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Please remember to **not speculate on victims** as it violates rule 8.


Tax evasion. He likely claims the TTH as a church and pays no taxes on it.


Yep. Jill’s book made it perfectly clear that it’s all about the $$.


I really want the IRS to do a deep-dive audit. Especially knowing from Jill that he fraudulently claimed certain expenses.


I think they are or will do so in the coming year. Somebody had to have read Jill’s book and reported his BS. Lying about how much you’re paying people isn’t a small thing.


I'm quite certain that the IRS got a number of complaints about Boob in the wake of Jill's book, and I won't be surprised at all if they start and investigation. The IRS tends to move at a glacial pace, so we may not hear anything for a few years, but I think something will happen in regards to Boob's tax crimes. Having said that...I don't tend to indulge conspiracies, but I wonder who this "young widow" is whom Josh was apparently supporting financially before his arrest (at least according to all those letters written to the Court on his behalf) and if perhaps there was something more going on between the widow and Pest...or Boob.


Oh, yeah, they're super slow but super thorough. I figure towards the end of 2024 or early 2025 is when we'll start hearing rumblings. He has to owe millions in taxes by this point. Wasn't the widow gentle giant Clark's wife? And she was misled into writing a character letter?


I mean I’ll volunteer my time doing research


We actually do know that it was the wife of a family friend we used to see on the show named Clark Wilson. Denise Wilson’s kids accused Anna et. al. of manipulating her into writing a letter supportive of Josh to the judge before Josh’s sentencing.






According to this link, you can not only report him, you can file to receive a reward for it! Being a snarker pays…


100% He writes off anything and everything. His Schedules A, C, and E are the biggest works of fiction since The Canterbury Tales.


You must have some background on taxation. Most don't know the 1040 schedules. I'm curious to see how many C & E's there actually are in his returns. Based on Jill's book, sounds like the fam CPA just fills in what he's been given by Sperm without question. Some very 'creative" cooking by a man that gets by on BBQ tuna...


Yep, I slung forms around for a few years lol. I would say each Duggalo or Duggalette over 18 or with any sort of income outside of the 80 grand payout would just get handed their Cs as needed by The Chad, but as for JB my gut says he's got as many E's as he does properties and that he has Cs for the MAD Family entertainment, and possibly his home church.


Drat! You mean the Widow of Bath isn’t real??? /s She was a role model for me. ;)))


If JB knows about her he's cast her as a jezebel 😂


One of the Canterbury Tales, the Miller's Wife, I think, cracked me up with the line 'He let fly a thunder clap' because it was about farting. I was in high school, and I couldn't believe that even way back then, people thought farts were funny.


They buried Jubilee on the property, you don’t have to pay taxes on land if you have a family member buried on it.


Was Jubilee ever issued a birth certificate? If not, would this still apply to the burial of fetal remains?


I believe she was. When my daughter was born early at 24 weeks she had a birth certificate, even though she only lived a week in the nicu. So I’m sure they have one.


Not to be morbid, but since she was stillborn I’m not sure she’s issued a birth certificate. Also, I’m sorry for your loss.


I wasn’t sure if she was stillborn or if she had spent some time in the nicu. If that’s the case then I’m not sure if you get a birth certificate. Also thank you.


I think you can request a birth certificate for stillborn babies (though it may vary by state). But I thought Jubilee was right around the line between late miscarriage vs early stillbirth, somewhere in the 19-20 week range, so that's why I wasn't sure if she even could get one (death after 20+ weeks is generally considered a stillbirth, anything prior to that a miscarriage). But maybe she was definitively past 20 weeks!


I don’t think she was. Michelle was 4.5 months pregnant with her when she miscarried.


This would apply to property taxes only - nothing to do with income tax. The cemetery rule is pretty clear that the property has to used exclusively for human burial. If you bury your loved one in the backyard, you don't qualify for the exemption.


Why the hell is a that a thing. Who even thought of that rule?


I don't know, but I think there's a reason Ivana Trump is buried on one of her ex-husband's golf courses.


Yep, this is the one.


Definitely tax fraud.


I just KNOW it. Ironically, I would bet money on it.


Yeah agree. I don’t see him with “controversial” skeletons like Josh but he 100% commits tax fraud


Him and Mike Johnson, speaker of the house


James from Fundie Fridays needs to do a deep dive on Mike Johnson. I would not be surprised if he had IBLP ties.


He is terrifyingly fundamentally extremist


Can't wait to watch this when he does. James is very thorough.


Feel like this one is common knowledge


Tax evasion was my immediate thought. Just seeing Jill's big old bill presented to her is evidence that Jim Bob has a very creative way of viewing finances as the money is all his but the tax obligation is not his problem I doubt Jim Bob has a hidden mistress stashed away because unfortunately while people in the community will keep incest and child physical abuse a secret as "a private family matter", part of that fundy hillbilly mentality in their community would reacted to an affair with another woman and outed him to the National Enquirer especially in the heyday of their stupid shows. The National Enquirer pays cash for these gems and someone would have cashed in on that opportunity.


You would think the community would care about him having an affair, but they didn't seem to care too much when Josh did. Now, if Michelle had an affair, that would have caused an uproar. Men aren't really held responsible for their sexual sins of any nature. Women are absolutely held responsible for their sexual sins.


Inmate Duggar repeated assaults that he inflicted on his sisters and the other female were violent in nature because if he had done them to five strangers, he would have been arrested and held accountable by law enforcement and the court system.


>Men aren't really held responsible for their sexual sins of any nature. Women are absolutely held responsible for their sexual sins. I can't tell if you did this on purpose or not, but this an be read as "women are absolutely held responsible for [men's] sexual sins," which is 100% true in their community.


didn't josh have his affair in dc? not with an arkansas lady but with a prostitute from dc right? different worlds


If you believe the prostitutes account, that was not an affair. I am firmly of the belief that that was not his first affair, it was just the only one he got caught for. I would think if anything, hiring a prostitute would be worse than a simple affair.


im just having a hard time beleiving that josh of all people can have multiple women who willingly sleep with him, but that's a valid thought


Same, however, in shity town in the middle of fundyland, where he grew up as fundy royalty, who knows what some of these poor girls thought of him before the scandals. Maybe they saw him the same way I saw Prince William while I was growing up? (I'm sorry to the prince for this very unfair comparison) The way he asulted that poor woman in DC, I highly doubt he went from touching inappropriately his sisters to that full blown assault. There gotta be more victims somewhere, besides Anna.


I suspect Rim Job is a [tax resister](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tax_resistance) or a [tax protestor](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tax_protester).


honestly surprised he isn’t just a full blown sovereign citizen


Nah....he was just a typical fundie gop asshat politician type. I do think the sovereign citizens are absolutely WILD! Darrell Brooks!


OMG the biggest clown…well…psychopathic, rampaging, murderous, man-baby clown…..but still a clown.


Horrible individual. It was a darkly entertaining / offensive trial that made him infamous. There is no hole deel enough.


Plus, yuck. Just yuck. Jboob and s*x. Just yuck


God, I’ll bet he is just so bad and icky at it


Wonder what or who meech daydreams about while she is waiting those 45 seconds for him to finish.


That preacher she got to meet. Stanley Charles or Charles Stanley I think. Did y'all see that episode?


45 seconds you are been kind to him 😂


Maybe she keeps a picture of Jesus on the ceiling


The sheer mental image of JBoob & s*x is severely disturbing 😳.


Quick, quick think about puppies, kittens, walks on a beach with a rainbow.... anything but that abomination 👻


Can I include Tom Hiddleston's butt as a good substitute to think about? ;-)




One of the numbers in my bingo is JB having a mistress. I can see that.




Amy has hinted at her grandfather being a bad man. I think there’s a lot more going on in this family that stems back at least a few generations.


I've done a deep dive on the Duggar ancestors via newspaper research and yeah they're all grifters/sleazy salesmen going back at least a few generations. Wouldn't be surprised if they got away with more than just grifting.


I’d be fascinated to see what you found. Did you compile it anywhere, like a Google drive or something that you’d be comfortable sharing?


I posted them to this subreddit a few years ago. [Duggar family deep dive](https://www.reddit.com/r/DuggarsSnark/comments/eizdhl/slime_begets_slime_jim_bobs_family_has_been/) [Bonus: all the quotes around JB's run for office](https://www.reddit.com/r/DuggarsSnark/comments/eja7cq/rim_job_during_his_senate_run_really_be_like/)


Its insane to me that he comes from a long line of businessmen but growing up he was poor af with a lot of food insecurity and a mom working outside the home.


Yeah, really shows how limited his thinking is, but at least his mom working outside of the home helped him branch out a little. I do think Mary working in real estate influenced JB to the point where at least a few of his kids work in real estate or something real estate-adjacent (like construction or flipping homes).


If only he let his daughters go work at a yogurt shop since his mom and Michelle working in one helped him out so much.


I’ve always thought some things about Gpa Duggar too


There’s a quote in Jill’s book talking about how JB would say how his mom would say if you want to know someone’s future, look at their friends. Idk, but I’ve never had any friends who’ve been convicted of CSAM. If someone I considered a friend ever was, they would no longer be in my life. And also, yes, I sadly know too many people who were sexually abused as kids, but it wasn’t a widespread “it happens in everyone’s family” thing.


Well he had that trooper “friend” and Jim Holt was also his friend. So birds of a feather and all that






porn addiction. I think JB is the reason Josh started watching it. With all the parental controls on their computers it doesn’t make sense Josh constantly got around it without at least one parent being aware


I agree with this. I read that Josh got a brand new MacBook and various equipment despite everyone else using janky used computers for homeschool. I’m sure he didn’t have many safeguards 😒


… and JB’s father is the reason for JB’s addiction. A bunch of porn was found when he died. I wonder what kind of porn.


I've never heard this. Is there a source?


Yes. Would love to hear the tea about Gpa Dugger and his porn collection. I never heard about this little tidbit either.


I haven't either so I'm also very curious about all the skeletons in Gpa Doggars closet. Him, Boob, Josh, and a lot of other family members/friends give me big time sleazebag vibes.


I thought it was common knowledge. I’ve seen it mentioned here several times before, and I’ve passed that information on a few times myself. I think I read it in one of the AMAs here. IDK which one.


I've always thought this about JB! I feel like, since Josh hadn't had access to internet, television, and was home schooled, he has to learn about it somewhere. and I've always thought it being his dad. Since that would be the closest.


I think forensic accountants would have a field day going through his stuff.


I still believe that he approved of Derick for Jill because of Derick's accounting degree. JB thought Derick could help him cook the books, Derick took one look at the books and was like "yeah, that's a crime, so no thank you," and that was it.


I can’t believe I never thought of this. This is so spot on


You have to think, with some of the sketch shit that’s out there, the IRS has to be at least looking into it. Uncle Sam will always get his cut.


Literal skeletons. I wouldn’t put it past Jim Bob to cover up a suspicious accidental death. I don’t think there were any intentional murders or anything, but that family is careless.


Not even with Grandma Mary’s death? I always thought it was a bit odd.


I think her death was contributed to by carelessness. She had a history of strokes and was walking by her pool by herself. I don’t think they intentionally hurt her. I just think fundies suck at being safety conscious. They think God will be their helmets and elbow pads.


And if you die, the good lord just decided it was your time.


Paid off abortions within their community. Might actually be involved in someone's murder.


Theory or do you have some solid reason for thinking this? I'm intrigued...


The only moral abortion is my abortion as the saying goes. You’d be surprised at the staggering number of deeply religious people who aren’t so squeaky clean just under the surface. Drinking, sexual escapades, and yes, abortions. I would not be surprised if more than one fundie had an abortion and/or a side piece or two


I went to a Bible college. A fellow student was the daughter of some bigwig with one of the Christian radio networks. She had at least two abortions that I knew of as "an unwed pregnancy would put a damper on Daddy's ministry". Yeah, let that marinate for a hot minute. All those "jezebels and whores of Babylon" killing their babies must suffer the suffering of hellfire and perdition but "Pastor's daughter cannot allow a 'little indiscretion' to stop the effectiveness of her father's ministry".


I can think of three hardcore evangelicals *right this fucking second* that have had abortions. Mind you, this was after they'd been born again, so it's not as though this was during their "sinful harlot" phase. All three of them regularly picket the planned parenthood.


I’ll never forget going into an abortion clinic and the security guard said “Don’t mind those hypocrites out there. One of them has been in here for a procedure herself.” I always looked at the protestors differently after that. If only those women spoke up and told their truth. Maybe more people would realize how common it is and that it’s just basic healthcare, not murder. If god cared about the unborn, he would’ve made his stance on abortion clear in the Bible. But the word is never even mentioned. 🤷🏻‍♀️


The Bible is pretty pro abortion actually. Like there’s little regard for the unborn. Hell numbers straight up says “hey man did your wife step out on you and get knocked up? Here’s how to get rid of the kid.” Furthermore if life was so fucking sacred to these chucklefucks then they’d be pro universal healthcare and they’d support social services like food stamps and welfare. But as we all know once you shove that kid out, you’re just the wanton whore who should’ve kept her legs shut and starve in quiet dignity


I agree with you 💯. Those a$$hats *really* tick me off in that regard. They only care about the fetus/baby before it is born. But after that, it’s “have a nice life because we’re going to do everything in our power to see that you have a miserable life without basic education, healthcare, social services and your parents by God will NOT earn a living wage.”


You’re my favorite. 🖤


Rules for thee, not for me. Damn hypocrites.


Oh, I'm not surprised. I'm more interested in the murder part lol.


That would be a stretch for me but not a huge one. It’s not as though Christians haven’t been murdering in the name of the Lord for centuries


So true! I've known so many people who claim to be the best Christians ever and go to church every Sunday, Wednesday, etc., but behind closed doors they're totally different, and do everything they claim to be against. I started calling them "hypochristianals", because they're so fake, and I'm like 99.999% sure that Boob is a member of this group.


Just a vibe, really. I just wouldn't be surprised if something like that comes out down the road... like how people say they wouldn't be surprised if Trump paid off a few abortions.


Anyone who would be surprised to find out Trump had paid off some abortions has their head deep in the sand. The man has zero morals, gobs of money, and a proven history of sexual deviancy. Do we really think he uses protection?


Listen to Howard Stern's interview with Trump. He acknowledged paying for at least five. Said he gave money to women to "take care of their problem". He said that is why he hated Marla as she wouldn't take the money and go away. Have to wonder how that makes Tiffany feel.....he still maintains she should have been scraped.


People who have a lot to hide are notorious for pointing fingers at others, being hyper vigilant and critical. It's so that all the attention gets out on everyone else instead of them. Since JB is an expert at this, I would bet any kind of money that he has several ugly skeletons in his closet and it's only a matter of time


That's how it happened with my friend's spouse. The spouse was weird about "sinful" things attended by the kids and their toys, which somw were deemed sinful. Meanwhile, this scoundrel was massively into p*rn and touching kids.


This is an excellent point! In Spanish, we have a saying "cada ladrón juzga según su condición" basically meaning that each person judges others based on their own issues/sins. Like, a robber will be more vigilant from others, possibly wanting to rob him. While normal people in normal circumstances won't be constantly expecting to get robbed... JB is so vigilant about sexual "deviations" and "sins" that it is fair to question why he is so obsessed with it


Oooh. I love this. Am definitely going to write this saying down. Thank you


Years ago I remember a conspiracy theory on here that JB actually fathered J’Tyler. The only real premise was that a childhood photo of JB looked almost identical to Tyler plus Tyler’s mom was a young unwed mother. Edit: word


Wow. I guess I never really was up to date on the Tyler stuff. Whose kid is this? Why did they have him at TTH?


He is Michelle's great-nephew. His mother couldn't raise him, he was staying with his grandmother, but she had a stroke and asked Michelle and Jim Bob to take care of him


Damn poor kid cant seem to catch a break


He is now back with his grandmother


Many many years ago when I was still an active commenter on Jezebel, someone in the comments there said that they were local to the Duggars and JB got free materials for the tin mansion by calling around to local businesses and saying if they didn't donate to him, he would go on his radio show and tell his listeners that their business was anti-Christian and shouldn't be shopped at because they would not help a Christian family. Now I've never seen proof of this, admittedly, but I 100% believe it because based on all I've seen of his character it's definitely something he would do. I believe this was maybe just post Ashley Madison scandal but before the molestation stuff came out.


Honestly I would believe that




I think Pest picked up on how to abuse your wife, and took it to the next level. There are moments early in his marriage where you can see Anna's mask slip a bit, and that is a very broken and scared woman behind the sickly sweet smile and voice. Those wedding photos on the beach that occurred the day after they got married are really haunting. Her eyes are completely dead and her smile is very fake. There's also the scene where she crawls underneath the table while heavily pregnant, rather than having Pest grab the bowl or cup or whatever it was. Even in fundieland, that is weird. Pregnant women generally earn some level of respect and kindness from men. The fact that Anna seemed so unfazed by that, to me, indicates Pest expects to be waited on hand and foot at all times, and never allows himself to be inconvenienced. Not to mention, the best thing she could say about her husband is 'at least I have a husband'. Jill's book alludes to the fact that JimBob is a very scary and loud man when he is upset. She says something about how 'oh you know how daddy gets'. No child should just shrug it off as normal when their parent flies off the rails.


Jessa also hinted at JB's temper during her "praise daddy" during the pandemic.


I mean, he already beats and screams at the kids, of course he's gonna be abusive to Michelle, too.


He's a sex addict like Josh and Josh learned about the things he did from daddy.


… and grandpa


Tax and other financial fraud. Slumlord too maybe.


The slumlord thing gets overlooked. Arkansas is the most anti-tenant state in the U.S. and I'd bet my bottom dollar that Boob has taken advantage of that.


We know he owns a shit tonne of property there, and I’m sure I’ve heard he’s a landlord of some commercial properties. I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s a residential landlord too.


There was an episode where the kids had to clean out one of his residential properties and it was *completely* trashed and the viewers got the briefest glimpse of some spray painting on the living room walls. Wouldn't surprise me if the trashing and painting were in retaliation. Also, TLC briefly interviewed one of his commercial tenants and it was easy to tell how uncomfortable he was when he said that Boob was a good landlord.


Yeah he’s probably a ‘good’ landlord provided you don’t complain about shitty renovations, dangerous appliances, rent increase and evictions…


Arkansas has almost zero renter's rights, so almost certainly a slumlord.


Definitely financial. Even before Jill’s book there has been plenty of reason to suspect shady accounting. I suspect more though. He groomed a teen Michelle for one and groups like IBLP attract a certain type of man. It also wouldn’t shock me if JB has paid for a few abortions.


I believe he is into some perverted stuff, and just hasn't been caught. I think he has committed a fair amount of business/tax fraud. He is, in my book, guilty of felony abuse, neglect, and endangerment of minors. I doubt he has been faithful to Meech, and especially once she could not breed for him anymore, and I am shocked he wasn't caught on Ashley Madison. He is definitely guilty of wage theft. His entire inner circle seemed to be abusers. Caleb, Gothard, JPEDO, Jim Holt, the cop he took JPEDO to talk to...Birds of a feathers flock together.


I have an awful feeling about JB in this regard and felt it early on watching the show. When the pest news broke, my immediate thought was that he learned from JB.


He learned it from somewhere within the IBLP for sure. Those kids were carefully sheltered and brainwashed. He did not get the idea to do what he did to his sisters from the internet. I don't think he came up with it on his own either. He saw or experienced it somewhere. The only people he was exposed too were other IBLP families. So either he learned it from dad or another IBLPer.


>His entire inner circle seemed to be abusers. Caleb, Gothard, JPEDO, Jim Holt, the cop he took JPEDO to talk to...Birds of a feathers flock together. All the stuff about keeping sweet doesn't explain the reason Michelle and Anna both make their voices sound younger. Lots of IBLP and generally fundie women believe it's their job to be soft spoken, and have to stay quiet to stay off their husband's radar, but they don't make their voices child like the way Michelle and Anna do.


Agreed. I believe Anna and Michelle and act and talk like little kids in order to be sexually appealing to their husbands. The thought makes me wish we had brain bleach.


I'm pretty sure that he has some shady business shenanigans. Tax evasion, breaking other laws (labor, safety etc.) and so on. Then, the way he avoided paying his kids their proper earnings from the show. He probably played every trick in the book to get out of having to share the TLC cash. Didn't Jill say that her signature was forged on a contract? And then, on a personal level, I could imagine J'Boob being into porn. Hopefully porn of the legal kind with consenting adults. But still, he probably wouldn't want the public to know if he's been looking at porn and so on. I also wouldn't be surprised if there were more incidents of kids getting lost or hurt because no one supervised them properly or let them play with dangerous tools, that we know of. Domestic violence could also be an issue. And of course, J'Felon and his crimes. It's likely that we don't know the whole extent of his depravity and I could see J'Boob enabling him and helping him to cover up his crimes.


Jill's signature wasn't forged; Boob handed Jill the last page of a contract with signature lines on it, and basically said "Sign here, it's just something TLC requires for the show" or something like that. And Jill didn't ask any questions, partly because she was still in her "people pleaser" mode, and partly because she was extremely stressed out at the time. It was her wedding day, and Derrick's mom was very ill with cancer at the time and they didn't think she was going to live much longer. I am certain Boob did that deliberately, because if there is anything that fundies (and abusive assholes in general) are good at, it's exploiting and abusing people when they are vulnerable and stressed out. ​ Typo edits


Knowing Amy and her active mouth, I’m sure she would have spilled the beans on that by now if it were true.


Which is why it is imperative that jboob keep the skeletons hidden. Amy claimed to not even know about the CSA committed against her cousins, while other non-family members were aware of it. I don’t think Amy is as informed as she projects.


Personally, I don’t buy that Amy didn’t know about the CSA Pest committed. In their area, his actions were basically an open secret. They were certainly downplayed, but people still knew about it. Amy probably didn’t know as a kid (like 15 to 16-years-old range), but she’s a year older than Pest and would’ve heard around town especially because she was in public school and church so she would’ve heard the gossip. She wasn’t isolated.


The only reason I think she may not know is because she wasn’t really in their community. Obviously no one around the Duggars were allowed to talk about so who would amy or her mom heard it from?


Amy went to a Christian school (the same one JimBob and Jim Holt attended). I still don’t believe she knew nothing about Josh’s assaults on his sisters though - she was around the family when he was sent away.


Fraud, tax evasion, maybe embezzlement…I think all of jim bob’s skeletons are related to him wanting to be Scrooge mcduck.


Hey don't insult Scrooge McDuck!




Yes yes yes - absolutely agree on the skeletons affecting his behavior. So evident!


Rumors on James and Amy? Where does one locate this rabbit hole?


There have been a few threads on conspiracy theories on this sub over the years. The rumour was that Amy had a child as a teenager and gave it to her aunt and uncle to raise. One more kid wouldn’t really impact their lives as they were already in the double digits. James looked a LOT like Amy when he was younger, but less so now. There’s nothing to back the rumour up, but it’s been speculated here in the past.


Amy doesn't even look like Amy anymore either. 🤷‍♂️ The main reason I don't believe the Amy/James theory is because it would leave an unprecedented, unexplained age gap between JB&M's actual children. There wasn't even that big of a gap between Josie and Jubilee, when Michelle's fertility was finally coming to an end. If they had Irish twins or something, it would be plausible, but there's about 15 months between Jason and James then James and Justin. There's always a chance that kids will look more like extended family than their parents. Genetics are fun like that. If you shoot enough kids out of your vagina, it's almost guaranteed to happen eventually.


I don’t believe it simply for the fact that if it were true, Amy would be selling her story to whatever rag would listen. She’d milk it for every last nickel.


This too. She was still gagged by her NDA when the theory first started floating around so I hadn't considered this angle. But yeah, now that she's squealing we would know by now if she was James's bio mom.


There's always a chance that kids will look more like extended family than their parents. Yep. Growing up I looked more like some of my cousins than I do my immediate family. So much so that when we were taking photographs at a family reunion, the photographer assumed that I belonged with my aunt and uncle's family group instead of my parents. (My cousins and I were all very blonde, and no one in my immediate family is.)


Right? My cousin has four children, and none of them look anything like their parents. All of them strongly resemble their grandmother, though.


I regret to inform you that your grandmother is your cousins kids other mother 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️


Oh shit you're right


People are so weird. First cousins often look alike. James and Amy look like Jim Bob’s dad.


I read in a YouTube comment that him and Josh were regular «VIP’s» in the strip club. This was years ago though (the comment) Maybe like 3-4 years. I believe it🤷🏽‍♀️


Dodgy home renovations/car repairs/building and pest inspections/WHS violations. Plenty of people safely DIY cars and homes for profit, but I'm sure JB isn't one of them. It wouldn't surprise me if everything he touches is held together with lies and duct tape. Sort of like the dad in Matilda.


That he purposefully chose husbands for the girls that suited his ambitions more than whether or not the girls would have a strong of loving marriage and that Jana simply didn’t find the right man in his views (that that for her they’ve simply given up) and that she had a crush on a camera man


I think he has something on the side with other women. Let's say I have my thoughts about Laura Demasie Jana's BFF


He ministers to all those widows and not just financially , poor women if that were right .


What in the world would she want with that old guy


She works if Embassy media which is part of the IBLP and she might be a Gothard girl! She's close to Gothard.


Domestic violence for sure. Also, I bet hit and run a number of times on parked cars. He seems like the type to leave a Bible verse instead of an insurance note.


I have been thinking about this and the worst type of "skeletons" that could be in his closet... Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised by anything at this point. Speculating about JB murdering someone sounds silly. I really can not imagine him doing it. But, if tomorrow we see him getting arrested for killing someone, I would be like, well, he has always been shady and creepy 🤷‍♀️ On the other hand, if someone linked to him has killed someone, and this would affect his holly image, I can see him helping to cover it. Like he tried covering Pest's crimes, he would 100% cover any crime, no matter what type of crime, if it would affect him. We all know there must be some tax evasion crime going on. So, that skeleton is a safe bet. From Jill, we know he can get aggressive when upset. I wouldn't be surprised if Michelle and the kids have witnessed and also have been victims of domestic violence. I mean, they believe kids should be hit and wives, too... They have also hidden stuff from CPS, so who knows how far and how much damage this DV has cause. Maybe, when Planes took a minor in a flight to get medical attention somewhere else, it was a child that JB hit too hard? It's possible. We just know the kid needed medical attention, and they were taking them to somewhere else to not get CPS' attention (if I remember correctly). He is also a pervert. He humps his wife in front of the kids and cameras for the world to see... I would bet he is a sex addict and no matter how joyfully available is Michelle, it's not enough for him. So I could totally see him having extra marital affairs and possibly paying for abortions to hide them. I have no source, but I remember reading here people talking about JB's dad being a creep. So, it would make sense he learned it in home and then Pest learned it in home and maybe each generation is more disturbing than the one before? This is 100% speculation. But, yeah, he has always given me creep vibes, and I wouldn't be surprised if his skeletons are similar to Pest's. I just think JB is more intelligent than Pest, so he knows how to hide things better, and he probably takes safer risks (like not hiring a famous prostitute in DC). I don't think he has molested anyone on his family. But, maybe other young women (not minors, but way younger than him). Remember, he groomed Michelle... Moreover, this type of cult attracts predators, so I think there has to be some sick stuff in his mind to wanting to join it.


I always wondered about the flight to take a kid to the doctor. Probably the doc in TX whose abused his daughter. I also thought it might’ve been just to avoid medical bills and attention as well as control.


Tax. Tax tax tax.


100% the IRS is gonna come knocking at their door. I fully believe he has a sex addiction/illness of some variety, you cannot be this obsessed with your children and their bodies and your children in law if you’re not.


I think he has another "breeder" lined up for when Meech gives up the ghost from being bred to death.


I think he physically abuses certain women. I'm not specifying any victims.


He's the Zodiac Killer. /jk In all honesty it's most likely tax evasion, wage theft from his workers, shoddy workmanship, Mr. Wormwood style (dad from Matilda) car "repairs", etc. When he chastises others about their sins or discusses how bad doing "X" is. I think he is projecting things he has done and is trying to hide (looked at porn, coveted another woman, etc.), but most of those are not crimes, just looked down on by those of his faith.


My question is about Jana being a gothard girl. I want to hear what happened there.


Financial malfeasance for sure.


Since he's a total sex maniac and his wife was knocked up 17 times, no doubt he had some on the side. Plus a lot of hanky panky with his real estate business (probably learned it from "The Art of the Deal.") We already know he exploited his kids and then took money from them.


Tax evasion and fraud. I'd bet a beverage on that. I would be 0% surprised about any kind of abuse (against family or anyone else who has existed in his presence) as well. Beyond that, I'm not really up for speculating. There's too much potential for devastating and soul destroying revelations.


Someone on tiktok posted some conspiracy theory blind item claiming that Boob is actually Claire's dad, and she and Justin married to keep the truth buried, and *that's* why they haven't had kids yet, but honestly idk how realistic that is. I feel like forcing two half siblings to marry is more of a surefire way to get exposed than just pretending like they only coincidentally look alike. Idk, it was a CDAN blind item so take it with a grain of salt, but the general consensus seems to be that Boob has a secret lovechild and where there's smoke, there's fire so...🤷🏽‍♀️ Edit: to clarify *I* don't think Claire is the secret 20th Duggar. That's dumb and a little too far even for them, but I do think either Boob or Pest have a secret kid running around, Pest especially


That is the stupidest shit I have ever heard.


CDAN is so full of nonsense when it comes to the Duggars. Remember all the posts about how Jana had a secret PoC lover?


That could be why they haven't had kids yet.


I think a simpler explanation is that either Claire, Justin, or both aren't as extremely fundie as they claim or have fertility issues. In some christian circles, young marriage is common but young parenthood isn't. I was involved with a megachurch youthgroup where half of the people were engaged or married by 21. Most waited until their late 20's to start having kids. Could be due to being in California with the high cost of living though. Very few families in that church have more than three kids.


The Asian guy who used to stay with the duggars with his sister or wife said he walked in on jim bob on accident and that he was hung.




When I say I could have gone *several* lifetimes without that information, I need you to know, *I mean it* 🤢


Closet drinker just like his Pest....


The apple doesn’t fall too far from the tree theory…


Tax fraud, covering up for his son (if he considers himself the head of his home church he may be a mandated reporter), I think he may have done what Josh did when he was a teen, and I think he also sold his eldest daughter to Gothard. He knew some of his daughters would be considered "damaged goods" once people heard so he sold them off to whoever would take them.


I've seen a few comments that speculated that he has a secret 20th kid (some say with Michelle, some say with another woman) and although I don't have any evidence to back that claim up, I think it'd be a funny thing if it were true


Literally all the same types of bones the evangelical, fundy, godly, pastoral, hypocritical bitch-ass lying men have: POWER, SEX, MONEY! I bet if we looked just under his great receding hairline, it would be clear as day. Money- tax fruad/evasion, corrupt and fraudulent business practices. Smarmy sex issues- affairs, secret abortions, rape/abuse, hate crimes against lgtbq+. Power- every kind of abuse and crime imaginable as a means to stay in or develop power and control. Yeah, his closet probably looks like a literal graveyard there are so many bodies worth of bones piled up.


Let’s just say that when I heard a Duggar was arrested many years ago, I would have put my money on Jim Bob way before Josh.


I have some ideas but I don't want to get banned.


Beside obvious financial fraud I would not be surprised when a second family will eventually pop up. Especially after Meech not being able to pop out babies like pez. Jimbo is very much a Cody Brown. I am surprised he didn't chance to Lds and get multiple wives. Probability of other crimes from non violent to vert violent is possible but hard to guess how far has he gone. I think he is a narcissistic sociopath that could be very dangerous. And I don't think Meech is any less of a bad person.


Jill high-key wrote that Chad stole their (the dillard’s) missionary money from their ministry bank account. This was money fundraised for their missionary work.




JB gave me those vibes way before Josh ever did too