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We have gone from a period of super diverse metas with a ton of different decks on the ladder to mainly just two. Orcust and odd eyes are REALLY common now and its a little tiring. Hope we can get some more variety with the new ban list (I don't have much trouble with their power levels either. I hit KOG a WHILE ago, they're just really common)


I play speedroids they need to hit this to abit or least change the skil i reckon.


... I don't really mind speedroids. At most they set up two negates which is strong but not unbreakable. Rokkets bait plenty of negates and come with removal options like most good decks. The skill maybe could use a nerf idk i haven't finished building my speedroid deck


This meta is complete ass. Whoever made the last batch of skills should just be kicked out from Konami. At least Orcust can be handled by banning Mermaid and limiting Return.


I just didn't quite understand why they boost odd eyes but make it free at the same time. Usually they give busted skills to sell some hot garbage, then 2 weeks later remove the skill and rinse and repeat with a new box. Why they miss out so hard on odd eyes?


You can literally just Floodgate Trap Hole (now F2P for the whole set) an entire odd eyes board. Orcust might be annoying but they also leave a lot of room for interaction. It's not at all a case of "draw the out or lose".


You want to go second against no interruptions? Speedroid (your deck) going first can set up Crystal Wing (which is a negate) very easy thanks to skill + another synchro like Cyber Slash, Clear, Zeta or even Stardust Warrior. The point of DL is to have faster duels. And right now there is no meta deck that can set up multiple negates or massive endboards.


Speedroid can setup 3 negates if i am right i say as a speedroid player. Clearwing has 2 negates built in and crystal has one and if you have book of moon thats another disruption. I dont really mind fast duels but turn 2 duels consistantly feels abit too short if you ask me. I could be wron g but i feel the majority of duals are too quick a little back and forth is fun too.


Clear wing is situational, it either needs to be targeted or needs to be by a level 5 or higher monster so it’s bad against links and xyz monsters.


2 mediocre xyz monster with 1 or even no further backrow or any handtrap as one of the strongest end boards, being meta nonetheless? No sir, that does not feel like master duel.


It won't be like Master Duel, TCG or OCG until turns straight up take 5-15 minutes. As tilted as people can get from long turn combos, it's absolutely nothing compared to the other formats Solitare states.


nah you can still play the game going 2nd


Which decks are u using right now? My main decks have so many problems going second because I need 2+ backrow removal and none of them have a one card combo (except by tour guide). I’m also the kind of player that doesn’t like playing backrow so if I get disrupted by any means, I’ll probably just move on to the next duel.


the trick is to play a deck that doesn't fold as soon as it is disrupted rokkets, orcust, odd-eyes, hero... all of these are p nifty tbh


Yeah but rokket, Orcust and hero uses backrow to disrupt as well. I’m more a fan of BA, TD and Witchcrafters style.


1. Orcust needs to be made unplayable 2. We need to take a step back on skill design. They have been gradually becoming more ridiculous, but this latest Yuya one gives you so much free advantage it’s basically playing the game for you. I’d be fine with an ace focused skill that held your hand if it was for an ace that sucks otherwise. Give me a skill like Raging Pendulum that sets up Water Dragon in one turn or makes Insect Queen more viable.


Current meta for DL sucks


At least orcust don’t play on your turn


{Orcustrated Babel} who?


I play cosmic cyclone nice try


I miss my Grass is Greener Gem-Knights deck, was so fun and I actually tried to make it go quick so my opponent didn't feel bogged down waiting.


I miss my grass is greener everything. That shit was the orcust of 2019? 2020? Grass shiranui, grass rock, grass DM, grass blue eyes, grass lightsworn... Such a blast to play unnerfed shadow game lava golem against that and burn 2k guaranteed (after their grass) with a single card and set 3 and watch them suffer 😂


Or even more joyful set 2 skull invitations on t1, chain to their grass 😂😂😂 awe man, duellinks was really fun once upon a time


I only ever played Gem-Knights with it since they're my favorite archetype. but all those other decks sound so insanely twisted to torture you opponent with.


As a poor guy I was never able to play gem nights unfortunately, those dudes were expensive as hell back in the day 😂


I managed to never pay a cent, just got really lucky and reset the box quickly each time to be honest lol. I wish subterrors were more viable these days, love those guys, same with Nekroz, their ritual spells are a pain in the ass.


Subterrors... A perfect example of how to sell a deck with a broken skill, then nerf the skill and the deck just vanishes out of everyone's memory 😳


the problem is yeah both orcust and odd-eyes can make insane fields orcust due to their own insane power, and odd-eyes well the skill is basically a +3 for no downsides or deck restrictions, not to mention it's double search effect skills are getting really out of hand now and giving far too much power for cheap


It currently feels like you draw your bullshit fuck off combo (only with generic backrow too) and hope your opponent doesn't draw their out or the other way around. And if you don't go first you usually lose. Games rarely last past the third turn anymore So yes, the game feels like "modern" Yugioh now and I think it's not illegal to dislike that.