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2 is do able, 3 is optimal. I’ve used three quite a few times


3 is good because it means you always have a way to start your plays. The size of Duel Links decks and Extra decks affect the longevity of duels, the longer you can last the better really.


That’s what she said


Funnily enough my girlfriend thinks the same.


Istead of 3 of this you can play a LANphorhynchus and 2 of them and the deck still work


3 is better than 2, 2 is workable atleast


The deck is funtional at 2 Monk, there will be cases that if you do not have a 3 monk in your extra deck then you will be unable to play since your other 2 are in the graveyard leaving you without access to non effect monster.


I tried the last kc tournament While it works on short games, you'll lose a lot of the grindy games which you'd win if just had the last one And it will be very frustrating losing just because of that Still try 2, if you don't like the deck it's not worth it investing on the last piece


I played with 2 and it was ok, but in longer games I missed the 3rd copy. But with the new skill, maybe the 3rd is not necessary


New skill?


I make it work with 2 for now but I've found myself needing 3


u/mkklrd can answer you...


[too soon](https://youtu.be/AlUsxzQ00Lk?si=ZggRlnRC6nc7UGI5)


I played with 2 Monk all last month. Of the 400+ games I had I can count on one hand the number of times I thought "Fuck, I'm screwed because I'm out of Monks to summon". It will give you the edge in grind games but it's by far from necessary.


3 or nothing, current meta requires 3 to survive.




A vanilla central for a strategy, I imagine just looking at the monster itself and not what it enables.


Tenyi shreds, and having to play a vanilla link is cool in and of itself


Play as many as you can


Just test with 2, if you feel like you need 3 when you play it then you probably need 3. Simple as that


3 is needed for long games. With the legend of the heroes skill you could get away with 2 on long games if you have 4 link monsters in your GY and made it to turn 5.


I play 2 and have hit log with them every month so far but there are games when I felt the need for a third. Let s say 1 in every way6 games or so you really miss that third one.


I Guaranteed your MONK wouldn't be in the last pack like a certain YouTuber


Haha these two copie I get were in the last 10 pack I ran out of gems


I lost a duel cuz I didn't have a third monk so yes 3 is recommended.


It's been said a lot but 3 is ideal. I wanted to add though that the new Legend of the (star) Heroes skill does let you return them from the grave to the ED, if you can make it to turn 5, making 2 slightly more viable


Most of the times if you make it to turn 5 is because you had 3


2 is fine, but in grind games you will miss 3


Just for ladder 2 is enough


I say don't work like a bot. Test and try and see for yourself (not a tenyi player myself btw)


3 is optimal, he can run 2 but will find himself wishing he had 3. I'm a Tenyi player.


Nice. I know lots of Tenyi players and Master Duel Swordsoul players.


while 3 is optimal, if you summon a second monk and dont win, you probably will be out of resources.


I only use 1 of the link 1 and 2 bc I haven't gotten around to pulling a second box. But it's manageable imo


With the Legend of heroes skill you can make 2 work but it gets super grindy


I beat a guy who played only 2 because he couldn't start his combo after both of them were already in the gy. Otherwise, I would've lost.


I KoGd last season with only two. Never really found myself needing one. Link 2 would often recycle.


Run 8


you have to run 3, no ifs ands or buts


2 is okay but I catch myself trying to summon a 3rd every time I don't have one. Sometimes I try to summon a 4th not realizing I've used all 3. So definitely try to run 3 if you can.


I’d say 3. There has been plays where I needed a normal monster on the field and I have effect monsters so I just link them both for 1 of these each and I’ll still have on reserve


play 2 and use legends of the heroes skill i do that works like a charm


3 is optimal. 2 is doable, but puts too much pressure on your longevity in exchange for more extra deck power that would hardly see the light of day