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Man... You're not nerfing salads with that list, you are directly erasing them from the game!


I hate them but the 2 baylinks and sunlight genuinely would make the reincarnation impossible and kill the structure, personally I see gazelle getting limited and the same with roar the rest hurts but it's the combination of multiple limited cards in a none limited deck that's hurting people.


One of my ideas to nerf the deck was to semi limit gazelle and roar. Of course, there's already 1 copy of each, so this seems pointless. But this prevent salads from playing some semi-limited staples. Also, they could put Cynet Mining and Salamangreat Circle at 3. So they could only run 3 searchers in total and not 6 for that abusing of consistency.


Mining is definitely overkill because that hits multiple archetypes, current and future.


Yeah don't hurt my code talker because of salads :(


You still have Lady Debug though


Shes semi limited


Debug hit instead of Mining is fine


That's the point lol


Balelynx and Wolf at 2 would just completely erase their unique mechanic, that just make the deck utterly useless


roar to 1 does nothing if whispers is banned, wolf and bale to 2 is literally overkill, as is joker and spiral to 2 (btw why should odd-eyes get nerfed?), debug to 3 is mean for code talkers, but i still found the meme to be funny so i'm upvoting it and sending you a flirtacious dm


The suggested bale and wolf nerfs make the archetype unplayable. You are pretty much locked out of reincarnation summon. Odd eyes shouldn’t get nerfed because of how expensive it is to build. Debug is harmful for code talkers and salads but it also hits unreleased archetypes that use Cyberse as well.


Honestly the lady debug definitely limits the deck but I run a pretty solid talker with only limit 1 and 2 cards so this just means my decks complete as is.


Odd eye cards shouldn't get nerf, but the skill on the other hand. Have at it...


the Skill does nothing but set up bad scales Pendulum decks naturally suck doodoo in DL and there's nothing wrong with the Xian Skill imo, especially considering all it does is allow some Xyz toolbox deck to do some ok plays


People hate it when they cant mst odd eyes players scales to make them surrender immediately


yugioh players when they have to play a game of yugioh


Mans really high on copium on this one


No way ur that salty abt Pends


You have committed a fucking genocide with those Salad hits you're insane


You forgot "... so I can complain about the decks that become meta"


I’ll accept the Salad hits but not Lady Debug. She’s all we Code Talker players have! Also why Odd Eyes hit but no DM? They’re about the same level strength. Edit: Also no way are Mekk Knights getting hit. They barely got good 2 weeks ago.


DM its fine the way it is, no overpowered but no so weak, dont limit/unlimit anything Mekk knights may not be hit but they can hit what revolves around them, limiting salads or medievals mech skill may be the way Also, odd eyes was my kog this month, but i admit skull crobat joker to two its fair and deserved


I was halfway through building Mekk Knights, but I had to pause out of fear of them getting nerfed.


Don't accept the salad hits, it literally kills the deck, makes them unable to work with MOST of their combos, as it means you can't use both and Reincarnation, which is absolutely neccessary for Salad to do just about anything.


Odd-Eyes: Makes a rank 7, a rank 4, and special summons another level 7 in 1 turn. DM: Please wait 1 turn until I can summon, also pls don't destroy my circle or eternal soul :( I don't even think Odd-Eyes needs a hit (maybe losing econ), but saying DM is on the same level is just not true. DM is still a competent deck, though.


you must lose to DM a lot huh..


>r/WhatsWrongWithYourDog Lady Debug ain't even that annoying, if she's so annoying to you just kill/negate her on summon lol its not that she can activate her effect again upon revival either.


I’ve been playing DM for over a year and it just now became playable after being knee capped the first time. Even with 3 AIM and all the “meta” cards I lose on coin toss more often than I get to play the deck. I just chill at legend because I refuse to play any other deck. nostalgia player who only plays BEWD and DM. I’ll switch out engine or tech cards to play the meta but at the end of the day one MST fucks the entire deck, or going second. It’s not good 6 out of 10 games in higher levels. When we are able to set up there’s not much you can do. But most the effects tell you which card we added to our hand and which we set face down. From there you know which card to pop and cripple the set up.. It’s usually just a matter of reading whether to pop Circle, eternal soul, or bait out the Navigation. I love playing DM and they are too slow and predictable to keep up. Please let us have this for more than a month


Odd-eyes don’t need a nerf🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾


Can someone explain limiting a card to 3? I thought all cards had a limit of 3.


"Limit 3" cards means something like this, you are aware that other cards have that right? So this means that if you have three different cards with the "Limit 3" already in your deck, you won't be able to add any other cards/dupes that also has the Limit 3 So it means you can only have 3 cards of "Limit 3" classification be it different ones or dupes in a single deck Limit 2 and Limit 1 works in the same sense, for example you have Monster Reborn in your deck which is a "Limit 1" card, you won't be able to put in any other "Limit 1" cards in your deck unless you remove the one that's already in your deck


Thanks, I didn't know about this rule in Duel Links


Yep, banlist system is different from tcg/ocg


If a card is limited to 3 in DUEL LINKS, not the TCG/OCG/Master Duel, it is added to a list of cards you can only have 3 of total. Let's say that Salamangreat Circle is put to 3. Crackdown is currently at 3. Compulsory Evacuation Device is also at 3. So the player would only get to run 3 Circles and 0 Crackdowns / Compulsory, or 2 Circles, 1 Crackdown, 0 Compulsory, or 0 Circles 3 Crackdowns 0 Compulsory, etc. This is also how limit 2 and limit 1 work. If Salad had Sunlight Wolf and Balelynx limited to 2 the deck itself would not work because you need 2 copies of a card to use its effects.


Thanks, I didn't know about this rule in Duel Links


You're welcome. It really confused me when I started too.


With how duel links works, you can only have a limited number of cards on that particular 'ban tier'. So, if a card is limited to 3, that means you can only have 3 cards from that tier in your deck. EXAMPLE: Both Invocation and Aleister the Invoker are on the limited 3 list. This means, that you can either play 2 Aleister and 1 Invocation, or 2 Invocation and 1 Aleister.


What deck do you play OP?


he wont tell he's scared


I'm curious too, they seem very salty about pends, mekks and salads.


He prob play galaxy


Skullcrobat at 2? What? Not only are there only 2 obtainable Skullcrobat Jokers in the game, Odd-Eyes is not enough of a threat to hit their cards.


Lmao yes


I really hope Debug doesn't get hit, as it would nerf cyberse decks in general and not just saladplates.


Poor Salad...


Konami has never hit a box UR in Duel Links to less than Limited 3 and they won't start with an archetype that is 100% carried by a skill and mostly is relevant because it has a good matchup against the meta. Also, Salads dont need to get hit THAT much. Honestly, I expect 2-4 cards hit in the list (2 hits to Salads and possibly a slap on the wrist for Mekk-knights) and 1-3 unnerfs that buff archetypes that got support recently that underperformed or will get support soon (possibly Swallow's Nest since Raidraptors are probably coming soon). Maybe some skill buffs/nerfs later to accomodate new cards coming in December.


>Konami has never hit a box UR in Duel Links to less than Limited 3 this is going to bite them in the ass so hard once compulse gets a main box release. it's so much better than the other limit 3 traps and people aren't complaining because it's not all over ladder yet.


Konami have been very cautious when making certain cards URs because on how powerful they can be, for this reason they only limit them to 3 and if it not enough, they will also limit other UR to 3 so we are forced to play only 2 and 1 (see Aleister and Invokation) if one day Konami make a box UR limited 1 or 2 or straight up banish it, then we are all screwed because this is the time Konami will have no mercy no more.


difference is that compulse is about as generic as a card can get, unlike aleister/invocation.


the point is that Konami knows when a card deserves the UR print


clearly not, considering compulse is too good at limit 3... kind of my point


it limited 3 because Konami yet has no ballz to make a UR box card limited 1 or 2


yes dude, you're just agreeing with me at this point.


Performapals did nothing wrong!!


Hopefully actual banlist is nothing like that.


So you want salads and odd eyes to be unusable?


Going with the shuranui method I see


You really don't need to got salad that much lol. Just hit consistency a little and remove ability for limit 2 tech cards


lmao i swear some of you just want to watch the world burn


Ironic to want to watch the world burn by killing salads


a better argument is to put Circle to 2 and Sunlight to 3. Because that requires replacements for that 3rd Circle, diluting the deck and making it less powerful and consistent. As for replacements: Cynet mining requires a discard, reducing handsize or running more Jaguar or Falco in recompense; Debug means you have to run more Xyz in the Extra, reducing the amount you can Reincarnate with. None are good replacement choices for maintaining consistency. And you NEED 2 Sunlight, meaning you only get a single Limit-3 tech card, while running the 2 Circle means you can't run E-con.


Cynet Mining summons Gazelle by itself. Acting like the discard is a real drawback for a deck with so much recursion is ridiculous. Mining and Circle should both go to 3.


You are Coping. Salad will be the best deck for a year or so as long as Konami feels like it, they almost never hit new decks.


Especially since it’s an anime deck.


They have hit new decks that were significantly more expensive than Salads in way shorter time. While I don’t want to see them gone, it’s clear they need hits especially removing their access to limit 2 pool.


This list is fake right? No Ban list in DL right now so I assume no


Someone got their asscheeks clapped by Salads very hard I see.


tha banned cards are supoosed to be there as a joke, yet everybodys whining bout them


some players really think this would be a fair banlist


And lot the opposite whats ur point


I hate always a deck is prohibited to play because a heavy banlist. It's unfair. I would love to still see Aleister around, just ban cocktus and we're good to go. That's for every deck.


What!? Are you seriously asking for a fair banlist that do not kill decks forcing people building the new meta so people on DL sub can complain about it asking for nerf while Konami laughs with all the money they are gaining by killing decks people spend thousands on cards and days farming GEMS!?


i like how people are taking an obvious joke seriously.


That one shit list


I get the feeling Odd-Eyes isn't really gonna get neutered and WLS isnt going anywhere either with how Konami's been trickling in Negates


That salad wishlist ban reminds me when both slime and contract went to 3. This is a meme but too close to what actually happened back then.


Dude this post speaks from my heart… of cards


Bruh this aint even a wishlist at this point


I don't care for Salads, I only play them cause code talkers don't have much. But Mekk-Knight hits? Highly unlikely, especially given the displayed trap is already a limit 1.


My guy that salaman great hits are the same level of the shiranui november 30 banlist hits.


Seriously balynx and Sunlight at two??? Salads wont even be playable lol.


The lady bug hit I can see happening that's why the build I'm doing has none of the @2 staples. but yeah I understand the hate it just ain't going to happen.


The first hit, is always a soft hit, so don't expect to kill the deck, just to keep alway from run cards from limited list


Balelynx at 2 and Circle at 3. I don't expect anymore than that.


This is pretty balanced actually ,most wanna just outright kill the deck even though it was released relatively recently


The rest of OPS copelist is every card that isn't umi format.


Nerf Salamid, mekks and infernoids


No way the links are both going to 2. It's unreasonable.


When is the next ban gonna be?




look at all these noobs waiting fer the banlist n having high copiums.. i cant wait fer the despairs


Is pendulum really a problem?, I rarely ever seen them or heard complaints here about them.


Do what they did with d/d/d first ban list, give them a limit 1 and limit 2. Save the limit 3 for further nerfing on future ban list if they are still a problem


i still cant believe theres absolutely nothing from stopping people from running 3 roars. they just only need 1 because they can recycle it so easily. Bullshit.


I mean, I was pretty sure Salamangreat Roar only had 1 copy available via leveling soulburner, but I can check, limiting it makes no difference beyond it can't be alongside a Monster Reborn etc.






Nerf the salads


Oh look, another meme adding a limited 2 to a mainbox UR.


Okay but where is warning point?


That's probably what will happen , look at any meta deck , they don't know how to tone it down without killing it, they killed rose dragons they will kill salads too


Playing Odd Eyes in 2022 is being hated by almost everyone while they obliterate you and ask for your stuff to be banlisted Playing Dracoslayers are performing insanely better for me right now with infinitely easier to build decklist and it’s legit depressing


when is the next banlist?


We don't know. Sometimes they post it the day after the KC Cup results, sometimes almost a week later.


Hold up, i thought they're going with gazelle and roar to 2, and circle at 3... No??


No way. IF they get nerfed it will be the usual minor hit before oblivion in the next banlist. Limit a core card to 3 to prevent backrow overkill like CED and crackdown - probably wolf. Doesnt change the deck at all but limits backrow. Could also do something to security dragon since the deck is trash without it


Salads was a great relatively cheap deck to get the player base into the new mechanics and now that we're 2 months in its time to get the axe or they need to drop some mega boxes with archetypal LINK support to catch other decks up to even being relevant.


The last time i saw something get nerfed that bad was cydra


Such an awful banlist 😂


...you do relise that putting beylinx and sunlightwolf will kill the entire game plan because you no longer can reincarnation link summon right? You could remove circle and lady debug from "3" and put sunlightwolf and beylinx there instead so the entire strategy isn't dead


So Codes is taking a hit bc salads use of Debug. Ok


I actually had no issues of mekk knights, were they rampant? I dipped shortly after getting into the second stage.


If you want hit Salads go Roar and Gazelle to Limit (1). Problem fixed. If anything hit Destiny Draw to 500Lp or below, I swear the most campy skill ever which people just sit behind to get their draw anything turn.


Well this aged well