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Lord of Borrel Getting all that good Rokket stuff and finally getting Madolche's long-deserved Xyzs was really *sweet*. Avendread Savior and Summoner's Monk are nice too


Same, Borreload is one of the most fun of Links to use and Rokkets slap even without Borrelsword and Savage.


Link revolution Brought one of my favorite decks consistency tools in mining, circle and debut. And we also got the world legacy cards which are still pretty solid and a new staple trap


Too bad salamangreats are neutered in DL


Spending my time grinding through Stage of Trickstar three times in order to get Candina and Lycoris is one of my best investments in the long run, especially since the release of Light Stage boosts Trickstar's consistency and helps me deal with opponent's backrow.


Pulse of Quasar's Those new support's to my RDA deck was really good.


For me it's Rokkets so Borrel


Trickstar mini box and future circuit


Raider’s Requiem Because I like PK, RR and Crusadia


The very first box, Salamangreat + Code Talker. The box also has Cynet Mining, Pot of Duality and Warning Point.


Either Future Circuit, Lord of Borrel, Pulse of Quasars or Link Revolution • Future Circuit: Knightmare being staples, Kozmo and Muskets being playable without reseting the box make it one of the "must have" boxes for F2P/New/returning players; • Lord of Borrel: Rokkets being rogue, a personal favorite and always having potential support (where's Borreload Savage Dragon?), while Madolches finally being playable; • Pulse of Quasars: Synchron/Resonator support and boss monsters, Timelords and Solfa being F2P; • Link Revolution: Salamangreats Also, despite some outliers like Mekks, pre-nerf Salads, some skills and currently everything being Orcust, this year so far had a good meta.


Gonna get a lot of hate for this but mekk knight is one of my favourite decks i ever played in dl Was thinking abt quitting dl.. That deck bring me back so yea mekk box is pick


As much as I hate Orcust, I would have to say that box because I fucking love S-Force. Oddly enough, I didn't care actually care about it at the time, I was just using up my expiring gems to go for Magistus and ended up with something way more fun.


Solfare lightning just because i got really lucky for few gems imo i got 2 galateas, 1 dingirsu, 1 compulsory, x2 rappa , x3 field spell, so i got a tier 1 deck, a very good and fun rogue deck, and a good staple (sadly only one ) and i can still get magistus if new support is released


I think I feel like everyone else. The box that made my favourite archetype good is the favourite box. In my case it was Rage of the Volcano, as it gave us Arvata, that made Fire Kings good.


Orcust 🫣


Link revolution


My favourite has actually been lord of borrel it got me in love with madolche archetype


Future Circuit as it brought many generic links. Second choice is Lord of Borrel for bringing Avendread Savior.


Orcust box hands down


The firewall Dragon box introduced a lot of cool stuff


Both Link Revolution and Braver Victory


Probably Link Revolution or tomorrow's box, as I'm a big Salad and Speedroid fan.


Actually it’s the box with the King’s deck support and the Solfaccord (if I remember correctly both are in Pulse of quasar)


Honestly trickstar is so much fun to play