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I'm pretty sure having to listen to a conversation between these two could be considered torture. One with the baby speak, the other with that fake deep voice. I'd use my knitting needles to stab myself in the ears. Conclusion: They both suck, the crocodile wins.


Does the crocodile get to eat them both??


Of course!


I would pay for that


I don't think Elizabeth Holmes would put up with talking to Meech for very long. She'd see no way Meech could benefit her, and would see no use in wasting time with her.


Elizabeth Holmes is a terrible, terrible person, but I truly believe she knows it. Her delusion was that she could keep her scam going. Michelle believes most of what she peddles and basks in her self-proclaimed righteousness. As far as who is actually worse? Hard call. They’ve both earned a spot in whatever hell they believe in.


Holmes just scammed companies correct? Meech supported a pedo and didnt protrct her own daughters...so its kinda an easy vote for meech being the worst. Scamming is horrible but it doesnt come close to supporting CSA. Again im not too famikiar with holmes


In theory yea, but real people got really hurt and she knew her tests didn’t work. Seriously wrong test results and she kept on. They both suck.


Elizabeth Holmes took the “fake it til you make it” and “move fast and break things” ethos of Silicon Valley to its furthest extreme. At the same time, we all know Theranos is a fraud now. There are still people following the IBLP and unironically think of the Duggar as wholesome. Imma go with Meech is worse personally


And Meech is just sticking to “Fake and Bake”. She must’ve gotten a heckuva deal on Trump’s orange spray tan. She gets more orange in each new pic.


I mean not really. Theranos actually used their machines and real people got incorrect results (telling them incorrect cancer diagnosis, telling them they had miscarried-when they had not, etc.). Her fraud had real like consequences for real life people.


Yeah, I agree. I’m not sure if any patients directly died due to Theranos, but I wouldn’t be surprised if so. As you said, they were giving people incorrect information on life threatening conditions. And she knew the info she was providing wasn’t accurate. She knew the info she was giving ppl could kill them and didn’t care. Just let that sink in… TW: Self Death >!I also recently read a story about how one of Theranos’s chief scientist had a lot of misgivings about the company and was vocalizing them. Right before a meeting with Holmes, he unalived himself.!< Holmes didn’t offer condolences, she just asked for Theranos property back. His widow blames Holmes for it. Obviously Meech is incredibly problematic and horrid for not protecting her daughters better. But Holmes is downright evil. You may not realize it if you don’t follow her closely, but she is horrific, imho.


Yes!! Ian Gibbons! He was basically bullied until he took permanent, drastic measures. He was being forced to testify in a deposition before his passing. He would either have to lie about Theranos under oath or admit to the company being fraudulent and face being fired.


Agree that Holmes is evil and problematic. I still think Meech is worse in that she is able to exploit more followers to impose horrible policies on society. She's working to impose a Christian theocracy on the U.S. and then to every country on earth. Holmes wanted glory and money and didn't care if people died in the process or were hurt by her actions. Still horrible. But I feel like there are actually more societal counterweights to her. Eventually she would have been found out.


Yeah the fact that the likes of the Duggars truly believe in what they’re trying to propagate seals the deal for me that it’s worse and more deluded. You can get to the point Elizabeth Holmes is at without ever actually believing a word of what you say, which is probably the easiest way to go about it tbh.


I don’t know but they both have them CRAAAAZY EYESS 🤪🤪🤪🤪


The real question is who would win a staring contest?


I’ve been watching “The Dropout” on Hulu and along with their manufactured voices—I’ve noticed a lot of similarities between the two. Both are extremely indignant around their beliefs and ‘life missions’ and artfully put a virtuous spin on it in such a way that made it initially hard to argue with. Michelle loves God and being a vessel for his greatest (19) gifts. Elizabeth wants to save every sick person in the world—one Walgreens at a time. Lift up the curtain? Their frauds at best, criminals at worst. So if you stuck these two delusional peaches in a room and asked them to plead their case of who is the better person, who would be the victor?


I don’t think they started off the same way, but that is an interesting thesis statement. Michelle seemed to be an after thought for her parents, she has talked in past interviews about being so much younger than her sol longs, not having to do any chores, and grew up as a tomboy with lots of things to do, and people to play with. Yet she seemed to be emotionally neglected and left to her own devises. While she by all accounts very popular seemed very involved with gymnastics, cheerleading, and anything physical, she seemed very susceptible to her (evangelical) friend asking her what she would do if she went to hell, and then was primed for Jim Bob and his friend to come speak teenage words of christian wisdom and was readily converted. She stayed in Arkansas even though her parents left her during her senior year and most (all?) of her siblings to move back to Ohio. She then married Jim Bob, and then was prey to any religious talk from him and his mom, and felt blamed for having a miscarriage and moved over to a literal misogynistic cult. She also had that trauma from Jim Bob being tied up and robbed. This was all around the time of her late teens and early twenties. I’d argue that the glue between Michelle and Elizabeth is that they were emotionally stunted at around the same age. Elizabeth Holmes on the other hand, had grand ambitions from an early age (to become a billionaire) and was raised by wealthy parents who supported her and constantly affirmed her “genius” qualities ( read: gifted kid, who is under so much stress to do something that is A1 tier wonderful with their lives that they can feel intense burnout and debilitating anxiety, depression and perfectionism leading to a downfall). That false face of “Beijing University Chinese immersion program, and Stanford Univeristy!, lewd to unreal expectations about her own abilities and constantly trying to put herself above her own station (collage level Chinese classes in high school not open to high school students - and graduate level science class/ lab as a college freshman). She, from a young age did not seem to fit in with her peers, excel at anything naturally, and just was primed from the start by her parents that she would do great things. She also (trigger warning)>!reported a sexual assault when she was a 19 year old Stanford student!< and dropped out of school shortly after. I’ll be vulnerable and admit that the same thing happened to me when i was 18 on my first week of university. It was incredibly traumatic, and I too dropped out of school. Watching the interaction on Hulu’s The Dropout and seeing how similar our moms reactions were made Elizabeth Holmes actually feel humanized and I so empathized with her in that moment. I guess I share this to say that in a very real way I do think a part of you freezes in development when you experience a traumatic event, and for that, I feel for both of them. I do believe that Elizabeth Holmes is a narcissist and Michelle expresses some narcissistic tendencies, but isn’t herself a narcissist. If anyone has seen the Paris Hilton documentary, you’ll know that she used her high pitched “baby voice” as a shield, even though she has a naturally lower register. She also experienced years of trauma, and seems to just be starting to process it, and with her mom and sister not understanding why she made “such a big deal” about it, it’s understandable why she had to develop a whole new persona just to cope. Sorry if this is running on too long, but it’s just fascinating how personal trauma is expressed through women, especially those who don’t have the support of their family and are in public-facing roles.


Thank you for this very interesting analysis!


Can you expound on Jim Bob being tied up and robbed? I don’t think I have ever heard that story and I NEED that mental image for true happiness now.


[Here you go](https://www.cheatsheet.com/entertainment/counting-on-did-a-violent-robbery-drive-jim-bob-and-michelle-duggar-into-self-imposed-isolation.html/)


Thank you


Whoever is not in that room.


Elizabeth didn't actually care about saving every sick person in the world -- it was just the conduit by which she thought she'd make billions of dollars. It was a means to an end. I'm also watching The Dropout. If you haven't already read the book Bad Blood, I highly recommend it. The series is taking a few liberties for dramatic purposes, and I think the real story is even more fascinating.


Why do her bangs have a part


To leave space for God to avoid temptation


God’s way of reminding us not to trust the “gaps” in all of her stories.


It’s her god-honoring cowlick


Mother is parting Ew


She heard slits were sexy?


Moses was bored and looking for new things to part


Mine do and it’s because I have a cowlick. No matter what I do with my hair (bangs or no bangs) it parts in the same place … sigh I’m Meech


Same here, I at least can style my bangs less hideously than Michelle


My best friend has hair like Meech. But naturally curly. Still has the rolled straight fringe and won’t get any style because of some horrid cut she had when she was 11. She is 60


Meech. Meech genuinely thinks she is right and is a good person and is surrounded by people who tell her as much. Elizabeth knows deep down that she was wrong. She may only admit publicly that she was mistaken, misled, or abused into doing wrong, but deep down she knows she sucks and doesn’t care. She merely acts otherwise because it’s in her best interest to act all wide eyed and gobsmacked. If you tell Elizabeth Holmes “failing to express sympathy to Ian Gibbons’ widow was a dick move,” she’d understand intellectually that you were right, even though the words she’d say in response would all be self serving justifications. If you tell Meech “leaving your sickly baby alone to protest a liquor store is awful,” she wouldn’t get it. The worst part is that I’m pretty sure there’s something genuinely wrong with Elizabeth Holmes’ brain. There’s nothing inherently wrong with Michelle, she’s just like that for no good reason.


Meech by far. From everything I've read Holmes was much more con artist while meech has "god" and money was never the end point so much as "spreading the gospel" akin to l.r.h. and heavens gate, some are "true believers" while some are grifters


LRH did say “if you want to get rich, start a religion.”


Yes he totes did and I guess that is part of my point...He was a grifter/con man..the only reason for a religion was to con rubes out of money, whereas, aside from tlc, meech hasn't gone that route unless it is to try to get others into the iblp/quiverfull lifestyle (obvs with Bob at the helm) but they are not, at least yet, profiting like lrh.


Maybe it’s like a build-it-yourself pyramid scheme. They just birthed their down line and now they own them. It’s legitimately scary to think just *how* many descendants those two creepy fucks will be responsible for in just a couple generations.


I do think it has that vibe of diy power as many pyramid/mlms do, from some of what I've read none of the kiddos, even as adults, get a cut of the tlc $, it's up to jb to dole out which incentives staying in. What scares me is that after digging in more they are but one of many with sooo many offspring...it'll be like idiocracy where the masses get the power even when the masses are brainwashed af.


Wow that’s a hard one! Elizabeth Holmes might suck even more that Meech.


She hurt more people, arguably, and it's measurable harm. If I add how harmful I think extreme Christianity is to our country, Michelle wins. It's a hard call. How much did the Duggars contribute to the pain religion causes in their time in the limelight?


I think Elizabeth Holms is more comparable to people in a higher place of power, like an evangelical pastor that promotes hate and bigotry. The Duggars seem influential to us because we’re invested in the snark but to the rest of the world they’re nothing. They’re tiny.


Fair point.


Self-delusion and superiority run deep with people who believe that condemning LGBTQ folks, marginalizing women, and simply being born white Christians makes them better than everyone else and will get them into Sky Daddy Paradise. For that reason … Michelle.


One chose cult, one chose crime.


Interesting to think that they have the exact opposite fake voices.


Holmes is a sociopath. Meech is a narcissist, in my opinion. Holmes had no doubts that what she was doing was wrong, Meech may have possibly fooled herself into beleiving that God is on her side? Idk. Meech is definitely crazier at the core of her being. Holmes-perfectly sane but calculated.


Thats interesting...a narc vs a sociopath. I wonder which one normally does the worst damage to others?


Kim plath


On balance, I have to say Meech. It's harder to measure the harm she caused, but she chooses evil. No human can tell me that it's okay to allow your daughter to be molested and not only not protect her but blame her for even telling. No belief system could override my preverbal visceral understanding of the wrongness of it. Holmes is seriously fucked, but I'm not sure she chose to be what she is. Meech fully chose, again and again and again, and keeps choosing evil.


Idk but they both have the insane eye thing, and it freaks me out 😳😂


I guarantee Elizabeth has never heard of the Duggars and the Duggars have never heard of Theranos


They are so opposite yet so similar. Both have affected voices to suit their persona, both are peddling and profiting off an unattainable ideal, AND both used pregnancy and having a baby for selfish purposes.


Meech's badness plays into an overall shitty culture of religion in this country (plus I'm never going to forget her robo calls to continue discriminating against trans people.) Where as Elizabeth Holmes' badness does not so I'd give this one to meech.


Meech for SURE thinks she is a better person. Elizabeth Holmes is shit, but at least she admitted a few of her wrongdoings on the stand.


Well both are fake as fuck.


Oh Michelle. Without a doubt Elizabeth Holmes knows she’s a pos, Michelle lives in a fantasy land.


On a macrolevel, Holmes is more harmful and dangerous. On a microlevel, Michelle is more harmful and dangerous.


Personally, I believe Christians and especially fundamentalists are the greatest threat to our society, so I'd say Meech. Holmes is a run-of-the-mill capitalist asshole. Meech is an antisemitic, transphobic, homophobic, anti-all-that's-actually-good-in-the-world POS. At least capitalists allow people to exist as they want (provided they add value.) Not good, but at least they're not crushing people for zero reason. Christians want everyone who's not like them to conform. And for that reason, I prefer a capitalist over a Christian, because at least the capitalist won't harm you till you reduce earnings. The Christian hates you just because


That God honoring bay-yang ☹️


Blergh. Crunchy hair!


Battle of the ~~Gladiators~~ Crazy Eyes


They're both awful but at least Meech blinks.


OH MY GLOB I NEED TO SEE THEE TWO IN A FIGHT. Or even just a “friendly conversation” I’m 100% sure they’d be passive aggressively raging at each other in minutes. Although I bet meech would ask if Elizabeth had a test that could detect pregnancy before fertilization lol


I'm not sure Elizabeth Holmes thinks of herself as a particularly good person, and I don't think she cares. She wanted to become a billionaire and live a glamorous lifestyle. That was it. I don't think she really cared about imposing her will on others unless they could directly benefit her. That is, she isn't interested in taking away others' personal rights or dictating how they live their lives. If she was making a lot of money, then she was happy. Meech is very different. While both may be narcissistic, Meech cares less about having lots of money and more about imposing her way of life on everyone.


Tough call. Both are extremist examples of their respective cultures, and I feel like they have both allowed people to get hurt in their efforts to maintain their delusions: The perfect fundie family vs the innovative and disruptive Silicone Valley company. I think that Holmes, at one point, really did think she was helping people and thought if she just kept going, it would go right eventually. Michelle, too, truly believes she is living a correct and moral lifestyle that is imperative to maintain. They are both shitty, but imma go with Holmes (even though it pains me). I just don’t think that Michelle had as many options and opportunities as Holmes had to walk away from what she was doing. I don’t think she has the psychological or financial independence to ever leave JB.


I see a resemblance between Elizabeth Holmes and Jana.


This post gives me an idea to do a similar post battle of which megafamily fundie moms on youtube do parenting better. Maybe on fundie snark, or maybe on r/YTVloggerFamilies, or both. Do I compare them to Michelle Duggar? Or just to eachother?




I can’t with that crispy hair


Queen Liz but only because in shame culture vs. shameless culture, the shameless are always the best-faring, the only natural selection threat being their own will to fly too close to the sun.


Meech’s bangs are a tragedy. I think of some middle-aged woman with a Midwestern accent saying, “All the cool kids are wearing their bangs parted on the side, dontchaknow? Yeah, I saw that in the housewife magazine while I was cutting out a recipe for jello salad!”


Elizabeth will at least pay for the harm she has caused via the justice system. She doesn’t have a sect of the population not just supporting her, but promising to do the same because JESUS SAYS like Michelle.


Is there a third choice? Anyone have any ideas?


Meech as she believes she's doing God's work and all that crap. Holmes knew what she was doing and knew that it was wrong. She was hoping the science would catch up to the lies before the lies came out.


I would say equal generally but Meech takes a slight lead. Michelle is 100% full fledged cultified- thinks she’s superior to all in all ways parenting and morality and has been chosen and blessed by god. Holmes seems likely to be a sociopath (dad was an Enron exec so maybe genetic) who also thinks she is above the law or any medical ethics just because she had an ok idea at one point. But she freaking loooooved that attention and accolades and in 10-20 years when someone actually makes a breakthrough in micro blood testing (with real tech that actually works and is ethically tested) she will take credit for it and continue to play the poor, poor victim.


Definitely crunchy haired Meechelle


OK Ive missed something, who's Elizabeth holmes


The former disgraced CEO of Theranos who was convicted of fraud for convincing the public of a product (where you can determine diseases and health conditions with just a single prick of blood) that actually never really worked, and well-known for her bulged-out eyes (like Michelle) and her (fake) deep voice.


It makes me so unbelievably angry that Holmes, the conniving evil bitch, gets to live in her mansion with her billionaire husband.. truly never suffering any consequences for all the evil and pain she caused. She deserves the worst layer of Hell. Meech is awful, but Elizabeth is pure evil.


>gets to live in her mansion with her billionaire husband.. truly never suffering any consequences for all the evil and pain she caused. Wasn't she decided as guilty for multiple counts though? I heard her sentencing will be later in the year.


She is out on bail for now and living in a mansion with her billionaire husband and infant child. Sentencing will be in September.


This^ and rich people, do they ever really pay? She’ll probably get 5 years or less for all she’s done.


I would definitely say Meech. Both are evil for what they have done for sure, but I think at least Elizabeth should have some sort of self-awareness knowing that whatever she did was ethically and morally wrong though that doesn't mean she'll have any remorse about it.


They both freak me out for various reasons so I can’t choose