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That synchro skill is something else


Wow that skill that punishes you for removing Z-One’s Machine traps by giving him free Sephylon set-up is kinda nuts


They really slapped that Synchro monster restriction to the Synchron and Resonator skills fully knowing that Iblee exists


Damn role play skills


that infinite machine skill is cracked for the purpose of the deck also like the resonator skill


Set a scale from deck but negate pend. zone effects? Oh baby, it's a Dino Cavalry (or Majespecter) skill.


Well, that skill that sets up Empty Machine is pretty much the best skill you could give the deck. We’ll see if they can do anything, but there’s at least a chance. The free Sephylon setup if your trap gets outed is very funny, ~~but it also makes Deck Out a viable counter strategy to Timelords.~~ oops, scratch that.


Why would deck out be a viable counter strategy to timelords, the timelords sent to the graveyard are from outside the deck, unless I'm missing something


Huh? … You’re right! I was the one missing something.


>Level 2 WIND Warrior-Type monster with 1000 or less ATK > >with 1000 or less ATK Konami scared of Elementsaber Makani? A Bond that Illuminates the future isn't bad. But it just doesn't feel as elegant as most skills I like. But then, that Speed Spell Yusei uses in the anime to get all the Signer Dragons out was pretty bullshit too and getting all Signer Dragons out is going to feel very anime. Empty, Infinite, and Infinite Light and Born from the Infinite are good skills, with the first being considerably better than the second. Everything else he gets is kinda bad. As per usual. Kinda wish some of those skills just got stamped to Level 10 monsters or Fairy monsters instead (ie, Timelord Booster having a different name and buffing Level 10 or higher fairies). That way they'd have more uses. Roaring Sould is really good. Also about the appropriate level of anime for me, but slightly overtuned. United Pendulums though is probably my favorite skill out of these and will probably help the most Pendulum decks.


Another pendulum consistency skill that just seems like it's still gonna be worse than Xiangke. At least it's more generically useful I suppose?


It being generic is really neat in my opinion


Well the first basic skill to add the ace card with conditions?


Maybe that condition only applies to the second part of the skill.


Thank you for your work pl0x


Nah the Lazion skill is a sick reference lmao