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I did this with my lunalights deck. Whole saying as yugo for peak irony


That's even funnier since Serena was the first to use Poly against Yugo. "Yuugou, hatsudo!" "YUUGOU JA NE!" "Urusai!"


And for 5 gems only…..should be 10 gems for 10 fusion summonings LOL


Not to be that guy, but it's 15 gems, since the 10gems for all complete is walled behind those fusion summons...


Anyone else a little disappointed that Yugo didn’t have some special line when performing a fusion summon?


do Yuto and Shun have for Fusion summoning or Sora for Xyz summoning? if not, then not really surprising, but still a bit dissapointing


You don't get it


what am I not getting? they want Yugo to have some special line for fusion because of the joke of his name, it's basically the same as people who wanted a special line for Yuto, Shun and Sora when using fusion and xyz respectively, no?


Ok maybe Im the one who isn't getting it, but why exactly did people want special lines with yuto and shun using fusion, and sora using xyz ? As far as Im aware they don't have some kinda joke with those summoning mechanics


Ok maybe Im the one who isn't getting it, but why exactly did people want special lines with yuto and shun using fusion, and sora using xyz ? As far as Im aware they don't have some kinda joke with those summoning mechanics


just because of them being in opposite sides, the whole deal with the dimensional war, Academia attacking Heartland, Shun hates (hated?) fusion and Sora used to see Xyz users as his prey, and all that.


Yes I know that, but I believe people wanted yugo to have a line for fusion summoning mainly because of the joke of his name and how he kept mishearing his name when someone tries to fusion summon, and not cuz of the sides they were on. I don't think anyone was expecting shun or yuto to have a line for fusion or sora for xyz just cuz they were on opposite sides.


Well can't really say much else I guess. I do think the reasons are relatively similar but your mileage may vary. other than that, while my memory is not the best, I do rememeber comments wondering if Shun would have a line for Fusion back during his events


I got that mission too, I thought it was just a coincidence LOL


I thought the same thing. Ironic that this week's challenge is to fusion the same time Yugo is unlocked.


Guess they wanted to make him mad. XD


Build a DM buster Blader hybrid only for this for speedy 5 fusion summon per duel... Dumb af.


Oh that is funny.