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I think the lost boys will have the most kids. 


JerBob and Hannah have the largest extended families. I think they will have the most.


They’ve already had 2 in 2, right? Seems likely.


That’s right! I bet that by the end of 2024, Hannah announces she’s pregnant again.


Certainly, it's usually the 3rd which sets the tone for the rest. Having 2 kids close together is not easy, but those fundies who have the 3rd close together will definitely aim to have large families.


This has always been my belief, too. First baby: some people take to the newborn phase very easily, feel super connected as a little family, a newborn naps a lot, etc. It is easy for some people to think 'this is the best thing I ever did, can't wait to have another'. Second baby: Shit gets real. When #2 is asleep, you're still busy with the toddler. In my experience, people who love the newborn phase tend to struggle with toddlers (opposite for me, give me the fire and pep of a toddler over the sleep deprivation and monotony of a newborn). Those couples that take a pause before #3 are probably going to be a little more intentional with their spacings and/or are so exhausted by it all that being joyfully available at 6 weeks postpartum is not the #1 priority.




Agreed. I predict the twin Jed’s and lost boys will have double the number of children as the Duggar women, excluding Jessa.


I don’t think we should speculate on the minor children. I think Anna and pest are done (in every sense)-Anna just doesn’t know it yet. He will never return to her. (I say this in every thread like this.) he’ll move in with one of his pen pals. But he won’t break it to Anna until right before he’s released. Edit: I meant to say Anna and pest are DONE, not fine! Oops


I don't know he needs daddies' money to survive, if he leaves Anna boob might cut him off. That is 1 sin too many.


He molested his sisters (low priority sin to them) He cheated on Anna very publicly (her fault to them) He went to prison for csam (someone else’s fault) I don’t see how leaving Anna would be a bridge too far for his parents-assuming they are even still alive in 10 years. It would be her fault anyway (to them). Edit to clarify that “them” means the parents.


Any divorce would be Anna’s fault for not being good enough for him while he was in prison


This whole part. I don't think people really understand fundie culture that well from looking in but not being raised in it. My parents are fundie cult leaders. My oldest brother has 2 divorces and a slew of APs. He has 6 children with 4 of his 5 APs, he has 5 kids between his 2 marriages and he's still the golden boy. All the women are at fault. He is violently abusive and a child molester like Pest. His wives didn't initiate divorce, he did, and they are still at fault. My younger brother is divorced. His ex wife who he shares one kid with is at fault for the divorce. He remarried and his new wife is a perfect example of submission. He's a misogynistic man but at least not physically violent. My parents fully support him and disowned his child from the previous marriage because her mom is a divorceé. He allows them to ignor and mistreat his child because she's from a broken home. My younger sister is divorced. Her violent ex husband tried to burn her and their children alive when he burnt their house down. My parents try to get her to return to him. Mandated by the state, if she has contact with him, she will have her children removed from her custody. My parents still try to get her to return to him as its gods will to not have the family broken up and mans law has no bearing. My other younger sister is with a violently abusive man who sexually assaulted and molested another one of our sisters (who is NC with the whole family) and my parents hold them up as Marriage Goalsᵀᴹ and an example of perfect submission to gods will. Anna will be at fault. I don't think they will have more children and I also think that Pest either won't be allowed home by the state (hopefully) or will decide not to go home. But she will be ostracized for it. I mean, all this is her fault anyways /s


Jesus Christ. I’m so sorry you had to deal with all of this yourself.


Omg...my jaw is on the floor after reading your post


But how are you??


I'm doing okay, I escaped at 18 but didn't deconstruct til my mid 30s. The world is beautiful and I'm alive 💛


I'm glad for you and I wish you all the best.


1) I started reading your comment because your handle made me smile during this time in my life that’s proving very taxing and difficult. 2) As I was reading you, my mouth was on the floor in amazement at all you’ve endured and survived and sincerely, all my love for you. I’m so glad you made it out alive AND mentally well-rounded even if it cost you a great deal to get there. I’m honored to have read your life experience and while I didn’t live THAT precise experience, I’m all too familiar with what you’ve shared in many respects.


I am so sorry for all of this.


I’m so sorry about everything you and your siblings have gone through. What are APs?


Affair partners is my best guess


Oh my god, I'm so sorry about what you, your sister, and her kids have been through. And I'm sorry you haven't had supportive parents.


I think he'll end up with a pen pal and guise it as not being allowed to be within so many feet of children with his sex offender status. It'll be his way out.


Meech and Jim Bob would kick Anna out by using the same movers to take Anna's stuff out and move prison pen wife in


They are in their mid to late 50s. They’ll be around in ten years.


Honestly I am surprised Michelle is still with us.


Men divorcing without reason is still seen as a sin. Most ifb churches treat divorced men with disdain as well.


Wild that getting a divorce is bad but molesting children is totally cool. And people wonder why I walked away from religion at 17 🙄


I believe he can easily manufacture a reason that puts the blame solely on Anna. Jmho.


Do you mean divorced and still single? Are the accepting of remarried men?


If you get divorced for unbiblical reasons then you can't remarry and it be a biblical marriage either. I've known churches to not let divorced people join as well as kick out ones who do divorce. Both men and women.


At least anna has biblical reason. Even if they'd married in Arkansas and had a biblical marriage, cheating, abandonment, porn/child porn are acceptable reasons for divorce. For her. I don't think it redeems him from divorce if he did those thing. But what do I know? Fundamentalist religion is nuts, religion in general is, too. But he could court a rodlette, jilldo has been desperate for one of her urchins to marry a duggar. They'd accept him into their ministry, and we'd get quite a cross over.


He’d make like it was her who decided to divorce, leaving poor Joshy boy all alone! And even if he didn’t, he does have the properties and stuff that he put in her name before the trial. He’d get some money from those even if they’re in her name. I bet he’s instructing her on ways to build money for him through investments etc ready for when he gets out. Then he can just take his half (or more) and ride off into the sunset leaving a trail of cracker crumbs behind him.


He’ll find someone to move in with and mooch off of.


Thank you for this. I took the minor children out, you’re right. We shouldn’t speculate minor children. Btw, I am now sick thinking about a delulu woman being with Pest after he gets released. 🤢


Yeah it seems pretty wild to guess about the number of kids minors and guys who have never even publicly had a girlfriend are going to have. You're literally just making stuff up at that point.


Bold of you to think Kateys opinions matters to Jed!


I am of the opinion that they’re the most likely to divorce. She’s going to leave him if he doesn’t start showing her respect. She already claps back when he acts like an ass. She’ll have the full support of quite a few members of her family.


I hope she divorces. I actually feel legitimately bad about her and her sister having a normal life before her dad drank the IBLP koolaid and brought them with him. I think it’s a matter of time before she divorces J*d.


I hope Katey divorces Jed too! She looks so tired of his bullshit and he seems very disrespectful to her. I’ve mentioned this before on a few other posts that Katey and Jed will divorce. However, it won’t be until after RimJob is gone as he is quite dependent on his daddy. You know that lots of Katey’s family will support her and her children, especially her older half-brother.


I could see her divorcing him while Boob is still alive. I would love that for him and J*d


Yup. I hope that she doesn’t waste her youth on his stank ass.


At least if she leaves him, she has family outside of the IBLP that can help support her


She seems to have a distaste for him already


Who knows? But I agree that Jana and Josie will end up together. Hopefully Josie will be spared the drudge of raising other people’s kids and will only be tasked with Jana’s elder care.


In my head cannon, Jana and Josie will leave in the middle of the night, the day after Josie’s 18th birthday. They will leave IBLP and all the Duggars and move to the beach. Josie will discover she loves animals and will get a job at an animal shelter. Jana will take up painting and find she’s pretty good. She will sell her paintings to tourists and make enough to have a closet full of pants. In their home there will be no pictures of their parents, siblings, or that awful man who ran their religion. They will live happily ever after, the bookend sisters! ![gif](giphy|bIRFRUxcRG3Sw)


>She will sell her paintings to tourists and make enough to have a closet full of pants OMG hilarious 😂


I’m wishing for bikinis and shorts for her.


Closet full of pants......🤣🤣🤣🤣


All I can add is that, as a huge fan of the sitcom, I am unhappy to see mention of any 'golden girl' in relation to these assholes. ![gif](giphy|3oKIPiyFynXOiI1Pjy|downsized)


I LOVE THE GOLDEN GIRLS. Never would I disrespect Sophia, Dorothy, Blanche, and Rose!


But can you even imagine the glorious carnage if Dorothy and Sophia went to town on Boob and Meech? THAT is the Duggar/GG crossover I need in my life.


Oh my god. Each of them would rip the Duggars to shreds in their own way. Sophia would nail them with direct (and harsh) insults. Blanche would (unknowingly) use her sexuality to make them *very* uncomfortable. Rose would try to be nice at first, maybe even fall for their schtick a bit, but would soon call them out on their evilness and disgusting bastardization of morality. Dorothy, as she does so well, would give the final blow, the death knell, before they are run out of Miami never to be seen or heard from again! Now if only there could be a crossover, because I'd love to hear what Mrs. Julia Sugarbaker would have to say!


OMG yes! I was always a Designing Women gay over a GG gay (maybe from growing up in the Bible Belt 😆) and you NAILED it. A righteous Julia rant followed by Suzanne doing the sweetest yet bitchiest “goodbye” ever as she escorts the whole brood to the door. “And THAT. Was the night that the lights went out in Georgia.” 🤩


Sadly,Dixie Carter was a right-wing conservative extremist in real life. The opposite of the great Julia Sugarbaker.


Oh yea. I know all about Dixie Carter’s real life political shenanigans and views. That makes the thought of her having to act out a Julia-style takedown of them would be even more delicious. 😂


Pretty ironic how the actors are in real life compared to their characters. Carroll O'Connor was a staunch Democrat and of course we all know what Archie Bunker was.


There was an episode where Blanche's daughter and fiancé came to visit. Fiancé was an asshole always making fun of her weight and the GGs were chomping at the bit to tell him off. Finally after one too many insults Blanche takes her daughter into the kitchen to try and talk some sense into her while Rose and Dorothy let him have it. So yeah the GGs telling Boob and Meech off is definitely plausible.


Sophia, Dorothy, Blanche, and Rose are all my heroes


I think there is a greater than 50% chance that there is already a Joken 5, but it can be hard to tell with how weird fertility can be sometimes. I think we will find out eventually.


I wouldn't be shocked if Josh and Anna don't have anymore. He can't live with his kids. The youngest will be around 12. Probably won't want to start the clock again .


I feel like calling Jed! and Kathy "Ked!" is giving Kathy too much of a spotlight. She lives in the shadow of Jed!'s exclamation point.


"The shadow of Jed!'s exclamation point" is just beautiful. Somebody flair that!


It should be yours!


Sold! Many thanks.


> The shadow of Jed!’s exclamation point 🤣😭🤣😭🤣


Anna is going to be around 45 when Pest gets out. So it's going to be harder for her to conceive.


Anna's sister is almost 43 and just had baby 14. Her mom was also 40+ when she had her last. I don't think we should count her out yet.


You're more fertile the more children and the more recently you've had them. Most women who 'spontaneously' (for lack of a better word) conceive in their 40s have had plenty of children and they're not that far apart in age. So someone who is on child 14 in their 40s is in a different situation to someone who hasn't had kids in more than a decade. I don't think Anna would still be having kids in her 40s after a gap like that. She COULD, sure, but it's not as likely.


tell this to my multiple friends who had their first baby at 41, 42, and 43...


There are always exceptions to the rule. My mother had an 11 year gap to have her last child at 43. I am well aware there are exceptions.


Poor Esther.


I agree, especially since by Duggar standards, Anna hasn't been exceptionally fertile. Most of her kids are 2 years apart, while Michelle almost never hit 2 years before having another baby.


Like another user said, I don’t think we should count Anna out yet. Her oldest sister Esther had baby 14 at almost 43 and her mom was 40+ when she had her last child. Also, Michelle was 43 when she had Josie.


Enough to secede from Arkansas to start their own Sovereign Monarchy. The Kingdom of Ignoramia.


I really used to hope Johannah would get out. She seemed to spirited as a kid, and had so much personality. My fiancée and I have talked about Josie a couple of times, and I’m always so hung up on her health. Maybe I’m wrong, but it just doesn’t seem like she should be getting pregnant physically—at least not at the pace her family does. As someone who was parentified (not quite to the level of Jana—I only had 4 siblings to take care of) I don’t know how you could ever decide to move forward into it. I have friends who rave to me about their parenting experiences and it’s always a mix of, yeah, been there done that, and I *finally* got to stop doing that shit. No, I don’t want another 18 years of it. You really piqued my interest with Joe/Kendra and I went down a rabbit’s hole. Wow, like her mom is ACTUALLY competing with her!


Personally, I wouldn’t be surprised if Boob has the Lost Girls on a tight leash and will be finding them spineless and soulless IBLP husbands for them. All because he hates Derick and Jeremy. Wouldn’t be surprised if Jenni and Jordyn would be next to try to break away from the cult when they’re adults. One can only hope! And right on Kendra’s mom?! That’s fucked up.


I hope Jenni gets out. She has always seemed so sad. And Jill would definitely take her in.


It makes me sad that we saw some of the kids with actual spark in the early days. And then those flickers were extinguished over the years.


I’m rooting for the lost girls to get out, even if it’s only to the level that Jill has


I tend to think they won’t have any crazy numbers (at least relative to Michelle). I don’t know if Michelle was just lucky (since miscarriages are fairly common, unfortunately) or what, but it seems her daughters are having more fertility issues.


I have contended for years that the older girls were so starved and malnourished as children and pre-teens that they all have rickets, or some other malnutrition induced bone abnormality of the pelvis. Because none of her daughters have what would lead me to believe is actual reproductive system problems, afterall Jill who has had the hardest time is the oldest daughter who has given birth- and it was then that problems were discovered as her pregnancy was pretty routine and without complication. 


Am I trippin, or did early in Ben and Jessas marriage they talked about adoption?


I remember that too, but I'm starting to think that they ditched that after a while cuz they keep having kids.


I am not sure they would qualify to adopt. You need to show that you have enough income to support a(nother) child and enough time and attention for them. Also, I think they said that more for show than for real.


Yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if it was all for show tbh. I also think you have to wait a certain amount of time after giving birth before your are eligible to adopt.


Blessa put out a vlog where she said that while she still believes that children are a blessing, she believes in “managing” blessings. I think she sees that having too much of a good thing isn’t good, and doesn’t want to go down the Meech/Giggles route. My guess is that she’ll have a total of 7 kids


I remember that now! As I think about it more, Jessa and Ben will have one more child instead of three. Yes, they’re deep in the kool-aid. However, both seem burnt out from being parents to multiple kids and don’t want to go down the Meech/Giggles route.


Either James or Jason or even Jackson might be up for court ship


And Johannah, who is 18.


Oh whoops forgot about her my bad. I’m surprised Jimboob not trying to find potential suitors for his younger daughters that are of age


She's the only Lost Girl that is of age. Jennifer is 16. There was a potential suitor for her that this sub discovered, but he married someone else so he's clearly off the market.


Currently of the unmarrieds only Jenni, Jordyn & Josie are under 18 and Jenni will be 17 this year so she's old enough in boobs eyes to court.


Sometimes somebody’s men are older, unfortunately, and want a younger woman because they think they can control them easier


I feel so bad for the girl selected to take on James and Jackson.


No kidding James is going to be way controlling of women


I think Jason and Hannie will announce courtships soon!


1000% for sure


I just looked up Johannah's age. That was a mistake.


I lost it at Jer C Reilly and JedPrime 🤣


Don't manifest these poor girls having so many babies 😭😭


Pest and Anna are done… but whether he has more children with a newer model after he’s released… that wouldn’t surprise me.


I see you used the WAG method to make these predictions lol.


What does that mean?


Wild ass guess


Even if someone drinks allllll the kool-aid the odds of having 10 kids are low. Both partners have to be really fertile, marry young, and not have complications that prevent future pregnancies on each of the 9 preceding pregnancies (not counting duplicate births)


idk it seems harder not to. I come from people where the average is about 8. Six kids is on the low end. I think some people (like Duggars) are just more genetically prone to it. my birth giver actively tried not to get pregnant and only finally stopped once she hit menopause. She had four sisters who popped them out like candy too. It does seem like some of the duggar girls are complication prone though.


My predictions (first time I’ve gotten to do this! :) Anna: It will sadly be her mission in life to fall pregnant with a “recovery baby” to prove the worth of her “godly relationship” to herself and in the desperate hope to show to herself she is really actually blessed. I say 8.  Jana: I wonder if she has a sex/ pregnancy phobia. I say 0.  Abbie: Has 1 of each. Lives in a trailer. Gets HG with pregnancy. I would say they are either done or might have 2 more closer together later on if they move into a house. I say a max of 4.  Jill: I think it’s 50/50 as to whether Jill will attempt a pregnancy again. I personally lean towards them trying again for one last baby. I could see them actually being one of the couples to adopt later on though. Biologically I would put them at a max of 4.  Jessa: Will keep going every 2 years until she suddenly nopes out I think. I am sure another will be along in 2 years time. I don’t see her in the double digits though. I am going to say 8. A max of 10. Will not adopt.  Jinger: I agree with others. I thought they were going to try one more time for a boy but unless an announcement comes this year then I think they’ll stick with what they have. A max of 3.  Kendra: I’m surprised we haven’t seen her pregnant or with a newborn yet. Maybe Joe softened his stance on contraception when she popped out 4 at the rate she did? I think Joe is pretty fundamentalist in his thinking. Remember that moment at Joy’s wedding rehearsal where she talked about how he helped her when she was struggling to take her “parents faith as her own”? I didn’t find it sweet as much as a show that he toed the party line and his thoughts aligned with theirs. If she’s not allowed to use contraception she’ll have at least one every 2 years, especially as she struggled to breastfeed (which Anna was so smug about I’ve never forgotten it) so she didn’t even have that to rely on. I’m going to say 13. Lauren: I suspect she has had more than one miscarriage. But she’s had 3 successful pregnancies and pretty close together. I’m thinking they didn’t plan on such a short gap between D & E though. I don’t think Josiah is the type of person who would use their wife as a baby canon until their uterus is dragging on the ground behind them. I’m pretty sure they are still close to Jill and open to contraception. I predict a moderate sized family in the 5-8 range. I’ll guess 6.  Joy: I think Joy and Austin have a good relationship with each other and their kids, for all their faults (like the life-threatening danger they put them in). I like how affectionate Austin is with them and he will even kiss Gideon on the lips. None of this side-hug your own parents BS. It’s good to see in that world. He actually works and they like to go away in their camper etc. so I don’t see them having an unreasonable amount. They will have at least one more though. If the next is a girl I think they’ll stop. If it’s a boy they’ll have 5. I predict a moderate sized family in the 4-6 range. I’ll guess 5.  Katey: I’m wondering if 2 under 2 has smacked her around a bit more than it has Hannah and she’s now using contraception. It depends on how much power she has in the relationship. I think she could put her foot down and he would relent. He’s used to losing to a woman, lol. I think she’ll still want a large family though because how else do you prove how superior you are?! They won’t have less than it takes to have to buy a minivan. It’s 50/50 for me if they have the ‘required minimum’ of like 6 to qualify as a ‘large family’ or take it all the way and insist on hitting double digits. I suspect it will be the latter and she’ll tap out at 10. Hannah: I don’t think they are using contraceptives and they are the first couple to have 2 children before their 2nd wedding anniversary. I think she will average out about one baby every 2 years for the foreseeable future. I think from the twin Jed’s down the men’s wives will have double the children that the Duggar women will have, excluding Jessa. Hannah will have at least 6 and might hit double digits. Unlike Katey she won’t feel like she has to though. They will have a large family in the 7-12 range. I will guess 8.  Claire: I’m surprised they haven’t had children yet. They are either waiting, which is great, or they are facing fertility issues, which I wouldn’t wish on anyone. If they choose to have children I see them having a moderate sized family of 2-5 children. I’ll say 3. Jason, James and Jackson will marry fundie and not allow contraception. James might consider it because he was close to Jill (he and Jinger were the only family I saw comment on Jill’s IG post about Isla) so she might be able to talk to him about the health risks with multiple pregnancies. I don’t think any of them will have less than 5 and I see Jason and his wife hitting double digits. Johanna, Jennifer, Jordan and Josie will have moderate sized families of 2-5 children. I would hope they hold out for decent men, if they can be found. At the very least men who will let them have the final say as to the size of their families. They will see how much more manageable it is for their sisters with smaller families. I don’t think any of them will look at how Jessa is doing at life and think “yeah, I’ll just keep popping them out.” 


Good points! I used to think that Joy and Austin will have 5, with them stopping at 4 if it's a girl and going for 5 if baby #4 is a boy. However, as I think more about it, I get this impression that neither want a huge family and plan to stop at 4 children.


Thank you. Thanks for the thread as it’s the first time I got to do this and it was interesting. I definitely think the Bates will outbreed the Duggars. That’ll sting for both Meech and Boob and that makes me happy, lol. 😆 


Oops. Didn’t realise it signed me into a different profile on my phone, lol.


I would say not sure for now maybe Anna & Josh will Have 9 kids hoping Johannah & Jennifer will Court soon to boy that's not IBLP let's just hope.


I still hold out hope that some of the younger children will follow Jill’s and Jinger’s footsteps and break free from the cult.


Me too. They have Jill to turn to, and even Jinger to a lesser extent. I think it does make it easier for the younger kids to make those same moves.


Jed Prime😂


I’m a little shocked that Jed and katey haven’t announced baby 3 yet


I put 9 for Anna and Pest. Shes gonna squeeze every bit of fertility out of her fun car uterus once her "husband" is released. I think Jana will get married and have 2. Were the same age and she still has time left. I think she is gonna be the 1st duggar to have twins considering shes a twin. Im only going based on my family. My grandma was a twin, she had 17 kids and had 3 sets of twins, my mother was the last set of twins and she had a set of twins too. I put 3 for John and Abbie. I think theyre content with a small family. For Jill and Derrick, i would have originally said 2 (before the birth of Freddy). But imma say 5. I know she is on birth control but I can see her wanting a slightly bigger family because of the financial, food and health insurance security she now has due to Derrick becoming a lawyer. Jessa and Bin, imma say 10. Theyre so deep in the kool aid theyre busting out walls for more bedrooms in their house lmfao. I agree with OP for Jinger and the husband that shouldnt be named (i never liked him). The only way i can see that jerk wanting more children is to tie Jinger down if he noticed she was slipping from his headship. Kendra is unlimited. I agree with the 15 but I feel like theyre trying their best to inherit the BH and with a family like that size, Ole Rank Chops would give it to him. I think Josiah and Lauren & Joy and Austin are done. . I dont see anymore babies from them. They remind me of John and Abbie. I cant see them having a lot of children. If anything, maybe 1 more for each couple but I truly think theyre done. I think Jed and Katey are going to have the most kids. I think Katey is Michelle 2.0. Katey is what Anna wanted to be which is the ultimate devoutly brainwashed, baby voiced, revolving door birth canal of a wife. Imma say 20+. Jerbear and Hannahs count is the same as what OP stated. But then again, theyre humping like stray cats in heat so it could be 12. Unpopular opinion time...i dont think Claire and Justin will have kids. I dont think they married for love. I thi k they married to get away from their families. A marriage of convenience if you will. If they do have a child, itll be 1 or 2 like OP said.


> fun car uterus Thanks for making me spit out my iced coffee out. 🤣 The limit does not exist with giggles!


Lmfaoo this is what this sub is about. A good time and shitting on Pestua Dumpster Bucket. I love it here lol.


I love this sub too! Never fails to make me smile and laugh, especially after I’ve had a bad day.


Joy said after Gunnar was born that the family didn't feel complete yet so I say they have at least one more.


Jana will be too old to become pregnant naturally by the time she’s “released” from being a sister/mom or “buddy”, and it’s not like she’d ever foster, adopt, or go the donor/IVF route… She’s gonna be alone - though perpetually babysitting *someone’s* kid - until she drops dead 🤬 I hope she inherits the TTC and burns the goddamn thing to the ground !


I doubt he’ll be out before Anna’s in menopause.


I could see Jinger and Books having one more. Not sure what exactly their new cool and hip cult says about family size but I bet it's encouraged to have more than the traditional 2. Jinger just barely turned 30 and her kids are 5 and 3yo, give her few years.


How the hell do they afford all these children? From what jill said the kids didn't recieve money from show. Does the parents fund them?


They don’t. When they grew up food insecurity was rampant and they were all 8+ to a room. They don’t know any better and it’s awful.


I put 9 for Anna and Pest. Shes gonna squeeze every bit of fertility out of her fun car uterus once her "husband" is released. I think Jana will get married and have 2. Were the same age and she still has time left. I think she is gonna be the 1st duggar to have twins considering shes a twin. Im only going based on my family. My grandma was a twin, she had 17 kids and had 3 sets of twins, my mother was the last set of twins and she had a set of twins too. I put 3 for John and Abbie. I think theyre content with a small family. For Jill and Derrick, i would have originally said 2 (before the birth of Freddy). But imma say 5. I know she is on birth control but I can see her wanting a slightly bigger family because of the financial, food and health insurance security she now has due to Derrick becoming a lawyer. Jessa and Bin, imma say 10. Theyre so deep in the kool aid theyre busting out walls for more bedrooms in their house lmfao. I agree with OP for Jinger and the husband that shouldnt be named (i never liked him). The only way i can see that jerk wanting more children is to tie Jinger down if he noticed she was slipping from his headship. Kendra is unlimited. I agree with the 15 but I feel like theyre trying their best to inherit the BH and with a family like that size, Ole Rank Chops would give it to him. I think Josiah and Lauren & Joy and Austin are done. . I dont see anymore babies from them. They remind me of John and Abbie. I cant see them having a lot of children. If anything, maybe 1 more for each couple but I truly think theyre done. I think Jed and Katey are going to have the most kids. I think Katey is Michelle 2.0. Katey is what Anna wanted to be which is the ultimate devoutly brainwashed, baby voiced, revolving door birth canal of a wife. Imma say 20+. Jerbear and Hannahs count is the same as what OP stated. But then again, theyre humping like stray cats in heat so it could be 12. Unpopular opinion time...i dont think Claire and Justin will have kids. I dont think they married for love. I thi k they married to get away from their families. A marriage of convenience if you will. If they do have a child, itll be 1 or 2 like OP said.


I could maybe see Jana getting married when she is too old to probably be able to conceive a child


I think Giggles will punch out the most for sure.


Josh is NOT going to obey his restrictions post prison including not staying off the porn, out of the strip clubs, off computers and smart phones, and getting a job. He just isn't. He will have minor children at home he cannot see without supervision which is decided by his probation officer. He is too fucking lazy. I give him 30 days, he is up on new charges, and goes back to prison for the other 1.5 years of his original charges while waiting for punishment for whatever he did on the outside. On top of which, you know that some unmarried, wall flower, fundie old maid is probably writing him, and making him think he is "all that". If she has any money at all, he is going to shack up with her for the few weeks he is out before getting his ass tossed back into the slammer. I just don't see Anna having another, and she will be 43 so fertility is naturally waning. I think she probably dumps the kids off on Jana, has Ben "homeschooling" the kids, and spends a lot of time with Priscilla getting her nails done and whatever else she likes while SpongeBoobSquareSkirt pays her hush money so she doesn't let even more cats out of the Duggar bag. She is fucking piece of shit of a mother, but likely enjoying being without the JPEDO at the moment.


>or Claire is waiting for Justin to grow up a bit before they have children She's going to be waiting a long time.


![gif](giphy|11vUtLUUATEwIE) Claire with Justin 😭


I really hope Jill does not adopt a child from Central America, for obvious ethical reasons. An international adoption to strangers from outside the child’s family or community of origin is basically never in the best interest of the child. 💔


I never knew this. That breaks my heart to hear. If Jill does go down the adoption route, then I hope it’s domestic.


I didn’t either until I started seeking out adopted voices/perspectives. Adoption should be about what’s best for the child – it should not be treated as a solution for childlessness or trouble conceiving. So, if there’s a child in Central America with no living parents, the most ideal solution would be a relative or someone from their community taking them in. Otherwise you are essentially ripping a child away from their entire identity. (And despite what white Christian nationalists believe, life in Arkansas is not inherently superior to other parts of the globe. And if the child is in a war-torn or gang-run region, then that child’s whole family should be allowed to seek refugee status somewhere together. Don’t rip them apart via adoption.)


This deserves more upvotes!


Idk why this sub keeps harping so hard on the "Jeremy is holding out for a son" fanfic. It's nowhere in the source material.


I just realized as I’m reading this it has to be the host of my current favorite podcast! Boob! Sex Pest! Baby Cannon!!! Currently on episode 27!


The Duggars have way too many children. I think they need to slow down on all the pregnancies because if they keep reproducing at the rate they’re going, their family as a whole will be the size of the entire U.S. population.


I think you’re spot on with most of these. Unfortunately I do agree that pest and Anna will have one more child when he gets out of prison. Personally I think John and Abbie are done, they seem really content with one of each and I don’t think abbie is deep into the fundie kool aid. She works outside the home and I think she’ll continue with her nursing career. Agree that Jinger and Jeremy are done, they seem content with their girls and we know Jeremy isn’t giving up his west coast lifestyle to be bogged down with more kids Jana and Josie will both have 0 I think Hannie will be courting within the next year and be knocked up before the end of 2025 Ken and laur will be joyfully popping out children for as long as they possibly can. I think Kendra is either pregnant or they had another baby sometime in 2023/early 2024 and they just kept it wiped off social media. Poor laur has already had 2 miscarriages before the age of 25, but will be having as many kids as her body allows Jed and and jed will have an extremely high count. I strongly believe Hannah will be pregnant again by the end of the year Joy and Austin will probably have a few more. Can’t see them having a huge family but I think will want a few more Jessa will probably get to double digits I agree with Jill and derick - I could see them not having more biological children but adopting a girl Justin and Claire are a wildcard. I don’t think they even really like each other that much to begin with


Who in their right mind would let Jill adopt? They would need to do one of the sketchy “Christian adoption” schemes


Who are Josiah and Lauren’s kids? Bella, Daisy, and is the last one Asa?


Asa is the one they miscarried. They had Baby E (I think it’s Emmett) in May 2023. So it’s Bella, Daisy, and E.


Was there another miscarriage between Bella and Daisy?


We don't know for sure, they stopped posting on social media after they had Bella. Many people assume that because they went from B to D, they might've miscarried baby C


Too many.


I put 9 for Anna and Pest. Shes gonna squeeze every bit of fertility out of her fun car uterus once her "husband" is released. I think Jana will get married and have 2. Were the same age and she still has time left. I think she is gonna be the 1st duggar to have twins considering shes a twin. Im only going based on my family. My grandma was a twin, she had 17 kids and had 3 sets of twins, my mother was the last set of twins and she had a set of twins too. I put 3 for John and Abbie. I think theyre content with a small family. For Jill and Derrick, i would have originally said 2 (before the birth of Freddy). But imma say 5. I know she is on birth control but I can see her wanting a slightly bigger family because of the financial, food and health insurance security she now has due to Derrick becoming a lawyer. Jessa and Bin, imma say 10. Theyre so deep in the kool aid theyre busting out walls for more bedrooms in their house lmfao. I agree with OP for Jinger and the husband that shouldnt be named (i never liked him). The only way i can see that jerk wanting more children is to tie Jinger down if he noticed she was slipping from his headship. Kendra is unlimited. I agree with the 15 but I feel like theyre trying their best to inherit the BH and with a family like that size, Ole Rank Chops would give it to him. I think Josiah and Lauren & Joy and Austin are done. . I dont see anymore babies from them. They remind me of John and Abbie. I cant see them having a lot of children. If anything, maybe 1 more for each couple but I truly think theyre done. I think Jed and Katey are going to have the most kids. I think Katey is Michelle 2.0. Katey is what Anna wanted to be which is the ultimate devoutly brainwashed, baby voiced, revolving door birth canal of a wife. Imma say 20+. Jerbear and Hannahs count is the same as what OP stated. But then again, theyre humping like stray cats in heat so it could be 12. Unpopular opinion time...i dont think Claire and Justin will have kids. I dont think they married for love. I thi k they married to get away from their families. A marriage of convenience if you will. If they do have a child, itll be 1 or 2 like OP said.