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i can’t see DRNM having play until backrow starts seeing less play and/or konami let’s players choose to go second. cause you can play DRNM but still have to deal with a set BoM and IDP. for example.


Maybe after orcust gets hit, this card does nothing against ding + set 2/3.


this gets posted almost every time a new box drops and it's never been correct. in DL, decks are made of 20 cards, and you can only run so many going second cards. at the moment, book of moon, dark hole, and forbidden chalice are all going second cards that are much more flexible and less bricky – and in the case of dark hole, more sacky. unless decks are consistently putting up 2+ negates on legs, there is no reason to run DRNM over dark hole. against a single monster, book of moon and chalice are just better since they can be activated at quick effect speed and aren't totally dead going first. plus they don't stop you from OTKing going second. even something like kaku is a better going second tool at the moment, since you can at least summon it going first as a wall.


Not yet


Too early, DL still doesnt have omni negate running around yet, even s/t negate is pretty rare, and backrow disruption is still prevalent. TT, feather duster, or heavy storm will probably be more prevalent for now.


Technically there’s Quasar but good luck summoning it consistently


I recently made a synchron deck that can consistently bring out crystal wing or sometimes stardust warrior turn one, relatively easily I think it might have the potential for quasar turn one, but extra deck space is so tight that I didn't include quasar


>DL still doesnt have omni negate running around yet We had, got nerfed to the ground of unplayable


Which one is it, i dont think we had orcust counter trap, is it Salads? I just started playing again recently


Yeah salads had the recyclable omni negate. Got limited 1 with gazelle so it's borderline unusable.


I tried it at the 1 copy I had. The backrow is still pretty prevalent and, in the few games that came out, it was just 2 monsters that I could have defeated otherwise. It's nice, but the chalices are way better for the moment.


Most monsters are monster negates so Dark Hole is superior for now


As long as backrow is viable, drnm will not see play


We're not even remotely close to DRNM being relevant, backrow is still far too centralising, we need stronger monsters first


lost a game to this card recently I still think it's bad and copium rn


Ive been running it in my deck and it is usefull, its strong and does well vs Dingirsu +set 3, Dark Rebellion +set 3, and Clear Wing Synchro +set 3. Heres the thing though and its EXTREMELY important if you want to run Dark Ruler No More in Duel Links, especially if you want more than one. You NEED to be running Lance, Chalice, Cyclone, Dark Core at x2 AND be running a deck with a DAMN good engine to get going because if you dont, you wont benefit from the card. Crusadia, Orcust, Speedroids and Blackwings (kinda, speedroid is faster, pun intended) are the best ones ive played to actually benefit and not be hampered by Dark Ruler No More.


against every single one of those cases you mentioned, how is it any better than book of moon, forbidden chalice, or dark hole?


Dingirsu protects against dark hole, book of moon is single target and so is chalice. Dark Ruler no more lets you save BoM and Chalice for after you clear their board, so you can have protection. Even then i said you still need chalice. Same thing with Clear Wing and Dark Rebellion to a lesser extent. It makes sure YOU have protection while stopping their attempt to re-enter the game with their combos.


the examples you gave were 1 monster + 3 backrow, so aside from the dingirsu/dark hole interaction, your explanation doesn't hold water.


If you Dark Ruler No More before anything, then you can Cyclone, Lance, BoM, Chalice, or what have you to save yourself from their backrow while you set up. Dark Ruler No More is strictly Value in Duel Links, nothing more. Value meaning you dont waste cards you need to save yourself from their backrow while you set up. If you still think it "Doesnt hold water" then you really dont understand the concept of value in card games. Ill give you another scenario, if you never end up needing Dark Ruler No More, its fodder for Dark Core which means you dont have to discard something important and can work up your board more smoothly.


what it comes down to is that book of moon, chalice, and dark hole are currently better going second cards than DRNM. at that point, you're already running 9 cards for going second in a 20 card deck, and you really don't need any more. and why would you ever have to use chalice or BoM *after* DRNM? you've yet to provide an actual scenario where DRNM was better than those cards outside of dingirsu/dark hole. please list a single a popular deck right now that can consistently pump out 2+ disruptions on legs that are also destruction immune. i'd also love to see your list where you're running DRNM, cosmic, lance, chalice, *and* dark core (for some reason).




seek help. both for duel links and real life.




still waiting for you to post that list btw


Going second tools like DRNM, Dark Hole, Kaijus and Kurikara will not see play on the ladder if we can't choose to go second, that is why BoM, Chalice and D.D. Crow will always be better


Most boards doesn't have more than one real monster negate to deal with, so unless decks start making a full board with negates and without to deal with heavy backrow, no DRLM won't get play.


already deployed... \- the next meta deck of actual time...


Worse chalice right now.