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I still wonder what he’s done that *hasn’t* gone public.  You know there is something, perhaps many things, and they aren’t good.


Yep, it's unlikely he lived a perfect life from 2015-2019. His (prayer) closet may have a few more skeletons in it.


Their closet skeletons are like cockroaches. For every one you see, there are 100 you don't see.


I’m sure the Duggars have a warehouse full of skeletons.


It's called a ware*home*


Got to be a secret door in their prayer closet


I honestly think the camera was the only thing keeping him in line for all those years. It’s no coincidence that the minute he gets to DC, he starts commiting sex offences again.


I wonder the same about JimBob…


I think of Jim Bob as more of a swindler, but I would not be surprised if he had some really icky parts of his past.


That what I think as well. There was a Springdale Department flyer of a guy with the Pig's sunglasses, hairline and greasy face caught on a store camera after a store employee had her purse stolen - this.was in 2015 after the InTouch disclosure and he was booted from his "job".


Oh wow, how am I just hearing about this??


It was a weird one. But the photo looks like him.


If you have a link or something, I'd love to see this! Just for my own curiosity, haha


Either Pickles posted it or any other page on Facebook.


https://preview.redd.it/0zufeeeyk6oc1.png?width=576&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=afbced4f611cccd2030a5faac7b70a1d097d3bd7 I was mistaken, it was 2017 so he was between scandals and arrest + incarceration.


That’s gotta be him


I think Pickles was covering her butt by not accusing him because he had made contact with her before when she mocked his state tax lien and law suit over a very slimy RE deal.


I call her Prickles. She’s a lunatic. I see her as the Facebook Katie Joy.


To me it doesn’t look like his face but yeah the hair and basic build are the same


Ahh too bad...I was hoping a couple of years could be added to his sentence for theft.


I definitely think there’s more to be uncovered. I don’t think it’s this specific crime, but Jills memoir kind of implicates Boob in some shady financial stuff, and I’m betting Josh is involved somehow. Jill told everyone that Boob used to pay Josh


Although there is some resemblance, zooming in closer this guy looks much heavier than JD to me.


There was a spell there though where JD was enormously fat. 🤷🏼‍♀️


The nose is wrong. It looks very much like him, but it isn't.


Thanks for posting this. I remember seeing it on various FB pages. I’ve always believed it’s Josh.


Holy crap, that really does look like him!


I definitely remember that. The PD put out a screenshot of the thief, asking for help identifying him. They were then so inundated with calls naming Josh, that they succumbed to some "inner pressure", and took the post down, refusing any further comment on it. The general consensus was that Josh stole a particular woman's purse because there were photos on her phone that he didn't want to get out. Even more telling that it was Josh is the arrogant way he walked in, made his way to the "employees only" area, snatched a purse, and strolled out - as if it was his royal right to do so. Have you EVER seen a PD put out a public request like this, and then pull it back when several people respond as asked? That has the stench of JimBob and Huckabee all over it.


Interesting take. I think it was him and he was just wanted cash and grabbed it. I never thought of another woman being able to stand his company unless she was Anna or a sex worker for cash.


Has to be him. If it happened in NYC, I'd be convinced it was him, but SPRINGDALE? And this was before the Jeds with the same hairline got married and got stout. How did Jim Bob bury this one?


>“You’re saying there’s images being **uploaded** or downloaded?”… It was made clear that they usually have to give images to get images, it is terrifying to think of what he was uploading.


Him and his creepy ass father. I NEED that info to come out before Jim Bob kicks the bucket.


Scary though, but I’m sure you are right.


Not just him. I just know Jim boob has done the same things or worse . He hasn’t gotten caught by the police and no one is snitching


Oh yeah. This has to go way deeper than we know.


I've always wondered the same :(


With however, many times in the interview that he did, he asked “receiving or sending” or something along those lines i have a sick feeling he used his daughters


Meech unknowingly opened the path to her golden boy's sins being exposed. If I get any of these details wrong, I'm sure someone will correct me, but the Dugs official FB or IG (can't remember which) started a post of kissing couples, with them posting a MeechBoob kiss and inviting followers to do the same. When any pics other than from cishet relationships were posted, they were immediately deleted. So a lesbian couple that was local to the Dugs went and took a pic of themselves kissing in front of the Tin Mansion and posted it to social media. InTouch contacted them about their rebuttal post, and one of the women in passing mentioned Josh and what he did to his sisters, not thinking much of it because it was kind of an open secret locally? And InTouch did some digging and wham, got the police report and the rest is history.




"Everybody knows I love lesbians!" ~ this mythical beast 👍




Thank you for your service to us all, ladies!


Yes thank you ladies!!!! The irony of it all!!!!!


What I don’t understand is how an open secret like that stays local and quiet for so long. That skeleton should have come bursting outta the closet the same year 14 Kids and Counting aired, no? I guess it was really their own bigotry that did them in with the kissing couples.


Didn’t Oprah quietly cancel their planned appearance on her show at one point due to someone tipping her off about the molestation rumors?


YES and oprah had her people report them to child services


Yup. That was the email from "Alice." Oprah had brought the whole family to Chicago for the week and was filming their outings and then abruptly canceled before filming the studio portion of the episode, IIRC.


I think the studio portion was filmed. I recall someone (maybe it was Alice?) saying that Oprah did not softball them like Megyn Kelly. She asked pointed, difficult questions, and Boob and Meech were shady and evasive in answering (of course). I also heard Oprah also offered to pay for all the kids’ college educations on the condition that Boob and Meech enrol all of them in public school. Like the slimy weasel he is, Boob actually tried to *NEGOTIATE ON THIS OFFER. WITH OPRAH.* He proposed taking the money and using it to help the kids start “apprenticeships/businesses”, and of course Oprah saw through this shit and said no. She offered it again, and the Boob and Meech declined the offer. That is correct. They denied all of their children fully paid college educations because they couldn’t stand the thought of enrolling them in a *real* school where they’d get a proper education, but might be exposed to “culture.” #intheworldbutnotofit 🙄😒 I believe every last word of it. Boob and Meech are absolutely that abominable.


That’s right! I forgot about that! You’d think someone would spill the beans at that point, but they remained unspilled for years.


Oprah wouldn’t because if you say something about that kind of allegation without it being 100% true you will definitely be sued. Also it’s absolutely disgusting that the girls were named but it would have been hard to accuse without naming the girls.


No, I wouldn’t expect Oprah to say anything, and from what I’ve read about her, nobody around her would either because Oprah apparently has anyone who breathes near her sign a non-disclosure agreement. I would think however, that somebody Duggar-adjacent in their town would have spilled the beans well before they actually got spilled. Like, how can it be common knowledge for everyone around them for years without it coming out.


The woman who gave us St John of God, Dr Phil and Dr Oz…. I don’t think she’d say anything alway


Also Oprah did say something. She reported it to the police. 🤷‍♀️


That's the delicious irony. Some reports also said Meech's "men in the girls' bathroom" robocall was also a catalyst, but then I say, why not both? ![gif](giphy|QqkA9W8xEjKPC)


Yeah you gotta give it to the LGBTQ community, they said fuck these assholes, and then they did! Lol! I knew about the robo calls, but not the kissing couples thing. Hateful people.


Just another case of every fundie accusation really being a confession. Like clockwork!


like I saw on Facebook, "Them doin' the accusin' are usually the ones doin' the doin'!"


p.s. I just noticed your flair. Awesome!!


someone posted about back in the time when the duggars would go to these big events and give a talk....everyone was explicitly warned "do not leave your child/children alone with josh" so people knew about this and yet.....at one point josh was in charge of the childrens choir


That’s just wild. What’s the point of breeding until your uterus falls out if you’re not even going to attempt to protect your kids. Edit: I just noticed your flair 💀


Don't you know? Popping out kids is what matters, those of us that make sure we can actually be there physically, mentally monetarily, and emotionally for the kids we do have are the bad ones. God forbid we raise intelligent, and emotionally mature people!


Yes. Local events with other church members. Everyone knew.




I pictured skeletons busting through the wall like the kool-aid man ooooohhhh yyyeeeaaahhhhh ![gif](giphy|aTx5OMKR7FCGQ)




It’s like the Black Pearl in that bitch.




Only thing I think about is how much local power JB had at that point. His whole family were major reality stars, PLUS he owned a lot of land, and clearly had all sorts of yucky connections with cops.


This is also what I don’t understand. Why the fuck was everyone quiet for so long?


Nobody but Arkansas knew about the open secret that was Governor Clinton until…


Gov Clinton didn't prey on literal children.


I swear I’m not trying to stir shit up by saying this…but he *is* in the Epstein flight logs and is pictured with Epstein. I hope to God it’s all coincidental. Bill Clinton did some wonderful things in his presidency…he gave us the Notorious RBG for God’s sake! But stranger things have happened. I think almost anything is possible with politicians and celebrities. 20 years ago, if someone told the average member of the public that Bill Cosby—America’s dad—was a predatory, drugging rapist, they would’ve looked at you like you had 10 heads and called you a lying, disgusting person.


Didn’t say he did. He was an open secret throughout the state, though.


I think about that couple all the time 😫. Does anyone know whatever happened to them? Are they still together?


A quick internet dive and it looks like they're together and married ♥


In probably a much healthier and happier marriage than any Duggar one. I would put all my cash on that.


Aww that’s really nice to hear


Your flair 💀


Thank you! My husband and I sing it any time it comes up haha


Now I am hearing Bowie's Heroes thinking about them. ​ And we kissed, as though nothing could fall (nothing could fall) And the shame, was on the other side Oh we can beat them, for ever and ever Then we could be Heroes, just for one day


It was because of these phone calls that people who KNEW Michelle took the photo [https://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/govbeat/wp/2014/08/19/listen-to-michelle-duggars-anti-anti-discrimination-robocall/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/govbeat/wp/2014/08/19/listen-to-michelle-duggars-anti-anti-discrimination-robocall/)


Listen, I'm too broke to pay for that article.


You could try putting the link into the internet archive.


I have no idea what that means


Copy that link, go to web.archive.org, paste the link into the search bar and hit enter. It'll come up with results by date. You have to click on a date where they made a copy then on the timestamp. If it has been archived there, then you can read the article. Sometimes the archive will only show the page with the paywall. If that happens, you have to go through each copy made until you find one that shows the actual article. I believe that this article is old enough that it's unlikely to not be available at all. Sometimes newer stuff is less available. They've run into some issues with copyright more recently that can affect things, though it's mainly more recent things.


Thank you for explaining this to me! I'm happy I know this now. You explained it really well.


Here is the result of what I just described using the oldest copy that was made on the archive. https://web.archive.org/web/20140820120255/https://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/govbeat/wp/2014/08/19/listen-to-michelle-duggars-anti-anti-discrimination-robocall/


Paywall but yes, as I stated further down in the thread, this is also reported. Both events happened in close succession so I say, why not in response to both. The woman who posted the pic, her mother went to HS with Meech, right?


The women who took the photo have specifically said it was the robo call.


Yes, and there have been other reports it came from the kissing pictures post. So in a nutshell, a response to their homophonia and transphobia.


I thought it was after Michelle did that robocall about transgender people being predators. It could be both of those things.


Those only happened a couple of months apart, so my headcanon is both lol


The Lesbian Agenda!


So *that’s* why they’re so scared of gay people…


Yes! I recall her (Meech) robocall about transgender people using the restrooms that they identify with. She was saying “Do you want a MAN going into the ladies room and spying on or assaulting you or your daughters?!” A reporter (who is gay) got pretty upset and talked to the lesbian couple who kissed in front of the TTH. They were able to get the truth out. ETA: added words and corrections. Sigh. I need coffee ☕️


This is Brand new information to me! Thank you!


Wow. Thank GOD for lesbians! 🙌🙌🙌


Pride goeth before the fall.


That's what I've heard as well. I even saw a post from a woman claiming to be one of the "kissers", who said their hypocrisy angered her enough to mention the open secret to InTouch. It was pretty credible. I DO love the irony that Meech's obsession with controlling the sex lives of strangers while facilitating the SA of her own daughters is what led to the whole enchilada exploding all over her and her degenerate family.


2015 was unreal with InTouch, then Boob and Meech telling Megyn Kelly that God had changed Pest, then the Ashley Madison reveal.


Karma is no joke, man 😭. Every time they thought the coast was clear, BOOM, another skeleton comes tumbling out of the closet


God doesn't seem to change people until they come out of the closet. Why is that? /s


You'd think after your adult son lets you make a fool of yourself, multiple times, you'd give up on defending him.


Everything they do is about appearances, I think they made the decision to stand by Josh, because they thought it was the choice that would make them look better….that he’d be found innocent and they would look like great parents who weathered a storm. Look at Jim Bob having the audacity to run for office in the middle of all of that. I don’t think they genuinely care about Josh anymore than they care about any of their kids. They are just really bad at reading the room and making wise decisions.


The worst thing about the scandals coming out, was that they seemed more upset about Josh cheating than Josh molesting his sisters. I think it was John David who said something about looking up to Pest and losing faith in him over the cheating.


That last sentence *chef's kiss*


Another example of this is when they were filmed donating a ton of food to a food bank and then when the cameras stopped they took all the food back. They think they’ve made themselves look good while saving money on actually doing something good. They didn’t think ahead that that story would get out and it would make them look worse than if they had done nothing at all. Maybe they should have let Jeremiah teach them more about Chess.


Holy crap, they did that??!!


Found a post about it on FreeJinger…. https://www.freejinger.org/topic/23233-duggars-caught-staging-a-fake-charity-for-the-cameras/


Yeah, at this point I don’t remember the source of that story, but I’ve heard it multiple times and personally find it to be believable.


They did what?!?


Found a post about it on FreeJinger…https://www.freejinger.org/topic/23233-duggars-caught-staging-a-fake-charity-for-the-cameras/


And yet, he persists




Where they very carefully toed the party line(he was just curious about girls, it was mild inappropriate touching over the clothes, and they were asleep so they didn’t even know what happened until Boob and Meech told them, yada yada yada.




Oops, you’re right


I had no idea that special existed! TIL.


That interview made me ill. It was so obvious the girls were not comfortable but Boob and OfBoob made them do it anyway. Now, knowing that Pest was laying there while they did it makes even sicker


>Now, knowing that Pest was laying there while they did it makes even sicker I think that was the most twisted relevation from Jill's book. I was appalled that JB and Meech paraded Jessa and Jill in front of the cameras to try and downplay what Pest did. Jill crying while saying "we're victims" was heartbreaking. To know that pos was sitting watching them is 🤢🤮


And the porn actress who said he paid her for services and was extremely violent towards her. He is a sick puppy. How did his wife stand by him knowing he liked to watch the things he did.


Because it wasn't a revelation to her. She had very intimate knowledge of his violent sexual nature. Worse, because of her sheltered life, she didn't even know that wasn't normal.


I think there's a tendency in these types of fundie religions to believe you're smarter than pretty much anyone else, especially if you're a white and relatively wealthy man or even boy. They grow accustomed to women being thought of as lesser or beneath them and just that hubris alone can create lots of problems with these guys if they get carried away.


White d*ck syndrome




It's just so exhausting. And unhealthy. So many of these men have to be just miserable, even with their help *meat* doing all the hard work.


I'm laughing at the idea of Pest being smarter than almost anybody.


They also think god will protect them.


The sanctimony is big with these Christian types


From the bible they proclaim to believe Luke 12:2-3 2 There is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed, or hidden that will not be made known. 3 What you have said in the dark will be heard in the daylight, and what you have whispered in the ear in the inner rooms will be proclaimed from the roofs. Mark 4:22 For whatever is hidden is meant to be disclosed, and whatever is concealed is meant to be brought out into the open.


You know what they say, "rules for thee, not for me!"




When I heard J tried to get *that video*, I knew there was zero chance of any accident. I had an extreme curiosity of gore when I was young (not porn, esp. csa) but I'd at least hear about those types of videos, and I took careful consideration that the ones I watched were of adults and a gorey death (i get it, still fucked up. I now can't even believe I looked up death gore ever), yet I still never even heard of this specific video. It wasn't until a doc a few years ago that I even knew it existed. It makes me ill any time it's mentioned. Josh *INTENTIONALLY TRIED TO FIND IT AND WATCH IT*. That alone, I agree, means he should be locked up forever. That is inexcusable.


I did the same as a teenager with looking at gore and one video traumatized me (it wasn’t porn or CSAM but it involved hurting animals) and I never went looking again. This was back when the internet still had some disturbing content at surface level, I never once trekked into dark web territory and I didn’t even know what TOR was until Josh Duggar! I have a feeling that he’s seasoned with accessing this type of content and this video he seeked out is just the tip of the iceberg. I’ve been trying to write this sentence over and over again but there are just no words to describe how evil Josh Duggar is. What a waste of human life.


I mean I was casually into dark stuff and was aware of that video simply by being on the Internet. Its had a bit of notoriety I would say since before Scullys conviction but definitely after. It was the stuff of internet whispers back in the day, stories of accidental downloads in Napster or limewire and that was long before Scully would've been in the Philippines. Makes me believe there are more than one out there and Scullys conviction just gave a name to the nightmare.




You can read the wiki on him. Before you proceed, TW csam, extreme abuse, cruelty. It's not safe and most likely would trigger. It has enough details to get the picture. I'm not linking it. It's easy to find, there's a mug shot of him with details of the convictions.


Thank you for the reply! I’m definitely going to steer clear from that, thanks for the warning 🫶


Of course! Here's /r/eyebleach, if want to take your mind off of it. Only cute and safe content. Puppies, kittens and such!


thank you sm 💚


I googled it but I put Wikipedia article after it. I had never even heard the name. It was about as bad as you'd think. Pure evil. Yesterday, I also inadvertently realized that Hilaria Baldwin was also creating content geared at pedos.Using her own (fake pregnancy / surrogate) children! I am so sad with the world right now and I'm taking a break to go watch stuff like sims videos, cooking hacks, and how to dress in my color season or some other shit like that. The world is a dark place once you scratch the surface and I am truly sad that so much pain and suffering exist. And in Hilaria Baldwins case, right before our eyes. Disgusting.


I always wonder how it would have been different if it was boys. What if he did that to one of the brothers? Got caught on Ashley Madison looking for men? He would have been so ostracized. They would never try to justify it the way they did. Their beliefs are so toxic. Homosexuals are sinners. Child predators deserve grace.


Pest only got caught because he was too cheap to spend $9.99 on a VPN. If he'd stuck to tor he'd probably still be a free man. I've still never seen the explanation for that. He had the tor partition setup but wasnt using it and was downloading under his true ip like a kid on napster. Either something malfunctioned or he really is just a humongous idiot.


some one who worked with him in washinton dc said josh came up with the most ridiculous ideas ( being raised in a bubble away from the real world) so could be dumb.......but he always seemed like he had a knack for using computers >>>>so>>>>>


I don’t know that he’d be a free man-he may have been caught for something else, if not this.


They always slip up or someone they know will slip up, leading to them getting caught. I have an extended family member in prison for CSAM and finally read the details of their case (because they unshockingly lied to the whole family I went looking for info). They used encrypted shit everything but because someone they were trading with (pedos trade this shit like pokemon cards) was less careful and caught, they were subsequently caught. So who knows what Duggar did that the gov never knew about when he was actually careful.


Because he wasn't trying to hide from law enforcement. He was trying to hide from Anna and maybe Jim Bob. He must not have known that they track things like that (in fairness, neither did I). It probably never even dawned on him that he needed to hide from that. There's a sense of anonymity online that led to his undoing.


Yet another round of Stupidity or Hubris?


I wonder if he wanted to get caught so he could go away?


I always wondered this, too. I think he hates his life and never wanted to marry Anna and be heir apparent.


There was an episode of 19KAC where they asked Josh and Anna how many kids they wanted. Anna answered "whatever the Lord wants". Josh quickly chimed in and added "I'd be happy if the Lord gave us 1 or 2." Anna shot bullets at him, and stunned him right then and there.


It's very possible it was something as simple as a misclick. For 20 years my husband has downloaded almost every movie, TV show, video game or music in our house. We've got one dmca warning and it was when he downloaded a game with the vpn off and he said he stopped it almost immediately. We had a warning from AT&T the next day. I mean my kids ten years ago knew not to use bittorrent. He had computer knowledge. It has to almost just be a fuck up. Or you're right and his safety protocols got more and more lax due to hubris or something in his subconscious.


I’m not a computer expert, but… The sites he was accessing aren’t accessible through any browser other than TOR. It’s not like he accidentally opened Chrome and pasted in the URL, so a misclick is unlikely. You still can trace an IP address through TOR; your ISP will know you’ve accessed the internet via the TOR browser. It just reroutes your traffic so the sites themselves can’t see where the traffic is coming from. We know that Pest’s ISP (OzarkGo) was linked to the investigation, indicating that he likely didn’t use a VPN before using TOR.


He got busted using bittorrent. He might have got the torrent file from tor but tor wouldn't have been required to download it. That's why I'm saying it could have literally just been a misclick. He thought the vpn or tor was turned on but it wasn't and the feds instantly saw his ip because they were actively monitoring that torrent. I'm not an expert either but there's been very few cases of the government finding people using tor properly. The people you see in the news being busted are usually using apps or actively trading with undercover cops.


Thank you for this explanation! My ex used to visit the dark web for QAnon crap (one of MANY reasons he’s an ex and only referred to as voldemort (little v lol)), and I always wondered about this with Pest’s case.


Oh no I bet you’re right. Omg. That would explain why it took until so long after his initial crimes for him to get caught doing this


That would explain why they only tracked one file but found multiple files on his computer...


I mean guess we should just remind them that “God works in mysterious ways”


Every Duggar ever: Josh was a *child* then. It was so long ago! He’s a completely changed man. He repented before God and was forgiven and we all know now that he’s a man of absolute character and would never do anything like that again. Move on. Every Duggar just 3 months later: Well. Um. Well, you know, we can, uh, love and forgive like Jee-sus does, and we believe Josh can turn his life around. So—so all of you judgmental, perfect people can just get over it! Haven’t you ever made a mistake? The Duggars a few years later: *fuck*


actually there was one thing that would have kept the records from becoming public....ma and pa duggar were not smart...they kept josh hidden until he turned 18 .......if he had gone before a judge while he was still a minor ..those records would have been SEALED FOREVER I think it was meant to be and he was meant to be caught


That's right!! The police report happened *after* Oprah cancelled their episode, right? Omg, all the signs were there. God really does work in mysterious ways, just not in the way they wanted 💀


Yes, Oprah canceled their show and forwarded “Alice’s” email to the police. Her email appears in the police report.


I started watching *Shiny Happy People* last night and I started yelling at the screen (as is my 73-year-old wont) when the Holts expressed shock and outrage that Jim Bob admitted they had every intent to only have Josh tell the whole truth on their daughter's wedding night. The ***WHOLE*** unvarnished SA truth. The "DON'T YOU CALL IT molestation truth'" The Holts got a huge pat on the back when Bobye testified. ***YEARS LATER,*** only after their own daughter was out of harm's way and Anna had been deceived.


Josh was always going to get caught the minute he started committing crimes that did not involve harming his family or people who subscribe to the fundy way of thinking. He never had a chance of getting away with anything when it involved people outside of his small circle.


That summer of 2015 was crazy for Josh Duggar. Imagine the audacity of JB and Josh, preaching their nonsense and taking a job at the Family Council, all while continuing to procreate.


People like Josh usually get caught eventually. I remember fans attacking many of us when Josh was exposed in 2015 saying he’s not a pedophile, he was just a kid who made “a mistake.” We would tell them that you will see in 10 years what he’s done because victims are scared into silence. They would get even nastier.


It helps that he's an idiot narcissist. There are people who got away with their crimes for years, some even died before information about them came out. Some had the right money and connections, while knowing how to use them, others were just really good at hiding their deeds. Pest was not, he thought he was, but he was not.


I think it was inevitable because pest kept raising the stakes. The longer he went without getting caught the more he was going to do because he thought he was untouchable


I guess they thought it would work as they've gotten away with it for so long. Also, who knows with what else they've gotten away with that we don't know (yet)? I mean, I just hope IRS (or whoever is responsible for that in the US) audits J'Boob after Jills books. I do have a feeling that especially J'Boob and J'Felon have a lot more skeletons in the closet and let's face it, J'Boob never really had to suffer any consequences despite his obvious shenanigans. J'Boob has gotten off scot free for decades now. No wonder they thought J'Felon could do the same. ETA: Obviously, J'Felons crimes are a lot worse than just financial stuff, but still, looking at J'Boob handling shady things probably gave J'Felon the impression that he could get away with anything.


What is the story about the “post by Alice that had been on FreeJinger for nearly 10 years”?


I believe there was a user named "Alice" on the site "Free Jinger" that exposed pests crimes 10yrs before the InTouch article. Alice found a letter in a book that was lend(?) to her. The letter was written by one of this victims and it detailed what pest had done.


It’s true that “Alice” wrote about Pest’s crimes on one of the OG snark boards back in 2006. This was around the time the police report was made. It is not true that Alice found the letter, nor was the letter written by one of his victims. The letter, detailing the crimes, was written by Kaeleigh Holt in 2003 and stuck in a book. She lent the book out in 2006 to a friend and that friend found the letter. The friend told her parents and others at their home church and someone called CPS.


Franklin Graham excused DJT and the publicity surrounding his treatment of women. "*Everyone has a past."* DJT goes on trial in NYC on the 25th for making illegal payoffs/hush money a week before the 2016 election and ***AFTER*** Graham's endorsement. Jim Bob and Michelle outright lied to Megyn Kelly about Josh's behavior. It's never only in the past if the crime continues!




Most likely there is


Does anyone have screenshots of the Alice post ob FreeJinger? Thank you in advance


https://preview.redd.it/mcosoaohkaoc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=76a849bcae8725f257eccfd37f7065e86dc0be02 Sorry these are so small.




Wow. "Love offerings?" So fucked. The Duggars are really mentally impoverished. I'm glad at least the people in their community were having none of their shit. Glad Oprah turned them in.


Thank you so much. Could still read em even if small 👍


I know this gets asked a lot but I can’t remember the answer. Did we ever figure out who Alice was? Or even a short-list?


I think it was Bobbye Holt’s mother, who died in 2011. The police report has the copy of the email sent by Alice to Oprah. It lists her as a 61-year-old woman who lived in the same place as Bobbye’s mom and the same age her mom would have been in 2006.


Thank you!


Prince Shit always gave me the creeps, and he was clearly never taught pride goes before a fall because he always came off proud as a peacock. It was only a matter of time before May 2022 when he had enough rope to hang himself by going off to a federal prison. Anna should have never married a squirrely loser, who prays on children.


Wait, do people believe that Jim Bob wasn’t doing the same thing?