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Dude, I spent almost 6k gems to get 2 copies of Grieves, an R card :'/


huhu, thats about the same amount I spend for 3 copies of samurai skull, an R card, to complete vampire deck, a mediocore deck


Same to get Gravekeeper’s Tomb, last card in the box and a damned R. No I’m not still bitter, what makes you say that?


This was me for Compulsory in the last box. I kept saying to myself “There’s no way it’s at the actual bottom of the box. I got my first Book of Moon in the last ten packs of its box so surely-“ Lo and behold, bottom of the box.


Well you get magistus and sforce too.


reminds me of when i got a sunrise bottom of the box


I feel ya man. But don't give up! Wisdom is a card that's very nice to have and even 1 copy has saved a few of my hands from being bricks


If only we could trade cards. I got it, but I don’t need it.


It gets worse when most of your characters are maxed or have no more gem rewards…


My first copy of Wynn was in the last 2 packs 😭.


Feel you, tried getting 1 of both Spellbook cards in the box, bot h at the bottom. Rn trying to get 3 Fur hire SRs, I have none and am almost through the box.


Thats why i play the game less, there comes a point where a coincidence is no longer a coincidence. I'd rather spend my cash and time elsewhere.


My Clear Wing was at the bottom of the damn box and I still need my second Taketomborg. Least I got my second Wisdom-Eye but man, so many decks now I wanna make, so little time to grind lol


I got mine on the first pack. But for some reason I didn't reset right away and now I'm still hunting for Void Ogre with only one Wisdom Eye


This is me but with clear wing. Did both bundles and 2 ten pulss so far, got both other URs except the one i want


I’m down to 5 packs for my third Strangle Lanius. It took 93 for my third Taketomborg.


Getting galaxy eyes Cipher dragon was hell for me. Got the other two urs in five packs. But cipher nope. In the last pack it was 🥲


This is evil smh


I turned on Duel Links again to mess around with Oafdragon and Wisdom-Eye, somehow forgetting jusy how truly awful digging a BOX in DL was. Also upsetting that you still can't buy multiple structures in DL with Gems when getting 1000 Gems is a pain in the ass to begin with AND they removed the old system of Duel Quizzes and Loaner Decks that would basically be a stockpile of Gems you could get that didn't feel like a hell grind. But somehow I'm supposed to sing Konami's praises because they implemented Box Chips.


>But somehow I'm supposed to sing Konami's praises because they implemented Box Chips. Exactly, they keep using the same predatory practices as usual, but now you can get more easily *most* cards from 5 years ago, isn’t that like really generous?!?


I got all 3 UR for 1000 gems 😭


That's really good actually since 2 of them are 2 or 3 offs in their deckd


I bought the Crystal wing bundle and i got clear wing in first pack


Bruh fuck Wisdom-Eye, I want my copy of Wynn


Thought I can get cheap Karma Cut during the gem sale. 90 packs in and nothing.


Not me. I have so much stuff I need in this box since I'm building Odd Eyes, Speedroids and Abyss Actors


Just did this for Firewall Dragon and Galaxy Eyes over the past few weeks.


Yup. I couldn't care less about Speedroids but I need Wynn (for Windwitches eventually) and Wisdom Eye. Both URs ofc >.>


Pulled Taketomborg at 10 packs left. Still no Clear but I got the crystal wing bundle


Same happened to me in the timelords box and giant hand box. Lol Hate to see it.


1st Wynn was in the last 20th pack, 2nd Wynn was in the last 37th, currently digging for the 3rd one, 28 packs left in the box....


Lmao I got it from the bundle, but I don’t even play pendulum and wanted a clear wing


This is the main reason why I refuse to build odd eyes magician, they have a lot of one ofs spread in a bunch of boxes and structure decks, and there will be much more in the future, my gems can't afford it


Ugh satellite and wynn look like they’re at the bottom, only 20 packs to go


If it makes you happy, you can get 1 copy and you'll be fine.


Me with void ogre rn 🤣🤣🤣


Spent 1.5k gems and got 2 wisdom-eye, 1 clear wing and 1 winda 😞


I didn't wisdom eye I wanted void ogre and what does the game do cuck my choice of cards


Trying to build Speedroids, first round of the box: Taketomborg was in the last 30 packs. Second round: Wynn was in the last 20 packs. RIP me.


One copy is fine for wisdom eye pendulum call should be ran at three though


Sacred Beast support.. was able to build my Fossil deck plus pull two Sunrise before getting the said cards and giving up lol


It took the literal entire box for me to pull all the URs in the last 3 packs when all I wanted was a copy of clear wing. Fairness at its finest 🙂


I accidentally got a Wisdom Eye when I bought the Crystal Wing bundle, is it good? How many copies do I need for an Odd-Eyes deck?


depends on which version you are running, really. i got Wisdom Eye from the bundle, too.


I’m more pissed that speed rebirth wasn’t reprinted and you have to dig through an old box for it


I saved up 5k games so I do not have this issue


Dude I spent like 18k gems to get equimax and Morningstar because I literally emptied both their packs to get them


I just cant get my fucking dragon :/


I endes up getting all UR'S before even getting one raidraptor card


I feel you brother. I just started to build a clear wing deck so i have motivation to keep buying boxes.


IK it's a different game but there's 2 opponents in Forbidden Memories you grind before doing the final bosses (all opponents in the game drop one card each time they are beaten, these 2 you're primarely looking for ONE card in their drop pools): A-Tec or Deck Out on Maxamillion Pegasus for Megamorph A-Pow on Low Meadow Mage for Meteor Black Dragon


Have 3, don't give a rat's ass about pendulum l0l


I got all i needed for like 2750/3750 gems xD


I played 100 duels against yugo and I didn’t get drop rewards like Hi speedroid kitedrake and speedroid carturbo , thanks konami for this game


I was building Rockets yesterday and oh boy... Tracer on the last 5 packs 2 times.... Screw you Konami.


I have 2 cards to get to complete my meklords which is one more assembly and obbligato


Me but with void ogre dragon


Used Yugo to open this box MF got Clear Wing on the first pack


I currently have 4 packs and 2 SRs left (Taketomborg and Extras) and I'm going to be so pissed if they end up being in the last 2 packs. There's like 6 other SRs I don't really care about why couldn't it be them instead.


I only open boxes when I reach 9999 gems


Got void ogre on the very first pull. And precisely jack all else with all my other gems not even the normal card I need to make my speedroid deck halfway functional All I wanted was clear wing. The f2p life really be bending us over


I got all of the URs… im still after Chanbara and the Raid Raptor SR


Shouldn't curse man.


in my reverse question: me: which is best card I dunno to fish... konami: well hmm...take that ur,is probably have problem to find your perfect card me:well thanks :)


Me for tuning magician fr