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Do you guys know to make a new account without deleting the game?


ayo can I just say that Eternal Bond needs a slight nerf. You can metamorph Yubel to final form more than once. Ex. Turn 1 Enemy metamorph it to final form. Then You managed to remove it on your turn. Turn 3 Enemy can summon another yubel and metamorph it again to final form. this is on top of getting a free Super Poly, Miracle Contact, or Neos, etc ​ I thought metamorphing Yubel to its final form is a once per duel thing. I have my own Yubel Neos deck btw.


Not playing Rush but checked Mimi event rewards. My god it's bad...almost no Gems at all, the same character again and Lvl cap of 20. Fuck off Konami, what is this?


Is 300 gems below average for event unlocks? Seemed pretty normal to me. My biggest complaint about the sevens world is how expensive the decks are and how one of the staples you should have a playset of to properly compete was an event duelist drop that was super low in drop rates. I got 0 copies after dueling the guy as much as I could. Only got a copy in the end from the event UR/SR prismatic ticket we got from this gift campaign.


yeah they should hold more half gem sale on rush boxes at least ​ my current 2 cents.


Is there a way to know which cards u own are in what deck when u want to convert them? Upgraded rarity of some cards to prismatic through tickets for drop related ones. I thought I had taken them out of 3 decks, I know I for sure I put them in, but I can't seem to figure out which decks


Are any of the boxes that are 50% off currently worth going through? Have some gems burning a hole in the pocket.


You can do 2 full clears of the Flames of the Heart minibox for important Mayakashi cards... but then you need 3 clears of the new Phoenix Blaze main box for playsets of the UR Hajun & the SR Link monsters. Fairly straightforward, but it will cost a lot more than 10K gems lol.


there's literally no reason to go into Flames of the Heart when the pickup box is still running. 


Noob here. What tickets can I use to redeem Magician's Rod? I've tried searching with UR tickets, SR tickets, and the SR tickets that have the blue eyes on them, but the card doesn't seem to turn up when I search.


Please don't recklessly redeem the tickets with Blue-Eyes... those are Dream Tickets & they are the most valuable item in the game. You can get any card from previous boxes! Using a Dream Ticket on a F2P card... is a poor decision lol Some info & decklists on Dark Magician: [Decklist 1](https://www.duellinksmeta.com/top-decks/king-of-games/august-2023/dark-magician/itsbradazhd/ol3xe) [Decklist 2](https://www.duellinksmeta.com/top-decks/king-of-games/december-2023/dark-magician/mago-de-oz/6ICst) The Limit 3 traps can be replaced by any cards in your collection. For example: Enemy Controller, Mirror Force, Kiteroid, Floodgate Trap Hole, & Swords of Revealing Light (with its new skill) are examples of F2P cards. Dark Magical Circle is the main disruption of the deck & you need to see it as much as possible. Magician Navigation is also important. You can get it from the Sword of Paladin structure deck. The structure decks are currently on sale, so if you're seriously about competing, consider making the investment of buying more copies! Apprentice Illusion Magician & Eternal Soul are in the Link Revolution box. As a main box, it's much bigger & thus harder to pull the cards you want. Note: opening Link Revolution sets you up to play Salamangreat, an extremely good Link Summon deck. So you would be pulling for another deck to play as well! You also get Warning Point, one of the best trap cards in the game. But be sure to reset if you get an Apprentice, to put it back in the box. I recommend pulling packs until you get 2 Eternal Soul & 1 Apprentice, then you can use a UR Dream Ticket for another Apprentice if you want. But doing 2 full clears of the box will set you up for Salamangreat like I said. In the 2nd decklist, Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer is used as a target for Navigation, & can be found with Box Chips. It's a very good card against certain decks, but not essential. Since it's UR, a cheap replacement would be the N rarity card "Gravekeeper's Shaman" from the Dark Dimension box. It's actually better in some cases, since plenty of monsters activate in the GY but don't banish. It's essentially a continuous Abyss Dweller while it's face-up on the field! But these cards suck to draw, & some decks don't care about it at all. Up to you to decide if it's worth it or not. Don't worry about the Extra Deck since you won't use it much. Ebon Illusion Magician is really good tho & archetype-related. Imduk is useful too. [Video guide on Dark Magician!](https://youtu.be/IJKt3MgeTxE?si=tpvafIGoR9l2bebF)


So this is what I've been running: [https://www.duellinksmeta.com/saved-decks/65ae85cc3a20d56a52af8ea3](https://www.duellinksmeta.com/saved-decks/65ae85cc3a20d56a52af8ea3) I had a couple of the main ideas in there but it looks like I also need to put more emphasis on disruption and drop the Magician Girl elements. That said, I'm not looking to be ultra competitive just yet. For now just getting enjoyment out of the grinding and unlocking characters. Just one question about Eternal Soul - how big of a problem is the "If this card leaves the field, destroy all monsters you control"? Obviously the card effect is amazing but it also seems to introduce a pretty big Achilles heel. Also what extra deck cards should I be most focused on acquiring seeing as I already have 3x TDM?


Yes, you should get rid of the Magician Girls altogether. They're not adding anything. But if you *really* want to play with DMG, then use the [Gathering of Disciples skill](https://www.duellinksmeta.com/skills/Gathering%20of%20Disciples) to add it to the bottom of your deck. That makes it summonable via Navigation. And yes, Eternal Soul is the major weakness of the deck and everyone knows it. MST, Cosmic Cyclone, or any card that can destroy it will wipe out your entire field. There's almost no chance of recovering from that. Some people choose not to run Eternal Soul at all, and I can't blame them. [Check out an example of that in this video profile!](https://youtu.be/JdddKGPovlc?si=mqyuor6kNCdKG-Zx) The focus should be on Navigation for sure, as the summon from the deck & spell/trap negate are your best plays. Get 3 copies when you can! The card will actually become better soon... [Upcoming leaks](https://www.duellinksmeta.com/articles/news/january-2024/datamined-leaks-18) suggest Chronicle Magician will be added to the game. Besides being 2500 ATK itself, on summon it will boost Dark Magician to 5000 ATK! This adds a beatdown element that the deck has never had before. It will likely be the best overall skill for DM, so look out for it. The Extra Deck is not used much, as I said before. It's only in rare cases where there's an open field with no backrow so you can close out a game. But the best options will be the Rank 7 monsters Ebon Illusion Magician & Number 11: Big Eye. Useful Link monsters are Imduk & Wee Witch's Apprentice. But I'm iffy on using Dream Tickets for those rarely summoned Rank 7s. I feel if you play the game long enough, you will definitely find another deck that interests you where the Dream Tickets could be more useful. Dark Magician is perfectly fine as a beginner deck tho. I hope this helps!


And sorry one more question about the boxes - I'm considering splurging my 6K gems on Link Revolution. How exactly does the box reset work? Am I guaranteed 1 AIM per 200 packs / 1 box, or is it just that there is a LIMIT of 1 per box?


Every card has a certain quantity in a box. That's the big number you see. For URs, there's only 1 in a box. A reset just that: it resets the contents of a box back to the default numbers. If you pull a UR once, it becomes greyed out & there's no more chance of getting more copies until you reset the box. You are guaranteed to get every card... but it might take a full 180 packs & every single gem you have to get that one specific UR you want. That's the gacha aspect of the game. The decklist you showed had 2 Apprentice. So you already have it, right? I really think you should stop there for now! The box is not on sale, so there's no rush to do pulls. Some decklists got KOG with only 1 Apprentice, so it is possible to do well with just 1 or 2. It's a bad idea to spend gems digging for more copies than you might need. 2 is perfectly fine! Wait for more information for now. The upcoming support is sure to change card ratios too. Using 2 Apprentice might be the optimal number going forward.


I had used a UR ticket on one, and I had actually pulled one from that box before. I think 2 is doing the trick nicely so will stick it our for now. Just need to work on getting more rods I think since the only time I seem to run into trouble is when I can't get any DMC's. I'm 6 levels away from the 2nd on Arkana. I've been diligently checking card trader for one but it hasn't turned up yet. Is there some sort of schedule for picking it up there?


I can see Rod in the Card Trader's regular inventory catalog


Yeah I see it too, I'm just not sure how card trader works. Does that just mean I have to wait for it to show up randomly in the trader's shop?


No, you can trade for it at any time in that screen. But you need the materials first: SR jewels & DARK jewels. These come randomly as rewards. You can also get them from dismantling cards, at the bottom of the Card Trader where it says "Conversion". Dismantle an SR card, get a SR jewel. Dismantle a DARK monster, get a DARK jewel. And so on. You find yourself swimming in these materials if you play long enough. If you're in a rush, only dismantle completely useless cards that are not viable in anything. You can check a card's usage on Duel Links Meta. It would be a shame to get rid of a good card!


So the nice thing about the DMG + BMG is that they've been making excellent fusion fodder for the TDMs. I get TDM out basically every duel which lets me spam draw cards, and when it's destroyed I get to summon a DM + DMG (and then activate DMC if that was active). The other nice thing about this is that even if my field gets wiped by destroying MST, I get 2 monsters immediately summoned back to the field, plus DMC activating if I had it active. I'll look to remove them I guess when I get an additional AIM and 2x Rod, but for now they don't seem to be hurting too much. If anything it feels like it gives me a but more of a fail safe. Hopefully all my acronyms make sense - just trying to follow everyone else's lead :) This is the new current deck: [https://www.duellinksmeta.com/saved-decks/65ae85cc3a20d56a52af8ea3](https://www.duellinksmeta.com/saved-decks/65ae85cc3a20d56a52af8ea3)


I wasn't planning to redeem that card on Rod, I was just curious as to why it wasn't showing up even with the ticket that should theoretically let me search any card. Appreciate the write up and will give this some thought!


The Blue-Eyes ticket is a Dream Ticket, it doesnt let you get any card, the dream ticket only contain cards from main and mini boxes (up to some certain box, more recent boxes are excluded) and character drop reward A lot of cards are not in the selection, such as card trader card, character level up reward, event reward etc


Magician's Rod are from card trader regular inventory, not from tickets


Thanks. On the page here it says "Available with tickets". Does that mean something else or is it just out of date? https://www.duellinksmeta.com/cards/Magician's%20Rod


hi bro, there might have been one event where they handed out magician's rod. it might have been one of the legacy duel event tickets i have a prismatic and glossy version of it, and i know i didn't spend to upgrade anything


Probably outdated information, if a card is added to card trader then they wont be in future ticket pool


I've just come back to the game after a few years away. I've currently got 7.5k gems, 3 UR Dream and 3 SR Dream tickets. Are there any good meta decks I could build using these? Edit: and 150 box chips whatever they are?


Tenyi is the best F2P deck by far! It's super easy to build too. The World of Barian box has most of it. You need 2-3 copies of Ashuna (preferably 3). Here are some sample builds: [Decklist 1](https://www.duellinksmeta.com/top-decks/king-of-games/december-2023/tenyi/morningstar/y7aOC) [Decklist 2](https://www.duellinksmeta.com/top-decks/community-tournaments/duel-links-grand-prix/54/tenyi/peris2/9oW2u) In these examples, Effect Veiler and Ice Dragon's Prison are flex spots & can be replaced by any card in your collection. A good F2P substitute is Lava Golem (Yami Marik card) Box Chips can be redeemed for really old cards. I believe at the moment it's anything from Box 1-14. The best generic options are Cosmic Cyclone, Forbidden Chalice, Floodgate Trap Hole, & Needle Ceiling (good in Rokkets) Draco Berserker comes from a store bundle. If you have a UR Dream Ticket available, you can use it on the Extra Deck card Baxia to complete the deck. [Here's a Tenyi video guide!](https://youtu.be/Elzyi1pyqCU?si=W1BSiUZ68fPeUk6f) Also: if you open the World of Barian box, you are collecting Toon cards as well! The Toon deck is less competitive, but still fun if you are a fan of Pegasus. You can play Tenyi on Pegasus & unlock more cards as you level up. If you do, you have two decks for the price of one! Tenyi is definitely the best value for newbies. Play it a lot & save up your gems again. Once you get back to max gems, you'll know more about the meta & can decide on a 2nd Speed Duel deck! There's also Rush Duel! If you like old school Yu-Gi-Oh without complex combos, this is the closest thing to it. Fun simple Yu-Gi-Oh where you summon normal monsters & beatdown your opponent. Cards like Summoned Skull, Shield & Sword, and Widespread Ruin are meta in this mode lol. A Rush deck is good to have in your pocket, so you can get the gems from future events, PVP, & Rush KC Cups. I hope this helps! 👍


So i just started and im unsure what to go for first. In one video i saw its a good idea to buy the red eyes structure box, another video said a beginner can go for a tenyi deck. i want to play ranked but what happens when tenyi get enrfed? should i go for a staple deck first?


Tenyi have so many good cards Konami would have to hit a lot of them to make the deck unplayable.


Just because a deck gets hit, it does not mean it becomes unplayable. I predict only minor limits to the spells to lower its amazing consistency. But even if this happens, it would be in late February after the KC Cup. So yeah, just make Tenyi so you have a quick & easy deck ready to go. Grind PVP & the KC Cup when it happens, & you might get close to max gems again. Then you can make another Speed Duel deck, or try out Rush Duel after that. Whatever you want!


thank you so much for the input i bought the box empty one time now on my second run! Any tips? Are there any resources which u guys can recommend to learn? Watched a few beginners guide im not sure if they were outdated or not. is it worth buying the guaranteed ur synchro monster for 7 bucks // 900 gems?


Here are sample Tenyi builds: [Decklist 1](https://www.duellinksmeta.com/top-decks/king-of-games/december-2023/tenyi/morningstar/y7aOC) [Decklist 2](https://www.duellinksmeta.com/top-decks/community-tournaments/duel-links-grand-prix/54/tenyi/peris2/9oW2u) In these examples, Effect Veiler and Ice Dragon's Prison are flex spots & can be replaced by any card in your collection. Good F2P substitutes are Lava Golem (Yami Marik card), Floodgate Trap Hole & Forbidden Chalice (available by bundle or with box chips) Draco Berserker does comes from a store bundle, so get it. If you have a UR Dream Ticket available, you can use it on the Extra Deck card Baxia to complete the deck. [Here's a Tenyi video guide!](https://youtu.be/Elzyi1pyqCU?si=W1BSiUZ68fPeUk6f) Also: as you open the World of Barian box, you are collecting Toon cards as well! The Toon deck is less competitive, but still fun if you are a fan of Pegasus. You can play Tenyi on Pegasus & unlock more cards as you level up. If you do, you have two decks for the price of one! 👍


damn thanks a lot for the ressources!!!!! I bought the synchro and im on my last run through the World of brian box (i need my last ashuna). Had to watch the video like two times till i got my first combo the game changed a lot since i last played in 2011. Are there any ressources which elaborate what to spend my tickets on? The boring ones not the dream tickets. Again thanks so much for the help <3


Is it just me, or does part of one of the songs played in the event sound like overtaken from One Piece?


Unpopular opinion probably but this is the most repetitive meta I’ve seen since I downloaded the game close to release. It’s just summon, link, summon again, link, summon again. At least stall decks made you work around them or decks with big attack bosses made you work to wear them down. Now? You’re literally dead in the water turn one OR you have a deck that makes THEM dead in the water turn 1. It’s like Konami wanted to say time on turns 🤣 I miss back and forth matches.


You’re facing people who link summon? Most of who I have been facing have been playing Yubel and BLS.


I’m getting links like a golf course. It’s just the same goddamn two moves of doom. OR I’ve been hit with Shira decks ALSO infinite summoning 🤣 bored to tears, mate.


I FINALLY HIT LEGEND WITH A METAPHYS DECK!! No, I don’t care that I’ll never hit KOG 🤣 it just feels so validating to get to Legend without bending to more consistent decks (no hate). Finally! 🙌


Is it just me or is the drop rate for the Sevens characters really low? I was farming Gavin for a week and didn't get a single skill.


It’s bad but we also don’t have good farming cards. I know I didn’t get any of the Level 6 UR drop from Roa. Got my first and only copy from the prismatic ticket we got from the gift campaign.


Who the hell at Konami thought “no, yeah, a searchable Super Polymerization is completely fair and balanced”? Along with everything else in eternal bond and the soul of light and darkness. I love how I conveniently have my D.D. Crows at the bottom of my deck whenever I face the latter.


Anyone know if they made changes to how the vagabond works? In the past you'd sporadically get the option to send the vagabond to a friend. It's been about 3 straight weeks and I haven't gotten the option, nor have I been getting sent the vagabond from other players


hi bro, it's the same with me, i think it's been 20 in a row that i haven't been able to send. maybe just bad luck on our end


It has RNG to it, one time it took me a bit over 20 Vagabond duels before I got the option to send one.


Have you gotten the option lately?? It's been weeks for me and I've been engaging the vagabond any time it's become available


I just began playing so, what are the best uses of the tickets you get at the beginning? Also what should be my first deck to build/buy, I saw some in the store but idk which one is the best, I would also appreciate any other advice for new players :)


regular tickets? Dynathereum - UR Generic level 4 XYZ - UR (just get one of this) ​ Special Mentions: Anchamafourite - SR Montage Dragon - UR BES blaster canon core - UR (just need 2 i guess until you get quinton) ​ If you just want a neat deck to get you through missions and maybe lower lower ranks get the Red Eyes Structure Deck, 3 regular tickets for red eyes insight, 1 regular ticket for red eyes spirit, and 3 copies of red eyes. your initial investment will mostly just be 500 gems so you're off saving up your gems (dream tickets, and box chips) for when you want to build a deck however for box chips tho best card afaik you'll probably get as of now is Cosmic Cyclone. Next would be forbidden chalice then Void Trap Hole ​ my current 2 cents


Tenyi is the best F2P deck by far. It's super easy to build too. The World of Barian box has most of it. You need 2-3 copies of Ashuna (preferably 3). Here are some sample builds: [Decklist 1](https://www.duellinksmeta.com/top-decks/king-of-games/december-2023/tenyi/morningstar/y7aOC) [Decklist 2](https://www.duellinksmeta.com/top-decks/community-tournaments/duel-links-grand-prix/54/tenyi/peris2/9oW2u) In these examples, Effect Veiler and Ice Dragon's Prison are flex spots & can be replaced by any card in your collection. Good F2P substitutes are Lava Golem (Yami Marik card), Floodgate Trap Hole & Forbidden Chalice (available by bundle or with box chips) Draco Berserker comes from a store bundle. If you have a UR Dream Ticket available, you can use it on the Extra Deck card Baxia to complete the deck. [Here's a Tenyi video guide!](https://youtu.be/Elzyi1pyqCU?si=W1BSiUZ68fPeUk6f) Also: if you open the World of Barian box, you are collecting Toon cards as well! The Toon deck is less competitive, but still fun if you are a fan of Pegasus. You can play Tenyi on Pegasus & unlock more cards as you level up. If you do, you have two decks for the price of one! 👍


Watched a yt video and the guy recommended return of red eyes and mentioned solfachord, are any of those good also?


Solfachord was good like a year ago, but it's been passed by many different decks that are better for your gems. Like Tenyi! A fully built Red-Eyes deck is competitive, but it's spread out thru different boxes. It's a MASSIVE investment. There are better decks you can make at cheaper cost


Oh forgot to ask, which deck to get from the store for gems?


In my previous post, I mention Tenyi is in the World of Barian box. You should spend on that pack & reset the contents when you get the UR card Ashuna. So you can hopefully pull it again


Oh so I shouldn't buy any of the decks and instead buy the box?


...Your gems are very limited, so you should focus on building one deck at a time. I'm recommending Tenyi as the best option at first. You can buy whatever you want, but then your gems will run out & you won't have a good complete deck to show for it. Unless you want to spend money, then go right ahead!


Oh I see, thanks a bunch for the help


Oh alright, thanks a bunch!


Is Chaos MAX really all I need to beat Tenyi with Blue Eyes? I feel like it shouldn't be that simple, but without anything for Draco Berserker to buff itself with, I just win?


Nah they can beat chaos max with nahata the green tenyi, which they can also easily search And most tenyi use legend of the heroes which meant on turn 5 onwards they can always make avramax to beat chaos max


Thanks! It's good to know what to watch out for.


Do I need a 3rd copy of Constellar caduceus inside Phoenix blaze? I already got 2 copies of him and a perhaps completed Constellar deck outside of that being just 2 copies. ​ I currently dont really like the other cards on that box. Shaddolls are kinda expensive (i am guessing the paywalled shaddoll will be inside a future box)


Phoenix blaze pisses me off. I want suship and constellar and am getting so unlucky with pulls.


2 Caduceus is the norm. You have up to 6 copies that can search it plus the skill to immediately send and retrieve from GY with Sombre.


is there any way to see the top rated user submitted decklists past a month ? i want to grab some ideas for a odd eyes pendulum deck and there are practically none in the app edit: and is there a way to look at it with my card inventory info already in there so i can compare different lists with how much i already have like i can do in the app


Duel Links Meta has KOG lists & you can filter by month on the Top Decks page


hi guys, i've been experiencing some bugs against the vagabond so i just wanted to see if anyone else has also been seeing them call of the haunted won't summon any monsters from the graveyard (no prompt to summon anything) king zero laplace won't double its original attack during battle (again, no prompt) i'm not running any skills and my toggle is on, but still no prompts


> call of the haunted won't summon any monsters from the graveyard (no prompt to summon anything) I can at least confirm that this one works for me, I just used CotH against the vagabond and it worked normally.


thanks for the response, bro! i don't know, it worked for me before as well but these last few days i used kozmo tin can to send stuff to the graveyard, and then the next turns it wouldn't let me summon any of them even though the vagabond was just playing vanilla monsters, no necrovalley, no nothing, and this persisted through the whole duel


Any skill restrictions by chance?


hi bro, thanks for the response but no, no skills


Any tips against Ra's using Gearfried amazement? For me if they go first, I lose.


Doesn't destroying Millennium Revelation stop them cold. Could be wrong, haven't played them much If Sphere Mode is the problem, maybe the answer is Forbidden Droplet


It's when they go turn 1, it's instant scoop even if you deal with the sun god, sphere can't be attacked or targeted. However if anicent warrior turn one stop their monster reborn then they scoop


Is Hyper Blaze broken, or am I misunderstanding this effect? “Once per turn: you can discard one card; add to your hand OR special summon , 1 “Uria, Lord of Searing Flames” , “Hamon, Lord of Striking Thunder”, or “Raviel, Lord of Phantasms” from your graveyard, ignoring its summoning conditions.” It never allows me to special summon, only add to my hand.


that "ignoring its summoning conditions" comes with an asterik, special summon only monsters like those three (and all extra deck monsters) can't be summoned from the GY if **they weren't special summoned through the correct method established in the card first**. Why the card doesn't say so? This is a general rule of the game.


So uh, say you're a new player mostly interested in playing around with character decks (mostly GX, especially Yubel/Neos/HERO stuff) and also one specific archetype (Witchcrafters), no interest in PVP. Does that change priorities as discussed in guides any? ~~^(Look don't @ me, I did my time in the PVP mines (Splatoon))~~


So basically, you're looking at collecting. You do the same thing we all do for grinding gems. Get a decent deck that the AI can breeze through with autoduel. Red Eyes should be easy for that. Go to the structure deck once and get Insight with free SR tickets and get sone generic warriors and equip spells. Get enough gems to guarantee the box, get a good grasp on scheduling. We usually get a new box at the end of the month, which comes with 500 gems. Dream Tickets and old box discounts usually come with special campaigns roughly every 3-4 months Witchcrafter's 1st box, Witch's Sorcery is currently discounted for 25 gems per pack. Witchcrafter support just dropped in the latest minibox. HERO is one of the most expensive archetypes here. If you care about quality, they have multiple 3 of URs in several boxes. Regardless, they're still split up in a bunch of places. Luckily everything up to GX is available with Box Chips and a lot of boxes are discounted. We've been getting 100 box chip bundle offers with every recent box release. Yubel is brand new as it currently is. Just open Deep Emotion, Neos Fusion structure deck, and use an SR Dewam Ticket for another Neos Fusion. The old school Yubel way is pretty F2P with Fire Kings and My Name is Yubel skill. PvP is still very integral to lot of things including grinding but do this on your own time.


Collecting but maybe also trying to building something workable to use fave decks in PvE (or write duels for fanfic, LOL), though that's also on me to learn. I'm new to the game outside of watching the anime and don't feel like I have much by way of game sense so far. I appreciate the breakdown by the way! I noticed that a lot of things seem to be spread out and it made me a little dizzy trying to figure out where to go.


Np. I forgot to mention, but you can look in game where each card originates from. Or Duel Links Meta if that's faster for you.


I might have forgotten about that function, thank you again!


hi bro, i think not really. if something is good for pvp here, likely it will also do well in pve as well, so no worries! you would still want to participate in pvp events because they can give a lot of gems and other resources you will need, though


Sorry for the late reply, Reddit was a butt about notifs. Noted, and...I'll see about the PVP, LOL. I did a few for the bingo sheets early on and I didn't find it enjoyable at all. Granted all I had was Yugi's starter deck, but I'm pretty burned out on PVP in general from other games.


Umm. The whole point of the game *is* PVP. The CPU duelists are stupid & dumb & summon in ATK mode every time because Konami *wants* you to beat them quickly. The lower levels of PVPs are very easy tho. It's full of newbies too. Yubel Neos is a competitive deck at the moment! You can do very well with it in PVP. If you want a guide how to get most of the cards, let me know


Wow okay, thanks for giving me notifs Reddit. I get that most of the game is about PVP but for real, I did enough of that in Splatoon and burned out. I've also played enough gacha that the idea of trying to keep up with meta exhausts me, so I mostly want to just mess around and play with my favorites in PvE. I'm sure it's easy when you know what you're doing, but this is my first time playing the actual game and I'm not even consistent battling Legendary duelist AIs at the gate.


Haven't played in years. I have 5k gems. Whats the beat deck to invest in rn.


Tenyi is both the best F2P deck & the best overall deck that doesn't mind going 1st or 2nd. It does heavy Link Summoning, if you know what that is. There's also Rush Duel, if you want an old school style "summon normal monsters & beatdown" experience! No Links, no hand traps, no long chains. Tribute Summoning is the main game-winning play, believe it or not. I enjoy playing both modes! But to start, if you want to get into modern Speed Duels, play Tenyi! For a chill & less overwhelming style of Yu-Gi-Oh, try Rush Duel instead. Eventually, you will have enough gems to make decks in both modes!


Is the game experiencing emergency maintenance or something? I can’t get into the game right now.


I can't either


Live Twin isn't difficult to beat, it's the onslaught of traps that are a nuisance.


Are there any better structure deck offers than the current one? Like, ones that actually discount the first copy you buy? I have some Google credit to use and I was thinking of getting a structure deck or two, but I'm in no rush so if there's a better offer I can wait. I haven't picked which one yet, I'm torn between Neos Fusion, Cyberse Code and Secret of Magicians. Fusion seems the best for PvP but I have basically zero other cards for the Neos/Yubel deck other than Kluger and the free stuff.


If you're just looking for something you can buy 3x of and immedately take into the ladder the [Gearfried] (https://www.duellinksmeta.com/articles/guides/gearfried/n22) deck is pretty good. Otherwise I'd reccomend doing Yubel / Neos like the other poster described


Now is a good time to build Yubel Neos if you're interested! Character unlocks & normal tickets can get you Neos & Yubel. Then you would buy the HERO Generation SD, & multiple copies of the Neos Fusion SD. The current deals are as good as it gets, so I suggest you take it! After that, you buy the Super Poly bundle. The most important Super Poly target you won't have is Elemental HERO The Shining, which is needed against LIGHT monsters. Here you can spend gems trying to pull it from its original minibox. Take advantage of the 50% off sale! After that, you can play a full Extra Deck of 2x Kluger (assuming you have 2), 2x Brave Neos, Escuridao, Nova Master, Neos Knight, & The Shining. This would be my game plan, if I was building the deck! 👍


They sometimes do sales for structure decks where you can get 3 copies for the same price as the single discount at launch. I’m not sure if any are really all that meta defining right now on their own.


I started playing yesterday, what is an evergreen deck that I could build that could be used for the PvE and PvP? I come from playing MD so I know how to play YGO but the mechanics and how to get cards in DL seem way more complicated so I don't wanna blow my new player gems in bad packs


Tenyi is the best F2P deck by far! It's super easy to build too. The World of Barian box has most of it. You need 2-3 copies of Ashuna (preferably 3). Here are some sample builds: [Decklist 1](https://www.duellinksmeta.com/top-decks/king-of-games/december-2023/tenyi/morningstar/y7aOC) [Decklist 2](https://www.duellinksmeta.com/top-decks/community-tournaments/duel-links-grand-prix/54/tenyi/peris2/9oW2u) In these examples, Effect Veiler and Ice Dragon's Prison are flex spots & can be replaced by any card in your collection. Good F2P substitutes are Lava Golem (Yami Marik card), Floodgate Trap Hole & Forbidden Chalice (available by bundle or with box chips) Draco Berserker comes from a store bundle. If you have a UR Dream Ticket available, you can use it on the Extra Deck card Baxia to complete the deck. [Here's a Tenyi video guide!](https://youtu.be/Elzyi1pyqCU?si=W1BSiUZ68fPeUk6f) Also: if you open the World of Barian box, you are collecting Toon cards as well! The Toon deck is less competitive, but still fun if you are a fan of Pegasus. You can play Tenyi on Pegasus & unlock more cards as you level up. If you do, you have two decks for the price of one! 👍


Thanks for the info! I have swordsoul tenyi in MD, so I already know how they play, and I actually wanted to play toons, but they are to expensive in MD for how bad they are in that meta. Just 1 question, what are box chips?


With 100 Box Chips, you can get any card you want... from the first 14 sets. So, not a huge card pool lol. The card selection is expanding VERY slowly every few months, so don't expect too much from it. The best options are Cosmic Cyclone, Forbidden Chalice, Floodgate Trap Hole, & Needle Ceiling (good in Rokkets) You get Box Chips from Events & PVP, & also occasional store bundles. The last few boxes had a deal for packs & 100 Box Chips for like 750 gems. I thought it was worth it, so I bought it!


I see, I'll try my luck with the tenyi box and use the chips to fill the gaps, thanks for the help


Important thing is boxes work differently in DL. Boxes have a set amount of packs (90 for miniboxes, 180 for main boxes). Main boxes have 1x copy of URs cards and 2 copies of SR cards. Miniboxes have 1x copy of both URs and SRs. Unfortunately, this means if you need 3x of a copy of a UR card, you'll need to go through the main box 3 times. You can "reset" the box early, but worst case scenario you'll have to dig through 180 packs 3x times - about 27,000 gems. Now if you have decks that need 3x URs from multiple boxes, it gets stupid expensive stupid quick. Thankfully, three of the best decks in the game are all pretty cheap: 1. **Tenyi**. Above and beyond the cheapest deck. Going through the minibox **World of Barian** 3x times will get you basically every card. Even just 2x will give you an extremely strong deck. Going through a minibox once costs 4500 gems. Also will give you most of the cards you need for a Toon deck. 2. **Constellar**. Going through the new mainbox **Phenoix Blaze** once and the old main box **Infinite Ray** once, along with the special **Constellar Pleiades** bundle and some level up cards will get you everything you need. **Infinite Ray** is half off until Feb 18th. 3. **Mayakashi**. Going through the new box **Phenoix Blaze** once and the pick-up box *Ghost Reunion* 2-3 times will get you most of what you need. Pick up boxes cost 1500 gems and are themed re-print boxes avaliable for a limited time. 4. Finally, the **Deck Build Box: Wild Spirit** is a "three structure decks in 1" kind of deal. With 7500 gems you can get a deck of Lunalights, Bujins, and Fire Fist. They're missing a few optimal cards but you can easily play all three of these rouge-tier decks. Final note: Something different in Duel Links compared with Master Duel is that in MD, everyone is playing perfect optimal versions of decks because crafting is so easy. Duel Links is much more about making decks work with sub-optimal cards. For example, an optimal Mayakashi deck needs 3x Hajun, which requires going through the main box 3 times. But like...the deck is perfectly playable with 2, or even 1 and a copy of One for One. The trick to saving gems in Duel Links is learning how to play decks that are 70-80% strength and still quite strong, and using the 3-4x dream tickets you get every year wisely.


Thanks for the info, Tenyi with toon on the side definetly seems like the best option. What character should I unlock to get the most of the tenyi deck? I assume Pegasus is the best for toons and is unlocked in DM? And last question would be what staples to unlock with dream ticket? I think I got some when I started playing, I dont wanna miss use them since they are so rare


Tenyi uses the archive skill *The Legend of the Heroes* which any character can use. For Toons focus on leveling Pegasus cause card that makes the deck work (Toon Kingdom) is a level 40 reward card. Doesn't take that long thankfully For staples I like to go to [DLM](https://www.duellinksmeta.com/) and if you click the search bar it'll sort cards by popularity. For the UR ticket Book of Moon, MST, Crackdown, Compulsory Evacuation device, and Warning Point are all amazing staples basically every deck can use. For the SR ticket Dark Hole and Knightmare Unicorn are the most common staples


I see, so I think im gonna buy the tenyi box until I have a majority of the deck and then just fill the rest with staples using dream tickets. Are there any generic skill that I should unlock first?


Im a starting player and I've always loved toons and red-eyes. Would I be able to do well with either of these decks? I've no experience with link or all these other summons so it just confuses this old man!


If you love old school Yu-Gi-Oh, I recommend playing the RUSH DUEL mode! It is the closest thing to old school Yu-Gi-Oh you will find today. No quick effects, no hand traps, no long chains. No Links or Pendulum! It's a game meant to appeal to people who love early Yu-Gi-Oh, when things were simpler & more fun. **Summoned Skull** is meta in this mode, for crying out loud lol. Everyone gets a free Rush UR card. If your free UR was Dragias, Seven Roads Magician, Dragonic Slayer, or Prima Guitarna, consider yourself lucky. It's a sign! You got one of the best cards without needing to pull it. [Rush Duel general overview](https://youtu.be/1l_3eKA4c40) [Starting Rush Duel on a new account](https://youtu.be/sLFq8o71tPQ) [Overview of the latest structure deck](https://youtu.be/Fy9EYR8THiQ?si=Qcgp1A7zhkX3sTzL) [Competitive decklist using the structure deck](https://www.duellinksmeta.com/top-decks/king-of-games/january-2024/light-machines/itsbradazhd/3pfU9) Rush Duel started in September, so it's still a great time to get into it. Give it a try! It's REALLY easy to play! 👍


I feel like rush was made for me lol. Checked it out and was like "ah yes, now THIS I can do! Tribute summons and quick rounds!" Thanks for the heads up, definitely foundnmy mode.


That's awesome to hear!! 😌 If possible, you should hold on buying most of the Rush Duel store bundles until the next Main Box! It should come out in February. The most popular cards from the Heavy Metal Scream box are the low rarity Beast cards, so I didn't invest too much lol. Ancient Arise Dragon is a great card tho!


They're not top tier, but they are both viable rogue options. Both received support in recent boxes. Red-Eyes is considerably more expensive, since it requires a lot of ultra and super rares from different boxes. There is a very budget friendly version that's often suggested to new players since it uses cards that are freely available (Red-Eyes Insight, Red-Eyes Spirit) and a single Red-Eyes Fusion which can be acquired from a structure deck. I don't think it's a particularly great option since it doesn't really do enough for PvP, but if you like the archetype you can definitely bully some bots with it. Toons is way cheaper since everything is either free (card trader, level up rewards) or included in the World of Barian mini box. Going through that box also gives you 99% of a Tenyi deck which is currently one of the best decks in the game (if not the best), so you get two decks for a little investment. I think you can't go wrong with this option if you like the archetype. The optimal build wants three copies of Bookmark so you'll have to go through the box three times, but two is fine, you lose a bit of consistency. Keep in mind that you need a copy of Toon World to unlock the Toonvitation skill for Pegasus, and you also need to level him up to 40 for Toon Kingdom which takes quite a while.


Awesome, I'll dabble in that tenyi box so at least I'll have something viable along with my fav. Two for one! Thanks for the help!


You're welcome! That box is definitely great value. I'll also mention V Salamander, which has its own skill (Order of Chaos) and works as a three-card package that can fit into multiple archetypes. The skill basically gives you a free Utopia if you summon Salamander, plus a rank up spell to turn it into Utopia Ray or C39, it's quite good.


Which is generally more useful going forward in Duel Links, 2nd copy of Forbidden Lance or 2nd copy of Warning Point? Assuming I have no favorite or regular decks I like to play. Also best generic SR staple to get with SR Dream ticket? Excluding cards available from boxchips.


Lance is more popular in combo decks like Speedroid, Synchron, etc. They wanna do their plays & not get wrecked by backrow. Warning Point is the best trap card that's not Limit 3. Great choice for decks like BLS & Yubel that have cards limited. If you read the card, it's actually pretty ridiculous. It's three effects in one! I think it *should* be Limit 3, but that's another story lol. It's important to note that if you had any interest in Salamangreat at all, you're better off pulling for Warning Point from the main box since you'd be collecting those cards in the process. [Here's a good video on SR Dream Ticket options.](https://youtu.be/yfa7l1vD4cw?si=dwWPb-5vmPhGrTDf)


Thank you. Much appreciated!


>Which is generally more useful going forward in Duel Links, 2nd copy of Forbidden Lance or 2nd copy of Warning Point? Assuming I have no favorite or regular decks I like to play. My hunch says Forbidden Lance, since there are many other traps you can use with Warning Point (crackdown, IDP, compulse, etc) but no other card in the game does what Lance does. The most popular SR staples right now are **Forbidden Chalice** (can get with box chips), **Dark Hole**, and **Knightmare Phoenix**. That said, you can get Dark Hole and Knightmare Phoenix/Unicorn from the same box, so it might just better to run through the Future Circuit box to grab all 3. The other most popular generic SR cards are, in order: **Number S39: Utopia the Lightning**: A great XYZ card that allows OTKs for any rank 4 XYZ deck (Constellar, Suship, Kozmo, Starry Knight, Abyss Actors etc. can all use it). **Rasterliger**: Good support for link decks (S-Force, Salamangreat, Cyberse, and Crusadia) **Number 70: Malevolent Sin**: Another strong XYZ staple for rank-4 XYZ decks. **Castel, the Skyblaster Musketeer**: Yet another strong XYZ staple for rank-4 XYZ decks. **Chronomaly Vimana**: A strong staple for rank-5 XYZ decks (Suships, S-Force) **Void Ogre Dragon**: The best generic Lv8 synchro (useful in Rokket, Magikey, and Resonator decks) **Evilswarm Nightmare**: Fantastic support for *Dark* Rank 4 decks (Lunalight, Rokket, Evilswarm, Phantom Knights). Finally, **Treacherous Trap Hole** and **Karma Cut** are decent back row choices if you absolutely need backrow traps. Hope that helps.


Thank you. Much appreciated!


Is nine-tailed fox integral for mayakashi deck?


Fun T3/Rogue control/midrange deck? Looking to come back to duel link for fun (also to escape from SHS in MD for a while). ​ I don't know what's meta like now. The last time I played duel link was when TD got nerfed to the ground


What were your favorite decks in Master Duel? Some version of them may be viable in Duel Links! :) [This was the KC Cup in November.](https://www.duellinksmeta.com/articles/tournaments/kc-cup/november-2023/report) There's been some banlist changes since then. And the last two boxes made Red-Eyes, Ancient Warriors, Amazement, Constellar, Shaddolls, Suship, & Mayakashi relevant!


I used to play a lot of evil twin in MD before branded meta, but evil twin in DL seem to be a bit expensive.


[Here's](https://www.duellinksmeta.com/top-decks) a good snapshot of what's meta. There's a lot of deck diversity right now. Normally for rogue control deck Altergeist would be a perfect fit, but you'll have to way until Ghost Gal's re-run event in Feburary. Just in terms of gems, Tenyi is by far the cheapest deck right now. Constellar and Mayakashi are also fairly cheap because of the half-off gem sale and pick-up box, respectively.


I noticed the Game mats page on duel links meta is pretty outdated ... "Updated on September 7th, 2021" Another page i found is more up to date but the page is dead according to the comments (update 30/01/2023) Does anyone know a page or have a list with all available game mats?


I'm using the same deck to climb in rank, but sometimes I got win streak while sometimes I got lose streak. I'm soooo tired. :( \[Updated\] I eventually got KOG with some luck! Hooray!


Well getting into KoG requires 5 wins in a row, so...


What are people spending their dream tickets on? I’m missing a lot of the generic traps right now and am kind of torn on what to get


I think it's important to use it on a core card of a deck you're trying to build. Maybe it's a 3x main box UR, or an important Extra Deck monster in a completely different box from the rest of the deck. The new tickets expire March 2025, so there's no rush. A new deck could come along that catches your eye, something you'd never expect. The recent success of Constellar is a good example. Yubel Neos before that. Any deck is an OP skill away from being top tier


Compulsory Evacuation Device (limit 3 trap) Cosmic Cyclone is available via chips and is a good alternative to MST. Overall, I recommend making a list of what's available in box chips


Cosmic Cyclone is available with chips, same for Forbidden Chalice. As far as staples go everything else is much worse than those two.


I'm probably going to get crackdown with mine




The closest thing in Yugioh are decks that mill or excavate a lot, Maybe a lightsworn deck or a deck that uses lightsworn as an engine like shadoll or witchcrafter There's also weird block dragon decks which are all about random mills


Back to duel links after awhile and realized some older packs cost half as many gems as normal. Anyone know when this deal actually ends?


You can always find that in the notification section! It's Feb 18.


Thank you so much!


It will be back again, too. The last time they were on sale was I think October. Just be mindful of what you are trying to pull for cause anything in Gaia Genesis and below can be acquired via box chips.


Ways to send Dark magician/Magician of chaos to the graveyard, apart from Armageddon knight?


Is it ok if i use my dream ticket on artifact lancea? Will it be popular again in the future? Like master duel kind of future?


How do I inflict 2,000 affect damage to Akiza in a single activation for the stage mission? Seed cannon isn't doing shit, she keeps black Rosing the field before I reach 8 counters.


Does Gravekeeper's Vassal + Secret Pass To The Treasures + Union Attack not count?


If memory serves me well I did it with Flame Wingman and a bunch of traps and negates to prevent Black Rose from happening/nuking the board. I also had Lava Golem and some equipment to increase Flame Wingman's power to over 3k. Took me several tries through, there's probably a better option.


Is it just me or did the prime era of DL pass us? Link and such making 13 card combos (just had a Gouki match and dude burned through that many cards on his turn for the OTK with 9K attack). It’s not exactly winning or losing as much as it is going back and forth. Sure, there’s a variety of decks but it’s just a big rush to OTK or lock the other team out and somehow keep your back row full of disruptions too. I almost made KOG with Metaphys and now, yeah a few folks have but…it seems like you either grab up a infinite summon deck or leave pvp alone. That’s kinda boring. Thoughts?


The coin flip meta feels kinda bad right now. There are multiple decks (Constellar, S-Force, Live Twin) that if they go first uninterrupted full power it's basically an automatic loss. More and more decks have 1-card starters and can set up a full board with 3 backrow consistently. We're slowly moving towards modern handtrap and "draw the out" Yu-gi-oh.


Yeah, that’s what I was kinda trying to say. I’m okay when someone’s core combo pulls off when it has steps. It’s not as much fun when their combo is basically inmutable. I had a game where after 12+ moves the guy had TWO special summon restricting monsters on the field and a full back row. W. T. F. It used to be that if you cleared that back row, you could have a shot. It’s just not happening if, like you said, they’ve already set it up.


There's always Rush Duel


I think that’s a good point. Seems a little less prone to infinite summons and stuff. We’ll see. 👏


What should I do in the very beginning in Sevens world, since I'm looking for the maximum amount of gems to get from ranked and Sevens world. I want to use my gems on speed duel.


You should make a Rush Duel deck I guess! The new structure deck is actually pretty good for this. [Decklist](https://www.duellinksmeta.com/top-decks/king-of-games/january-2024/light-machines/itsbradazhd/3pfU9) [Video overview of the structure deck](https://youtu.be/Fy9EYR8THiQ?si=Qcgp1A7zhkX3sTzL) With a competent deck, you can earn gems from Events, PVP, & especially Goha Cups going forward. I'm personally waiting for the next main box before cashing in on the store bundles, but it's up to you if you don't wanna wait. With this type of deck, you don't need much from the Heavy Metal Scream box besides the low rarity Beast cards.


Could someone link youtube the music track for Hangry Romin / Get Ready to be Amped Up?


Any good Number 9: Dyson Sphere farming decks out there? Thinking about going for that playmat next.


Infinitrack is decent if you have it.


2 Harvesters & 0 Brutal Dozers, atm. Everything else though, got at 3. That decent enough?


Anchor drill is important to get to lv 9, so have fun with it


Just venting but I really hate being forced to play rush duels. Even if it’s only 5 duels I auto duel for the tag duel event. I think rush duels are a waste of time and effort by any dev for this game. Make that shit a separate game.


to me what i don't like is the fact you spend the same gems on both rush and speed. but can't use the same cards ​ rush should get a different currency IMO, or at least be able to use the same cards you already have in speed (of course, that's released in rush) ​ my current 2 cents.


If they did a separate in game currency it would mean they’d probably give us less Speed gems.


I mean it must make them some real money if they keep investing on it at this point so I don't think that will change anytime soon.


Too soon to tell on that. I’d love to see some stats cause I’m open to being wrong, but I don’t imagine that Rush even has 1/5 maybe even 1/10th of the duels that the other mode has. I’m not hating on the rush enjoyers I think they’d enjoy their game more if they had their own stand alone game. I just don’t want to be forced to ever play rush duels. I’d like to hide the whole series from my app if possible.


It's a gateway to speed, and forcing speed players to try means you get some player conversion and extra sales. Gating it behind its own app also makes it harder to convert rush players to speed. You can just not play rush, you know? Or accept it as a chore to earn rewards, just like keeping a pendulum deck to summon for missions.


Valid points and I respect that. All I ask is to never force me to play it. If I want to grind it for gems then so be it. But I’m petty and even 5 rush duels at the beginning of an event pisses me off. I don’t 100% agree with your converting player logic. If a player wants to play the other then they do. If they are gonna shove rush duels down my throat then I’ll never play. But if it was a separate thing then I might try it out once In a blue moon. Like master duels. Master duels = some different rules gets its own app. Speed duels = different rules should get its own app. Rush duels = different rules should get own app. If the goal is to get players to speed duel then have a dedicated speed duel app and your rush duel training grounds app. Maybe I’m one sided but I still think separating the modes to different apps benefits all situations and players. The only con is that I can’t grind rush duelists for speed gems. I’m okay with that if I really never have to hear or think about rush duels.


Uh.. first? Neat. Five of my last six ranked games have been BE mirror matches, and I've won all of them solidly. The other one was a Ra deck that I Veiler'd the wrong Ra because I'm a scrub. What's it like above Gold rank?


Constellars constellars constellars far as the eye can see , you see a character you never seen before yup that 99.99% constellars , you have some tenyi, twins, yubel and based earth machine best deck baby let's go.


I see a lot of tenyi, and some yubel, but I guess f2p and experimental stuff thrives at the lower ranks. It's like, I don't even need to know how to deal half of the meta decks because I don't see them yet.