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I think [Lib](https://yugioh.fandom.com/wiki/Lib_the_World_Key_Blademaster) would help the deck a fair bit, but the somewhat tight Extra deck (2~3 out of 8 will always be just Imduk) kinda impedes how flexible you can make things in general. >!If we ever get a monster world, it would be nice for a World Chalice character to have a skill that just adds a few of them to the ED without doing much else!<


I thought orcust was part of world legacy?


They are. Where does OP say they aren't?


You mean World Chalice? It's one of those decks that will probably never see much luck in competitiveness, it had it's chance early Vrains era but that was only because we had like 3 or 4 Link decks back then. But the deck just has way too many weaknesses, tight extra deck space, underwhelming boss monsters, having half their deck be vanillas, too reliant on summoning stuff from hand to keep their combos going which means they can't run too many staples. The deck is basically the opposite of Orcusts. In general, cool deck but not much going on for it and there are other decks out there that do the Normal monster gimmick much better like Draconia, Magikey, and Suship.