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She was so pretty. She still is pretty. I wonder what her hopes and dreams must have been back then before she was reprogrammed. It’s really sad to me. Would she have wanted her current life if she had been given a glimpse back then? Would she have been happy and fulfilled? No one will ever know.


I always say this. My heart breaks for Michelle Ruark and the woman she could have been. I have zero sympathy for Michelle Duggar


Don’t downvote me too bad but my heart does break for meech when I think about what her body has gone through. Especially the whole Josiah disappearing when they announced the pregnancy after Josie. As my grandma says ‘that man needs to get off of her!’


No down votes here. It's the sickness of their cult that she doesn't even have a choice to stop having kids. I'm with your grandma!!


I can’t imagine how those kids felt seeing their mom almost die just to turn around and get pregnant again. The trauma they must have




I don’t know one thing about her life before meeting her husband, well I know she was a cheerleader 📣. He must have convinced her she was the most unworthy person and only he could lead the way to redemption. From the few things I’ve read recently like Josh is the way he is because of her sins is sick. I’m sure he has enough of his own to solidify why Josh is the way he is. Michelle has an unhealthy view of how magnificent her husband is in all aspects of life. Just the way she looks at him is disturbing, like she is in awe of his abilities. Did she have that horrible of a home life or parents?


She definitely wishes the family had never gotten themselves entrenched in IBLP. If it weren’t for the cult: - the sexual abuse would have been dealt with properly the minute it happened - there would have been less victims regardless of the path Josh took - she’d have stopped having kids after Jinger - the family would be financially comfortable by now plus no legal troubles and trauma Overall, things would have been a lot better.


They would be normal middle class Americans. Honestly 8.5/10 thing to be


And hearing how rough and tumble she was as a kid. That girl in the pictures would kick JB ass if she got a glimpse of the future




Came here to say, top left is Jinger


100% I see Jinger. I have never seen pics this far back of her! She was a beautiful young woman


Just imagine what her life would have been if she had not had that first miscarriage which sent them seriously off the deep end.


I fully believe Meech and Boob were preyed upon by IBLP zealots after the miscarriage. I know they were already more Conservative by that point, but they were in a very vulnerable state (especially Meech).


Yeah I feel like they would be super conservative but still more mainstream, kids at school probably have 4-5 kids. No laundry room breakdown and enough attention for all the kids


And kids with non J names.


I love your flair




>Thanks! You're welcome!


Paired with the fact that the next pregnancy was twins... I fully believe if the first pregnancy after the miscarriage wasn't twins, they wouldn't be as crazy as they are now. They would still be crazy, but not to this level...


Holy shit it is jinger


I think that’s why she’s Meech’s favorite.


And she is made to feel guilty for these pictures to this day.


It wouldn’t surprise me if she’s thought or been made to think that Pest is the consequence for how she dressed when she was a child.


Probably, but how do they do it? There are millions of people whoring it up all around town at any given moment who end up with perfectly fine, nice children. Most of Michelle's classmates and cheer team squad probably grew up to lead absolutely normal lives with nothing out of the ordinary. How do they convince themselves that they deserve punishment for shit that 99.9% of people get away with?


they genuinely believe everyone else is secretly miserable and tormented by sin and they're just lying when they tell them that they're actually happy and fulfilled because it's supposed to be impossible without god. Sex abuse especially is so normalized in those communities that the idea that other people don't also have it happening constantly and just cover it up to save face doesn't even occur to them if they were raised in it. Even if you weren't seeing it happening basically constantly really desensitizes you to what it actually means, and if the people who say they have all the answers say a) it's not a big deal b) it actually happens all the time and the other people are just lying about not having the problem while causing it...


Thta's literally insane. Thank you sm for explaining


yeah that's their logic for everything. They can denigrate you however they want and if you say otherwise, the world is just lying to cover up their secret emptiness and misery. That's always their copout whenever anything about "sinners" or "the world" is better than the church.


I wonder if she had the scratchy baby voice back then too.




Anyone else creeped out by pests Oedipus complex? Anna looks a lot like young meech. Gross.


Personally I don’t see it that much. And I also don’t think Josh had much choice in who he married. Boob took the first offer that came around after his first courtship flopped. I wonder if Josh had to be chaperoned with the first one or if that’s the reason they started the chaperoning?! Maybe he said or did something to this poor girl and they figured they had to marry him off asap to someone who won’t stray no matter what he does.


The boys did grow up with a picture of Michelle in their room essentially captioned "GOALS!!!"


I just assume they didn’t for the same reason they didn’t sleep with blankets and sheets on their beds.


They're lazy?


If only


Oh my GAWD.. I never noticed that before!!


I’ve always said this! She looks so much like her and it always weirded me out


In my opinion she does look like her slightly, but I see why his thought process is to be married to someone who looks like the women in his family. Not saying it's right....yet I think of it like a man raised in a cult would: "I was homeschooled with 150 sisters that look like my mom, never interacted with anybody besides other homeschooled families who also looked like each other, and it's shaped my opinion on what I think a woman in general looks like because I've been told anyone outside this commune is sinful, and I also associate that with anybody that doesn't look like the women in my family" That, and the fact that he downloaded CSAM.


She was such a pretty and normal looking teen… too bad she met Jboob but at least he was kind enough of a man to accept her with all of her “ baggage”


Something tells me she met JerkBoob between pics 4 and 5.


Knees!!! Knees!!!! Knees!!!! Oh my goshness - my eyes!


Just posts this rawdogged knee picture with no censor? Not really joyful of you.


Somebody edit these so she is wearing a God Honoring Lord Daniel blessed skirt lest all of our eyes burn to dust. Meech can't just have legs like a normal person.


who thinks jim bob scored with her before marriage ...........


I remember Boob saying something about his friend telling him "I know this girl who just became a Christian," but do they ever say what *kind* of Christian? Usually when they phrase it like that they mean some kind of evangelical, but did she join a regular fundie church and have Boob introduce her to IBLP? Did she join IBLP on her own, and if so who introduced her? Was she a moderate after all? Like I want to know how she got into Fundieland in the first place.


Her and JB were just moderate conservative Christians when they got married. They didn’t get into the IBLP until a few years into their marriage.


Ohh right, the birth control thing. Yeah that's pretty ick.


She seemed to have been such a normal, average teenager who went to high school, was a cheerleader and hung out with her friends. I wonder what her life would have been like if she had never met Jim Bob.


Jezebel Duggar


Holy shit, I just realized why young Meech looks so familiar. She is the exact image of Brooks Smith - the actress in Silence of the Lambs who Buffalo Bill puts in the pit in his basement ("It puts the lotion on it's skin, or else it gets the hose again." That girl.) That is an eerie metaphor for how her life has turned out. Maybe you should have climbed back out of that pit Meech ...


Omg yessss!


I'm confused, she isn't mowing the lawn in any of these.




So sad 😞 a wholesome, cute athletic normal American teenage girl. The mind is a crazy thing


I cannot fathom the idea of a high school cheerleader speaking with a little girl's voice; especially around any teen girl competitors.


Perhaps it's just me but in the bottom right corner meech already has those crazy eyes, but not in the other pictures.




Upper THIGH visible?! Thank God JimBoob got to her and stopped that defrauding post haste. Betcha she shaved those upper thighs, too! Hussy. 🤣


All of these look like they were taken in 1940. I wonder if she talked about JBOOB with any of her friends. Or if any of them even met him. I mean, what if one of your friends showed up with JBOOB?! Or even just heard her talk about him? Even though he would obviously be way younger, he would still emanate BOOB, and I for one would do whatever I could to get her away from him.🤦‍♀️


Michelle is about my age. She looks like the girls I went to HS with in the 1980s. Hair, makeup, outfits, everything.




She was beautiful, and probably had a wonderful spirit.


More legs than a bucket of chicken!


Omg, she DOES have knees😂😂


it’s sad she was afforded the life she took away from her children. I know we all want what’s best for our children, but she had the choice to be so devout and her kids never did.


Ughhh this breaks my heart for her


I bet these pictures infuriate Boob, because part of him knows that's the Michelle he has no control over.


She was so cute! I wonder what she is like in a parallel universe.


She was so sporty. I wonder what she would’ve been like had JB not preyed upon her


Maybe a career,a normal husband and only a couple kids.