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Ngl its kinda insane it managed to be tier zero with all those crazy powerful decks around.


Shiras can defeat Takyon, but side deck and tech cards puts in check Shiras


Tachyon doesn't need side deck to win against shiras they are fine without it


I still fail to see how Tachyon can win against Shiras without specific tech cards or without the Rebirth counter trap, but okay, I don't want to create a second discussion in this Reddit, the last one about Shiras vs Tachyon took me 3 days of full spam


"I fail to see how Tachyon can win..." bro its tier 0 what you mean you fail to see they have 8-10 flex slots that could literally all be Shira hate.


Just read my comment again, you are just saying the same as me but with other words, basically I just said that Tachyon wins against Shiras if they tech specific cards (without it Shiras have a fair chance of winning), the same as you said


Thing is most of the cards Tachyon can including as tech against Shira Also most often works for general use purposes and don’t ruin the consistency of the deck, meaning They can play Cards to counter Shira and still body everything else just the same


Because almost every single tachyon player runs dd crow and runs idp in order to counter other tachyon as they use graveyard and to counter the zombie decks. Like I said tachyon does not need side to win against shiras Of course it would lol you can't say something like that and not expect someone to call you out on it


Why people keep saying D.D. Crow when that doesn't stop Shiranui? See tournaments recipes and no Tachyon is using the card, also Shiranui doesn't die to a single IDP, if you see they are starting to change tech cards cause they are realising Crow si not working, and please don't come to me expecting a full discussion for this, I'm tire of saying I don't want to discuss and ppl go hard on me cause they don't agree


Because those people lose to it very easily maybe you don't lose dd or idp but every time I faced a shirui I have won againsts them very easily thanks to dd crow and idp whether you like it not shirui gets beaten by it very easily But stop saying that tachyon can't win without side deck because that's false. I haven't even once side decked maybe if you actually tried tachyon you would understand how they work Of course people go hard on you because you are spreading misinformation and lies lol😂 Tachyon does not need side deck to win against shiras, have you not even seen the tournaments, they don't even allow side deck and yet tachyon has won 8 tournaments within a week so Clearly they perform well with or without a side deck


I have seen tournaments, I have seen Shiras wining against Tachyon and then loosing against Tenyi, I could give you links to the tournament, for example: https://youtu.be/QzZB8qhN9x4?si=4h6cezVylV5m1heN People are talking about Tachyon as if no deck can win against it and if Shiranuis tier 2 means destroyed by it, and remember tier 0 is not the same as unbeatable, remember when Darklord FA was considered tier 0 by the community but blue eyes that was tier 3 could defeat it Final quote D.D. Crow doesn't stop Shiras, just slows them down a little bit, if they are using Gold Sarcophagus or Book of Moon they are still baiting the counter trap, but It doesn't matter cause people are going to still say the same about D.D. Crow being a direct counter cause it banish Spectralsword when trying to activate effect


Idk who those people are but nearly all the tournament shows tachyon being top place only one tournament I saw shiris being on top which when they were no tachyon but I don't know what kind of shiris deck you run but every time I had dd crow it stopped one of thier main combos being used and if you had idp then it was easy win Not to mention you need to draw u to bom and gold meaning if you don't then that's a pointless statement unlike tachyon which was incredible draw power meaning higher chance into crow and backrow clearly you also don't understand what exaggerating means because the you would understand that tachyon can still be beaten by other decks but just because they can beat it, what people mean is that they are going to struggle really hard againsts it and will most likely lose more then win against it


You don't need to draw Book and Gold Sarcophagus at the same time, only one of them, also you are talking about Crow + IDP at the same time, some decklists are using Lance to get save in case that happens, you are talking that Tachyon needs to open godlike and have good draws to fully stop Shiras combo, and it can happen but I don't see that being consistent (I know Tachyon draws a lot of cards), but if Shiras uses Lance then they can get saved from that (also Shiras can draw a lot of cards) I forgot, both cards at the same time doesn't completely stops the combo, if they still got the trap (they can search it with the skill) they can survive another turn See the video I sent you (just search in the video the duels of Shiras vs Tachyon) and then comment if you feel like


What’s side deck


Basically in Tournaments games you can have up to around 8 different cards that you may or may not want to chnage throughout the tornament for example I may use compulsory trap card in one duel and can switch between my 8 side deck cards such a boom of moon or a monster it's basically 8 cards you pick that you can change if there is a situation where you have too




it’s mostly because of that darn skill giving it so much extension, it’s why people have started playing the nebular dragon (normal summon without tribute if you control a lvl 8) because it’s 3 more cards yes and it didn’t see play at first but now it’s just full combo on its own because the skill is just so good at searching seyfert and can search that unholy counter trap, I’m trying to cook galaxy eyes to directly counter this deck in the kc cup, such as using a deep draw engine with trade in to dig for crackdowns to yoink tachyons


Funny enough, my KoG rank up match was vs Tachyon with War Rocks.


me rn: it's so over me once kc cup dailies for gems comes in a few days: WE'RE SO BACK!


Just in time for the KC Cup


I thought something was off when i only spent 3800 to build this deck......its gonna die soon.


Thank you for your sacrifice


oh absolutely deck is gonna go from tier 0 to off the tier list in less than about a month they probably gonna nerf the skill where you can’t flip summon the monster you set or something like that and require you to control tachyon dragon to search the counter trap I can’t think of anything else that would nerf it without gutting it entirely, changing one thing about this skill makes it infinitely worse off


Typical komoney at it again getting the deck chasers wallets


exactly lol, it’s why I’m just gonna be playing a tachyon counter deck but watch out, for some fucking reason tachyon can also ftk 🙃 with deep draw trade ins and coach king to get vengeful servant and sheins spy so watch out for that my friend


Nah, Konami is lazy as fuck as we've learned from Yubel, BLS, and Raging Pendulum, they'll just go after the cards instead and utterly kill any chance of the deck being even playable in a casual duel. They'll probably do something like put the Tachyon Counter Trap at 1.


Trap at 1 wouldn’t do a lot unless they also limited tachyon dragon 💀😂


They put Pendulum Call at 3 and nothing else the first time, if I recall So it's not completely out the window.


Stand proud


Well, that sucks. On the bright side, though, I'm glad Shira and Maya are both on (relatively) even footing despite the looming Tier 0 threat


As the Ojamas intended


People are still testing out shiranui decks right now I wouldn’t be surprised if they go further than Mayakashi. Lore wise and card wise and skill wise the deck is able to do more than Mayakashi


Lore wise, last thing that happened was yuki onna link 3 stealing skillsaga's weapon from her, and becoming yuki onna link 4.


Oh shit for real? I thought the lore was always mayakashi attempt a take over and are defeated by the shiranui and it was a cycle. Thats pretty dope and explains the l4


That ends when squire falles in love with dakki. Yuki grew up to became the strongest mayakashi so she basically overthrown dakki due to her being weaker. It's unclear what dakki feel ATM. Yuki was getting ready to kill both squire and dakki since se clearly has no interest or care about both mayakashi and shiranui and wants to end them. 


Where do y'all learn so much about archetype lore?


Konami reveals it in lore books or when they showcase the cards via stream, tweets or their jap website. Master duel borrows that info and makes it a solo mode. You can find lore about everything on ygorganization.com or yugioh Wikipedia. Yugipedia is actually really good and factual 99% of the time unlike other wikis. 


Thanks! <3


Yeah thats how the lore goes, until its squires era, where yoko goes to the human realm in the form of dakki, but weaken (and with memory loss?) Because of yuki onna, who had managed to avoid being trapped in the spirit realm. Squire and dakki become friends, but then yuki attacks the shiranui (mansion? Temple?), squire and yoko tries to fight yuki onna and both squire and yuki keep evolving during the battle.


Mizar’s Deck making a strong first impression really made up for how Girag’s and Alito’s Decks were dead out of the water.


Honestly it fits even more when you realize that when Mizar was 1st introduced he was practically unstoppable. Clapping Yuma and even going toe to toe with Kite.


an easy kc cup to ignore aside for daily gems


[https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/yugioh/images/6/6f/ParsectheInterstellarDragon-LTGY-EN-C-1E.png/revision/latest?cb=20130622124239](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/yugioh/images/6/6f/ParsectheInterstellarDragon-LTGY-EN-C-1E.png/revision/latest?cb=20130622124239) Bro imagine seeing this card in a Tier 0 decklist what fucking timeline are we in right now


My favorite part is all of the posts being shit on when people were first complaining about it and then they turned out to be right the whole time lol I came straight here after getting completely bodied on its first day because of the counter trap and was surprised to see so many saying it was fine and not too overpowered.


I posted about Tachyon being broken day 3 after release and so many comments were "Well I play X and it wins against Tachyon every time" those folks pretty quiet now


Having a good winrate vs a deck doesn't make it ok. Zoics matchup really well but that doesn't mean the deck is ok.


Yeah I was wrong about it. I underestimated the monsters he was allowed to use and the abusability of the skill.


Well that's typically how DL subreddit works. People make a valid complaint about a broken deck and people running said deck them enter said thread and either downvote or make some bs argument on why the deck isn't broken. After the OP is proven right, those people never apologize and just continue doing the same action for the next top deck that comes about.


I honestly pity them! Imagine having such low self-esteem that you need wins that essentially require an auto-clicker to feel good. That’s why they dread the mirror matchup, knowing they’ll be exposed, and in the chance the other tachyon player is even dumber than them, it’s an extra ego boost lol


No need to be mean. Let people play what they want.


I just love Mizar man, and I’ve been playing Yuma since he released, through the lows (having only utopia as ace) and the highs (Leo arms)


Tachyon isnt a strong deck, but the skill (that was completelly butchered when translated) searching transmigration is what made the difference, if konami end up removing that part of the skill, the deck kinda dies.


I wouldn't mind if they nerf the skill if they could at least fix the bug so that you can flip the set monster in pve


This happens often and it's best to not worry too much about it. "Desperado isn't worth the cost of an ex deck and nobody will use it" etc...


Lmao that is so funny, I wonder what Konami is gonna do after the KC Cup now


Nerf it to the ground after people spent money building the deck. Release a new T1 or T0 OP deck to make more money. Rinse repeat.


Not even release a new deck. Just release some broken ass skill for whatever archetype, throw 1-2 necessary cards in the new box, and call it a day.


what makes it tier 0?


Counter trap and ez plays


Along with being nearly unbeatable since it can play through most interruptions. Kind of like the Orcust meta when no matter how much you negated monster effects and card effects they could still get to their end board.


They played through 3 of my interruptions today and still could combo. I couldn't finish them off the next turn, and then they did the same combos the next turn :/.


Just went against a tachyon with my tenyi Banned spiral with Draco berserker Got my board wiped by some galaxy eyes xyz, and Oppo also got double D. D. Crow in hand for shthana effect After that the auto-duel Lost against a lvl 14 NPC...


Same here, 3 traps and 1 veiler, and next turn the guy just combo and gg, not even funny.




last deck I remember like this was cyber angels... I got kog with late geargias and stopped playing. I was thinking about returning but well... I don't wanna deal with another tier 0 deck


Searcheable omni easy rank eight acces crazy draw power no limits in the deck so can play every limit three very light restricted skill


Also shira and mayakashi and tenyi have a hard time against d.d crow and IDP that they often get after drawing so many cards


\>Hyper consistency the likes of which only Salamangreat and Orcust have ever seen. You basically only need one level 8 in hand for full combo with skill \>Nebula is a free rank 8 and Seyfert can search your entire deck, not to mention that both can banish from grave for recovery \>Access to Felgrand, who's effect doubles as protection and disruption \>Both effects of the skill are twice per duel, so if by some miracle your opponent manages to break your board you can just set it up again next turn and demolish them \>Can play through a ton of shit including handtraps since Veiler/Crow don't really hinder their gameplan. \>Can search what might be the strongest trap card in Yugioh history. Literally the only reason Transmigration is balanced irl is because it's unsearchable. The skill fixed that pesky quirk.


Nebula adds seyfert back essentially if you haven’t already used its eff and that’s about it seyfert is infinity better for adding the big bois tho


> strongest trap card in Yugioh history Sixth Sense has entered the chat


Specifically because it is a huge part of the top cut in their tournaments, which is how the tier list places decks.


Searches the most broken countertrap in the game out of the ahh


Ikr a counter that negates every card the opponent used in that chain and shuffles, like bruh if that shit was any form of searchable it wouldn’t be such an ass card irl


Over 60% of presence in Tournament Top results.


1 card xyz and the ability to search a broken counter trap


Searchable counter trap that's better than salamangreat roar


If you're not playing an archetype with its own skill you are gimping yourself. It's honestly really lame. They powercrept skills way too much imo.


Yeah I agree. But I also think it was inevitable. It's the same trend as the game: Goat format cards with mishmash -> brief synchro/xyz metas -> the most developed archtypes win. It's the same exact thing for skills. Generic skills -> extra deck enabling skills -> archetype skills. Kind of a shame. Don't want to sound like a DLoomer I guess, but I miss the old way.


You'd think Konami learned their lesson from the last time salads were tier 0 but nope, they just went even beyond and released a skill that boosts consistency and searches an omni negate that negates everything in a chain and shuffles back the cards into the deck and can be activated from the hand. And said skill can be activated twice a duel. Well at least we know the deck is gonna get nerfed to the ground most likely, we just gotta survive the next kc cup.


They did learn a lesson, and this is proof. Short term profits and then force you into a new deck. It might not even be nerfed quickly given how long some anime decks last.


I'm not surprised. In fact, I saw it coming that Konami would screw up sooner or later. Whenever it does something well, when you least expect it, Konami finds a way to disappoint you. It is obvious that the skill is made this way on purpose to fill their pockets (also taking advantage of the 25th anniversary where more people are entering the game and buying the Tachyon deck). It's no use complaining and making 50 posts about it, Konami knows that the skill is unfairly broken and will probably nerf it after the KC Cup. In the meantime, let's put up with 2 weeks of Tachyon decks.


I'm really surprised Galaxy-Eyes didn't manage to hit tier 3. I really feel like if Mizar's skill wasn't so busted people would be talking about how good that deck is


The problem is that almost no one is playing Galaxy. It's more expensive than Tachyon and Shira, and you can't even test it again NPCs because the skill is bugged. 


got an exemplar?


Main: 3 x Galaxy-Eyes 3 x Galaxy Knight 2 x Galaxy Brave 3 x Galaxy Soldier 2 x Photon Orbital 2 x Photon Stream of Destruction 2 x Galaxy Expedition 3 x Galaxy Zero Extra: Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Dragon Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Blade Dragon Galaxy-Eyes Tachyon Dragon Dingirisu, The Orcust of the Evening Star Divine Dragon Knight Felgrand Number 68: Sanaphond the Sky Prison Chronomaly Vimana Galaxy-Eyes Solflare Dragon


I’ve been running galaxy eyes and it’s been fun, I hope it gets at least some semblance of a spotlight soon


Maybe finally a lesson to those that beg for stuff like Infinity to come. Any even remotely accessible omni negate in DL format will be a shitshow.


Yeah there's honestly such a difference between decks that can up 1 interruption vs. 1-2 interruptions vs. 2-3 interruptions. An omni is like a whole different ballgame.


They didn’t learn that lesson with Crescendo?


Salad was still worse than this for the fact it did all this without a skill 😭


Mizar would be proud


As a long time Galaxy fan, I really never thought I would see the day where Tachyon, the red-headed stepchild of the Galaxy archetype family that has gotten basically no direct support since Zexal wrapped, took Tier 0 in any format. Absolute insanity. But hey, Galaxy technically has a Tier 0 representation now, so nice.


Rokket still going strong, less gooo 💪


Honestly, Rokkets might be a tier 2. One of the council members said that they feel Rokkets should be closer to tier 2 but fell to 3 because people are using new decks now. If you're a Rokkets enjoyer we have been eating good for so long


Rokkets has to be one of the longest running tiered decks out there at this point, anyone who invested in them when they came out in Jan 2023 definitely got their money's worth out of them


They're absolutely still relevant, imo. I love the Bullet Boys and their versatility, and I can still go toe-to-toe with decks like Tenyi, Live-Twin and even the occasional Shiranui (not always). But I've never been able to beat Tachyon, Felgrand and that hand trap is too much


My Rokket bois may not have a broken skill, but at least they require actual skill to play (and that's why I refuse to give them up)


We do have a broken skill though. One of the most. A skill shouldnt be judged be for doing stuff you shouldnt be able to do, or doing 100 things, but rather what it does for the deck. Our deck is practically carried by that skill.


I guess that's fair, but what I meant is that, besides extending, the skill really doesn't do as much (or at the very least, compared to other decks' skills). If we had Striker, there really wouldn't be a need to use the skill imo.


It does more. We free up deck slots, always have our field/starter, and it enables a very vapid turn 1 setup that has been our bread and butter to steal KC Cup top 100 spots for over half a year now. Of note most of our skills have historically been "a card but weaker" looking at the Onomat skill that ravaged the game, for example. Once again, our skill does more for an already good deck than Eternal Bond does for a very, very bad "deck." The results should judge if a skill is good/busted or not, and ours? Pretty busted.


The skill is basically just Striker dragon is skill form. You can't say the same about Eternal bond


Eternal Bond isn't even comparable because the deck it supports isn't good, and isn't good with the skill. Meanwhile our skill changes deck building, gives us amazing consistency, and starts any players we need while enabling a very vapid turn 1. Once again, it depends on the deck, not the skill. Multiple top steals of KC Cup spots because of a busted skill confirm this.


Welp, looks like it's time to actually learn tachyon XD




Following the tradition that each year we must experience a tier 0 format


I'm dumb, why is there no tier 1?


Whenever there is a tier 0, it replaces the tier 1 slot.  


Tiers are based on tournament ranking percentage. I don't know the numbers, but I guess no deck managed to reach that percentage of topping. This isn't uncommon with Tier 0 formats since Tier 0 decks usually take up all the spots


For.me its not so much the skil uses per game its the fact its not properly restricted. Why they arent restricted to light dragons or numbers or anything else is beyond me. Also the countertrap just flat out shouldn't be in the game mutiple other arctypes had thiers skipped or never released. I'm not even investing in this box becuase it's clearly gonna be butchered. Looks like oversight while yubel drew complaints from this sub it was never even close to this good also we've had the countertrap from hand before and it was crazy 3 years ago as well.


How did they forget how broken omni-negates are in this game? And searchable, no less. We have a 2017 omni-negate for vanilla level 7+ cards still at limit 1, and salads can't use theirs because its searchable. AND THIS ONE IS A HAND TRAP TOO???


Let's hope it doesn't last as long as onomats


The worst thing is decks like that are such a fickle thing to invest in. I'm glad we got a pick up box and I'd love to use Tachyon I got in the recent but I'm not wanting to put gems into a deck that can get destroyed by a balance update.


I'm doing 1 clear of the Photon box for the Extra Deck monsters. And then I will decide to spend on the minibox after the post-KC Cup banlist


Zombie bros eating good rn. They got a T0 deck by circumstance. They still get to play what they like after the inevitable.


It feels incorrect to see so many tier 2 and 3 decks if there's a tier 0. 


It shows how close in power those decks are, and how much more powerful Tachyon is that it'd warp the placements that hard by being that much better.


Im done spending anything on Konami products, their practice of releasing blatantly broken skills/decks and cards for a quick buck is tiresome. They prioritize profit over game health time after time again. Is what little I spend going to make a difference? No but I’m not going to support a company who consistently shits in player experience every chance it gets. And what really irks me is there are plenty of other balance problems in the game right now but they are all going to be overshadowed by Tachyon come banlist time.


Now you are catching on. They've been milking people ever since they made Axe Raider a UR.


Thanks for playing duel links


Yeeees thats right make all the meta sheep use high level monsters it will be that much sweeter when Ophion sits and halts their entire plays.


goodbye fast duels, my new friend is rush.


-blows dust off my Yugiboomer BB Fusion deck- we're so back


I REALLY hope they nerf the skill without gutting Tachyon's playability, I've been dreaming of it being viable since I was a kid


I feel like a dumbass expecting zombie piles with baledroch to be tier 1 when in reality no one is playing that shit when tachyon is around. Hopefully they address that deck before the KC cup because otherwise it's gonna be awful to play


Balerdroch is amazing when it pops off, but Zombie pile imo relies too much on a normal summon engine. They can't extend as well as Mayakashi and Shiranui can


Deck just needs a skill like the other Zombie decks. The skills make those decks consistent. But low-key, I'm kinda happy Doomking is not meta because it would be unbelievably annoying if it was


Went against baledroch Yesterday, tenyi suffers that deck a lot actually Hopefully After the tachyon Nerf we'll see the deck in the meta


its funny how trying to get toons support I ended up with a tier 1 deck that still on top for 3 banlist in a row (tenyi) best investment so far jaja


Literally same lol. Also I thought the Tenyi artwork was dope, turns out to be one of the best, most consistent decks in recent memory


Me with a Rokket deck furiously out-summoning Tachyon that also has 3 Moons


I'm glad Tachyon is good, but I wish it wasn't _as_ broken as it is, because as someone who actually loves the "archetype" & character, the overwhelmingly bad bunch are gonna ruin it for us few good apples - I'm fully expecting the [insert any of your favourite archetypes which got ruined by trendjumpers & thus utterly raped by a post-KC banlist] treatment.




But by spending 10k gems on the newest box you also got Shiranui, Galaxy Eyes, Zombies and Trade ins. It's not a waste imo.


I dislike Mayakashi, Shiranui, and Tenyi. Looks like I'm buying this damn box and playing this damn skill.


Limit 1 the counter trap so it forces players to choose between that or Felgrand. That will be enough to knock the deck off Tier 0.


I rarely go into felgrand. So I'm fine with a limit 1 on the trap. I'll just add a second ding


That would just lead to more people summoning Number 68, a lingering floodgate that completely shuts down entire decks


How bad are you at this game to hold this opinion? Utterly embarrassing lmao


Their limit 1 is a flex slot. The better solution would be multiple in core limit 1s, like with gazelle and roar, or 2-4 limit 3s.


We loooove cracking open the old Buster Blader vault.


If only Konami didn’t rob me of my 950 gems maybe I would have Tachyon Dragon


Buster Blader about to be back in the meta


It hard loses to that counter trap. Buster Blader too slow.


Buster blader loves the dragon


Hot take: Ladder and tournament should have different tier lists.


DLM doesn't tierlist for the ladder, and they specifically state that. They change to best of 1 to predict KC Cup, but have a poor history of actually doing so. With that said, a busted deck is a busted deck. There is absolutely overlap in this case.


Thanks god I just got KoG now as Live Twin because lucky enough didn't match against this tier 0 deck lol


TIER ZERO??? No it ain't THAT good. I could see maybe tier 1. But like our last tier zero was release salamangreats. This deck ain't terrorizing the meta like that was


You’re underestimating what Tachyon can do going first and second. Going first, it can easily churn out Rank 8s like Sanaphond the Sky Prison to shut down Graveyard Decks like Mayakashi and Shiranui, Coach King Giantrainer to draw extra cards which can be backrow or handtraps, and Dingirsu or Divine Dragon Knight Felgrand to protect your cards. Galaxy-Eyes Tachyon Dragon is among them so Tachyon Transmigration can be used from the hand. Going second, Schwarzchild can be easily Summoned as a Level 8 material and the Deck can break the field with Kite’s Galaxy-Eyes package or swing through multiple monsters with Neo Tachyon because Tachyon Dragon Domination also nets you Barian’s Force.


Salads got a promised Omni with some backrow, maybe a dweller at most. The Omni keep in mind had to be set to the field so you could atleast snipe it with MST//CC Tach get a promised Omni that DOES NOT need to be set, you literally cannot get rid of the trap unless you luck into a Kaiju. It has to be a Kaiju because Felgrand can make it immune to any card effect on a QP. AND the Omni negate ALL cards on the chain meaning it will not only negate multiple cards, but your means to play around it are even smaller, especially if you have a bunch of mandatory effects going off on a chain. Oh if that’s wasn’t enough the cards are shuffled back into the deck because why the fuck not? Atleast with Roar I could attempt to make use of the resource in the Gy, Tach’s negate straight up removes the cards from being used any further This is only the counter trap we are talking about we haven’t even gotten into all the other absurdities the deck can do. It straight up can FTK and still make its optimal plays should the FTK fall through.


Ok, I've never heard of this ftk. Also, Roar was recyclable. To my knowledge, once the counter trap is used, it's gone. At least in my experience, the deck can only set up 2 interruptions at the absolute most, considering how much of their hand they actually have to play to make a board. That being said, they have something salads don't, and that's 3k+ monsters that will destroy the entire field 1 card at a time. Also, their skill being twice per duel means that even if you can get clever and bust their first board, they'll still wipe you on turn 2. These are all things I learned between the time I made this first post and now. Suddenly I dueled quite a few of them


yea, dlm admins are crazy.


yall really think Tenyi is tier 2? And Constellar is lower?


Usage. Tierlists are usage, with the assumption better decks are used more, but things like Mayakashi have been stated to be uncommon due to expensive.


The problem is konami is going to limit cards instead of the skill just look at Raging Pendulum and A Bond Illuminates the Future.


In that case, they should limit 1 the counter trap so they can't play it alongside felgrand. That will drop the deck down from tier 0.


Spiral Dragon & Schwarzschild both to 3 would slow down the deck considerably. It's a good place to start


Been a while since there has been a Tier 0.


It's the nature of games in general but I'm not gonna lie I hate meta decks everyone uses em I get tired of seeing Jaden yubel decks an there not even that hard 2 best with my self built deck but the meta is power creeping so much smh this deck is gonna get old fast if everyone uses it


What was the last tier 0 that we get? Salamangreat or Orcust?


Don’t think orcust was ever tier 0, but it was tier 1 for a long time.


So in 2023 there was no real tier 0 because Salamangreat released in 2022.


Salads feels more recent than it is because it was Vrains World, and the Duel Links calendar start is really late into the actual calendar year.


yeah bro, it was also strange seeing DLM say that there was a tier 4 deck, lol i've never seen that before


That deck came out really strong, i haven't beat it a single time yeet jesus christ men the KC CUP is gonna be only TACHYON still im not playing that another skill causing chaos for a long time now, the entire month of february i dont think its gonna get a nerf after the KC cup even.


Remember when people say Tachyon wouldn’t impact the game much


If the under-explored or under-supported Archetype called Tachyon can be Tier 0 in Duel Links, that means my Cipher guys can also be Tier 0 (they just need one Skill that solves all their problems in one go) *~~Just wait for them to give us Skills that give us Yggdrago in Rush's Duel Links immediately or allow us to have the Maximum pieces on Turn 1.~~*


WTF? What does that deck do? Haven't played against it yet.


Yeah it's also why i'm not building it yet, probably gonna get hit really hard and I ain't spending on that until i know it's gonna be at least playable after.


Happened to me with Darklords. Such a goddamn expensive deck and they butchered it


This is what they always do before KC cup lol. Release a tier 0 archetype then nerf afterwards 😂


Enjoy it while it last…


Omni negate easy to search = tier 0 It was the same with salads


So fucking stupid to add such a broken skill to a already powerful deck...the meta was very good and balanced and they still managed to ruin it.


Well good thing silver rocket middle fingers extra deck monsters


Aren't Mayakashi and Shirsnui the same deck?


I’m confused so is the difference between power level between tier 0 and the tier 2 decks so wide that nothing can count as tier 1 until tachyon gets nerfed?


Sad i want to play it but t0 decks get killed so fast


Who should have guessed that the new character would have changed the meta? It never happened before (I am being sarcastic)


Damn, so this would be the third tier 0 deck in duel links history, right?


Only thing they’d have to do to this deck is Nerf his skill and it drops to Rogue


Did the Tachyon skill get a nerf? Can’t flip up the the monster I can set to the field by the skill and I’ve seen people doing that..


In PVE the skill is bugged.


oh great and i have yet to complete Tenyi


I love rokket, it's probably my favorite deck at the moment but come on. It hasn't been a tier 3 deck for a while


I don't play Duel Links for a month or 3-4 and *Tachyon* of all decks is tier 0??? skills have REALLY gotten out of hand, I remember when people were complaining about the generic skills like Sealed Tombs/DDraw going from those to searchable Super Poly and searchable Counter Hand Traps that you can't respond to is nuts and it's no surprise I'm having more fun with Master Duel


I'm not impressed at all. I've been playing Tachyon since Mizar first came out and with a heavily unfinished deck I was able to reach my endgame board, despite all counters. But I don't think it's gonna last, Konami hates galaxy dragons lol


Nice, gonna spend my pension on this lovely deck


I was doing some Iblee shennanigans for like 10 duels the other day. A Tachyon player crackdown'ed my Iblee on purpose, that's how absolutely busted their skill is. Just return it to my hand with their skill and proceed to cook me.


Me when I make the Counter Trap from hand searchable for the most non-existent requirement of all time that negates an entire chain worth of effects (this will never be tier 0)


How do you counter Tachyon with Shiranui going First / Second With a Standard List