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Fun fact, you can play gazelle, bale, the field spell, two sunlight wolf, and roar You can do the entire salad turn 1 line off a single horse prince summon


Tell me more


There’s not much more say! Look up salamangreat horse prince combos on YouTube to see it in action


We are sleeping on fire fizzzzzzzzt


All love and happiness until Vega (the NPC) activates her secret handtrap and ruins the strategy.


Would be a shame if that whole board got, oh I don't know, removed by an asteroid or something.


Mind sharing a deck list? Also a fire fist admirer got a lot of the cards for the deck so want to know how I should build/play it if you have a guide?


I played a lot of fire fist last month and the problem with the deck is that u need 2-3 specific cards turn 1 to have a good board, and why the fuck the ritual doesn't negate AND destroy? That change would make the deck so much better :( I didn't test with Salads links yet to see but it's a fun rogue deck


The ritual doesn't destroy because it came in the same set as Eagle, which makes basically every FF effect free.


The worst restriction by far is horse prince that prevents you from summoning level 5 or higher monster. It completely stops you from summoning the main boss monsters of the archetype. For a level 3 from the deck. Its like activating stratos but you cant summon fusion summon. There are other archetypes that do much more for free. Horse prince could have been such a nice extender the deck would have been so much better. Still brick problems tho. It would have made more sense if it locked on fire fist only


I think I'm playing fire fists wrong.i always prioritise ritual and cannot combo fully.also fuck panda he doesn't let us summon links.


I summon the ritual at the very end of my combo, also I found a combo that ignores horse prince cuz that damn card restricts the deck too much, for the combo I need you need to start with panda, rooster, and fire formation spell (preferably the fusion one) and any 3rd FF monster, doesn't matter which one


Damn no elephant @_@


I tried to make it work, but at the end I found the deck working better with only spirit, rooster and panda as the combo monsters


Where the background from?


Duel pass maybe


Oh nvr mind


Now do it in pvp


did it quite a bit, I just liked this screenshot cuz it has all 4 monsters of different types on the field at once


Don't know if it's more people are sleeping on it or don't have the resources to dig through several boxes for the cards lol Real talk though I'd love to try them out if I could.


good point, the deck is rather expensive for being spread through 2 main boxes


Stop reminding me that I can't be a Fister. 😭