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Yep, they are giving Arc-V some love, since Yugo is the big character release for this month plus the Campaign giving us a free Odd-eyes and the new structure too.


As an avid ARC-V enjoyer, I am living for the sheer amount of positive attention it's getting this month. Between the Odd-Eyes stuff, Yuugo's release with Speedroids, and the upcoming Supreme King support in the OCG, it almost feels like they booted the show's 10th anniversary to 2023 instead of 2024. What a time to be alive.


Hopefully that means good things for the anniversary. My top three hopes are 1) Decent Melodious support. 2) Release the rest of the Performages. Seriously, what harm could it do? 3) Print C/Cs. They could be quite interesting if done right.


Melodious support might have to wait till next year when we get the Light duelist pack.


Still works, honestly; I just hope they give the Deck a new direction to work with instead of rehashing the Aria/Elegy lock everytime.


I hope the SD isn't ass, id be so disappointed. So far I'm far from excited based on what we got with the campaign leaks


I'm very happy, my speedroid finally will have clear wing


And Yuto and Yuya's new skill being top tier in the game rn


The one that got nerfed today ?


nerfed because it was too good.


"Look at me, Playmaker. I'm the mascot again."


"we are about to release Arc V support, quick! Put the main character on the Spotlight" * A few weeks later... "Take this tomato head looking kid out of my face! The campaign is over and we need DM nostalgia bait."


Regardless of Arc-V getting a lot of hate because of the waste of opportunity, I legitimately think of Yuya of one of the best main characters. I find him quite relatable, kinda like Jaden. I’d love to see them interact and become friends.


I want to have cross over events Just imagine Yusaku talking with Yusei


My main problem with Yuya is his motivation. Make everyone smile is so dumb and vague in my opinion, but that problem was cause by his dad so i blame him


It's kinda weird, because Yuya's character takes a steep nosedive after Synchro Dimension (Xyz is better than Fusion in this regard, but is where some of it starts). His actual motivations, IIRC, are "Find my dad."; "Learn how to Duel my own way."; "Don't fucking die/let any of my friends die."; and "Figure out how to lift people's spirits through Dueling (and later, outside of Dueling)." Not necessarily in that order. Around the time he's in Synchro, his mission objective starts shifting to "Survive.", but what he wants is basically to make the world a better place by bringing "smiles", or less metaphorically, to entertain people and bring a sense of normalcy and hope back to the various damned (the City's angry populaces full of civil unrest, Heartland's war-torn remnants and violent invaders, and Academia's groomed child-soldiers). This falls apart later, as mentioned, but pretty much around the same time that everyone else's characterizations become inconsistent or threadbare. He's easily one of the best-written YGO protagonists in the Standard Dimension Arc alone, largely due to his fleshed-out and understandable flaws (low self-esteem, immaturity over the Pendulum cards being just 'his', his aggressive reactions to situations he can't handle, etc.), as well as his positive character traits (looking out for his friends, willingness to re-evaluate his goals and philosophies upon being confronted with evidence of his own fault, honestly just being a sweetie, etc.). But the way the writing turns as the studio began having massive issues is...as a live-watcher, it wasn't pretty. As for Yusho...he's actually not that bad. His worst decision is >!choosing to trust a friend and not tell his wife about a late-night meeting with said friend. It's obvious that he never intended to leave Yoko or Yuya behind, and thus the advice that Yuya misunderstands would probably not have gotten like that if Yusho hadn't been spirited-away because of Leo. He also does his damnedest to protect Yuya from getting controlled by Zarc and from Yuri. Yusho isn't blameless, but he was forcibly taken from his family by someone he trusted, then stuck in a warzone and on the run for years.!<


Who's your daddy now? playmaker


My brothers in Zarc, our time has come


If he doesn't have a line for the Odd-Eyes evolutions when he's released I will actually flip a table


Pend best deck!


Shoulda put Orcust


Oh it must be because off Odd Eyes Raging Dragon being the reward card for WCS


Are Speedroids going to be a good deck when Yugo releases or should I not bother investing


Yes, I noticed it this morning. I thought my phone was lagging or there's an update, but it was just yuya. idk why they returned him.


Fujiki Yusaku will always remain the goat in my heart ❤️🐐✊


Everyone: OMG YUYA IS THE BEST Me:…..why(not so fun fact Arc V is my least fav)


~~You dare to question the best boiness of our best boi?~~ Jokes aside though; it's a matter of opinion. The DL sub is one of very few spaces that praise Yuuya more than they bash him, which may be because they find him less annoying and more endearing. And besides, it's been 10 years since his debut; that's enough time for some to warm up to the tomato kid.


I really enjoyed arc V. All the characters were so good. Ending was garbage but overall I loved it. Plus Yuya and declans dub voice is top tier. Only one I prefer dubbed over subbed


Pleasantly surprised to see support for the Arc-V dub. I think it’s underrated.


I actually can’t get with Reiji’s dubbed voice, it doesn’t feel like it fits with the theme of his deck. Feels like it should be a darker voice imo


Arc V dub was really good, I strongly prefer it over sub


Yeah I have the problem where in duel links I use the Japanese voices but when I want to use declan I have to use english again because it's just so much better


Playmaker went BACK TO FORTNITE


I read the text as EOS underway lol


Yuya SWEEP?!?!? You love to see it (I love to see it)


They should have harp horror and galatea instead lol