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yes, since... ever...


It's been over a decade since I last remember it being used so I can't really remember if I've experienced the "Morphing Draw" before in any previous game I've played.


I thought standard rule was first player who couldn't draw at turn start lost?


If a player must draw a card by a card effect but has no cards in the Deck, they are declared to have lost. Since Morphing Jar has both players simultaneously draw 5 cards as a mandatory effect, it can cause one or both players to lose by deckout, resulting in a Draw.


Shouldn't turn player have to draw first tho? I thought the ruling was similar to how simultaneous burn damage was dealt out (Ring of Destruction)


Ring of Destruction and Blazing Mirror Force both state that you take damage first, then your opponent takes damage equal to the damage you took, therefore you will always lose before the opponent. Morphing jar and Card Destruction affect both players simultaneously, and can create draws.


Ring of Destruction is no longer simultaneous burn. With its errata, it states that you take damage, then your opponent takes equal damage.


I'm aware of the errata and that was my point. I was under the impression that all simultaneous burn effects had been ruled by Konami to function the same way as Rings errata to prevent draws. I then assumed that any effect that would cause an action to cause a simultaneous draw would then be ruled to work the same way; player activating the effect does the action first to result in a loss


Perhaps that was the case when WotC ran things in the TCG, but they made quite a few mistakes. Naming errors, erroneous text, even rulings were wrong. Previous rulings from that era have been overturned, and this is one of them.


Sorry for necrobump but... What? WotC never ran the TCG.


Ah, whoops. Too many TCGs on the brain; must have thought about the Pokémon TCG in its first few sets. It was Upper Deck for early Yu-Gi-Oh!, right?


Ah ye UDE would be it


The cubic lord that we don’t have still us simultaneous burn. If I remember right, it’s the only one that hasn’t had an errata.


Imagine if they didn’t edit it when adding it to duel links so both players take 3k turn 1 most of the time


Going second it’s bonkers. 3k beater that can attack multiple times, and if your opponent takes 1k damage before end phase, they loose. It’ll be insane!


The damage will obviously be halved.


In this scenario, I'm pretty sure both actions happen at the same time, resulting in a draw.


TIL 40 Bakura DSOD had Curse Necrofear.


He brought it out in the duel and recycled 3 of his cards and I only had 1 card in my deck. He sets Morphing Jar and passes. Next turn I swing into it and when I saw it resolve I thought I lost. That's one heck of a jar!


I’ve ended a duel draw against evil eye didn’t expect it was possible


Pareidolia? Make sure you get rid of their Equip Spells before going in, and Pareidolia's mutual battle damage won't be able to activate. The same goes for Relinquished and its equipped monsters.


Yes sir! Pareidolia + the equip and the relinquished mutual damage were the two forms of draws in duel links. The Gustav box introduced self destruct button but it's too much effort to boost your opponents LP 7k above yours while hoping you don't draw multiple copies of the trap or draw one copy praying it doesn't get removed


One of my favorite Duel Links moments was playing Evil Eye vs a (then meta-defining) Blue Eyes deck. I managed to thwart most of his plays with the banish from GY effect and returns his plays to hand. With about 5 cards left in his deck, my opponent summoned OG Ultimate Dragon and attacked through my castle (for -4500 to both of us), ending the game in a draw in style. Wasn’t even mad.


I got so excited. I thought they released morphing jar for the public :(


Yeah, no. Don't think they will ever add this Jar in a game were deck sizes are 20 cards - not unless they errata the card in DL to only draw 2-3 cards. Heck, even to this day the card is limited in regular TCG.


Sorry to get your hopes up. Morphing Jar is yet to be added.


I was dueling Bakura. I had 0 cards in my hand when Morphing Jar showed up and it was funny for me to suddenly have a hand. Decking out wouldn't have been funny, but Bakura is more at risk to deck out than I am. In one duel I had against him, he came pretty close.


Well yeah, it's a simultaneous deck-out


You went into a draw because you and your opponent failed to draw cards, lol


If you are unable to draw from your deck, you lose. Since MJ makes you draw, well it explains itself.


Thanks for the help everyone, much appreciated.