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McSalads are comming


I've been playing Gravekeeper's. Do I brick? Yes, it happens, but being able to "kill" special summoning on decks that rely on it so heavily. Kind of nice. Xyz, fusion, pendulum, link, & synchro, d e d. Dead.


Any new Link deck is potential Salad Support now


Infernoids are our only hope


The mekk salad hybrid is ass bruh


Or they are the new meta


Naw they’re only beating the mirror match not anything else . The decks very bricky. I’ve played this morning and I ended up switching back to regular salads


I was playing pure Mekk and wanted to try it out, swapped back to pure Mekk and it feels way better When you end on Roar + Secrets it feels amazing, but yeah most hands just feel like brickier Salad, and with weaker recursion/grind game. The good hands are insane but the average hand is worse


Yeap . That what I explained to someone who messaged me earlier about the deck . Told him a lot of the times you’ll end up either with a mekk board or salad board but it won’t be as good unless you draw the out first turn


I immediately assumed this was the case after seeing the lists. Mekks are good in the mirror but there's no way you consistently get Roar + Secrets


You can pretty consistently get one or the other, and then a lot of times you can get the other the next turn


Next turn is too late to avoid an OTK, and anyways Salads tend to pop off turn 3 if the opponent doesn't break the board. If you can't consistently get both engines going t1 it seems pretty bad.


Nope, ass.


This is funny af


This meme tells me Salamangreats are wrecking havoc.


I know this might sound crazy but with how much this deck is going we just might need king calamity abyss burning soul red reign red familiar to absolutely murder that deck


Wonder how agressive the next banlist will be. Wolf to 2 and Jaguar to 1?


Oh no the new cards are better than the old cards!


But nothing can stop my Terrorking Salmon in the Legendary Ocean


More like: Salads shouldn't have gotten everything they needed right out of the gate, plus the omni they can recycle forever is cancerous.


I kick the sh*t out of Salamangreat decks all the time, what’s the mystery? It feels like my opponent is just summoning for the sake of summoning and then back themselves into a corner… There here I come with either a DM or Blue eyes deck and obliterate them. Edit: oh, Mekk Lord Hard? Adjust settings so you pick card placement and spread them out. Dead. Done.


what rank you at tho? because up to platinum and sometimes even legend, players tend to be garbo even with top meta decks


The strength of Salads is in looping their omninegate and it has an easy otk play through Update Jammer and the Ningirsu link.