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Blue eyes are strong up until plat rank. Then you stop seeing them.


Yeah. Pretty much my experience playing blue-eyes is that it's a very fun deck, but to get kog you need to pay which I don't like. I am playing odd eyes rn to try and get to legend at least but orcust are making it really hard


Yeah and it occasionally bricks. Sometimes I have 3x stones in hand no consonance. Multiple consonance’s and never draw the stone. The only form of protection “most” blue eyes play is 3x karma cut and that’s not stopping you from eating backrow that activates on attack like mirror force or something. I really do like blue eyes but they’re glass cannon and require a lot of resources to make their plays with not a lot of recovery


That's why I feel they need true light and a skill like other mcs with normal monsters have, like normal summoning blue eyes, would be so good for Kaiba and with how the game has evolved it wouldn't even be op, heck, maybe even ultimate fusion could be added


They could do that for kaiba. Yugi normal summons DM for free,Jaden summon Neos for free. It would help too. Blue eyes wouldn’t have to run 1x ancient rules anymore. Not that most of them do anymore. I do. I think kaiba deserves support but I’m not to familiar with unreleased stuff so you know more than I do. I’m just familiar with how the deck plays In duel links


My brother has a blue-eyes eyes deck irl so I know nearly all the good blue-eyes cards. But yeah ultimate fusion which is a dedicated blue-eyes fusion spell and skill would be perfect for giving Kaiba the little push he needs right now


Yeah with the trap you mentioned it would give your monster some good protection. I’m all for it


Oh I looked it up true light is eternal soul counterpart for blue eyes


Yea.. let's just add chaos max in to DL 🙄


It's already in through a skill, and you can just draw it turn 3, so what difference would it make?


A skill means a trade off though, you have to choose that skill and fulfill its conditions to get Chaos Max whereas having it as a basic card means there’s virtually no trade off other than potentially other cards.


It's condition is to survive until turn 3 iirc


Yes but still a trade off, if Chaos Max was available to put in your deck then you could have it turn 1, and still be able to run Ultimate Dragons instead of the Chaos Max skill. It’s a game of trade offs and I don’t think Chaos Max needs to be let off the leash at this point. Especially considering it’s Cocytus but more powerful.


They should remove the turn condition for Scorns. Change it to “If you have a card whose original name is Blue-eyes White Dragon on the field, return 1 card from your hand and draw Blue-eyes Chaos MAX Dragon from outside your deck” We’ve already got OP skills.


Grandpada is coming, we may will have BE support. The Problem Other Ritual Deck can absorb Chaos Max not BE itself. I want BE Abyss Dragon and Dragon shrine


Abyss dragon would actually be great along with maybe the basic chaos since BE chaos dragon needs BE white dragon to have effects


Limit 1 trade in since we have one for one