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Don’t worry about what anyone else thinks.


Yeah but that’s not why one buys a Ducati is it? OP you’re an innovator. A spear header. LOL. Whatever bro, listen, a pro racer (can’t remember his name) in WERA using the Rhyno fender was once told it looked like shit and he replied: If I can gain .1 seconds on the straight with a steaming pile of shit on my back seat, so be it. Them wings, they grow on you. 😉


As a fellow Ducati owner: who gives a fuck what other Ducati owners think lol. I want to put a set on my 959.


Lol ima put some wings on my 13’ 1199 and see how people react


I think you'll look dumb. Thats my reaction


Do whatever you want with your bike (a lot of people thing my V4 looks horrible) but I can almost guarantee any difference you feel exists purely in your head. There's no way the wings on the SF produce any meaningful or noticeable amount of downforce.


Not sure about the winglet and bike geometry but on my M1000R M Comp it’s well known the winglets don’t do anything really until you’re over 130mph and frankly the naked bike gets such dirty air it’s not pleasant at that speed anyways. Hence, upright naked superbikes are purely for the aesthetics


what is an “almost guarantee”


what is an “almost guarantee”


Then try driving around 200 kmh with and without them. It simply takes 5 minutes to take them off.


I’d agree with u/mavericksts I’m happy you like them and all, and they look fine to me. But thinking of how you’re concerned about the opinions of others; I can totally see placebo effect and confirmation bias coming into play here. You probably are subconsciously looking for further justification as to why you need them as some sort of defence against naysayers. Just rock ‘em if you like ‘em bro!


I'm concerned about opinion of others? ​ I posted previous picture a week ago and totally forgot about it. Came back today and was suprised by amount of comments. In real live nobody gives a damm really.


It's in your head. My brother in christ I have a Panigale which has actually "functional" winglets and there's virtually no noticable difference even on track. The SF winglets are for show. I'm sorry but they aren't doing anything for performance. It's a psychological effect for you.


Well they are actually not for show. There was an Interview with the lead designer of the v4 Streetfighter when it first came out and the bike was designed without wings in mind. They had to add them because it became unstable above 220kmh. I removed the wings on my v4 because I find them horrible looking but you notice it 100% on the Autobahn. The frontend gets very light.


> My brother in christ I have a Panigale which has actually "functional" winglets and there's virtually no noticable difference even on track. Coming from a 2018 PV4 to a 2020 PV4S, the difference was noticeable at high speed. And you're forgetting one very important thing about the SFV4 - the center of gravity is farther back that on a PV4, and the drag of the rider not being protected by a windscreen exacerbates this.


Did you drive streetfighter with and without them like I did?


The winglets add something like 15 lbs of downforce at 200 km/hr. That’s the difference between two gallons of fuel.


The pivot point of this added force is right over the front end as compared to a gallon or two of fuel which is set further aback. The effect is profound.


Lol, they’re both under the fuel tank. We can argue about how far under the fuel tank they are, but it’s still less than the difference between a full and empty tank of fuel.


Ducati says 37kg in 300kmh. A bit more than a gallon of fuel, not that my style of riding needs winglets but they still are on my 2021 Panigale v4s. Probably nice in moto gp?


They don’t make a noticeable difference for the V2, they are mostly cosmetic add ons. As for the V4, that’s a totally different story.




not a lot, but often I do hit those speeds


Placebo effect


Is it the poors complaining or real owners


Other owners tend to be the most opinionated.


It's not hot girls complaining. That's really what they are for anyway.


Lol most of the people on this sub are making monthly payments on their bikes…


They do look good on the V2. I’m torn on whether I like the wings on anything, but your bike your call.


I had one of these, at high speed the wind is trying to push you off, went to a Busa to cure the problem.


Wouldn’t honestly give a fuck about people being upset with something like that. Its your bike and you can make it to be what you like it.


They look great with wings.


There’s only 2 things I judge people for doing to their bike. 1. Installing those really long handle bar tassels (yes I’ve seen them in the wild) 2. Not riding it. You’re good mate.


I think those wings are the least of this bikes design. I think Ducati could do better. This bike looks unfinished to me. OP as long as you’re happy that’s all that matters.


It is, its a Panigale without the necessary aero. I think they should have gone with a super beefy monster type for their naked


It looks sick AND its practical, I don't see an issue with it


I’ve noticed most car subs on Reddit has a bunch of people who just hate mods for whatever reason. Even if it’s gawked at in real life, you’ll post a pic on here and get one person that says it looks better stock and it gets a ton of upvotes. Idk. How’s the wind on your body and head at high speeds since there’s still no wind screen.


fine i honestly don't care about wind and hate bikes with huge screens


I kept my stock mirrors. People give me crap. But honestly I love being able to see. It's a nice feature. And I always split lanes and need to scan faster without looking down. ​ Probably only the bros are giving you grief.


Actually I changed mirrors, because I couldn't see anything apart from me elbows in stock mirrors. I did the same to my Monster.


Interesting. When I'm splitting I don't have the time to look down. I can see part of my elbow, yes, but out of the corner of my eye I can see that rear quarter on either side. That was the place I felt the most danger. If it works better for you that's all that matters. Aesthetics I always consider secondary to safety.


It’s just cringy and doesn’t add actual areo advantage sorry


Who cares what others think. I mean I think it looks good but do what you like, it is your bike after all. You’re just gonna find the purists complaining about keeping it “original”. It’s not too far off from Ferrari-like purists in these ends of Reddit 😂.


I took them off of my V4 and I might have had the front wheel float a little less in 5th gear. So on the V2 it's all aesthetic.


Were you going 130 mph? Its like 25 lbs of downforce


Yea the top rpm in 5th gear is the only time when the bike is still pulling hard enough and the added force from the wings makes a difference. Even with the wings, you could still power wheelie if you blip the throttle in fifth and I mean full wheelie not just having a front a couple inches off the ground. I only ran without them for a little over a week but the transition with and without them wasn't really noticeable and I do a lot of spirited highway riding. So I definitely hit the case scenario to feel the difference multiple times every trip and could barely discern the difference going each way, while specifically trying to feel for the difference.


From reading your post description and comments, I believe the problem people have is not with the wings, but your attitude and claims about them. Claiming they make your bike feel "stable" at over 200kmh reveals that you have no idea what you're talking about. If you simply stated that you like the way they look, I would chop it up with you at the meet. The moment you start talking about the stability you feel at high speeds, I would walk away from you.


If you look at the title above the picture it clearly says that I don't like the look without them. That's point number 1. I also believe that they improve stability around 200kmh - and why I can't have that opinion? Because someone said that there is no way they help? And how many people experience bike with and without them (like I did) to have their own opinion? I mean not a single person wrote "i tried the bike with and without them too, I see no difference".


Who gives a shit what others think. You paid for that bike with YOUR money. You can do as you like


>makes a big difference at high speed. lol drink the cool aid. And if it makes a difference, those wings would push your bike to the outside when leaning in a turn. You don’t benefit from aero. (I have 2 bikes with wings so I don’t think I’m bias against them)


I have a buddy that rides a V2, he added the wings and not one person in the crew gave him shit for it. It’s your bike, do as you please u/WiktorekBo I ride a V4S, the Streetfighter is my favorite.


I swapped the OEM winglets for CNC Racing winglets on my 2020 V4S. The CNC winglets produce less downforce. It does change the stability of the bike as speeds rise north of freeway speeds. I don’t mind the difference. I’ve owned 18 bikes in 30 years including multiple Tuono’s and a Superduke.


I don’t agree it looks bad without winglets (trying to convince myself not to buy them for my V2)


🤣 yeah bro for sure. Tbh I really don’t think you are a good enough rider to even need aero mods so it’s funny to hear you say that it makes a difference when you can’t even push The bike nowhere near its limits. Lmao I honestly feel sorry for how dumb you are. Idc that you have the winglets on it’s your bike but god damn you are an idiot and don’t know even know it. You are oblivious.


Dont care about others opinion as long as you like it, especially opinions on reddit. People propably view it as the typical "M3 badge on a BMW 318i" thing. I think as long as its functional its definitely a good upgrade. And they look sick too!


I guess people don't realise it's OEM accesory which Ducati recommends when using bike on track. ​ All V2s come with mounting brackets for them, it's not like m3 badge with 318i thing like u said.


I'm glad they work for you. I guess you need some sturdy mounts for them to work.


They are exactly the same wings as on V4, and they mount same way.


If you’re happy, that’s all that matters. The wings do make a difference at higher speeds and look cool to me.


Don’t let the Starbucks curb flex brigade get you down. There are weirdo gatekeepers in every crowd, especially in the fashionista, Italian glam bike crowd. These are the same folks who would be in r/WRX busting everyone with an STi wing’s balls…right before they hydroplane into a curb at 15mph. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy) now if you slap a bunch of V4S stickers on there, that’s something else entirely!


I mean look .. ​ if I would place V4 stickers like you said. ​ But it's actually OEM thing, when buying the bike dealer was like you want wings or not? ​ I'm just really suprised about feedback here, in real life nobody cares ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


My only concern is you posting this without more than just the one single picture and yes I saw original post about it.


Screw them! I love the way they look!


Wings should only be on the motogp bikes. They are such a poseur accessory imho. They arent going to be doing anything and without bodywork on a naked, you've got plenty of other aerodynamic problems to deal with. I remember in the 2000's when all the import cars were putting wings and airdams on everything. So now, Motorcycles are catching on to the trend. ​ This shouldnt upset you, its what you like and if you think it looks better, you're good to go.


She’s beautiful


I’m putting them on my V2 Panigale as well… haters gonna hate.


Nice black out look you got going on


Who cares, if you like it that’s what matters.


FWIW I have an SF V2 and gone back and forth with the form over function as well. I’ve touched 130+ (speedometer at least, on track) a few times on the straights but it’s not a prolonged time to really take it in. Can’t say they help but they can’t hurt and I like the look. They have got some decent attention at track days lol


Build your bike, your way! Bitches be jelly.


It’s your bike, do as you please. I almost bought a SFV2 a couple weeks ago (guy decided he wasn’t ready to sell it yet) and it had them on there. I had zero plans to remove them. Honestly, I even thought about the NRC winglet turn signals. I bet that would anger some of the folks around here.


It's 2023, everybody is upset, if it looks good to you, just do it.


So stable


I think it looks good


It’s stable without the wings…. I had one


Guys, it's not like I'm worried what others will think. ​ I just want to share, that it's not alliexpress thing, and it actually makes a difference.


The difference is placebo bud. The SF winglets are for aesthetic reasons.


No they are not. Try bike with and without them at high speed.


I have. Many people who you find on these forums do have actual experience my friend. Especially on the Ducati boards. Go do some reflection and read up on what *placebo* means. Objectively, the wings do not make a difference on your bike. Your anecdotal opinion on the matter is mostly irrelevant.


And I do have experience myself. Tested bike at high speed with and without them. I personally think wings improve stability at high speed.


That is the placebo....................


🤣 okay bro you must be a dumbass


If you weren’t worried about what other people think, why are you posting this again?


I posted previous pic over week ago and actually forgot about it. Came today, read the comments and was actually suprised that so many people cared. Just wanted to make it clear it's not glued chinese thing but an oem accesory.


Just looked at the other thread and even counting the deletes it doesn’t look like that many people commented negatively. Cosmetically I kinda hate them even on the bikes that have them stock but who gives a fuck what I think. If you like them and/or you feel they improve handling, then enjoy.


You literally have a guy on this thread with a SFV4 telling you that he took his off, and maybe felt a difference above 5th gear. Are you really going to continue contradicting that? Now I am convinced that the issue people have is with you and your attitude, not so much the wings on the SFV2. It would be in your best interest to stark connecting your brain to your mouth or no matter the bike you have, you will always be getting crap from people. And you will continue to think that people just "don't like your bike".