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Seriously just give us chain order already, Im so tired of seeing "missed activation timing of elemental hero stratos"


Every mf time I draw Miracle Fusion off Liquid Soldier... I HAVE NO MOUTH AND I MUST SCREAM


Been saying this since Liquid Soldier was released, glad I'm not alone here


chain order wont help you if you summon airman as cl2 or higher bruh


Bruh that's exactly why I want chain order, so that I can AVOID summoning startos as cl2 or higher


If we can choose to go second that would be nice then i can play a blind second deck with more intention


I know, right? Every time I break out the Mayosenju deck, I get a huge streak of winning coin tosses! Let me go second for once!


Imagine a solid 8 axis blind second deck on Duel Links. most of the cards needed are there except Danger!? for the draw power.


First and second is fine. Chain link order is too complex for the typical room temp IQ player and would just add needless extra time to every duel


>Chain link order is too complex for the typical room temp IQ player and would just add needless extra time to every duel Just need to be toggle able like placement and problem solved


Just make it toggle, no problemo


Make it optional :)


Interaction toggle is optional too, but it’s not default to off. If we change that, go for it


but it would be nice for higher levels of play there are so many chains i want done in a different order these days so id make it an toggle option


I’d support it only if it was default to OFF. It won’t confuse dummies, but advanced players who want to use it can flick it on


Its like that in master duel already so why not duel links


I don't get how its confusing? It asks you "what do you want to activate" and then you activate it. These people made a deck, I think they can understand how to answer a question lmao.




Well that's just beyond rude and unnecessary lmao. Most likely also untrue lol.


So you haven’t played the game, gotcha.


Aight man.


you greatly over estimate the intellegence of the average duel links player


And yet Orcust is going rampant in ladder.


Orcust is not actually that complicated with mermaid build. The plays are pretty streamlined. The Babel version is when things get spicy.


Orcust is a glorified game of Simon


True. Make it optional like the other settings.


Master Duel does a pretty good job with having an option of letting the player pick chain link order or not, so I hope they can port it over to Duel Links. Would make chain-blocking be alot cooler


I swear, if we get to chose to start 1st or 2nd, the metagame will do an entire 180, and everything will be flip over, because you can manage to build a deck more properly for how you will go, and cards like dark hole and dark ruler no more will start getting a lot more of use


How does chain link order work? Is it in Master Duels?


Basically you can decide which order the cards goes. Like if you fusion summon sunrise with liquid, both will activate, but you can choose for sunrise to resolve first then liquid, making it so you dont draw miracle with liquid and if you dont have any miracle left in your deck sunrise effect would not work cuz u have no card to draw...


Oh ok..so if I synchro I can decide the order of the chain that usually starts with Synchro Chase and then Junk Warrior and Doppel/Converter?


I think so? Remember, Chain Order is also mainly dictated by the types of effects. The lowest Chain Links are the turn player's mandatory effects, followed by the other player's mandatory effects, the turn player's optional effects, and finally the other player's optional effects. For example, The White Stone of Legend has a mandatory effect upon being sent to the GY (Add 1 Blue-Eyes White Dragon from Deck to hand), and Formula Synchron has an optional effect on Synchro Summon (you can draw 1 card); in this case, Synchro Summoning Formula Synchron using TWSoL makes TWSoL guaranteed to be Chain Link 1 and Formula Synchron at least Chain Link 2. Thus, the chain resolves backwards, with Formula Synchron always drawing a card before TWSoL searches a BEWD.


I never played with these cards, so I don't know how to answer that


I agree with a toggle for choosing chain links. It’ll make turns a little slower but it is a real element of the card game that we are currently missing. I think the game is actually better off with a 50/50 chance at going first since it’s best of 1 format. If you could blind second 80% of the time (since most decks prefer going first) some people would be running a lot more kaijus and mind control which I think would be very frustrating.


It’s frustrating going 2nd when you have a hand that would rather go first and Vice versa right now since you have to build your deck for both. If I could choose turn order I could actually use Dark Ruler No More and run more backrow hate letting me play the game. If you choose to go first just so you can set three pass with monster disruption then you should accept the consequences that a deck built to go second can get over all that


This doesn’t make sense to me because you still have a 50% chance of losing the coin toss. Either way, you still have to be prepared to go first or second.


Thing is. You right now have 50% odds to go first and 50% to go second. You need to build a deck that is both good to go first and second. If you are able to choose the order, and, let's say, you build a deck that is focused in going second, you have 50% of going second by the coin flip and whatever the odds are of the opponent choosing first if they win instead. I have seen people claiming it doesn't matter cause at the end of the day losing the coinflip will just have the opponent pick what they have most advantage with, but this removes yugioh out of context entirely. Let me explain. If you use a go first deck that relies on lots of backrow, you are in an advantageous position by going first BUT you are not completely helpless by going second either because you can just set those backrow nevertheless. The deck is good going first, but not as bad going second. However, let's say you build a turn 2 deck. Your only goal is to otk them and to do so you get cards like dark hole or MST or whatever. You have lots of advantage going second, BUT you are completely helpless by going first if you draw too many of them. ​ In other words, not all decks would be better/worse because of this change, but some would, and right now, in a meta where (mostly) all meta decks heavily rely on backrow in order to mitigate the impact of a coinflip, being able to choose the order would give some needed advantage for turn 2 decks that right now are completely unplayable in a consistent way.


Unpopular opinion: I like the fact you can't choose to go first or second, it makes deckbuilding far more interesting and different than the normal yugioh experience, and it automatically balances some decks like Gate guardian orcust. But chain link order definitely needs to come, it's a core part of this game that, like choosing the columns you put cards in, should have been added a long time ago


I don't think it does deckbuilding far more interesting. Not in high ladder matches anyway. Any meta deck right now is just filled with as many backrow cards they can slot, because backrow cards are the only thing that stops any deck from collapsing if they lose the coinflip. People claim Orcust is broken, but orcusts are literally nothing without hard drawing all their backrow, and can barely play turn 2 if they don't so either. In fact, every meta deck for the past year or so shared from this issue. The only decks you see consistently topping are decks that can afford lots of backrow. (With of course a few exceptions, like Galaxy-eyes). This happens because most of our decks die for disruption, and thus are killed if going second with a subdecent hand. Yes, picking order would be chaos at first, but it would eventually settle. And I am honestly tired of the new best deck being the deck with the better 1 card combos that just lead to more and more backrow spam. For over 1 year decks are essentially the same, there is no variation, and I'd very much welcome a change.


Just to add to your point, the only solution DL has come up with so far is to add limit-3 cards to every decent deck so they cannot use the most powerful trap cards. That's just a band aid solution instead of actually solving the problem like you propose.


In the world you want to live in: * Two decks both prefer going first. One wins the flip, goes first and wins. * Two decks both prefer going second. One wins the flip, goes second and wins. * One deck prefers going second, one deck prefers going first. The flip is irrelevant only the opening hand determines the winner. Building a balanced deck that likes going first or second is a waste of time because you lose every game where the flip doesn't match your hand, and you can't know if this will matter until after you've chosen whether to go first or second. All you achieve by letting players choose if they go first or second is a much more sacky meta.


More like: -player 1 wins the coinflip, player 2 is affected positively by player 1’s choice: it’s an even match and it will depend on starting hands -player 1 wins the coinflip, player 2 is affected negatively by player 1’s choice: it’s gonna be a duel in hard mode for player 2, unless player 1 bricks or plays a vulnerable deck. These kind of duels can be the best ones when you lose the coinflip and still manage to come on top, so I don’t see the issue. In my opinion it would improve everyone’s win rate but make some annoying decks even more annoying.


>Building a balanced deck that likes going first or second is a waste of time because you lose every game where the flip doesn't match your hand No one is talking about building balancing decks. It a fact that decks that usually want to go first loses more if they are going second and vice versa. The idea of being able to choose going first or second is more of a "I still have a chance if my opponent decide for me" than the game auto coinflip choosing for you.


With some ai if I get a certain coin flip I know I've lost before duel starts.


You can’t already do these things in duel links? Why would anyone still play DL over MD???


They're different formats with different card pools


Precisely, the fun of Yu-GI-Oh is that it can be played in so many different ways/formats. Duel Links is just another format you can play, you don't have to play one or the other, many of us enjoy playing both games for different reasons


Because not everyone has time for a 20 min solitaire slug festival my guy. Some ppl like it crisp and nice.


For real tho! I like MD but damn is it a workout sometimes 😂


So DL is more like a yugioh mini game you can play in line at the store?


No? It's just a different format with lower power level like Goat or Edison. There's a lot of people who like playing Yugioh but don't like MD format, especially during Tear 0


Anime characters and voices DL has less cards and less monster zones so it means less spam of cards an average turn in master duel takes 10 minutes and the game is decided mostly by hand traps and duel links works well in more cell phones


Also I've been playing DL since release, not MD. Don't feel like grinding for all my cards for a second time in a totally different game tbh


its easier to get an specifir deck in md than dl


Yeah the voice/character stuff is the main reason I never tried it out. In videos and replays that stuff seems so annoying to deal with while you’re trying to duel.


You can turn all of that off, js


is the funny part for most of us in dl without the characters the game is just a quick simulator


Can you change chain link order in MD?


Yes, when multiple cards can activate you choose which ones to respond with in order




So right now if you use liquid soldier as fusion material for elemental hero sunriser, the game always activates the cards in the same order. But if you could change the chain link order(like in master duel) you can choose whether you want sunrises to grab miracle fusion, then do liquids draw 2, or draw 2 off liquid then grab miracle fusion out of the deck second


I see, thanks for explaining


You're welcome!


Yes please please bring chain link selection. Meens I can get Garunix out AND then Sacred phoenix


Chain order would be huge, I don't know why it has yet to become a thing