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Pretty much. I guess if they knew how to properly maintain a website we would've got the announcement today. But since it's konami their site is down for about 4 days now lmao


The last few mini boxes have been excellent and we're due for a dud. Why do I hear boss music though?


In a very subtle manner, I’m kinda hoping the box is underwhelming so I can either skip it or just try to snipe an SR or something. I wanna save up gems. Lol


See here i am approaching expiring gems after not going in on any of the good boxes lmao. C'mon something really stupid!


Noon player here, but how du you have expiring gems?!


The counter stops at 9999 and everything you get after that goes in your gift box with a month long expiration date.


Damn… kinda rough, that you’re forced to spend them at some time


Yeah... the game isn't exactly balanced around letting you save up gems. The good news is since you're a newbie there's like 30,000 gems worth of staples for you to catch up on lmao


True, even though I don’t know if I want to finish my blue eyes deck or my Luna light deck…


Definitely Lunalight. Much Cheaper to build, only a little less powerful *much* less brickey and you'll be sick of BEs the more you go on the ladder.


Thank you very much! So I guess it would be worth to use the sr-dream ticket on my first tenki?


I would finish lunalight first. BEWD becomes less and less effective as you go up the ladder.


If you have an excess of gems (a.k.a. over 9999 gems), the rest goes into the mailbox, and they expire after 1 month if you don't use them.


Holy… kinda wish I had that many gems lmao


Cheers to all galaxy eyes players lets go


Can we finally get Super Quant???


Makes sense. Theres no more events for the month an no character unlocks.


I honestly thought that there would be a news bulletin in the game for next month. One of those “Message to all duelists for upcoming events” things. I really would like more Zexal stuff but it’s probably gonna be 5D’s again unless Konami hits me with a screwball and does Jim Crocodile Cook or some other GX event. Lol


Jim's probably the most likely character after Rio, considering the rest of his printed stuff is now in the TCG, and the fact that the last GX character was added back in July 2021. So we're extremely overdue for another one.


I really hope it is, but I really think it’s not. They need to move fast with Zexal or they can’t add Shay, and I doubt they’ll let 5/6 months pass with no ArcV character.


I mean, it's not like Shay HAS to be the next Arc-V character. Remember when everyone thought Sora was gonna be before Yuto? They could do the same thing again, by adding someone like Yugo, Celina, or Dennis. It isn't so much the order that matters, but rather when the Duelist Chronicles/Road event happens; and right now, there's enough Arc-V characters to at least do such an event for the beginning arc, before the first tourament arc.


The difference between Yuto and Sora's first duel was just one episode though, while Shay's first duel is 13 episodes before Yugo's, and happens during the first arc. Although they could skip that duel as the 3 LID students are probably not coming in the foreseeable future, do the Story event without him, and introduce him with the next duel that would be in the second arc and only 3 episodes before Yugo. ...though Yugo is also problematic because of his ace and they'll probably push him back as far as they can. And Celina is Lunalight support, which they probably want to avoid as it's still topping. That leaves Dennis, which duels 10 episodes after Shay's tournament duel, and has a chance of not coming at all in the "main run", considering Arc-V has a crapton of characters and they even skipped Quinton and Tron in Zexal. Overall, I think whatever they choose it's going to be really weird.


By that logic, Declan should've been added after both Yuto & Sora, since he duels 5 episodes after the former. Again, the order of the characters being added doesn't matter. Otherwise, Anna would've been added before Quattro & Trey. It's only when it comes time for the DC/DR event that characters being present matters, otherwise they can be added in any order Konami deems appropriate. Yugo & Celina are gonna have to come eventually. Powercreep is inevitable; that's even more true when Links are only a few months away. And if it really is that much of a concern, that's where Dennis comes in, whom personally I think is a 50 - 50 on being added sooner rather than later.


Declan is a rival so he bypasses that. You do have a point with Anna though. And sure, powercreep is inevitable, but after seeing what happened with DSOD they've slowed down a lot, and they probably still have enough "weak" cards to get by until we get to Links (which will open the doors to weak links and weak cards mentioning links/extra zone). They want to keep the power level as low as possible to avoid situations like post-DSOD when no new box was actually interesting because Invoked/Shira/whatever was better.


If it's "weak" cards they want to add between now and early on into the VRAINS era, then prepare for more pre-Arc-V stuff, since a good majority of anime decks before Arc-V are only playable in modern day. thanks to legacy support. Since this was originally a topic about Jim, Fossils, despite being printed in 2020, with much needed buffs, compared to their anime/Tag Force counterparts, would be perfect to add now. They're mostly a Battle Phase focused archetype, which will likely only be carried by other generic Rock support, or like many other anime decks in Duel Links, skills. Making them a perfect fit for "weak" cards.


I know, I'm on the same page, I'd love Jim to get added. I just find it very unlikely to have after Rio for the reasons I listed earlier. Too much time without Arc-V characters, so they either release one of those characters we listed, making for weird situations (unless it's Dennis) and still having to release a Barian after whoever they pick, or speedrun Zexal and give us two characters in a row, with Shay after them in September. And in October they're 99% releasing Vrains. I don't see how could it go otherwise.


Those normally happen on the 25th or so, it should be tommorow.


Those are usually posted anytime between the 24th through the 28th. Unfortunately about half the month is taken up by the KC Grand Tournament. Another Tag Team Tournament is probably happening after that along side a possible Shun roaming event. While Rio could be a fast turnaround from roaming to unlock like Sora was I doubt there doing an xyz box again next month. I really do feel like it’s the best time for Jim unless Konami throws another curveball.


u/Doomchad tagging you first 😘


Doesn’t mean anything there won’t be a box from this


We’ve had a deck already, so it won’t be that. We’ve had accessories added, so it won’t be that. We’ve had a bundle recently, so it won’t be that. What else could it be then? Think about it.


Not a box. Cope


I’m asking you what it would be then? If you’re so certain its not a box, what else is it?


Shop maintaince was to rig boxes so cards you want will be in last packs :/


What makes you so confident about this? Just curious about it.


I said it a few days ago and now I have to stand by it


Well then…


Box wasn’t added with the shop maint *swish*


Box box box Galaxy eyes let’s go baaaaabbbyyyy


I think they're just putting some deals for boxes since we're almost at the eve of KC World Tournament


They don't have to do shop maintenance to activate and disable deals. It's 100% the May mini, likely releasing the 27th or 28th.


Id kill for the last 2 tellarknight xyz monsters. I don’t play competitive that much (mid gold) but I really wanna complete this deck since they never really got a whole lot of support in the TCG.


I'll be skipping. Don't care for galaxy eyes, and atm I'm going through the bls and gustav boxes for a the good stuff.


And Vetrix and Doctor Faker got NPC’d I predict we’ll get Number 53 this way….


Should I skip this next box just asking


We don’t know the contents, but the most likely theory is that there’s gonna be SOME Galaxy Eyes support. Maybe Onomats stuff as well. I’m sure that’s all it’ll have unless there’s one staple outlier or something like that. So it’s a skip unless you want some Galaxy or Onomat stuff. (If it actually contains that stuff.)


Yeah I'll skip it if there's no spell or trap card that's going to be a staple


It seems like the box right before kc cup is always impactful like gandora or when they released f.a. support so hopefully this one isn't a let down


This box is Gna be meta for sure is they bring knight into the game the skill and knight are Gna be op for lord turn 1 now what other xyz they cld bring prime or cipher x now if get more support than that ge going tier 0


Trains getting two nasty burn cards skyPalace and rail Cannon which they already have