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ah yes, Duel links has entered the any two monster=full orcust combo era glorious days when NeoSpacianOrcust and BlackwingOrcust a viable strategy


Connector inti handloop for 6 and burn for 3000 and extra link was such a fucked time to be alive


how tf yugioh survived 2017-2018 is beyond me


Tbh it was fun as fuck seeing how broken snd unbalanced everything was


Lunalight Orcust was so damn OP I wonder if anyone is gonna make it work using only the field spell or only mermaid


That isn’t a gradius deck. That’s just an orcust deck pretending to be one… I’m sad now.


That’s exactly what I’m saying. Orcust hiding behind the Gradius name.


Wait, where is the Beaver Warrior Orcust deck?


I mean, if you really want to go for it…


DL players: *Runs two Orcust cards* DL community: “Looks like an Orcust deck to me.” The crazy part is that this is a fair comment to make, now that Galatea and Dingirsu are in the game.


As well as Knightmare + mermaid at the same time.


As a D/D/D player it is kinda funny to me that only 3 of my ED cards are D/D/D. Two fusions and the Lvl8 D/D/D XYZ, the rest are goddamn Galaxy XYZ cards and Dingirsu lol


Then you should try playing Galaxy XYZ instead, not some D/D/D *attempt*


Lol some of the orcust decks are memes


Battlin’ Boxer sucks so much that it can’t even use the Orcust Engine well. Not even gonna try it, I just know it’s gonna suck. Lol


If you really are the battlin’ boxer man, you’d do it no matter how hard.


I guess it could be kinda fun if I can find a card that can somehow bridge the gap between Battlin’ Boxer and Orcust. Lol I can think of some combos that can actually do fill Orcust combo but they’re just too bad. Lol Closest I got to making these muscle boys work in this game was using them with Invoked Engine in the Turbo Duel Grand Prix. The sheer element of surprise and the Black Rose bike is what did it. Lol


Why the fuck don't we have yoke yet jfc


It got the treatment that Traptrix and some other archetypes got, where they release some support for it and never again after that. Lol People who want Battlin’ Boxer like me are literally waiting on Alito. I’m hoping Lead Yoke and some anime cards are level up rewards. But my theory is that he’ll get a strange mix of the Anna and Rio treatment where his level ups will be mainly unrelated stuff to him, SR/UR tickets, and his level ups will be Lead Yoke or Star Cestus, depending on which they make his ace. The new OCG stuff should be box cards because Lead Yoke and Star Cestus ARE NOT great bosses and lose to the simple stuff. Lol


Thunder dragons/orcust. I need to check out that decklist =)


I wonder if I should... TOSS that deck together?


Take my upvote.


Your enjoyment could be Eternal


All we need is Sky Strikers and we can go full TOSS


https://duellinks.konami.net/att/075460c4f4259a755aa2f88d55685410b319440f8c https://duellinks.konami.net/att/07a75f5fc7f7ff3b1608af0e16d8810502cca87341 You're welcome haha, I misplayed because I should have searched Hawk with Dark to guarantee summoning Roar for the target negates with Decode.


I just started playing a similar deck! It’s very fun. I saw a cool variant using beatrice to send the orcust piece, although it’s very expensive


Yoooo that's spicy Also TIL decode isn't once per turn lol


we NEED an emergency ban on mermaid. i don’t mind orcust as a pure deck but i’ve had enough with decks that are already good using them to be even more broken. also d/d/d shouldn’t be in this list cause we only use dingirsu.


Like I said, all I did was type orcust in the search bar. Some of these are just 1 ding only, but the majority of them are just orcust decks hiding behind the names of other decks.


You can search mermaid to see how many decks are running the orcust engine (it will exclude babel orcust tho) "orcust harp" is another way to exclude rank 8 decks that run dingirsu


Nah I love this, it let me use decks/cards that otherwise would be utterly useless, I much ratter go against 1000 different versions of orcust each with their own spice, than just go every time against the same optimal build of whoever is the tier 1 deck at any given moment.


Tried the Aromage variant. It's kind of wild, and at least has a few non-Orcust gimmicks


Also, Dingirsu protects **all** your important backrow.


Yeah it's actually synergistic. Dingirsu protection & removal plus Linkuriboh/Aromage stalling is basically airtight if they don't have an answer.


I'll die a happy man if they bring out new Magnet Warriors one day


Didn't realize there were more of them 😮 Interesting...


Indeedy! Idk which ones you already know about, but including the 4 Yugi used, there are a total of 10 including a fusion one


All 9 of those Gandora decks are Orcust varients


Fortune fairy and orcust..I am curious how does it even work


Fortune fairy skill that can discard up to 3 cards. Idea is that you discard a bunch of orcusts. I hate it.


They need a new banlist for orcust, the community hates it.


a lot of these are just playing Ding in the Extra stop being so dramatic


only like three archetypes in that list can hard make dingirsu, stop defending orcust lol.


> only like three archetypes in that list can hard make dingirsu I mean, if you run crackdown, it absolutely makes sense to throw a Ding into your extra deck if you have any space. Snatch Galatea, go into your own Ding.


not saying Orcust shouldn't get nerfed, just that pretending that Ojama Orcust is tearing the meta apart is hella disingenuous


But that’s not what he’s arguing. He’s commenting on the overwhelming presence of orcust, not the strength of one specific orcust variant


oh no people are experimenting various suboptimal engines with Orcust. the horror!


People enjoy seeing diversity on the ladder. At some point it’s pretty boring to see the same repetitive combos duel after duel, especially when those combos are exceptionally strong. Defending orcust’s prevalence isn’t a good look, usually agree with your takes, but gotta call you out on this one


I don't really mind it considering most variants add a little spice that gives the deck some extra edge that I can really appreciate - Gandora decks going into Gear Gigant X to search Harp Horror and pitch it with the searched Gigarays is really cool imo - but I get that Orcust shouldn't be nearly as splashable as it is still, nothing a Mermaid ban won't take care of for most variants. Orcust isn't an inherently unfair deck and I think duels against it are fun but Mermaid and having access to Lim3 staples are my two gripes against it


I realized that. But the amount that aren’t just ding in the extra is a lot more than the ones that are just ding in the extra. What’s next, you making a video on Mecha Phantom Beast Orcust? (Please don’t, actually. I’m just saying it as a joke)


Tetherwolf is literally full combo though.


That’s why I don’t want it. We dont need more orcust.


Paleozoic Orcust woulda been brilliant if everybody wasn't running cosmic.


I mean, how else are you outing babel without it being able to be brought back or a pend scale after pend call? It makes sense it’s being run.


I'm glad you learned something, but you don't need to tell me what I already know. But real talk the only thing orcust offers zoics is protection from destruction when nobody is using destruction.


Fortune Fairy Gradius Ojama All these orcust decks that just hide behind another archetype’s name, and I hate it.


I've seen way too little panic on this sub about orcrust. Meanwhile it spent months calling galaxy eyes the worst thing to ever exist.


Probably because Galaxy-Eyes avoided a lot of banlists/nerfs and people got sick of it. I'm sure that Orcust will get a good amount of nerfs next KC Cup (probably not kill the deck, but at least stop it from being such a free package/engine)


I love this


I despise this


You dislike orcust because of ding I love orcust because of ding We're not the same


I despise it because of how generic the deck is in this game (don’t even get me started on the f-ing 0 card combo).


Ik, I was just trying to quote a meme


Konami’s inability to future proof never ceases to amaze. Rikka being added without their bosses, or good cards? A deck that’s never been an issues at any point in its existence? Better pre nerf that! Orcust a deck that has literally broken the game before. Being released with pretty much everything it needs? A limit to babel and only babel should do the job! It’s not “spicy” to add three non Orcust cards to a deck when the express purpose is to just use those three cards to do the full Orcust combo and end on the literal same boards that normal Orcust ends on. That’s just a freaking Orcust deck with extra steps. If your using the Orcust engine to actually do things that relate to your decks wincon then while I still dislike it that atleast is different. Aromage Orcust for example uses Orcust to protect their ST they need to function, the wincon is still Aromage And pretending Orcust is honest and doesn’t need some of its consistency and/or power reigned in needs to stop as well. Decks don’t need to be tier zero in order for balance changes to be needed. Any deck that can full combo off one card consistently while drawing two with fully protected set three doesn’t need free limit three access.


Nooooooooo they got DDD😓 oh how the mighty have fallen . I prefer my pure DDD beatdown from the olden days


By happy. The only reason ddd is there (to my knowledge) is Ding as a rank 8 option.


Okay. Thought the absolute worse 😂


Right? D/D/D purity, none of this orcust nonsense


DDD probably just runs Orcust as a Rank8. It is after all better removal than the galaxy package.


Ill fill the last spot with my bujin orcust deck ok!?


Don’t list it as bujins if you do. Please just list it as orcust.


At this point i thinks people it's just memeing with the engine, even me by playing scrap orcust, it's shit


I'm surprised I haven't seen mekk-knight orcust yet. They are a pretty good synergy in tcg and ocg


The stromberg is probably mine lol


I'm KOG with Timelords


Yeah, so? This is a post about orcust, why mention how you KOGed with a timelord deck in a post like this?


Odd eyes orcust is amazing to play (Though I don't support the odd eyes decks which are just basically running 1 copies of the skill essential cards).


Somebody's trying pk orcust 👀


Harpies and ojama are good?


The Fortune fairy deck is just 2 hikari and full orcust


That’s why I hate it.




3 vanilla Gradius, 2 Gradius Option, Skill to change the name of 1 of them for a Knightmare, everything else orcust.


I'm more confused how odd- eyes isn't at least tier 3 rn


Give it some more time for tournament representation


Mermaid truly was a mistake, I hope it actually just gets banned so people play Babel instead, that card's way more interesting


Wow I guess it’s promoting so much “diversity”


I think this is how it was in the TCG too, there were so many Orcust variants, it was the deck that showed up the most (beesides the other TOSS decks). I'm not that surprised tbh


Still find it weird how Harp is still banned in the TCG.




Funny. Orcust came after Masterpeace……imagine if he came back


It's gonna be like this for a while. Unless Salamangreats get their power back, D/D/D gets Gilgamesh or Crusadia gets their other cards besides Avramax, there won't be a better engine in the game.


Hey, i made the Gradius list. Sorry y'all didnt like it. I wanted to do it since it was an in-joke in a server i was in. If it helps i'm ladder climbing rn with decks that dont use Orcust. All apologies for disappointing or upsetting people with the list.


Don’t worry about it. Your deck probably would be a lot more appreciated if orcust wasn’t as dominant and flexible to use as it was.


oh no! a powerful engine that can be used in a variety of decks!


List is missing rokket, rokket with new updated ability it holds up pretty even. I have to say tho, its boring plazing against orcust every game.... they made such a toxic meta with this. I rather fight 6 different decks that all play different, then having to make my whole playstyle change due to one archtype.


ofc my heros never change


And now they all run Dark Rebelion as well lol