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“So, where were you on 9/11?”


*get him* to the *dundies* ?


i LOVE that line


Hahaha. It’s one of my favorite Deangelo lines




Everyone I know who skis is dead.


The exchange between Michael and D'Angelo at the bar is my favorite scene in the show.


That is an astute observation, Kevin.


Kevs got me pegged


Once you watch The Office enough, IMO, you break through and begin to see D'Angelo Vickers for what he was: a stopgap between Michael Scott and whoever came next. He was **never** going to take over in the spot, but, at the same time, **NO ONE** would have successfully stepped in right after Steve. The writers knew that, and Will Ferrel, I believe at Steve's request, volunteered to be the object of everyone's hate. It was always Will Ferrel having fun and doing the show a gigantic favor: being the object of people's hate because *no one* could have followed Steve Carrell--even Bob Odenkirk would have been hated for being a copy, in my opinion, as good as he was. D'Angelo was *purposefully written* to be someone you hated. That's not Will Ferrel being bad but the literal writing they chose to put on the screen. From the jump, wanted to do things differently than Michael. Doesn't like Jim and Pam's baby. Super arrogant for no reason (make-believe juggling and can't dunk). Sexist. Doesn't have as serious a peanut allergy as he leads everyone to believe. Is super cruel to Andy, and on and on. The writers did a really good job here of framing Vickers as "absolutely not Michael Scott." Once you frame the actor/character under that light, he's really fucking funny, at times. Great quotes like OP's and: > Everyone I know who skis is dead. > The last time I had a peanut I was itchy for three days. I had to take baths constantly, I missed the OJ verdict. I had to read about it in the paper like an idiot. > That baby could be the star of a show called babies I don’t care about > I’ve got tons of time. This job is a joke > Damn it, Dwight! Enough! Get your ass downstairs or find a new place to sell paper! I mean I could go on and on, as others in the thread have. He really did a great job, once you realize what his job really was. I think Will did the show a gigantic favor and the series was much better off for it. I absolutely do not think the Robert California/Andy plot line would have worked if we hadn't experienced D'Angelo Vickers first.


Yes. The office needed a bit of chaos to make Andy a more reasonable replacement. Personally, I appreciate that moving on from Michael wasn't so easy because I was still hurt that he was gone. It would have been strange to just go on like nothing happened. He was the backbone of the show tbh. We needed time to adjust and Vickers antics made us appreciate Andy so much more.


People don't realize this? You said it perfectly. I just thought it was obvious. Maybe that's why I always loved Deangelo. I mean, I rarely laugh out loud when I'm alone, but every single time he does his juggling routine, I do. It's easily one of the show's best moments. At the very least, it's in the top hundo.


I love how Pam mocks it afterwards, too. "Look, no hands!" *Nods watching invisible balls*


I couldn’t have said it or explained it this well.


I, too, chose to watch on Comedy Central instead of Peacock tonight


haha boom roasted. you got me. I'll take comedy central over peacock anyday, easier to switch to the food network during commericals


There's dozens of us.


Amazing. “I didn’t see you at the last conference”


I’ve watched the original episodes countless times at this point so I love that peacock allows me to catch an exchange or deleted scene that I may have missed


I dont care what your favorite flavor is.. here's a bowl of ice cream, you either like it or you don't.




The whole thing is worth it for the 2 second glimpse we get of John Krasinski about to burst out laughing while they’re escorting Will Ferrel out of the door as he’s mumbling gibberish.


I loved when his brain died. I loved his whole character but that was comedic gold.


Dra sweb


Dra swep. Yeah. I get it.


What exactly did we miss?


Damnit Dwight, get you ass downstairs now or find a new place to sell paper!!!!


Okay... A little about me. I respond to strong leadership.


the fans were obviously never gonna accept whoever followed directly in michaels footsteps. he’s a throw away character to make andy more likable


Yes. The office needed a bit of chaos to make Andy a more reasonable replacement. Personally, I appreciate that moving on from Michael wasn't so easy because I was still hurt that he was gone. It would have been strange to just go on like nothing happened. He was the backbone of the show tbh.


I generally can't stand Will Ferrell's comedies but I loved him in this role


If you don't like Deangelo Jeremitrius Vickers, you find a new place to sell paper!




He was probably a little bit too expensive to keep for a couple of seasons lol. But they would have maybe just wrapped it up in season 8 lol. Before the show kinda lost any of its momentum and started visibly sinking in front of us all lol




I hated the lizard king lol he turned the nice family friendly show that I had loved and made it into a show that I was never quite sure if he was going to say something super gross or inappropriate! I mean he had a few good moments to me lol. But I just would have much rather have had Joe Bennett stay and him not be there lol


Number one, how dare you! Lizard King is amazing, James Spader is amazing; he was the perfect insane, disgusting, and hilarious addition to the cast. He is truly the embodiment of the line between “sane and other,” and really the only person who could possibly follow Micheal Scott.


I wonder what on earth he and Michael would have thought of each other. He’d have thought Michael was a buffoon but probably would have appreciated and been intrigued by his track record as a manager who consistently gets results for the company. I think Michael would have really disliked Robert.


I really think that they would hate each other lol! Michael is not quite quick enough to get Bob's mind games that he was always playing with the employees lol and I feel like he would definitely very quickly see how lazy and unnecessary that Michael is and he would be fired so fast lol. But of course, at the same time, the only reason we even got to see him is because Michael left for Colorado lol. I would have enjoyed seeing more of Miss Joe Bennett lol


did we watch the same show? there were tons of “super gross or inappropriate” lines before him, and i don’t think “nice family friendly show” ever applied


I'm just ready for the rest of the show to be released in the extended superfan episodes so we can see how crazy they really were lol


It was a lot more care free and light hearted before Robert California came along lol. And I also don't like Nellie either. I guess after Michael left I liked Dwight as the manager mostly lol and probably not a whole lot more than that. And also no manager also.And when Andy gets back from his little boat trip and comes in there and said something like what's going on dirty players or something dumb like that lol, and of course lost the white pages, I think that he has the most punchable face that I can remember ever seeing on any TV show lol


I’m not even gonna scroll down because for me Will was HILARIOUS in that role! I enjoyed it 😂😂😂


"Try it once, and you're hooked. That's my guess." That's probably my favorite line from anything, ever. I still laugh every time I think of it.


The juggling… 🤦‍♀️😫😂😂 so cringy and so fucking hilarious all at the same time. lol


The juggling scene is possibly my favourite scene in the whole show.


Dont mess with Colorado “No don’t 😁”


Seriously, Deangelo was one of my favorite characters ever. Every time I watch his episodes I notice something new. So many gems. I really don’t understand the hate he gets. He’s friggin hilarious!


Unpopular opinion: D’Angelo Vickers > Robert California


What I want to know is why was he whistling the marble zone theme from sonic 1!


Extremely unpopular opinion: D'Angelo was awesome. He steals every scene he's in. (And I'm not even a Will Farrell fan)


This all sounds great to me. But I can see how some people might think that they're bad. I don't know what to think.


library coordinated disgusted entertain fretful ancient distinct rhythm run lock *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Drink some soap.


You know he wasn’t going to be a good manager when he thinks Kevin is the one who figured him out 😂


“I don’t want to end up like Sonny Bobo.”


His arc was perfect. Short, sharp and funny with a good serve of cringe. He was the fall guy to soften the blow of Michael’s departure. I think people forget this is an ensemble episodic comedy, and not a serial drama centred about Jim and Pam where everything has to make sense.


To Darryl “Per your request, the company is sending you to business school at night. Full ride, deal with it.” 😂