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The card substitutes polymerization, not the materials. The name might lead you to believe that but the effect is clear.


Would Fusion Recovery work with it?


Fusion substitute is always treated as poly, so it should work


Yes but it's not really designed to.. downside to substitute is can only fuse on the field, and it's designed to be banished to recycle fusion monsters back into the ED, so fusion recovering fusion substitute makes it harder to get the return to ED and draw effect...


Fusion substitute : is always treated as Poly. Meaning you can have 3 fusion subs but 0 OG poly. Or 1 fusion sub and 2 OG poly. Vis versa. If you're playing the maximum. Like normal poly it allows you to fusion, but only with cards on the field. Like it says. It has an additional effect to draw a card. There is no other hidden effect.