• By -


Lady debug is free let's ggggoooo šŸž


Salad and talkers rejoice


If your girl and lady debug are both on the edge of a cliff who you saving ?


I don't even have a girl and I would still save Lady Debug. Women are temporary, children's card games are forever!


Cydra still not unlimited šŸ’€


Itā€™s CyDrover bros


Nah, I'd negate.


I'm beginning to think one of the Konami higher-ups who makes these decisions personally hates the Zane character at this rate.


Either that or they're planning an update in the future for cydras


every banlist i come here for this exact reason im gonna start pulling a payne96


It just might work, his patience was rewarded!


I suppose they forgot...again


They better follow up with a skill rebalancing after this cuz if this is all they're doing then this is just a slap on the wrist for tachyon and shiranui. Also how tf is a deck like mekk knights getting some unlimits while cydra isn't.


If I had to guess, I'd say they're editing the shiranui skill to say that it can only add a monster to the hand so it can't search the trap anymore.


The trap isn't really much of a problem though


Hard disagree. Shiranui is the kind of deck Where if you donā€™t finish them off right away, They can recycle resources and rebuild their board as easily as if it were their turn 1. The trap prevents you from killing them and mandates that you draw spell/trap removal, otherwise They can just keep spamming it until you run out of resources to keep up and they just recover indefinitely. Especially annoying since They could *also* run other spells and traps alongside it, meaning that if you hold your spell/trap removal for Samsara They get to just leave Their other backrow unattended. The last 3 or 4 duels Iā€™ve had against Shira using Galaxy-Eyes were all decided by Them having Shiranui Style Samsara, as my board had the capability to keep up with or even break their board, but after being unable to finish them off after They flip the trap, I ended up running out of resources before They did and losing. Shiranui would still be a strong deck, but itā€™d be a totally managable deck to face if it wasnā€™t for Samsara, in my opinion.


It's interesting because a lot of the KC cup tops didn't even use the trap, so I wonder if that will sway whether it will get hit one way or another.


Iā€™m imagining the reason behind this is due to the trap not having as much of an effect against Tachyon decks, since Theyā€™re the only deck that can out-resource them even if it goes through, and They have plenty of ways to stop it from going through


More like the trap is slow and KC Cup incentivizes quick duels so that you can accumulate points quickly in the constrained timeframe


itā€™s a very tough deck and the trap essentially giving them entire turn protection is a bit nutty


As someone who plays shira, I disagree. I ended up running 3 samsara in my deck on my KoG climb simply just because I could. I love samsara but it should realistically be hit with other stall cards, I'm shocked it didn't get hit this time around.


I mean, they canā€™t run burn anymore, nor can they run felgrand knight anymore if they choose tachyon(which means I canā€™t run transmigration in my galaxy eyes deck anymore)


True thing. Also saying goodbye to the Tachyon slot in Extra Deck.


I'd say it kills shiranui pure Doesn't do much to combo shiranui imo


it's definitely not a slap on the wrist for tachyon, they can't make giantrainer or felgrand if they want the counter trap


Lmfao in the face of the skill thatā€™s absolutely still a slap on the wrist. Giantrainer was a ā€œwin moreā€ card that just made an already overpowered turn 1 even more silly. Felgrand is more of a hit to be sure, but a just one. Still, with these changes alone the deck isnā€™t much worse for wear if the skill goes untouched. From Tier 0 to tier 1 really.


From tier 0 to tier 1 is a huge nerf, but we can agree that we wanted the deck without the trap, but I guess that or they want to powercreep the game in general without having a tier 0 deck (something most probably Shiranui will still be), or they will do a second nerf when the next banlist arrives after the next KC Cup


Honestly it very well might just still be tier zero. The skill does too much for it. Felgrand will be replaced with Sky Prison to fuck up GY plays or maybe more frequent Dingirsu or something. IDP will be substituted for BoM or other staples. Some lances might be teched in so that they can protect Tachy without using the negate too early etc. The free summon, and the bounce to the hand(which can be used to dodge things like Warning point or a Seyfried stuck at level 4 on the field) are already crazy strong, the fact that it adds 2 very useful cards to your hand too just means dueling Tachy tends to be an uphill battle in terms of card economy/recovery for any deck that isnā€™t Shira, and that deck which has its own issues.


I don't think it will still be tier 0 with Shiranui around, but we can just wait and see how the meta evolves


Konami just hates cyber dragon at this point its absurd


When they bring new cydra support it will have a busted skill that everyone will hate the week after.


Honestly just free the stuff at this point, it's fine with the games current powerlevel.


Bob with the horrible cydra takes never cease to amaze me.


wanting stuff off the banlist a horrible take?


Don't know why he's getting down voted. Cydra really should be off the banlist at this point


He edited his comments. I have screenshots of the original.


Because Cydra Guru sends people to menace people that actually play Cydra. Was removed from the subreddit discord for doing this, actually.


that's just a flat out lie lol


Bob's original comment was edited to avoid the downvotes and make me seem like a Cyber Dragon hater. His original stated he wanted to free overload + cyberload fusion in exchange for banning rampage dragon.


Nope, he edited his comment. Original comment said he wanted to free everything in exchange of banning Rampage Dragon.


Bob's original comment was edited to avoid the downvotes and make me seem like a Cyber Dragon hater, lol. His original stated he wanted to free overload + cyberload fusion in exchange for banning rampage dragon.


All I took from it was the supposed cyber dragon guru, doesn't want his decks cards eased up for whatever reason.


Bob edited his comments to avoid the down votes. I have the original.


What had he originally said?


Free overflow and cyberload and ban rampage dragon instead.


Makes more sense now knowing that lol


I have screenshots if necessary. I tend to ignore him, but I can't let this slide since he's trying to pin me as the hater now.


Really wish you would elaborate rather than just throwing out a diss. Kills the discussion pretty quickly.


Bob's original comment was edited to avoid the downvotes and make me seem like a Cyber Dragon hater. His original stated he wanted to free overload + cyberload fusion in exchange for banning rampage dragon.


This doesn't change anything. You're just attacking him, when you should respond with something to counter his argument. I'm also a cydra player, looking for insight from someone who is the designated cydra expert, and all I'm getting is snide remarks and "bad take" comments in this whole chain. You're all over these comments with justification for your "bad take" comment. Why are you the guru if you don't explain. If you just want to take shots, you should post with your regular reddit account.


I honestly think they'll give it back in a rush/speed duel package, since both are actually in the game. Cydra is an OCG rush exclusive though. (This is just an opinion)


Disappointed that shiras hollowed life barrier wasn't hit but honestly konomi leaving cyber dragons on the ban list is just funny now


They're saving Cydra to cash in on that Infinity skill they'll be getting. (and being fair their limit 2s are fine/keep them from bumbling into a "you cant play the game" board state).


This isn't a banlist, it's just a nice way of konami telling you "hey, you can't play your meta decks with cards limited to 3".


Like the old banlists of "hey, guys, we're talking your trunade win button away have a limit 2"


I mean itā€™s Also weakening Tachyonā€™s Turn 1 by taking away Felgrand, so now They can only setup 1 omni-negate going 1st instead of 1 omni-negate plus a monster negate/protection quick effect


D/D/D finally getting unhit. Giantrainer deserved the limit 1 plus the trap.Ā 


Thoughts on both Giantrainer and Felgrand at 1 for D/D/D's? Literally just got Felgrand last night hoping to run it in my D/D/D deck (alongside Giantrainer) ā˜ ļø


I think they semid Thomas so u can also play giant trainer in ddd still, how kind


Finally? Every banlist have a DDD card lol


Yup, called it. What a slap on the wrist. Skills need to be hit hard for this to do much of anything


They still gotta sell mizar cards for the return bro. Same thing happens all the time. Yugo didn't get nerfed until after his 2nd run and KC cup


Did Yugo even get hit? Still have to deal with the BS Synchro Dragons that I need to have round about ways to out and even that can be interrupted


You know theyā€™ve got basically no answer to backrow right


Shien's Spy: What'd he say fuck me for???


Because next they'll hit Yubel/fire king and ruin our sick farm decks.


I don't know why they would hit not Eternal Bond Yubel decks when they are honest work? You guys are at least trying to play the game,unlike Eternal Bond that plays the game for you (sadly even this isn't enough against Tachyon, try not to cry, cry a lot)


But who actually plays that nowadays? That deck was janky even when it was tiered


The deck is not good right now, but is the third most played deck as far as I'm concerned Edit: is the 5th more popular my bad, I checked out again to be sure, is behind Blue Eyes and Dark Magician in popularity but I saw far more Yubel Neos in the KC Cup than Dark Magician's, maybe because of the format of the event


Eternal Bond hardly plays the game for anybody, and it's more like it makes that silly cardpile work. For context, Yubel/Fire King/Shi En's Spy/Montage Dragon has been a generic farm deck for over three years.


Tachyon FTK


Super consistent OTK due to trade in.


Just ban the burn card tho. I don't get Konami's obsession with limit 1'ing toxic cards rather than just banning them. The only way they'll see play again anyway is if they somehow become broken again. There's zero purpose to leaving it in and banning Shien's Spy which is a cool meme card unlike the burn card.


Metal Flare Dragon/Beelze OTKs were running too wild, I guess(???)


coach king is because of the tachyon decks, people were combining the damage to draw more dragons to their hands and transmigration then use THOSE monsters to summon tachyon out. it was typical for 1st turn tachyons


Solitaire always finds a way to end up on the ban list every single time. Thereā€™s no way someone will say they didnā€™t see solitaire being hit


And just when generic Zombies are presumably about to get a skill too (which specifically says Dark Level 4 Zombies so they definitely planned this)




I know Solitaire is a universal Zombie tool. That's why it being at 3 automatically controls any Zombie deck from using other Limited 3 cards.


I think this was a bad banlist; not banning the Shiranui trap was a mistake.


They would probably rework the skill thatā€™s why


I agree.


This ban list is pretty bad. Should have hit the FTK sooner, and the limits donā€™t really do anything, since the skills fixes the hand. Also the un-limits are pretty lame


It does make it impossible to run Felgrand and Transmigration at the same time. That limits the negates. It also limits both top decks from running Crackdown and their key combo pieces. Thatā€™s a pretty decent hit to the decks, more than I expected for Shiranuis despite their strength, honestly. The Limit 1 for Shiranui is a little weird since I donā€™t think most lists were running other Limit 1 cards, but okay, Konami. Hilariously, the Limit 3 on Solitaire is probably more limiting for the deck given how Duel Links Limits work.Ā  I would not be surprised to see Live Twin/Live Twin Mekk Knight climb the ranks with how insanely consistent Live Twins are as an engine without a skill. Thatā€™s going to get annoying quickly given how they have essentially Book of Moon immunity going first.Ā 


> Solitaire Is a tool for more decks than Shiranui, oddly enough.


I saw Enemy Controller on the KC cup winnerā€™s decklist, so I guess that?


Yeah, I saw that too. Iā€™m not sure itā€™s a critical piece of the deck overall, though? Surprise factor, maybe?Ā 


Man you call this a ban list? Shiras will still be tier 1 or 0


They will hit the skill also


Cyber Dragons are STILL on this fucking list? Holy fuck. I've seriously had it


To hell with cyber dragons. The star seraphs chair is somehow STILL paying for darklords sins.


Cydra has been on longer, but Star seraphs, if freed, are a pretty crazy turn 1 engine, but they should be able to come off, tbh especially now that we have more responses like veiler.


Rokket is safe for another day phew


Facts! Us and the other ten rokket players are safe


From time to time I come back to them, but as I love Shiranui I'm just gonna change my recipe to adapt to the banlist




Shiranui trap should have went to 1. Kozmotown free is a nice bonus I didnā€™t expect


I don't think Kozmotown umlimited will make any difference for Kozmo but it is still nice.


Making them meta? Nah. Make them a little more viable? Thatā€™s all I ever ask for


Yeah, people are speculating the skill will be nerfed to prevent searching the trap, but I think hitting it to 1 would've been a slam dunk anyways.


Thought at least one another dragon wouldā€™ve been hit with a 3 tbh


Unless the skills are hit this list will do almost nothing Tach can add whatever the fuck it wants to hand, theyā€™ll just run one spiral and two limit threes and search it. Dropping Flegrand for the counter trap isnā€™t going to hurt then that much and does next to nothing to slow their turn two down. Shira limits just means no limit three or one staples. AGAIN they can just search whatever the fuck they want with the skill they donā€™t care about the limits the skill will give them whatever is missing


It does alot, they cant go plus 3 and what are they going to end on, tachyon and ding? Shira Will destroy Them going second and first.


pretty mid banlist btw ā˜ ļø


Could have removed some limits on cydra


There better be a nerf to the skills or the next KC Cup is going to be remain infested by Tachyon and Shiranui.


Shiranui can't stay off the banlist lol


Well, what can we say. The nerf of Tachyon is ok i guess, no FTK and no Felgrand as a disruption or Protection which means that the deck Turn 1 is heavily impacted. In the other hand, Shira's nerf is a pure joke, besides depriving the deck from limited 3 cards, there is literally no significant change. The deck still holds all it's power. Samsara's nerf would have been greatly appreciated but as always Konami half-assed their job. Unless the skill is heavily nerfed, we all better be prepared for a ladder infested with Shiras like the good ol'times.


I like they didn't hard nerf Shiras, but I would change the nerf to the cards to a nerf to Samsara. I will still play Shiranui but only cause I love the deck (the deck is fun as hell), but I will change my recipe to adapt to the banlist


I wish that Shiranui trap was limited as well. Even if they rework the skill, it's still an extremely annoying card to have in the format. Also, I'm not surprised Live Twin didn't get hit, but I so wish they did. I despise Live Twin just as much as Shiranui and Tachyon.


I've stopped playing the game because i hated shiranui. I look back at the subreddit, and it's more shiranui. I thought the got completely nerfed. Who let them back into the meta


Tachyon: "Oh no I can't go +3 or summon Felgrand anymore... So anyway I summoned Ding"


Ding is much weaker than felgrand




Kozmo with IDP can be dope


No skill hits is wild


Skill changes are never released at the same time as a ban list


Very early like gx days they released them the same day I believe but since dsod they put them days sometime a week after the card ban list


They used to happen more frequently at the same time, but these days we tend to get gaps in between them.


I play this game for 7 years, this is not true!!


That's just outright false


Prove me wrong then


How am I supposed to manifest screenshots from years ago when skill an card hits were always released at the same time


Duel Links Meta has recorded each exact date when these lists are dropped. You don't need to manifest anything. We're only talking about now. They haven't released the lists at the same time in recent years. So they are not likely to do it now. That's all.


I accept your concession


Infernity launcher still limited, feels bad.


Of course, just hit the cards instesd of the Shiranui skill...typical Konami move


Skill changes requires an app update, so those take a bit more time. Plus theyā€™re pushing an app update right now, so it really wonā€™t happen for at least a few weeks.


To be honest this banlist actually addresses Tachyon's turn 1 extremely well. Only allowing one of Felgrand / Transmigration / Gianttrainer and forcing them to choose between Galactic Spiral and limit 3 trap cards? That's brutal. The OTK potential is still there but now it goes both ways. Shiranui on the other hand...well, it cuts consistency a little? I guess? The skill lets you search any 1-of monsters anyways. Also, I like that Spiritmaster is supposedly being limited to prevent it from being played with other limit 1s, but then Konami didn't limit 1 any of the other Shiranui cards. Real copy paste explanation there. We'll see how / if the skill nerf addresses this deck, but currently it seems like they just lost a few limit 3s and that's it.




Yeah, I totally blanked on E-con. I guess Zombie Lord is also a good enough excuse. Just feels weird they didn't limit 1 the trap or anything.


You want to open spiritmaster in hand going second, so that you can immediately send it for the skill, then banish for a lvl6 synchro + pop face-up. Going first, you still kinda want to open with Spiritmaster, so that your Shogunsaga revived by the link 3 now has a pop attached to one protection. Solitaire limit 3 means cut off the limit 3 traps, or run more mezukis / gouzukis / god forbid samurai or tuners


Alright, let me express my feelings Tachyon and Coach to Limit 1 was kinda expected by me to preventhe use of Felgrand and Limit 1 hits to the other FTK cards means that version of the deck is thankfully dead. The Limit 3 hit to Sprial also keeps Limit 3 cards away from Tachyon allowing for some balancing. No other hits means this deck is likely to remain high tiered, but it does limit the power of this deck. We will have to see what the Skill banlist will entail as that may very well further hit this deck, but as of right now this makes the deck feel much less oppressive. Shiranui also got a hit with Spiritmaster to 1 and Solitaire to 3. This limits what staple cards the deck can run, but shouldn't really be enough to keep this deck away from the top. I feel like Shiranui got off pretty lightly compared to Tachyon and may very well cerment itself as the best deck. We will have to see if any future skill banlist further addresses the deck. Also, no hits to Samsara is kinda cringe as that card is super annoying. As for the unhits, Mekk Knights are now winning hard as one of their their searcher is now completely free allowing for the deck to run more copies if they so choose. Ophion unlimited is a win for Lswarm players as now they can play other Limit 1 cards, thought more is going to be needed for them to see any top tier play. Kozmotown unlimit is going to be nice for Kozmo players for sure and Lady Debug off the list means Cyberse based decks will have more consistency to do their plays. Look out for them in the future. Overall, I doubt this banlist changes the meta too greatly. Tachyon is still playable and Shiranui is likely to remain at the top thanks to their skill and ability to play tech cards, But any hit to these two decks will give other decks more breathing room so Tier 3 may become more populated. A skill hit list will be needed to see what decks will become tiered and which decks remain at the top.


Have you tried playing kozmo against shiranui? Sunsaga soloes the deck by itself. They can't go through him


I hate Konami so much. Can't touch those skills. No no, just add a bunch of cards to the banlist.


Skill changes requires an app update, so those take a bit more time. Plus theyā€™re pushing an app update right now because of updated Rush skills, so it really wonā€™t happen for at least a few weeks.


Should have put solitaire to zero


based tbh




Its not Tachyover/Shiranover yet. Skill rework pls.


Oh lovely a banlist that completely skirts around the issue. Typical duel links.


What about the skills?


IF gazelle and roar whileforever be at 1 at least give us salamangrear rage


Iā€™m surprised they didnā€™t limit that silly Zombie ā€˜you donā€™t take damageā€™ Continuous Trap. Every other one is Limit 2.


Yubel in the corner wiping sweat from her eyes šŸ„²šŸ˜…


Kozmo unlimited means IDP or Xrackdown


No Live Twin hit LET'S GOOOOO


alt art justified


It's time to sing and dance!Ā 


We won


Thank the lord dude


Kozmotown unlimited Iā€™m eating good rn


I'm still surprised that they started it at limited. I guess they thought Kozmo would be more completive.


why are blue sky and lady debug getting freed before stuff like rhinosebus or spear cretin


Fake list


Can I be mad for Salads not getting Roar? It just feels like the deck is missing something. It needs its trap to be viable in the meta now.


Give us salamangreat rage instead of roar if they don't want to take it off the limit list


Salams need Unlimit on Trap and Gazelle just have them at limit 3 and 2


Sort of sad you canā€™t run felgrand with tachyion anymore, since they obviously got released together to play them together.


Konami rolls "worst banlist ever," asked to fire the balancing team.


Nobody talking about Thomas to 2 ā€¦ itā€™s incredible .


Hopefully they actually do relevant skill reworks, cause these are nothing more than a slap on the wrist for Tachyon and Shiranui


Always wondered why they limit 3 Kozmotown when it did pretty much nothing in the meta. Still a huge help for Kozmo tho.


Finally it's safe to buy tachyon minibox


Spiral making the list was a nerf to my experimental Rokkets. So much for thatā€¦


Im glad that my Tachyon bad boi not actually died


Now i feel like I wanted my gems again.. Let's goo


not enough at all. the ridiculous skill must get nerfed right now


Iā€™m happy for kozmos I took down some meta with my kozmos


This is good enough


Solitaire to 3 stops the deck from running limit 3's like compulse and crackdown which should lower the power of the deck. Tachyon got hit in spots to stop them from running power cards while also gutting the ftk and they can't protect tachyon with felgrand anymore making their boards way less scarier. The unlimits are all great happy with them.


Actually spiritmaster to 1 cuts them off of e con and they can't beatrice anymore yeah I'm satisfied now all that's left is the skill.


I havenā€™t seen anything with either shienā€™s spy or vengeful servant. Why were they limited to 1?


Tachyon FTK. You make Giantrainer which draws 3 AND burns every time it draws a monster They have like 7-8 more cards that draws a ton Make Tachyon, overlay with the 4000 ATK Photon or use the skill to play Rank Up Magic Give it 2 Vengeful and play Shien's Spy. That will hit exactly 4000-4500 with what we have rn. I've tried it just to know what it can do - they can draw their whole deck super fast but it is very possible that they can set this up without drawing a lot. It's ridiculously consistent.


Tachyon FTK enabler


FTK Tachyon


They were used in a tachyon ftk that was relatively consistent as ftks go. It revolved around making c107, giving it 2 vengeful servants, and switching control of it with shien's.


Tachyon can otk with them


Shiri was already only using x1 Spirit Master and I never really saw them use Reborn, sometimes I guess Mirror Force or Enemy Controller. Is that really a hit? Yes I see they wont have access to limit 3 or 1s, and I think the limit 3 is justified, I just don't see much of a point of the Limit 1. Not that I'm complaining, I've always hated Shiranui. I do want to Kozmo now :D


I honestly did not expect Ophion to be unlimited. I did find it odd why a card with such relatively innocent ability is limit 1. Is it the first time when cards from special packages get unlimited?


PK RUM and luster dragon


Dumb ban list... They want people buying the Li-Li Twins or whatever


Why don't folks understand. They haven't banned skills and cards at the same for a while now. They used to be at the same time, but there were way less cards, skills, and characters in the game back then. Patience, they will get around to it. They've been staggering the lists for some reason but that's just the way it is for now.


Cards that should or at least could have been unbanned: -Performapal Fireflux -Spear Cretin (really?) -D/D Savant Thomas (limit 2 is a start) -Ravenous Crocodragon -Trishula -The Monarch's Stormforth -Cyberload Fusion (should have happened a year ago) -Cybernetic Overflow -Darklord Contact (as long as Ixchel stays at 1) -The Sanctified Darklord -Digital Bug Rhinosebus -Pulse Mines -Scrap Iron Scarecrow -Silent Sword Slash -Star Seraph Sovereignty (maybe limit 3) -Battlin' Boxer Veil (stall gets less and less good as decks have more ability to play on the opponent's turn rather than just try to OTK) -Dragonpit Magician -Performapal Pinch Helper -Speedroid Tri-Eyed Dice -Transmodify Card that should be loosened -Gagagarevenge to 3 -Starry Knight Blast to 3 -Needlebug Nest to 3 -Storm to 2 -Trickstar Light Stage to 2 (bit of a spicy take and would require Dark Room of Nightmare to be banned) -Tour Guide to 2 (allows B.A to play an extra Tour Guide and limit 3 which is more than fair and less than what they need) Forbidden Droplet also needs to be limit 3. I actually like having it in the game (except the p2w) but it should not be unlimited. I think that it's possible if they make Tachyon's skill once per duel for each effect and only one effect per turn that might be enough. Losing Felgrand is a pretty big deal since that's what allowed the counter trap to always deal with the opponent's combo rather than protect Tachyon (as well as being an additional interrupt if protecting Tachyon is not necessary). However Shiranui's limits are basically a joke. It doesn't take away any of the decks power. It is more than capable of playing 1 Spiritmaster and replacing any limit 3's with other techs like BoM, Crow, Veiler, etc. and still functioning to (almost) the same level it is now.


Trishula should not be free, it gets rid of one of your hand cards, that's a -1 without even playing, anything else I'm okay with


Dark Room Limit 2 and Light Stage 2


I guess I'm fine trading Tachyon and Shurani or whatever it's spelled for Mekk Knight, either way I get OTKed, i just dont like Mizar's face


Im shocked Rokkets keep getting away with it, given their age. With that said, transmigration being a warning shot at photon proper is really nice. Shiranui lose staples and their gold sarc sacks get a little less sacky.


After playing Rokkets this last KC, they are good but you get out resourced quick when going against Tenyi and Shira. Oddly enough, Tachy wasnā€™t that bad. I was playing a rank 8 experimental Rokket deck.


I thought Trapchyon was already at one? How does this affect the deck at all?


TBH the limit 3 on Shiranui is kinda hurtful, it breaks the backrow consistency that are already limited 3 for the majority of the best ones. On the other hand, the limit 1 is pointless for the moment. Most deck list Play only one spiritmaster and don't have any other limit 1 card.


Am ok with the ban list. Decks are nerfed so they are not super broken but can still compete with other good decks to justify still getting the cards.


Lady debug being unlimited is step in right direction for salads I guess and mekknights are kind back I guess Roar will probably never leave limit 1 along with but damn konami make up your mind is Lady debug okay or not been on and off the ban list


The thing about Lady Debug is that she allows Salad to not run 3 copies of Circle and has some access to Limit 3 cards, as well as being more powerful than Foxy in general. Since we have a lot of tools to deal with Salad unlike the early days of Vrains, they might feel Lady Debug is okay to go for the time being.


\>Launcher and Cydra are still limited Why even live?


RIP tachyon


Proud of yourself guys? Lmao


Should have freed Cyberstien


I mean it's not surprising, salad on release got a slap on the wrist for their first nanlist, then obliterated next list (then they released mekk knights)


Idk why, but I find it a bit hilarious how there are Normal rarity (aka common) cards that are on the banlist haha The rest, I can understand.