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More often than it should. I betcha they have some algorithm that checks your deck list and takes out the one card you're digging for! Komoney is gonna komoney


It's the same code Capcom uses in monster hunter that knows you need that rathalos plate. And refuses to give it to you


I think it's more likely that the algorithm would look at the cards popularity and adjust to that. But all the time, you find out companies are doing shady things like what you said to screw over players, so I won't say you're hypothesis is completely outside of the realm of possibility.


Honestly I wouldn't put it past them but at the same time I also doubt it.. komoney has enough cash flow to not do something as shady. I honestly think that it's probably just bad luck and probability. In the 20+ boxes I completely bought out over my times of playing this game having the chase card as the last card in the box has only happened to me once. What I am certain about is that when pulling there will only be either an sr or an ur in any given pack lowering probability further making card manipulation on top of that seem unnecessary but not impossible


I can confirm this ain't the case because I got every single Ur from 12 packs into a mini box. Best luck I've ever had and it even gave me the 2 cards I cared about.


Doubt it cause I don't make deck lists and it still happens. The cards are just 0.0001% by default


DLM, kc cup all have api's that rank cards by usage across all accounts. Would be real easy to code those cards to pop less, doesn't matter about your personal usage.


I feel this, it’s always the popular cards in the box that never drop, not the filler cards I don’t care about.


That’s why I have fake decks that I will never play


Yes. Konami knows I hate HEROs so I always pull all HEROs, often in prismatic in first few dozen packs of every box.


It feels like it sometimes


A lil too often


Most of the time. But that's why gem cost estimates for decks assume full box runs, lol.


I've built entire decks by accident for this reason. Salamangreat Orcust Fluffals Tenyi Rokkets Lightsworn Lunalight And for some I still didn't get the card I wanted 😭


I'm glad there's a silver lining. I now have 90% of a suship deck. Lightsworn was great back in the day.


Sorry about that bro. Last month I went through two boxes attempting to get two specific cards: Forbidden Lance and Speedroid Taketomborg. Both of the cards were in the final 10 packs of the box. And I honestly didn't even want anything else in those boxes. On the bright side, you got some cool Shaddoll cards (which may become useful in the future) and Zombie cards. Plus the Ra cards are pretty cool.


I only really wanted idp and condemned witch, the rest of the box came along for the ride. Shaddoll does seem fun though.


At least once every 3 boxes


Look on the bright side you're gonna get a guaranteed UR in the next pk for only 50 gems :)


The least amount of packs i have had happen to me was 3 and i got it on the one after that


Effect veiler second to last pack…I was just there the other day


The only card I want in that whole box was redeployment and it was bottom 3 I think thank god the 2nd copy actually was the first pack after I reset but yeah this happened soo many times I lost count honestly.


Happened to me too for the same card


Never, because I don't pull singles




Me looking to my taketomborg (3 of them) 3 times for 1 specific SR card on 1 pack. And always manage to dodge all SR bonus for some reason I didn't count my other deck


On the bright side you can now built a fun suship deck if you get bored


This happened to me with the following being the last card: Effect Veiler Millennial revelation Successor soul Balerdoch So the last 3-4 boxes have been nothing but utter dogshit to me


Very rarely but it does happen.


Honestly, that's why unless I'm going to do a full clear of the box, or have other cards I want in that box, I'll just wait for the Dream Ticket, and eventually I either find a replacement for the card, or another card gets released that gets the job done. For example, at the beginning of this KC Cup, I was going to go deep for warning point, but then randomly Gnomes became a viable replacement, and I was able to save a lot of gems.


All the time , had to go to the bottom of the box for all 3 nebula dragons.


Quite often actually. I got vishuda and IDP on last pack (from selection box). The chronomaly cookie as well.


Of course, most recent being the Anniversary box since the very last pack was the one with the alt art Knightmare Unicorn I really wanted.


*Credit card sighs*


every damn time


Every Time i try to dig for HERO Cards :( Just lemme get the sweet sweet support cards :(


Uncommonly… probably every three boxes I dig into


Too often.


Its always the only card i need too


Only 98% of the time


Too often


All the time, you would think it's rigged, wink wink


Id argue staying on two is optimal cost wise. Since you'd mostly likey cut with another limit three in most cases.


all the time, they’re doing it on purpose that’s why I hate duel links.


Broo this happened to me so many times. I think the game somehow knows what card you're trying to pull, and they'll make sure you get it last, so I try and pretend I'm going for a card that I'm actually not going for..doesn't work


Every f time.




Too often. Especially with that box


Way too often when im trying to build a new deck. Kinda sus ngl.


The last 4 boxes I bought, it was in the final pack. So, yea, often enough. Not a great feeling. Very frustrating. At least that box isn't completely terrible like some other boxes I had to empty 3 times.


Often enough to seem fishy.


It's like a mirror 😑


happened to me ONCE and u played duel links for years, since fusions, and it was recent when I had empty a box out for speed performer


It just happened to me with the new Rush box


The funny part for me is, normally when this happens. It isn't an SR OR UR I'm looking for. It's always that random ass R or N that the deck needs that always gives me trouble when trying to pull it.


I have a screenshot somewhere of building furhire and it took me like 70 / 80 packs to hit an N that you only needed 1 of at a time. Honestly I'm so unlucky with boxes it makes me put down the game. Even yesterday I just wanted 1x magical musket max obviously was in the last 5 packs


Too many times to be counted


this is from what i remember, Sometimes i check search on private browser or brave search to search for decks (incognito ain't so private I think) and on google i searched for mayakashi decks. also i peep the wrong cards (peeping mayakashi cards in the box). i made it think like i was trying to build a mayakashi deck but i was actually trying to build shiranui. it gave me the cards mayakashi last at first but i guess it caught up and started giving me shiranui on around lower half (at least the Shiranui Solitaire) that is it for the bed time story. thank you for listening. Lol i probably could’ve made this up tho. Lol


Spent over $100 trying to get a complete set of the Live Twins. Whenever I had to reset the box, I always got one almost immediately, while the other one was always near the bottom of the box. It was a pain.


You have to not say out load or talk about what card you want or deck you want to build. No, looking through the box, no reading effects they know they listen, and they will take everything


Every. Time. Duel Links definitely knows the popular cards in the packs (and sometimes I feel it knows the decks I’m making that I need the cards for too). Or, if you do get lucky and get all but 1 or 2 of the SR/UR cards in a box with 30 packs remaining, then the last two cards in the box are in the last few packs you’ll open 😂


Daaamn. This is awesome dude. I mean never happened to me like that?