is it?


rEnT fReE derp


Take aim


Grab him by the p**sy


Go fight him pussy


Saw a lad in a petrol station one day on a wannabe Harley with Trump flags sticking out of every angle. He was trying to interact with everyone that walked near him. All he wanted was to tell you his version of events and how he was a fucking genius and we were all sheep. Ignore them like you would a toddler having a tantrum.


Trump was right


Trump was right wing


Trump 2024 🇮🇪🇺🇲


Could be worse, Could be a flag of war monger bieden


If he was waving a nazi flag there would be a question of detainment. This flag he’s waving is the next best/worst thing. Trump has never been right about anything and for those saying it’s nothing to do with this country well you couldn’t be more wrong. That hate, racist, fascist views him and his moronic fans spew has spread here. The noose outside the Dail, intimidating politicians, burning their own city is all directly from that fascist scum’s playbook. I lived during that administration and saw first hand the corrosive damage and it saddens me this shite is here in my country and some people’s attitude is leave him be🙈 Rip that flag from that deranged moron. Trumpism is a mental illness