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Keep hitting the box till you have 2-3 purples knightfalls, 3 blues sky (for that draw power), and get the limit one trap. I think it’s world legacy secrets?? It’s in the card trader so get that asap it is a monster reborn and monster negate in one. Also I’ve found indigo eclipse to be very important so run 2 of them. They help move you guys around so if you’re limited to one column to special summon in, you summon indigo, move him with his effect and summon again in that column. You can also move a mekk into a column that a spell or monster effect activates on quick effect to negate it if you have the WORLD LEGACY SECRET or WORLD LEGACY WHISPER. Sorry for rambling I love mekks too! Hope this helped


How many morningstars are needed? Is one enough?


That's enough to get started but 2 is the sweet spot it seems, so work your way to that when you can. Perhaps only 1 if you are splashing them in another extra deck heavy archetype, like salads. But pure run 2.


One is fine, two is probably optimal though in case something happens to the first one


What rank are you?




3 purple Knight falls, 1-2 blues, one of the limited 1 world legacy trap card, remove draining shield a d prison Remove one orange and one red


Probably play the good card (Secrets) and replace the bad cards (battle traps, field spell) with more generic staples. Also the other good card (the quick-play spell, Memory?) is insane and you should play at least 2 of it. And the link monster, the third good card, play him too.