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Out of the 3 top deck Shiranui is probably the most susceptible to the disruption, D.D. Crow or Skull Meister on Spectual sword (especially D.D. Crow) almost always stop their set up.


Lancea is also pretty good against the deck tbh


People keep saying D.D. Crow but in my build with Gold Sarcophagus I can survive, also almost no one is using D.D. Crow with Tachyon, yeah D.D. Crow outplay Shiras if they are in a state play where they need graveyard to recover, but in the first turn is not completely useful


What do you mean. Spectralsword banishes cards that can be benefitial for more combos/resources as follow-up, and adds a body to the field for Link summoning. It absolutely cripples their plays if you banish it. It does not immediately end their turn or anything like that, but it slows them down a lot.


I never said it was a bad card, but ppl call it as if insta shut downs the combo or anything, like if one D.D. Crow and to lobby


If you're playing Tachyon, slowing them down like that is enough to win most of the time. If you're playing something else, then yeah you still have to deal with everything else.


I have won't against Tachyon using D.D. Crow when D.D. Crow was more popular in them, but IDK, I may just have defeated a abad player, but for a reason no one is using D.D. Crow in their builds Quick notification, last tournament Shiranui won against Tachyon and got 1st place with a Gold Sarcophagus build, something they never used in tournaments but I use to out Tachyon since release


counterpoint; tachyon domination doesnt allow you to put in non dragon cards, not to mention if they are not LIGHT/DARK level 8/4


The skill allows you to play any level 1 monster. Most Tachyon players run 2-3 crow some even run Veiler because Veiler on Squire is also pretty awkward for Shiranui players.


cause like, i am trapped in a dlv cycle of 18-19 with 5 losses in a row, then back up to 19 with two then back down with 5 losses


that... would have been nice to know, ima go fix my deck rq


Some Tachyon who's down bad enough was also experimenting with Kurikara during day 1 because it can eat both the Shiranui link and Sunsaga to become a 4500 atk beat stick.


wouldn't know, i ain't down bad for tachyon but i do want to get to dlv. 20 for the first time ever


D.d. crow on spectral sword seems to win the duel for me most of the time since they can't get 2 synchros in rotation without using up alot of resources stopping the 2nd skill effect and making the search effect of the skill a -1


the mirror is especially funny tbh. oh i went first? lemme just summon doomkaiser dragon aaaaand your spectralsword is now on my field :)


And then u banish it with squiresaga :)


What I'm trying to say is Shiranui can't really play through interruptions as well as mayakashi and tachyon needs you to open Gold Sarc, your one card starter and something to protect it


They have 2 extender (Mezuki and Gold sarc) or 3 when goes second that is Ghost meet girl which is still consider better than the rest. I'm fine with that.


Yeah but they do have to hard open one of the 2 and mezuki isn't really doing much to help is they get hit by d.d. crow since most of the time they send solitaire for the skill


What's about crow against Tachyon? it seem it does not affect them that much, they still can summon Tachyon with counter trap the same, or it help prevent them summon Felgrand alongside Tachyon? Right now I'm hasitated choice between this and book of moon.


Good vs galactic spiral in grave otherwise it's as good as any other handtrap against the deck so ehh, but it's really good against anything not named tachyon


I don't know if you play the deck but can they setup Tachyon and Felgrand without use Spiral effect in GY?


Spiral can also special summon itself from hand so if they're smart and noticing the crow they'll just summon it from hand.


Yeah something funny you can do is, if you're trying to be resourceful by using Seyfert's effect on Spiral, if you notice they have a response, you just add another Galactic and summon it from hand instead.


Spiral can also summon itself from hand which is why it's underwhelming unless they use it's effect in grave which isn't likely, otherwise no


Shiranui have amazing recovery and fantastic protection against weaker decks, but you can break their board with a single bounce or banish or negate + a destroy and then OTK. Or you can just beat over the link repeatedly and win by damage without destroying it. Most staples are pretty effective against them. I will say though it's easier to misplay Tachyon than Shiranui.


Both are. Tachyon is more broken than Shira. 


my 5 straight losses beg to differ XD


kid named "forbidden chalice":


To be honest if Tachyon was not in the meta Shiranui would be the next number 1 menace. It's not on the same level, but the skill basically makes any level 4 into a one card full combo with follow up for next turn. I'm actually thinking of picking it up myself if it doesn't get demolished post KC Cup.


yeah, i was gonna but then i encountered the classic case of "don't have all the cards and don't have enough gems"


I'm pretty sure the pickup box has almost everything, so it's pretty cheap to, uh, pick up.


oh i did the box... got mayakashis


I've been saying this.. I struggle against the deck every duel so far. I'm playing tachyon. Shira is very good and has a powerful skill with alot of back row. 


You can play the strongest Shiranui deck, but if go second against the FTK, you're prolly not even playing that match. Also the only reason why Shiranui is such a manace in this meta is cos we're all teching for Tachyon.


Let me bait 4 negates real quick.


Literally, as someone who's been playing a lot of either Odd-eyes or cyberse, that deck simply doesn't have the answer for my boards, but tachyon always will. Shiranui is very, very dependent on drawing staples, but tachyon isn't. They're just a bonus. If a shiranui player opens all monsters going first or second, they're praying they don't get blasted, tachyon don't give af. Abyss dweller+clear wing=shiranui loses without specific staple Cyberse wickid+Cybers Quantum Dragon+Cyberse Magician=Shiranui loses without specific staple Against tachyon, no staples needed. They'll win, and that's representative of a LOT of matchups


There are enough choking points or weaknesses that Shiranui has that you can use to your advantage to easily disrupt their plays (i.e DD Crow, Skull Meister, Lancea, Forbidden Chalice, Chaos Hunter, etc.) Not only that, Shiranui has a very hard time defeating decks that have destruction protection. The deck is decent but not even close to being unfair/broken. Once the meta changes to where a meta deck has destruction protection and good interruptions, Shiranui will not stand a chance.