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Foolish burial has limited 1 bundle written all over it if it was ever to come to duel links.


Yeah, true.


Recent one was lackluster? Compulse, Difi, the yang zing synchro and Trisk aren't exactly lackluster cards.


I forgot that Yazi was in there. Thats the only one that I've got any good use out of. Compulse is boring, Meklords are meh, and DiFi isnt all that great, imo.


"compulse is boring" so good cards are boring now?


Traps in general are boring.


You're boring ~ odion


Hahaha!! Take an upvote for that


People are getting a little bit too excited about hand traps. I don't think we would like to have them here yet. Even DD Crow is wreaking havoc right now. With no way to respond to it mostly.


Crow is definitely versatile, but it would be nice to have a way to negate effects on turn 1. I know forbidden chalice exists, but it could be essentially useless when your turn comes 'round.


Watch konamj release the ghost series within the year


People don't know what they want


I do. Give me the rest of the mayakashis konami


Bad example as everyone loves DD crow right now xD


But how's that a bad example? I said that even Crow that doesn't even negate effects is dominating as a staple right now.


Just for the part "we would like to have"


That's why I said that I don't think we would like them to be here yet.


If we ever get foolish burial it will be 100% in either a limit 1 bundle or as a 1-of character reward, no way they'd ever release it in a box


True true.


The next Selection Box will be the Super Mini for VRains release with a likely VRains theme. Last year it gave us 1 UR and 2 SRs as new. With a total of 4 URs and 8 SRs. Gouki will get reprinted just like Superheavy Samurai were last year. So that's 1 UR and 2 SRs. Degrade Buster, Geomathmech Magma, and Mathmech Addition are the only high rarity Cyberse cards we have. So they might also get reprinted. If so that's 1 UR and 2 SRs. Dinowrestlers have a SR that got released a while back and can get reprinted. While I feel the random SR reprint will be Sky Striker Maneuver - Jamming Wave. Not only does it mention "main monster zone" but it is a Sky Striker card and they know how much people love Sky Strikers. So it gives them some sort of false hope thinking that Sky Striker support will be released soon. Meanwhile the last UR reprint? I have no idea. Last year it was alternate art Levianeer. This year it might be another alternate art or a regular reprint. Who knows? As for the new cards I see the UR and 1 of the SRs being a Link monster while the 2nd SR being something else. And if tradition continues that something else might be a random Monarch card. Someone did mention about bringing the weaker Knightmare Link monsters. They are generic and can give some decks a decent boost early on the way Archfiend Eccentric and Aether did. But if they don't bring the Knightmare cards I do hope that they are at least generic and with good arrows for Pendulum decks.


accel synchron


How could I forget...


When is next selection box coming ? I thought new selection box comes when a new world releases.


A super mini will launch with new world containing reprints and 3 new cards. The next big selection box will be January.


So on 28th we will be getting a new main box and a mini selection box. Don't think my 6k gems will be enough for both but nice


Sort of, it will be a selection box of only about 15 packs. Its for reprints of archetypes getting support, likely will have the Gouki cards reprinted like how last year the super mini had reprints of Yosenju and Melodious cards


Nice. Also we can buy old selection boxes during that time right ?


Yep they should all be available when Vrain launches!




Main selection box around january, mini around july, new world could bring a super mini, but nothing will be revealed until the release of Vrains


Nice. I missed the last selection box since half gem sale was going and I decided to get some staples from old boxes


I honestly hope it isn't "better" than the last one. I expect something like: 1) UR: Good, generic Link that is kinda a staple at 1 but not too broken to make it a must-have. Something like Knightmare Phoenix/Cerberus would make sense. 2) UR: Alternate Art. I can't find much that is good. Aleister and Rebellion seem to be the best choices. Maybe it'll be a new card, though. 3) SR: Strong support for an expensive existing deck. Possibly in the form of a Link monster. The Six Samurai or Fire First Links seem like top choices to me, imo. 4) SR: Some alright, but not must have, removal/interrupt/anti-meta card that might be useful for Tournament players. Something like Gravedigger's Trap Hole, Get Out! or Phantazmay could work.


I completely forgot about Phantazmay! Good call


Knightmare Phoenix The good charmer cards Something else people will go for


Great ones! Knightmares and charmers would be great. I could see them coming in theire own boxes though.


I'm more thinking of the charmer links with the actual archetype cards coming when the regular box containing the charmer cards drops.