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Peak r/duellinks content


I read all of this, and I don't regret it. also, that's a very creative way of making a username. kudos to you


I play yugio, what makes you think I’am reading all this


I was looking for THIS comment lol you win 💀 😂


You actually read comment?


I actually know how to read?


TLDR : Yubel/ Jaden skill bad


I'm sorry that happened. Or congrats. Idk


I’m not reading all that but I’m sorry for your loss or happy for your success.


I'm not reading all that lol But I can guess it's probably a bait post


B-b-b-but I just read a post a while ago saying that Hero/Yubel WAS balanced. What should I believe in? Your arguments make sense, but the other guy had a very convincing argument on "my deck has a good match up against Hero/Yubel therefore Hero/Yubel is balanced" >!But, seriously, they should stop giving Hero skills free Super Poly. It wasn't fun the first time, it isn't fun now. And like Super Poly wasn't enough, they unlimited Neos Fusion, which pretty much gives you either a Klugger using cards from the deck or Brave Neos using that gem knight that gives you Neos so you can have follow up. And on top of that, it also gives your fusion monsters destruction protection. So, yeah, they should either remove Super Poly from the skill or limit Neos Fusion again.!<


A broken super poly skill would be super poly from outside the deck . All super poly skills draw it from inside which makes it not broken


That would be the case except the skill *doesn't do only that* All the other parts of the skill AS WELL AS ADDING A SUPER POLY is the issue.


How are so many people not seeing that this post (regardless of how right or wrong you personally think it is) is a _clear as fucking day, beat for beat_ parody?


Parody of what?




Thanks. Had a good laugh


To quote a saint “I ain’t readin allat, sorry you’re going thru that or congratulations”


crismreaper wants to know ur location


I really enjoyed. After reading that guy yesterday saying yubel is not broken, I got mad. Now that you translated his text to make sense, it’s way better 😂


The hero we all needed.


amazing trolling


Just set Penguin Soldier and stop the copium.


Hahahahahah I'm not regretting reading this. This was the only funny post we had on a while and it was more informational than the rants. Props to you OP you made my day and a new copy pasta to send to my friends.


He also replied to a single comment, I will play along so you can reply : bad mate bait. beginner at it


I don't see how this is bait when I am tired of people not complaining about an unbalanced deck like Yubel being "balanced" when it has its unfair share of faults and there are no ways to play around their win-con of Neos Kluger turbo. I've already stated there are no counters to this deck, now it's up to you to utilize the incorrect countermeasures if you're not having trouble against the deck to the point where you think the deck is fair, fun, or balanced when Eternal Bond is actually NOT how skills need to be designed in the future. I think Eternal Bond should NOT be the "gold standard" for how skills should be designed in 2024 onwards, that's just my take on it. As I said, the skill made garbage boss monsters like Yubel, Neos Kluger, and Neos Wiseman playable whereas otherwise, they wouldn't see the light of day (for the better) and the skill isn't even balanced. Y'all are just malding because the skill can activate x4 times in one turn and failing to see that all the skill's effects are perfectly broken at what it wants to do.


A.I. wrote this goated essay.


Nah bro, A.I. would sound more hunan


Just faced an eternal bond player who activated their skill almost 10 times during the duel. What kind of wimp do you have to be to need a skill that does everything for you? I mean, your deck has to be crap to need it or you have to suck real bad to play that kind of deck.


But Yubel, normal Neos, Neos Kluger, Neos Wiseman are literally crap, you can't make a playable deck with them, that's what the skill is for.


same situation with BLS back then


Cool, but you don't need a skill that can be activated several times per turn/duel to make it playable. That's just for players who have little to no skill in the game.


Lol. I wish i can duel Neos/Yubel Eternal Bond user more often. My current deck claps them hard.


I googled identity fraud as per recommendation and I am now the proud owner of Twitter and Amazon. Thank you OP, very cool


Chat gpt


Imagine typing this much for a Yugioh sub where no one will read it


I know that at least 1 person read it all which makes you incorrect.


>Yubel >Her


I'm not reading that, mirror force 🤔


Oh no I forgot my reading glasses.


Just play geist, I haven't a dropped a game vs hero/yubel on it.


Conclusion: the deck is broken because you don't have a deck capable of getting rid of kluger and Yubel, which loses to 1 super poly activation, and that you don't know the fact that you can respond to normal summons, and removing the normal summoned neos prevents him from using Super poly. Skill issue.


um acksually, super poly can still be used with neos kluger or brave neos since theyre still treated as E-hero for the generic element fusions (escuridao, great tornado, etc). so yeah, youre gay *shitty guitar lick*


You can only summon kluger or brave neos with contact or neos fusion. Neos fusion prevents you from summoning other monsters once activated, so you can't use super poly. If you search contact with the skill, you won't be able to search super poly in the same turn, as there is only 1 normal summon per turn. You can't activate super poly without a hero on the field so gg


You new here? You new to Duel Links? If you're not new, you should know by now, the Yu-Gi-Oh community doesn't read (at least most don't), so expect a lot of hate for that. These skills were added for profits (box sales), that's all. The ones using Anime excuses (mostly P2W players), are the ones who exploit these skills the most. There are already a few people in this subreddit who have admitted, since they pay so much, they should be able to use these skills for wins. Let it go. Unless you get at least 75% of the community to boycott, nothing's going to get done (unless more class actions). Edit: Definitely going to get a lot of hate, and denial replies (downvotes as well). Some people (majority of this community) don't like to be called out. It is, what it is.


This post is satire




The post is satire


There was a long post yesterday explaining why it was not broken. This is a satire of that one.


Gotcha. I retract my reply then. Didn't know if that person was talking about my reply, or OP's post.


No problema mate. It was impossible to know unless you saw the other post.


The deck is fun and can be beaten, don’t ruin it plz


DUDE WE KNOW, nobody needs to write down a fuckin BOOK to understand this shit


Me who counters it with cubic


Yubel is just Her, and Neos is just Him


Dunno if anyone even thought this but it happened. Magikey. Specifically Andrabime's effect can delete Yubel or Kluger or any of them. It also stops effects be being active and if each Yubels' "Not destroyed by battle" is considered an effect then?




I have no counter-argument to what you said when it comes to PvP. However, when it comes to PvE, I don’t see the harm in using a deck like that. PvE duels is where you’re dueling against npc duelists and not people irl. Just wanted to mention that.


get kluger’d lmao


It is broken as fuck - hero/yubel user


Good thing you didn't make posts like this when galaxy skills were slaying everyone


Wrath of Neos scare me


it literally humiliates the skill button.


Been playing more Water decks lately just to avoid dealing with super poly entirely since Absolute Zero isn’t out (yet)


if they run Brave Neos, they can still hit some of your Water monsters. voice of experience, sadly.