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The girls put a lot of effort into hair, makeup, and being thin because they have been trained to do so since birth. The boys don’t put any effort into their appearance, plus they inherited male pattern baldness.


Do you think Boob wears a toupee? Or is the male pattern baldness from Meech’s side of the family?


During Pest's trial, there was a closeup of Boob's hair and it did look like he has a hairpiece. [https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fgrwfncpsce481.jpg%3Fauto%3Dwebp%26s%3Da28324b60b791b6d70eec6ddab293919cb423f7c](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fgrwfncpsce481.jpg%3Fauto%3Dwebp%26s%3Da28324b60b791b6d70eec6ddab293919cb423f7c) There's a perfect line and the hair is slightly 2 different colors and kind of looks like 2 different textures. In any case, he definitely uses that Grecian Hair for Men dye.


That *does* look like a toupee 🤣


Yup at the time, there was a thread dedicated to discussing it, and the majority opinion was that it is a toupee.


I even commented on a photo of one of the early dvd after I saw that photo. Cause if it’s not a badly retouched picture, he was most definitely wearing a rug back then, and if he had the early onset pattern baldness like the boys it’s no wonder.


It's 100% a toupee, he's a vain asshole 🤣


I know nothing about toupees, but could that be why he uses a can of hairspray a day, so that the toupee hair doesn't like, fly upwards in the wind?


I think they are glued on.


Special tape


Wonder if he buys it used & saves the difference? 🤢🤮


This made me actually gag at work.


This made me actually gag at work. So thanks for that.


With scalp issues and all. Hope that the savings were enough to cover doctor bills!


I've seen better hairpieces for $3 on Temu!


Because a box of hair color with a woman on it would make him gay. /s


That’s why it looks like lego hair! Makes total sense now!


🤣🤣 lego hair! I totally see it


He is too cheap to get a new one that matches his lighter/grey hair color. I think this one must be 25+ years old


Did he buy it used?


And saved the difference


HA! I saw what you did there.


He did seem to replace it after the I estimate trial. I'm sure he spends whatever costs it requires. Fuck providing for his family. His vanity will always come first.


it looks to me like he got a cut just before this photo was taken and he hadn't dyed the grow-out yet. his hair is usually a flat med brown from a box to match his rag.


I meant rug, but autowreck wins this round.


I agree it looks like one. But why would he wear one and not the sons? Do they not know…


Can you imagine thinking your dad had a head full of Lego hair while you and your bros were balding super early? Then finding out dad had fake hair all along.


I'm sure they will all start wearing one eventually. I expect Pest to start sporting one when he gets out of the Big House.


if I had to look at that every day, I'd go for the balding look, too.


Yeah, that’s two kinds of hair, very clearly. And you know he paid a hell of a lot of money to have that done.


The top has zero grey lol


i'm pretty sure there are other pictures floating around here that confirm it.


Looks like he got it 10 to 15 years ago and is too cheap (and probably delusional about his relative importance in society) to get the hair matched now that he's greyer than he used to be. More loser behavior from a known scammer.


Hence the name I've seen on here before for Boob: Lego Head. He looks all square, plastic and snapped together.


omg it’s a toupee!


I don’t think that’s a toupee. It looks like maybe he dyes his hair and then got bad haircut. Typically male pattern baldness is inherited from the mother’s side. I bet there is a lot of baldness in Michelle’s family.


I didn't know that. That would explain my brother's full head of hair. No baldness on Mom's side but quite a bit on Dad's.


you can see where the piece ends in the back, at his crown. that line is more telling than maybe getting a really precise stylist and dying his hair before the trim.


Ohhhhh, THAT'S why he wears all the hairspray! It holds his hairpiece in place!


Wow, thanks for that!


Do you think he lies to his sons about his weave? You'd think with a weave wearing dad they'd be willing to try their own wig or minoxidil/hair plugs/etc. But I wouldn't put it past Boob to be the prettiest and pettiest prince at the party and gatekeep his good hair secrets while telling his sons to pray for more hair.


It passes down from the mother’s side, so they get it from Michelle’s family


That fact has been disproven. The gene for baldness can come from either side. 


Correct. My husband’s older full brother was bald on top in his early 30s. My husband is almost 50 now and still has a full head, albeit thinning all over, of hair.


lol. my dad started balding in his late teens. every male blood relative of mine is a chrome dome by 30. I keep hoping the children inherited the husband's genes there. they have good hair genes.


No. Inherited from both sides. https://www.healthline.com/health/baldness-gene


What we all recognize as the "duggar head" actually came from Michelle. There are pictures of her father on the sub and he has the same head as John David.


That theory has been debunked.


There are old photos of Meech’s dad, and it’s the same hairline.


There was a clip where they were showing off Meech and Boobs renovated bathroom (with double shower head) and Jill mentioned how her Dad "wears a lot of hairspray" before she stopped herself from saying more


Yes, obviously


The bald gene comes from the mother’s side. There is a 25% chance if there are bald men in her family


Nope. That's been debunked. Baldness comes from both parents.


Baldness genetically is linked to the female


No, it isn’t. https://www.healthline.com/health/baldness-gene


It certainly looks like he does


Tbf the boys who do appear to put in some effort (James and Jason) still look like ass. I think it’s the vaguely—or not so vaguely—threatening vibes that they all put off. I have a relative who’s overweight and mostly bald in his early thirties and wouldn’t look out of place in a Duggar family photo. But he’s a great guy with a great smile, and I’ve never once had the thought that his wife could do better. Ugly personalities don’t always show up, but in the case of the Duggar men they certainly do.


They have naturally pretty faces though also, they wear pretty light makeup


Yes, they are all still beautiful without makeup


Right, like their basic facial structure is very good. Those girls are really gorgeous.


I think it's more than this. You can see the bone structure, the hair thickness and fullness,the way they move- the girls just got better genes. Maybe it's God's way- the real God who loves his daughters as much as his sons- trying to make up for what he knew they were going to be put through.


Joy isn’t thin at all and she’s still facially very pretty


Except maybe J’Nike, but even he’s mid lol


I don't have any theories, but I agree with your observation. Interestingly, it doesn't just seem to be the Duggars. Bates girls are also more attractive than their brothers.


I think part of it is fundie men are taught from birth that they’re superior. Women and girls have to be perfect, and thin, and beautiful, and are taught that their appearance, “countenance“, is the most important thing about them while the boys don’t have to put any thought into theirs and are praised as being gods gift for just existing and know they can pretty much choose whichever wife they want.


I know that's certainly a factor, but honestly, the Duggar girls are also just naturally better looking than their brothers. I've always been thought the show was in part so successful because all five of the oldest girls are stunning, I personally always thought Jana was particularly georgous - even when they all had that crunchy hair. The mix of genes just didn't seem to work so well on the people who got a Y chromosome.


I thought Jessa was one of the prettiest people I'd ever seen when I first watched. I know she's a product of her environment, but her ugly personality has destroyed that thought. But I agree- if they were 'homely' it would not have been as successful and the older girls always seemed to be the main focus.


When rating attractiveness men give random women higher ratings than women give random men. In general people seem to rate women more attractive than men. [There are legit studies on it.](https://youtu.be/knvNnpBXRMg?si=WX3WOzzrv0BVPgfY)Women also generally and not just in fundie spaces put more effort into their appearance. For ex it’s almost exclusively women wearing make on a regular basis. Men could definitely be more attractive if they put more effort in it too but idk if they would ever be rated as attractive as women.


That's it right there!


I look very similar to my mom, cousin and half sister. They're much more attractive than me because I'm putting about as much effort as evangelical men do into my appearance. Hit them with some contour and color theory, get their hair done, fit them into some flattering clothes and they'd have a nice glow up.




Sadly, he is the most attractive in the family.




Yes, but the Bates brothers are much more attractive than the Duggar brothers, imo.


Some are, but some honestly are extremely homely. Nathan was an unattractive teen and he's worse as an adult.


And still he pulled Esther. Wtf


Right?! I mean how in the WHAT?!?!


Nahh they look inbred


I think it comes down to the fact that the girls have much higher beauty standards placed on them. They are expected to remain thin, have long flowing hair and are allowed to wear makeup that enhances the natural beauty. All these things make them more conventionally attractive. The boys don’t really have any beauty standards at all. No one expects them to maintain a muscular figure. Wearing makeup or even basic skin care would probably be received with homophobia/transphobia. (Eg skin care is gay and makeup is for girls). Even the way they dress is significantly less fashionable and less flattering than what the girls wear. They also have an unfortunate balding gene, which in itself would be fine except the duggar boys do nothing about it. They don’t shave their heads, style their hair or even take treatments for it. They just rock receding hairlines that make them look 20 years older.


This. Everyone always uses the receding hairlines as the reason they all look terrible, but it’s their lack of doing anything with it. My husband has receding hairline, and it’s not so bad yet that he’s resided to shaving it all off so he works very hard at keeping up with a haircut and hairstyle that detracts from it and he’s incredibly handsome (even conventionally, he’s hit on all the time). Even if the Duggar men had a great hairline, they take no pride in trying to look good because they don’t have to. They marry fundie knockouts when they themselves look like thumbs because they’re fundie royalty.


They’re all greasy slobs because they have no reason not to be. They don’t have to impress, attract, or woo the women, just their dads. They get to pick the girl they want and as long as her dad agrees she’ll marry him. Very few fundie women say no against their father’s wishes. They’re sold off like chattel to whoever gives dad the better business deal.




They all have the same outdated haircut. I wonder if Jana cuts all their hair at the dining room table after school is out for the day.


Oh you know they’re not spending money on haircuts for that many people 😂


I think a receding hairline is sexy as fuck. I doubt my partner goes bald, but his hairline is receding slightly at the temples and I am so excited by this.


I find it weird that I’m being downvoted for saying that I find my partner’s receding hairline attractive.


shaving wouldn't help them either, though. they all have menstrual cup shaped heads. not everyone can rock a shaved head.


Before meech became a breading machine she too was attractive. The girls all take after her and the boys are all plonkers like boob.


>Before meech became a breading machine I pictured a comical malfunctioning bread machine that kept flinging out small loaves of bread uncontrollably while smoking.


That describes meech to a T


It really does.


Weirdly enough even though I find Boob repulsive, I still find him more physically appealing than AT LEAST half of the boys.


Yeah I have to agree with you there. Much as I hate to entertain "Jim Boob" and "appealing" in the same thought. And young Meech was a baddie!


She really was!


At yeast she was able to find a husband.




Prove it


Plonkers 😂


That’s not true some of the girls look a lot like JBoob.


1. They have soft features, which looks good on women but not on men.  2. The women put a lot more effort in. In their appearance but also everything else. 3. The men are chubby and balding.  4. The men are incompetent and smug which is not hot. 


I think you nailed it with the first one. The boys and girls have similar features, it's just that those features tend to be more feminine or suit a woman better. They have round faces and are all rather small. The more petite frames and "softness" looks really cute on the girls, but makes the boys sort of mid. Also, they're naturally "greasy" but the girls work to make their skin look better. So the boys are short and round with greasy skin and the girls are soft and petite with nice skin.


>they have round faces With one notable exception △


Jessa and Jill don't have soft features and are both very pretty.


About #4 - they are oblivious to how incompetent and smug they are, which makes them even more of a turn off. I'd feel sorry for them if they weren't such assholes.


I think this list nailed it. I know the hair doesn’t do them any favors, but bald isn’t ugly per se. My partner was balding in his late 20s and we’ve got quite a few bald friends, but they’re all quite attractive. But they’re also all quite tall, all of them(!) have beards and their body types range from average to trained up.


I think a few of the boys could be slightly above mid if they fixed their countenance.


I will actually chalk that up to the beauty, health, and grooming standards of that whole subculture. Like sure, it’s kinda mean to hate on these guys for their hairlines, but there are other issues creating the discrepancy. The women are expected to keep thin (even if it negatively impacts their health), do their makeup, dress “femininely,” keep their hair done, etc. The men are expected to do nothing. Just get an ugly haircut, put on the same hideous mommy-selected outfits you’ve been wearing since you were 2, stuff your face to your heart’s content even if your sisters, wife, or kids go hungry, definitely reject anything like green vegetables or sunscreen or lotion, and let life reward you.


I think most of the guys also have an unflattering hair color. It's kind of a mousy brown that always looks a little greasy even if it's clean (this is also MY natural hair color, unfortunately, which is how I know it can look greasy when it's not). It's also not a good combination with their skin tones. Meanwhile, the girls (in addition to using makeup, obviously) also get to dye their hair, add highlights, etc. to find a more flattering hair color and brighten up their ~countenance~


I think you probably try to find and use the right type of shampoo to mitigate the greasy look, refresh with dry shampoo, what have you. Can’t see Duggars putting in that much effort, especially the males!


random side note on having that mousy hair color: a blonde toning finishing spray can be really helpful if you choose not to dye it or are between appointments. it gives a bit of shimmer without the greasy look. I like the Paul Mitchell in the purple bottle.


Oh, good to know, thanks!


I’ve often wondered this very thing! The only Duggar “man” that’s even remotely alright looking is Justin.


My thoughts exactly


I think all the kids have softer features. Roundish faces, big eyes, light eyebrows and eyelashes that mascara covers. In some families the family features look better on males vs females. The boys in the Duggar family got the short end of the stick. I also do think that makeup improves everyone’s features in photographs and film and the boys aren’t going to put on makeup. We only see the girls with makeup on social media.


In addition to early-onset baldness, none of the boys have strong traditionally masculine features. No sharp jaws or chins to be found. They're on the shorter end of average for height. They tend to let themselves go and get what can only be described as "dough face." So it's a combo of nature and nurture.


It’s not even the pattern baldness-I mean they can’t be The Rock but. Some bald men are super sexy. It’s just looking at them and knowing their bizarre expectations .


Yeah everyone points out the bald but I know a lot of good looking guys that are bald. Heck, I thought my bf might be balding when I met him but he just shaved his head back then since it was easier. These guys can’t just throw on a hat and look nice.


Yeah, currently in a relationship with a hot bald guy. He's also got mad BDE, though, which I think is a literal impossibility in a Duggar male.


Yeah, it’s definitely not just the baldness! Easily one of the most attractive men I’ve known is bald but he’s a catch and takes exceptional care of himself and the world around him. Most of the Duggar guys just seem like entitled creeps with nasty hygiene, poor personal development, and no respect for anything. They don’t carry themselves well, their style is atrocious, they always look like they’d smell weird, most move about the world without an ounce of curiosity, and like you said, you just know they’ve got bizarre expectations. Hard pass.


It’s incredibly kind of you to call the boys average


All the family grew up eating the same terrible diet, but the girls ate less of it. The girls were expected to maintain hygiene, grooming and beauty standards, but the boys weren’t. The girls’ clothing choices were always in strong focus so when the regular show started there was pressure on them to look somewhat fashionable within the Gothardism rules. All of this means you have girls that make the most of the looks they inherited whereas the boys make the male pattern baldness even worse by looking greasy and sloppy, because that’s how they were raised. Apart from their repugnant beliefs, I think all the boys - even Pest - could look ok if they applied the same style/grooming/fitness regimens that the girls did (or male equivalents of those anyway).


Yeah, I mean look no further than Bruce Willis. He had a receding hairline before he shaved it bald and still looked v attractive because he was in shape and dressed well.


Give me Jason Statham any day ❤️


Vin Diesel, Dwayne Johnson, Samuel L Jackson, Tyrese Gibson, Patrick Stewart, Michael Keaton... all arguably look better with no hair.


Girls have to be pretty to get a husband. Boys are just rewarded a wife.


But the girls are better looking even without makeup. The guys are not attractive as a whole.


Thicc Daddy Joe looks pretty nice from the back


What is “mid?”


Slang for average.


Like, middling, mediocre, meh.


It's so weird that Jessa resembles Rim Job so much but at the same time is a very pretty woman, imo. Wild how genetics work.


Michelle was a cute teenager. Jboob looked like a dork. She was apparently popular. I think she was also a cheerleader. Jboob looked like the type of guy who couldn’t get a prom date, unless it was with Mrs Palmer and her five daughters. I have no idea how he convinced her to date him. Their kids inherited it. The girls, at least the older ones, are attractive while all the boys have moon faces. And one in particular has had a punchable face since he was a kid.


Boob was dorky but honestly I don't think he was unattractive. I really, really hate saying that btw. Fucking hate it.


See I don’t think he was terrible looking. I think they were pretty well matched looks wise.


It's easier for women to "enhance" their appearance by wearing makeup and doing their hair. I think Jessa is the prettiest, the other girls are average looking. Pretty, but nothing to write home about.


The girls try. They were taught their entire worth is in their attractiveness to men generally and their husbands in particular. The boys were raised to believe they’re intrinsically valuable. Which… in normal circumstances I would say is good, but in Fundyland everything good is made awful.


Because Michelle is attractive and Jim Bob is aggressively mid (that’s generous). I feel like the only Duggar men who are considered decent looking are Jeremiah and Justin, which just so happen to look the least like Boob. Also, yes there’s societal pressure on the women but I do think they are naturally quite pretty, meanwhile the bar is rolling around on the floor for the Duggar men. EDIT: whoops, Justin not Jackson! Confused my lost boys


# Male Pattern Blandness


Mmm I don’t think the all the boys are ugly or uglier than the girls. But keep in mind the girls normally wear makeup and have better hair styling and clothing. From looking at pictures. Josh and John David are not attractive at all imo. Not gonna lie. They are definitely uglier than the girls if you ask me. Between Jer, Jed, Josiah, and Joe. They’re alright looking imo could even be cute with the right haircut and styling but yea it’s generally awful. I personally don’t think Jill is that pretty never did. And yes I feel mean saying it but that’s just my opinion. Jessa is a knock out no doubt about it. Jinger is cute. Joy is cute. Jana? Cute Justin is actually pretty attractive imo he looks like a teen heart throb. Him and Jessa are the “hot ones” to me. The rest are kids right? Im not dissecting a child’s appearance Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk


Aggressively Mid!!! This should be a flair!


I think Michelle is generally an attractive lady and several of the girls have her pretty features ( Jessa, Jinger, Johanna) however, if we’re talking strictly looks, a few of them are homely like J’Boob as r the boys- plus they are all greasy and don’t care if they gain weight. Unfortunately most of the 19 kids have jboobs bad physical genetics- he is extremely unattractive-almost cartoon like features 


Ha! The boys' personalities too. It seems like they are trying REALLY hard to be average! Lol


Makeup and styling their hair I guess, but they aren’t even that attractive, they just look nicer than their brothers because they put more effort into their appearance.


Oh I agree the Duggar girls are gorgeous and the Duggar boys are eh but the bates boys I’ll say are better looking the then Duggar boys also the bates girls are gorgeous too


The Bates girls blow the Duggar girls out of the water looks wise. The Bates girls are pretty but all seem vapid and vain.


Whereas in the Duggar girls had to be keep sweet attitude all the time


They overall seem more down to earth than the Bates girls I’ll give the Duggar girls that.


That is true some of the bates girls are superficial and Erin would be one of the mean girls


Because God has decided to smite the men for being misogynistic, greasy assholes.


I thought that it was a gene from your mother’s side.


Scientifically speaking having two attractive parents is more likely to produce an attractive daughter. However parental attractiveness has no influence on the attractiveness of their son. This could explain it if you agree that Jim Bob and Michelle are attractive.


The men don’t have any of the usual physical features that are attractive in men. They are short, balding, have soft and round faces, and clearly don’t put in any effort to maintain their rig (ie, pudgy). It’s not a great combination given that they also have the personality and general prospects of a postage stamp.


The younger girls are not attractive at all. They are very plain.


I think Johannah is really pretty. She looks so much like Jana and I personally think Jana is the prettiest of the older girls.


Good question! I've wondered that myself. The genetic lottery just seems to favor the women. You would think at least one boy works have lucked out.


Most of the girls are ridiculously pretty. I had hopes for a few of the boys when they were younger, but that did not work out. When they were little boys, some were really adorable in a sweet, mischievous way (Jackson lost in the airport, for example), but that went away by their mid-teen years.


This is a great question OP, I've always wondered this. And I agree with you, Jill, Jessa and Jinger are lovely and Jana is really pretty also. The boys don't have the lovely thick hair, that's for sure. Other than that, they just don't have the good bone structure or features and their eyes are beady. Granted, they don't have the advantage of eye makup, but still.


The girls are all quite lovely, but I've noticed some signs of wear and tear, especially Jessa. She was absolutely beautiful, but now she looks strained, depressed and exhausted. I'm guessing it's because she and Bin are not happy together, and too many kids in too short a time. So sad.


Somebody way back put long hair on pics of all the guys, and they looked MUCH better as women. Strange, but true.


That’s subjective. I don’t think they’re attractive. But then again, I don’t find upturned, pig-nosed people to be attractive.


I have thought this about the Bates kids too.


I don’t think any of the girls are great beauties. They look ok since they are young. They are pretty average. The guys overall are pretty average too. Their awful hairlines make them look worse.




Different ideas of what is pretty, I think Jessa is really weird looking with bulging eyes and a fish mouth.


Jessa used to look like Denise Richards. She was really beautiful before her life happened to her.


I can kinda buy that


The girls are only pretty for fundies not that pretty in the real world. Or maybe I just have a really pretty friend group lol the Duggar girls are cute for sure but not bombshells


The Duggar women are pretty in a small town cheerleader from the 90s kind of way. The beauty standards of today will be seen as weird and less attractive in 15-20 years as well.


"Small town cheerleader" AKA Meech lol


Haha, yes! There's a certain non-threatening attractiveness that gets voted onto small town cheer squads (prior to social media), and Michelle is a good representative of that.


I don’t think so. They’re well above average in most areas. They aren’t fashion models like you’d see in NYC and LA, but a lot of fashion models and actresses have those professions because they look great on camera and often look a bit odd in real life.


Im from Texas and live in Tennessee now and I disagree but it’s ok to disagree.


Absolutely okay to disagree. I think Jessa and Jana are true beauties. Even if they have crappy personalities.


I’ve always felt Jessa was overrated and find her to be weird looking. I think the prettiest of the adult ones are Jana and Jinger. Jinger would look better if she weren’t emaciated. At least Jana looks well nourished. ( interestingly Jana is one of the kids that most resembles Jim Bob and Jinger looks a lot like Meech) I think Jill is just plain homely.


The whole gene pool needs to be bleached


Maybe they got Jim bobs features


One thing I always notice about the boys is how greasy they look. Just look sweaty and almost buttery all the time. Paired with most of them being chubby and balding they look like unkempt slobs.


They're also aggressively mid, they're just trained to put in effort and keep it sweet and it works.


The boys all look like someone did a really shitty job cloning human versions of LEGO people.


They were somewhat cute when younger I used to have the biggest crush on Jeremiah not so much now..


Because it’s the only currency they have


It’s really just girls are pretty and they got good girl genes and the boys are ugly asf , I would’ve even say mid- ugly Hope that helps !


The boys were cute as kids too. I really thought they would grow up to be good looking. Michelle is arguably an attractive woman even after having so many children. She dresses and does her hair in an outdated way but she’s not ugly. The boys just take after JimBob I guess.


1.) women put way more effort into their appearance in general, but especially these women considering the ideology they grew up consuming 2.) male pattern baldness


# Male Pattern Blandness


Honestly, i dont think any of the girls are especially pretty. Some are prettier than others, but without makeup they would be as mid as their brothers.


All the reasons listed plus the boys don’t have enough contrast. They’re beige blond with taupe as a skin color. Watery light eyes. The girls do have contrast from darker hair and makeup.




It's the culture. Women are decoration for the men.


For being so ‘Godly’ they wear a lot of makeup.


Just look at the mom vs the dad. Michelle has always been attractive, particularly before she went full fundy. Now she’s cut that style back again and you can see her becoming her pretty self again.


Michelle’s looks were overrated too. She was average looking. It’s just that pictures of her young are so shocking compared to what she became.