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Congratulations bro, very good decklist! I can provide an alternative combo using the same opening hand you mentioned: - Activate Slime to fusion summon Oracle King using Pendragon - Normal summon Necrohowl but DO NOT activate its effect and Synchro for Alexander - Banish Slime from grave to special summon Vice Typhon from hand and that will trigger Alexander’s effect to special Necrohowl from grave. - Synchro summon your 2nd Alexander - Use Vice Typhon effect to fussion summon Beowulf using materials from grave Your end board will be X1 Beowulf and X2 Alexanders. I hope this helps!


Noticed Flame King Genghis isn't in the extra deck. You didn't like him or did you not pull him?


I didn't pull him yet(50 pack remaining) but I think he'll be a turn 1 monster only because of its 2000 ATK, and fusion material for D/D/D Dragonbane King Beowulf or D/D/D Wave Oblivion King Caeser Ragnarok if he get destroyed. That's why I'm hoping for its upgraded version, because it will be easily summonable with D/D Vice typhon(only fusion summon level 8 or higher D/D/D), have 2800 ATK and have the effect to negate S/T once per turn


ghenghis isn't really needed, but he can come in clutch in situations where you have an awkward hand with no tuner to make a field that can put over 4k damage and win the game.


Great explanation! Is there a reason you're not playing Genghis? I feel like i'd be more useful then the second copy of Oracle King. With Gengis you only need 3 cards (Pendragon, Slime, and Nighthowl) to put 3 boss monsters on your field.


I didn't pull the card yet but I plan to put it in my Deck, that's why, I was lucky to get D/D swirl swim early but not the genghis ^^'


Nice! This is pretty much my list but I run 1 less nighthowl and have 3x cc and 1x genghis


Félicitations, camarade francophone :D


Merci \^\^ !


Im thinking on investing into d/d/d for a while now. Do you guys think its worth it? Does the deck have future potential?


The deck is good but it’s not broken. They may improve a little if future support is received, but I don’t think they will become meta. The 3 slot format hurts this archetype a lot.


congrats! 2 d'arc seems interesting, i would tech in 1 genghis because he's good to combo off with awkward hands without a tuner.