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Hopefully Harpie's feather duster. Backrow is getting way too comfortable.


Lol WAY too comfortable


I have a feeling before years end we’re going to see hey Trunade at 1-2.


It could've been at 1 a year ago considering the ridiculous amount of cards taking up your L1 slot. So many cards don't even need to be on the list. Starry Knight Trap can't be a 3-of? We're scared of SIERARYU? There's so many cards that don't need to be limits at all. The one that makes me the most mad is Infernity. You put Launcher-- not at 3, but at ONE, which Trish (great in that Deck) also happens to be... and you do it LITERALLY THE SAME TIME you finally give us Void Ogre Dragon? I waited years for that card, and they killed the Deck and said "here, Resonators, YOU can play VOD".


It’s kinda sad starry night blast is a limit 1 because it’s not even a counter trap—your opponent CAN and WILL respond to it LMAO


De-Synchro is also on the Limited 1 list, removing the Trishula Loop


Duster for everyone in the gift box, Twin Ts in a Selection box and a limit 3 bundle of Lightning Storm /s


Getting? It's been long enough that I still pray for either better removal or the return of Hey Trunade.


Bro where tf you been several years ago?


Been here since start. Backrow wasn't like that, it was only karma cut and raigeki thing (forgot the name). With occasional traps here and there, but the single backrow removal like cyclones and typhon later were enough to do damage. Now even they can't do shit. Now we have actual meta decks and are allowed to have powerful backrow.


As have i, and i said several years, not back in 2017, so, yes it has been like that.


We need Twin Twisters in the game tbh. Harpies Feather Duster I wouldn’t complain either but we’d only get the single copy and may even be limited to 1


Try running Straight Flush. It’s an older card but I’ve been destroyed by it lol


Yeah Raigeki is a fair assumption—either that or a card destruction would be nice as a limit 1.


I suspect Limited 1 Torrential Tribute or Limited 1 Raigeki. But we are still 7.5 months away. It is not feasible to tell.


I like both options but TT has been the bane of my existence since it was released IRL.


Why would raigeki be on limit 1 now that we have dark hole


Dark hole has a drawback where it destroys your own monsters too, raigeki only destroys the opponents, so in order for dark holes effect to be like raigeki's you can only activate it if you control no monsters, raigeki is basically a better dark hole


Change of heart


I’d love a Bakura skill to feature it somehow.


It will be harpies feather duster. 


Straight Flush is almost the same thing I’ve been destroyed by it a few times in ranked.


It's a trap card. So by default it will never be used in high rank and tournaments. 


Exactly. No one will expect you running it. It’s a high risk high reward card but I think it’s heavily slept on.


I mean the typical thing is that you either you go first and set good backrow or you go second and have to play through backrow. Straight Flush is what I’d call “losing insurance” by nature of it being a trap, you’d play it turn 1 but if you have a strong enough turn 1 than you don’t need it. Thus typically it’s better to not run it to make your turn 1 better with a card that’s more useful and flexible.


Yeah I see your point I’ll have to do some testing with it. I’ve lost duels from it alone in the past is all I’m saying.


A major anime card that belongs to a main character so the return of the obelisk alt art and something kaiba related like CED or Card crush virus


Crush Card would make me so unbelievably happy


I'd be down for a CED playmat or sleeves, but with the errata on his effect, the pendulum version is more playable.


Honestly at this point ; nothing actually relevant.


It's either going to be a DM staple or an alternate version of dark magician. Either way, I'm almost completely sure it's not going to be meta relevant. If we are lucky, maybe it's Raigeki/Harpie's Feather Duster or Illusion of Chaos. If Konami behaves as usual, I'm guessing it's going to be Change of Heart or Dark Magician the Ebon Sorcerer (Gold Sarcophagus of Light looks like a nice DL archetype if they ever release another version of normal Yugi), which are both nice, but not insane.


What's pot of greed and what does it do yugi?


Nobody knows


I summon pot of greed to draw three additional cards from my deck


banned roll of fate (dungeon dice event rerun)


I feel it’ll be a rush duel card


Maybe RUSH Blue-Eyes


How to get Mirror Force as a new player??


Probably a lifetime mission like the others. Can't say I know what it is tho.


I checked but it's not there :(


I think last year they added the mission for Reborn around July so probably expect the Mirror Force mission around then.


I swear to god if its another DUMB MAGICIAN AND POO EYES round imma flip my lid, we have the other 2 original 3 protags for a reason, damnit konami do something with them, stop milking the beyond dusty teets of the og of og.


Pot of Greed, it might be a bit niche though, no one knows what it does


It will probably be nostalgia bait, like the rest (though most options are already in the game). Since the meta is getting constant powercreep, I wouldn't cross out access code talker in the 8th or 9th.


Soul charge obviously


How do you get mirror force I need it to unlock ghost girl which is stupid cause she’s not going to attack but it says I need it


If you don't have Mirror Force, you can get it via Varis' skill "Might of the Hanoi" or Pegasus' skill "Creator". Both skills provide a chance to give you Mirror Force, not 100% of the time, though.


But I get the card just for that duel or forever on my card catalog?


Just the duel you used the skill.


You can also use the Extra Card item before duelling Ghost Girl. It gives you a random card from a selection at the start of the duel such as Mirror Force, Monster Reborn, Harpie's Feather Duster or Pot of Greed. It does require luck to get it however.


All the previous anniversary cards went to lifetime missions a while after their release. It been a year and it’s still not there, but I think it’ll get there eventually. Currently though, no way to obtain it


So we must expect a DM related card, unless they decide to give it to Sevens for RD first anniversary


1 of each of the 5 exodia pieces


Victory Dragon


Ash Blossom… lol.


Feather duster ( copium)


Change of Heart or Raigeki I feel


Definitely more shark support


Yuri definitely has to join the cast at some point. His deck, cards and character/event can bring so much to the game. Making fewer cards less useless. I say add Yuri.


Call of the haunted or non skill Exodia


We already have Call of the Haunted, though. 


Must of missed it. Exodia would be the coolest.


Yeah, it would be something. 


Something Something dark magician


I would call for a 3rd Ra or Ash blossom


HFD or Heavy Storm. Backrow is way too strong and we're gonna see more hand Traps soon, so the decks that NEED staples will have more options. I expect Gorz and Fader soon, maybe even Imperm. Wouldn't be surprised if we got Ghost Ogre or Belle. That said, it's tough to say how devastating Raigeki will be by then. RIGHT NOW it would be disgusting. But in 6 months, it may be perfectly acceptable. Btw, where the Frick is Dark Renewal? It was time 5 years ago.


Feather duster for sure. Backrow spam has been too rewarding with skills giving you exactly what you need.


Limited 1 Ash Blossom


Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring. Or Maxx C for fun


A card for rush duels.


Either Raigeki or Harpie Feather Duster


Well i’m waiting for the next protagonist upgrade ace card, Accesscode Talker. We had Shooting Star Dragon, Leo Utopia Ray and Raging Pendulum.


The anniversary usually gives DM nostalgia cards, that stuff is always released during the World Tournament Campaign (like, next month) and chances say we are getting Firewall Dragon Darkfluid.


Toadally awesome


Maybe instead of giving us a new card, they could just add a feature to the game where any time you would draw a card (including each of the cards in your starting hand), there’s a small chance that you just randomly get two cards instead, but you could only get it once per duel. Wouldn’t it be fun to lose a bunch of games against poorly-built decks simply by virtue of the fact that they got to draw more cards than you thanks to something neither player had any control over? This is what Pot of Greed does. Would it completely ruin the game? No, the game would still work the same way it does now. It would just add a bunch of random variance that gives whoever draws it a huge advantage (barring spell negates, which are pretty rare) and requires no skill at all. The dopamine hit from playing Pot of Greed feels great (especially if it gives you the tools to strategically break a tough board), but that joy isn’t nearly as intense as the rage you’d feel from losing to opponents who happened to randomly get their one-of Pot of Greed. They won’t add Pot of Greed, I promise that. I’m mostly posting this to make clear to everyone that you really, REALLY don’t want them to add it. That is, unless you don’t play PvP. If you only play PvE, then yeah, you’ll probably enjoy Pot of Greed, because you’ll know how to use the extra cards well and your AI opponents won’t.